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Footsteps. They had to be. Though brief, it was not hard to sense the pause that was characteristic of human footfalls. One foot down, swing of the leg, other foot down. Having felt such vibrations around Arell when he had been in her “care”, Bradley Peterson was no stranger to the sensation. The only difference now was that the following quake would be stronger. Much stronger. They weren’t yet, but…


            “If she’s coming towards us,” Todd cried in a high voice. “We have to get out of here. NOW!”


            “And go where!?” Randy asked, his eyes darting wildly.


            “Anywhere! Preferably somewhere she isn’t!”


            “Yeah, cause it’s not like she can’t follow us!” Alfred shot sarcastically.


            “Well, it’s better than staying here!” Todd and Sarah actually cried in unison.


            “No place is safe from GeekZilla!” Kevin proclaimed. He seemed to be the only one who wasn’t in the mood to panic.


            “Todd, your van!” Bradley spoke up. “We can all fit in your van! Let’s all pile in it and get the fuck out of here before…”


            “Are you insane!” McFinnley shouted back. “I don’t have the van anymore, remember!? It got destroyed when we ran from Arell in the mountains!”


            “Well…fuck!” Peterson brought a fist down on his thigh. He’d forgotten about that. “We can’t split up! We could get separated!”


            “We can regroup later!” Todd replied. “Let’s focus on staying alive!”


            “No, Bradley’s right,” Sarah said, shaking. “We’ll follow each other. It’s best that we stay together. If we learned anything from Arell it’s that we’re better together than apart.”


            “Great!” Alfred cried, heading for the door. “Now can we please leave!?”


            The group raced out of the apartment. As soon as they stepped out into the hall, a quake almost caused Bradley to fall face first onto the concrete floor. He only managed to keep himself on his feet by grabbing the door jamb to steady himself. She was close, no doubt of that. The apartment complex was creaking and cracking with every quake and Peterson was suddenly both terrified that the building was going to collapse and glad that he lived on the first floor. Some of the other residents were already panicking as well. A woman almost plowed into Sarah as she ran screaming, throwing aside a full paper bag of groceries aside as she went. Inside another suite, someone was screaming “Come on! Come on! Come on!” Somewhere inside the complex, there was a horribly crashing clatter that sounded as if something heavy had fallen through the floors from the higher stories. Someone screamed “OH MY GOD!”.


            The group ran out of the building and out into the parking lot.


            And then, they stopped. It was impossible for them not to.


            There was no way of telling how far she was from them, but Bradley thought she might actually be visible from across states, or even from space. Nothing on this planet even began to compare to what was casually walking in from the horizon. Arell had been big, but she was a minnow when placed aside this madness. Even though she appeared to be a more than a few miles away, Bradley still had to crane his neck to see the upper parts of her body, which stretched far above the few visible clouds. He had seen the CN Tower before, and this woman seemed to be about twenty times its height. The NFA could take one of her breasts and build at least a few football stadiums on it. She could use the Space Needle in Seattle as a toothpick. A blue whale was now less than a trout. An oil tanker was a cheap toy. A good belch would be like several tons of TNT going off. It would be entirely possible to land a commercial jetliner on her pinky. Bradley’s mind was filled with thoughts such as these as his brain tried to comprehend what his eyes were seeing.


            Kevin was right. If anyone was deserving of the title “GeekZilla”, this particular geek had well deserved it.


            Dr. Monica stopped where she was and scanned the area, her hands on her hips.


            In her mind, she was trying to sort all of the new facts and information she was now receiving into a series of questions and theories. She had learned a crucial fact: that there appeared to be an alternate dimension outside of her own. This was merely a hypothesis, of course, she didn’t truly know what had happened, but she knew that she had discovered a tiny city. Of that there was no question. But why was there a tiny city in this strange place? The only explanation that even began to make sense was the teleportation had somehow ripped right through the fabric of space and time and had tossed her into a new dimension. Why else would she be in a place where everything was tiny after teleporting?

            If her hypothesis was correct, then that meant alternate dimensions existed. How could this new information be placed within the context of the big bang that had given birth to her own universe? How many dimensions were there? Was there even a limit? Were new ones constantly being created? Could this eventually lead to the coveted scientific theory of Everything?  So many fascinating questions that just craved to be answered, it was almost too much to take in one setting. But Lizzy was confident that she had the brains to work through to find all the answers to the Big Questions that had plagued human beings since they learned to walk. And to think that one scientist, a woman nonetheless, was responsible for finding major keys to the Theory of Everything…the positions of females throughout society would undergo remarkable revisions!


            The fact that she was still stranded had not unregistered itself from her mind. She was very aware of the fact that her situation was still rather troubling, but this new discovery was more…important. She felt as if she was accessing Forbidden Knowledge by discovering this new world, and she was going to pay dearly for it, but the temptation to learn as much before the final punishment befell was very strong. For now, the fact that she was not sure how to return home was placed on the back burners of her mind. Right now, as some enthusiastic scientists had said before, discovery awaits!


            The most important thing was proof. If she somehow did make it back home to her world, it was essential that she have something to verify her story. Without it, she, at best, would make some very interesting anecdotal evidence for the existence of other dimensions, but no serious thinker would ever take her world completely as objective truth. Not without proof. She already knew what she would need to prove everything that she would say to the scientific community when she returned to Earth. She needed her own colony of the denizens of this world. Any inanimate object could easily be dismissed as a fraud. The living, breathing, intelligent life forms would erase any doubt that her teleportation device had caused her to stumble upon a new dimension. Nobody would dare try to dispute her after seeing, with their own eyes, living organisms from beyond.


            As she carefully scanned the ground (everything was so tiny, it was hard to spot anything that looked like anything), the thought that she was probably terrifying every living creature on this planet occurred to her. No doubt that they had never beheld anything as great as herself. They must be feeling what everyone on Earth had felt when that space woman, Arell, dropped out of the sky. But Lizzy knew that there was nothing that she could do about size of her body here, so there was no point wasting her energy stressing over it. Of course she had to try to preserve life in anyway, but, at her current size, a lot of damage was going to be done.

            And that just simply had to be accepted.



            “Awesome…” Kevin Ward said softly. This was followed by a small click as he took a picture of the Mighty GeekZilla with his I-Phone.


            GeekZilla had stopped walking and was now looking around at the ground. Bradley had a chilling and horrifying moment where he was certain that she was looking him. The massive red head suddenly bore a striking resemblance to Arell when he had managed to escape her clutches. But then he realized that there was no way she could be looking for him, though the reason was not at all comforting. Unless she had a microscope in her arsenal (which was possible, she was GeekZilla after all), there was no way the woman could possibly even tell where any other human being was located!


            Suddenly, Bradley was being pulled.


            “Come on, Bradley!” Randy Fredrickson cried. “Move! We gotta move!”


            The group ran for their cars, and leapt into them. All around them was pandemonium. People were running every which way, dropping anything they happened to be carrying, screaming all the way. A guy on a bike, with a young boy attached on a seat on the back, pedaled madly past Bradley’s car, got caught on the curb and crashed into the car next to Kevin’s. The man was sent headfirst into the windshield, while the boy’s seat detached and he went flying like a bomb over the vehicle and out of sight. There was even a pack of dogs of all sorts of breeds running down the lawn of the complex, almost all of them dragging a leash behind them.


            There were three cars. Kevin drove an Impala, which he, Randy, and Fred piled into. Sarah and Todd jumped into the former’s white Malibu. And finally, Bradley and his old pickup. All three started up and pulled out of the parking lot. Kevin was nearly out of the race right away when a large van came swerving at a turn, the tires screeching as it went. It barely missed the Impala and careened over the curb where it flipped in a sensational series of broken glass and crunching sounds.


            “Jesus Christ!” Randy squealed as the van just missed the car.


            Todd whirled the Malibu around till it faced the gated entrance of the apartment complex, almost running over two teenagers as he did. The gate, which normally needed a passcode to slide open, was fortunately broken and stuck open. Todd threw the car into Drive and was the first one out of the complex, with Sarah tightly gripping her seat. Second was Bradley, who had the least amount of difficulty pulling out of the parking lot. Right behind him was the Impala, driven by a driver who was inappropriately unafraid of the entire situation.


            “Guys! I got a picture of her!” Kevin called to his passengers. “I got a picture! You wanna see it?”


            “NO!” Randy and Fred both yelled.


            The main road of town was hardly an improvement. The very instant they pulled out onto it, they had to go around a wreck involving four cars, one of which was on fire. There was no sign of the police or the fire department, or even an ambulance. A bloodied man with a twisted leg lay against a light post. Todd had no time to see if he was breathing or not, and Sarah must not have even seen him for she made no comment or reacted in any way.


The three cars followed in a line down the main road. There was little interest in following the lines painted. No other vehicle sharing the road seemed to be doing it. A blue minivan was driving straight down the other side, in the face of incoming traffic, which swerved to avoid it. It went down the same stretch of road until it finally made a sharp turn at an intersection that nearly caused it to topple over. A person on a motorcycle was zigging and zagging through the mess of cars, something that Sarah had seen when she had visited Europe a few years back. At one point, the biker disappeared at another turn, but something happened as there was a loud crash and the wrecked bike bounced back towards Bradley’s pickup, barely missing it. There was no sign of the biker.

Todd lead the group down a sharp left, which passed a school bus that had tipped over. The children who were aboard it were screaming and running in circles, the bus driver trying desperately to reign them, while trying to keep herself composed as well. As they went by, Kevin nearly ran down a police officer who was madly dashing across the street. The cop saw Ward coming and did a clumsy leap to the side, his hat falling off of his head and rolling under the Impala’s tires. After they passed him, Randy turned his head and saw the cop back on his feet and running again. Fredrickson thought he was trying to get to the school bus, but Kevin made another turn before he could tell. The group was getting close to the edge of town. After they got out of the town’s limits, they would hop on the highway, where certainly more madness awaited.


Bradley tried to keep an eye on GeekZilla’s activity, but it was hard with all the craziness around him. But Sarah was right; if they were going to even try to elude this walking nuclear bomb, then the only was to know where she was and what she was doing. As Peterson followed Sarah’s Malibu, he took a glance in the rearview mirror. He saw only GeekZilla’s shins. He made a right turn behind McFinnley. Now he was able to see the red head out the driver’s window, allowing him a clearer view of her, but her head was still invisible. Checking around to see if the chaos had cleared up enough, he lowered his head close to the steering wheel and craned his neck to look up further till he finally saw her head.

And at that precise moment, her head turned and before he knew it, Bradley Peterson made eye contact with the Mighty GeekZilla.

Her eyes lit up. Bradley’s heart stopped.

And then, before he knew it, the ground threw his car into the air.




Dr. Elizabeth Monica quickly stepped over to the patch (she had barely caught it out of the corner of her eye), and stood over it, bending at the hip to look down. It was a much smaller colony than the one she had accidentally destroyed. This was perfect, for it needed to be smaller in size, so it would be easier to manipulate and carry…



            “SHE’S COMING THIS WAY!” Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs. “OH MY GOD TODD SHE’S COMING RIGHT THIS WAY! SHE’S COMING!”


            Todd didn’t even hear any of this. It sounded like nuclear war behind him, with atom bombs booming all around. The car leaped into the air and fell back to Earth in a bone jarring landing. A car on the other side of the road did flips off to the embankment where it shattered. The sun was blotted out and a massive blanket of shadows swallowed the entire town. McFinnley looked into his rearview mirror. All he saw was the massive wall that was one of GeekZilla’s boots crash down to Earth, kicking up a terrible dust cloud and making a deep chasm into the ground. The Malibu was tossed into the air again. This time, when it landed on the wheels, it veered dangerously to the right, almost running off the road, Sarah covering her eyes, before Todd managed to regain control.


            Randy, who was sitting in the back of Kevin’s Impala, had a better view as he looked out the shattered back window. GeekZilla had only taken maybe four or five steps, and she was already right on top of them. He had already found her height horribly impressive before, but now it was terrifyingly mind blowing. The tips of her boots soared over the top of every single building in town. A strand from her hair could probably wrap around the entire length of the town at least once. Trying to view all of her was impossible. Fredrickson’s neck flared up in pain from trying to get a look at her face before his eyes even reached her hips.


            “Todd stop!” Sarah suddenly cried. “STOP!”


            “NO!” He shouted back. “Are you crazy!?”


            “Bradley’s crashed!” She answered.


            “What!?” He looked in the rearview mirror. She was right. He saw Peterson’s truck on the side of the road. He hit the brake, causing the car to skid around till it was horizontal on the road. Ward, surprised, slammed his brakes, his car doing a complete three sixty. He was going to try and roll down the window and yell at Todd if he hadn’t seen what had caused him to stop.


            “Bradley!” Randy cried.


            “Don’t worry, boys!” Kevin cried. “No one left behind! Not even GeekZilla can stop us from…”


            Before he could finish, GeekZilla raised a hand…



            Lizzy began to reach towards the colony…and then retracted her hand.


            She wasn’t really sure what she had meant to do. Just reach in and scoop up the entire thing? Obviously that wouldn’t work. Bringing home a pile of dust and debris would not be very impressive. She had to keep their habitat in at least some fair condition. But how was she going to do that? She wasn’t sure how to even begin to go about this.


            “Hmmmmm…” Lizzy sighed, thinking. “What to do? Maybe I…no….if I…no…hmmmm…” Her eyes lit up. “Wait! What if I do this?”


            She raised a hand, extending the forefinger and placing it on the ground. Applying a little pressure, her finger ground a good hole into the earth. Her eyes lighting up more, Dr. Monica scraped her forefinger around the town, digging a circle around the entire circumference.



            “Wh-Wh-Wh-What the hell’s she doing!?” Todd cried, terrified.


            He and his fiancée watched as GeekZilla worked. A terrible grinding noise filled the air as her massive pried at the ground. The Malibu was rattling as the ground quaked with the sudden attack.

            Kevin’s own eyes were practically bulging out of his head. GeekZilla was bent over her work, offering him a perfect view of the largest boobs he had even blessed to witness in his entire adult life. The rolling mountains hung over perilously over the town, threatening to completely envelope it should GeekZilla lose her balance. He couldn’t even view the entirety of the bosom through his windshield, having to crane his neck side to side to see, and even then not everything was visible. Whatever fear Kevin Ward had been experiencing was gone, and was replaced by absolute lust for the great and powerful GeekZilla.

            It wasn’t until a massive wall of finger cut into the Earth in front of his car that he remembered he could possibly die today.



            With the circle dug around the colony, Lizzy wedged both of her forefingers into the circle and scraped at the earth below. It wasn’t very hard. The dirt seemed to give easily under her prying fingers. Finally, when the digging was done, Dr. Monica flexed her forefingers, lifting the colony out of the ground. When it was pried high enough, she placed the rest of her fingers around it and pulled it all the way out. Smiling brightly and triumphantly, Lizzy stood at full height, holding the little colony in her right hand.


            “Yes! Perfect!” She said, pleased, her eyes shining. “This will work just wonderfully! I just need to keep this little colony home safe and sound and it will be suitable for research.” The light in her eyes brightened, and she reached up and pulled off her glasses. “I have to see them. I need to see what intelligent life of another dimension looks like!”

            She lifted the town up and leaned over it.



            With the ground shaking violently, when he managed to open the car door, Bradley Peterson fell onto the ground, stars flaring into his vision. He was, however, able to verify that nothing was broken…after realizing that he was flailing his arms and legs in a panic as the earth would not stop quaking.

            He knew what had happened. The truck was wrecked and he was now without a car with a gigantic nerd lady hot on his heels. It was becoming clear to him that women of impressive size were rapidly becoming the bane of his existence. Height had once been something he had admired in a woman, but after Arell and this monstrosity of a human female, he thought maybe a nice five foot six girl would be quite lovely.

            With a grunt, he tried to get back to his feet, but found himself unable. The ground had not stood still yet, but now there was something pinning him to the ground. For a brief and terrible moment, he thought the truck had rolled onto him and was crushing him. But, looking behind him, he saw that the truck HAD rolled, but away from him. So why…?

            Suddenly, he was lifted off the ground for a split second before falling back on his face. The ground still moved, but not as violently as before. Using this opportunity, he rolled over, meaning to bound on his feet and run after Sarah and the others.

            He did roll over…but that was as far as he got.

            Above him, eating up the entire sky, was a great big blue eye.

            The massive organ peered at him (well, at everything, really), the pupil gliding all over. After a moment, the lids closed in a squint, the lashes looming dangerously close to clawing at the town, as GeekZilla focused hard. Bradley stared back, completely and utterly frozen.


            Then, an explosion spoke forth.


            “Hmmm…shoot, I can’t see them.” Bradley slammed his hands over his ears. “They’re too small for me to even make out with my naked eye. I’ll need to wait till I get back to my lab to observe them.”


            With spooky speed, the eye suddenly drew back, revealing the miles of the rest of the smiling face. GeekZilla returned her trademark nerdy glasses back onto her nose, the wind of the movement felt like a tornado. Bradley screamed as he was actually lifted off the ground for a second. It was this that got him moving again. Rolling back over onto his hands and knees, he got ready to spring to his feet and take off.

            Once again, he froze before he could finish the move.


            About half the length of a football field away from him…was the end of what had been the road. It was marked by the tip of a very large finger.


            “No…” Bradley shook his head. “No….NO! NONONONONO!”


            It was all he could say. He continued shouting it as his knees unbuckled and he fell on his ass.



            “Just think…” Dr. Elizabeth Monica marveled to herself. “Think what the implications of this discovery are! I was sure a Nobel prize would come from the teleportation research, but surely one will come from this as well! This is tremendous!” She pushed her glasses all the way up her nose and began to walk again. “Now, let’s find a way out of here and get you home!”

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