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     Sarah gapes at her computer monitor. It's blank. All four feeds are blank. The last one had shut off when the woman in charge of the SWAT team had stomped out Alpha. The one before that had gone when one of the soldiers had taken the visor off of Zero and crunched it in her fingers. And before that had been Miranda's, a last sudden jerk of her head to the door before they fired on her. The visor had fallen to the floor, and someone had quickly crushed it under a boot. The first to go had been Beta's of course, smashed into the glass under Miranda's foot.
     Sarah sits in her dark, locked room in the apartment she shares, naked in her computer chair except for her headphones with the microphone, one hand on her keyboard and the other forgotten inside her vagina. The cum on her knuckles is cold and dry by this point.
     Finally her thoughts collect to some degree after God knows how much time spent circling the drain. She knows what she has to do, even if she doesn't quite realize why yet. It will come to her some time later. The word of the evening is: fucking speed.
     Her sticky, pungent fingers flutter over the keyboard, blurring with the speed and sound matching the rainfall outside her window. Even though Miranda had said she would send Sarah the files once they were edited, Sarah had recorded all four live feeds, just in case she had thought, and also because she had known she wouldn't be able to wait that long before seeing them again. 
     The first order of business is to hit pause, and then retrieve the recordings. She quickly scans through them to make sure they're intact. Seeing the images flash by, she vaguely feels warm stirrings within her sensual body regions, but for now she ignores them. 
     The second order of business is to immediately send the files to all her friends from the forum. There's no time to edit them. She composes a note, consisting only of the files and the word URGENT, and forwards it to every one of her contacts. Done. The files are uploading. 
     The third order is to pack. She spins and leaps from her chair, landing in the middle of her dark and messy room, and is immediately paralyzed by having no notion of where to begin. After several agonizing seconds, she flicks on the dim bedside lamp and reaches for her backpack. She empties and then scurries around the floor, snatching up her favorite items of clothing and tossing them in the bag. Then she flies through her drawers, making sure she grabs enough pairs of underwear and socks to last her a few days. She pops in a few personal effects, makes sure she has her iPod and her phone and a few things from the bathroom, and turns back to the computer. It's finished uploading. It's time to go.  No wait, it's time to put shoes on. She's in the middle of lacing her second sneaker when she realizes she's still naked. She curses and pulls off her sneakers, and throws on the first set of clothes she can find. Now it's time to go.
     Sarah pauses, her gaze flickering between the screen and the door, biting her bottom lip and bobbing up and down on her toes. She curses again and throws herself into the chair. She slips one hand down her jeans and opens up the recording. 
     "Unh- oh God Miranda, I love you!" She whispers, orgasming as Beta bursts on screen under Miranda's shoe. Then she jumps up again, on wobbly knees. After a moment's consideration, she yanks her computer out from the wall and carries it under her arm out the door.
     "I'm leaving," she says to her astonished roommates as she passes them in the living room, squinting in the harsh apartment light. "You can have everything in my room. I've already paid rent." She leaves the apartment, gets to the elevator, and stops.
     "Well that's weird," says one roommate.
     "She's always weird," says the other.
     "Did you see what she was wearing?"
     "Must be a new hipster thing. Did she smell like sex to you? I swore I smelled cum when she walked by."
     "Man she is weird. I heard she's into being dominated."
     "I would dominate that." She screws up her face and makes thrusting and spanking motions.
     "Haha, sick!" the other one says, clapping her hands.
     The door bursts open again and Sarah walks back through the living room. "Excuse me," she says, and goes into the kitchen, where she opens a window and squeezes awkwardly through onto the fire escape.
     "Huh," the roommates say together.
     Sometime later, their door would burst open again and a squad of women in black would flow through their apartment searching for Sarah and her computer. By that point she would be several blocks away, walking the streets of the rainy night.
     Since she was a child Sarah had wanted to be shrunk. She would hang around the little men in the stores, hoping to catch the nonexistent disease that shrank all men and a very, very few women. At several points in her life she had cried because she wanted so badly to be tiny and dominated by the women around her. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't she have been one of the lucky ones?
      She wasn't thinking about all that now though. She had spent all her savings on that live session with Miranda. She had been saving up for the two shrunken shy women Miranda had acquired, but when she posted the offer for a live interactive session, with three tinies no less, Sarah had immediately jumped on the offer, borrowing all the money she could. She would have to go back to her Moms' briefly to collect herself. And to change her underwear, she thought somewhat ashamedly, sniffing her fingers. Even going to her Moms' was dangerous, but she had to risk it until she could find a place to start over. And she would have to get the hard drive wiped on her computer as soon as possible. As she crossed a dark and rain-spattered bridge, she considered throwing the computer into the black water below.
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