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After spending a couple hours wriggling out of Hayley's jeans and watching Hannah do girl stuff , Hannah had finally fallen asleep. Her collossal form dwarfed me and her medium blond hair looked like a river of gold that could entagled me for days. I resisted the urge to climb up on the glorious landscape that is Hannah.I could always sleep somewhere safe and ride this shrinking thing out. My dick got the better of me and I decided to scale this beast. Before I even knew what was happeing I was already half way up her leg. In the distance I saw a mountain of ass shaking slightly in the night. Hannah had a white shirt and some bright blue panties on that didn't fit her that well. They looked like one of Hayleys. I had always admired Hannah for the size of her ass. In fact one of the reasons I befriended Hayley is to get to Hannah. I walked up to the peak of this mountain to get a look at the landscape again. I looked downward into the abyss of her ass crack. If I squinted I could make out a thin blue string that covered her pit of death. I started to jump up and down because how often do you get to be on the worlds largest bouncy castle. A giant hand came down and started to scratch the land. Before I knew what was going on I heard a loud "Umph" 

The ground under me started to move and I felt my world shift suddenly to the right. This monster was about to roll over! Before I knew what i was thinking I jumped into her crack. I couldn't survive this ass. I barley survived Sarahs for 5 minutes. There was no way I would survive being smashed by a mountain of jello for the rest of the night. I looked at the light of the moon for what could be the last time. A muffled "Aaaahhh" confirmed that the movement was done. Leaving me in a dark humid place squashed between soft canyon walls. It could be wrose...I guess. At least Hannah kept her gas to herself.

Some point in the night I finally fell asleep. It was really easy all I had to do was close my eyes. The light of Hannah's room is what woke me. That and her butt was shaking me so hard I felt like I might die. After she brushed her teeth I was releived that she did not have to empty her bowels. That would be bad news for me. To my horror she started to sqeeze into Hayley's jeans. The tight fit made even more squished than before. When she walked it was pure torture.

"Hey Hayley you look a little shaken up are you ok?" I heard Hannah say.


Hannah got into her car and drove to school. When she sat down I let a small yelp out. Her incredible weight pushed me out towards her panties. I was relieved to finally breathe some fresh air even if it was just the same air but slightly more....fresh. Hannah finally got to school and went straight to class. I tuned out for awhile, all Hannah did was talk to her popular friends. 

I heard Hannah ask the teacher to go the bathroom. This was an immidiate red alert for me. I prayed that he would say no but that would just postpone my death. The teacher said yes and Hannah walked to the bathroom. In these few minutes I tried my best to wriggle out from my prison. It was no use. Hannah dropped her pants then her panties. Lucky for me this action cause me to plummet towards the clear water below. Maybe not so lucky, instead of being shat out I would be shat on...or worse. I grabbed onto the toilet seat as the ever familiar titanic ass came down ontop of me.

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