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Author's Chapter Notes:

Not a true Chapter just the only way I could find to get this request out to you guys. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the nice comments guys. So its been almost a week since Act 1 ended so I guess its safe to assume anyone who was going to read it has read it.

So for those of you who have just like to ask a few questions and get some feedback and all that.

1)Do you like the little additions at the end of chapters that talk about the world in general? Should I keep doing those or just drop them?

2)Did you like the links to youtube? Were they just a distraction or did you enjoy the little interludes of music?

3)Should the characters from Shrink High be brought in sooner rather than later? Does it bother you they have yet to show up?

4)Is the general more realistic and less...goofy feel of the story better or worse than the feel of Shrink High?

Besides those four questions, just general reviews and such would be welcome. Also, don't worry about hurting my feelings or anything. Rather harsh, but true criticism than just general blind praise.




And apparently this has to 500+ words for me to be able to submit it sooo....


How about a very, VERY rough draft of another project I will probably start work on after... After Shrink High is done? Sound good? Good.




Finally the day was here, Jonah's name day. In a few short hours, Jonah would, finally, be a man. He had been looking forward to this day for so many weeks now he could barely believe it was finally here. Soon, Pastor Michal would come for him, lead him out of the solitude of the cabin, to the church, and bless him with the Divine One's blessing.


Jonah paced about the cabin in eager anticipation. He was supposed to be sitting quietly at the alter of the Divine One, praying for guidance and such, but he was far too excited. Once he became a man he would be free to do anything he wanted. He could go wherever and do whatever he wanted without anyone's say so. Even his mom and dad could do nothing to stop him. For then...then he would be his own man and no one save himself would be his master.


Jonah sighed as he flopped onto the bed in the cabin. He had been locked in here for two days now. The only things in the cabin were a bed, the alter, a dresser, and a small stove. He hadn't bothered to use the stove, it was late spring so it was rather warm, and the dresser was full of crappy relgious garments.


He had never really been much into religion finding the old Pastor and his Divine One just a means to keep kids from doing things that annoyed the adults. His mom and dad would always try to get him to stop his troublemaking ways, but no divine punishment ever struke him down. Which meant it all had to be a bunch of hooweey.


He was about to try to take another nap when a noise got him to open his eyes. He glanced around, but did see anything. He shrugged and laid back when the noise came again. This time he sat up and began to look around the room.


He glanced over and just barely caught sight of the tail of a snake going behind the dresser. There was a sudden increase in noise before it suddenly stopped completely. Jonah eased out of his bed and lightly walked over to the dresser. He grabbed its edge before hauling it aside as fast as he dared to pull it.


Jonah's eyes widened as he looked down, not on a snake, but on a tiny naga. The naga turned to face him, a mouse tail still dangling out of her mouth. She looked up at him in a mix of surprise and terror before slurping up the tail. She couldn't have been more than half a foot long and was barely taller than his ankle.


Jonah shook himself out of his stunned stupor before he smirked down at her. Being made a man would be nice enough, but having caught a monstergirl on the same day would make him famous! How many other boys could claim to have captured a monstergirl on the very day of his ascesion to manhood? He would be guarenteed a spot in the Monster Guard then.


He bent down to grab the tiny naga, but jerked back when she hissed up at him, baring her large fangs. She tried to slither away, but Jonah managed to stomp his foot down in her path. She recoiled away from his boot and turned to try and get under the dresser. Jonah knocked it over to keep her from getting under it before going for the back of her tail. She stopped as the dresser fell to the ground with a crash. It was just long enough for him to grab her tail and pull her into the air.


The small naga began to thrash and hiss as it tried to free itself from his grasp. He swore as she got close to biting him more than once before he managed to grab her chest with his other hand. She looked about to try and bite him, but he squeezed her with his hand and her lunge forward became a gasp for breath.


"Bite me and see what happens," he siad as he glared at her. He softened his grip and the naga slumped forward, but didn't make any attempt to bite him. He had done it...he had captured a monstergirl! Granted she was a tiny thing, but it was still a real, honest to goodness, monstergril!


He smiled, infintely pleased with himself, as he looked over his prisoner. With his hand around her waist, she almost looked human. Her black hair hung down past her shoulders and covered a good portion of her face. Her face looked completely human save for her eyes with had a strange slit in them. With her mouth closed, you would never guess she had those fangs in them, though her split tongue would occasionally come out of her nice full lips. Her breasts were rather large on her tiny frame, though it was hard to say how big they would be on a normal girl. Either way, he found himself unable to resist rubbing them with his thumb. If the naga minded she didn't show it as she just stared up at him.


Damn, she...she was actually kind of hot. Jonah could feel his pants tightening a bit as his member reacted to being able to feel a sorta female body up. That was no good. He would be called sick and perverted if it came out that a monstergirl caused him to react. He needed to get this taken care of, but as long as he was holding this naga he knew it wouldn't go away.But...but maybe she could do something to make it go away.


Fucking monstergirls was one of the worst sins to the Divine One, but getting whacked off wasn't, techincally, fucking. And even if it was, who cared? Not long it was real or anything. It would be at least another two hours before the Pastor came and no one else was allowed to see or be anywhere near him before then. No one would know and then he wouldn't have to worry about having an embarassing reaction.


With his mind made up, Jonah began to take off his pants one handed. The naga seemed confused at first until Jonah started to slid off his under garments. She got a sickened look and looked very unenthusied, but Jonah couldn't careless. He got his hard member free and laid back onto the bed.


"Like I said before, you bite me, ESPECIALLY, here and you will regret it," Jonah said, trying to be intimidating. The naga, though, didn't look all that worried and just stared at him with a blank look. He lowered her down toward his dick, watching her to try lunging at it as if to bite. She made no such moves, however. Instead, she moved her tail toward his dick and began to wrap around it. He keep his hand around her waist as she wrapped the rest of herself around his member.


Her scales were rather cool, but still warm enough to be comfortable. She flushed a bit as she began to move her tail up and down over his member, slowly stroking it. Jonah had to fight back a groan of pleasure as the naga began to move up and down his dick, tightening and untightening at just the right time. He moved his hand closer to his dick and shuddered a bit as the naga grabbed the tip of his penis. For a brief second he panicked that she was going to bite him, but she let her tongue come out and began to lick the top of his dick.


"Oh shit," Jonah stammered out as her tongue began to slither and worm its way all over the tip of his penis, sending little waves of pleasure all through it. Her tail began to increase in pace as she worked and Jonah could feel himself already reaching his limit. Fuck it had only been maybe five seconds and he was about to blow!


As if knowing exactly how close he was, the naga speed up her stroking and wrapped her arms around his tip. She pressed her small breasts into his penis as her tongue began to slid all over him. Jonah gritted his teeth, trying to hold it back for a second longer, but it was no good and he ahhed in relief as he released his seed. The naga girl stopped her work as he came and seemed disguisted with his cum. She started to whip it off and looked about to slither away while Jonah was recovering when she suddenly stopped.


She seemed to sniff some of his cum on her hand before licking it off. She swallowed it down before licking her lips and licking it off her other hand. Within a few seconds she had licked herself mostly clean and had turned back to Jonah's dick to get the rest that was on it. Jonah shivered a bit as he tongue and hands worked their way over his dick getting every drop of cum off him.


The naga was still licking her fingers when Jonah had recovered enough to sit up. He looked at the tiny little naga and smirked down at her.


"You...You are really good at that for a tiny little thing. I...I kinda don't want to turn you in now. Maybe I should just keep you instead," he said debating it in his head. The naga glanced up at him and returned his smirk. She looked about to say something before her eyes widened a bit. Her smirk came back twice as big as her stomach rumbled a bit and Jonah heard  a strange groan come from her body.


His eyebrow raised as the naga got a look of pure bliss as her form..began to grow. Jonah's eyes widened right along with the naga as her body began to grow, and grow, and grow. He watched as she slithered closer to him, her still tiny form barely reaching the top of his dick. She reached up to it and began to rub herself against it as her body continued to expand. Jonah gasped out in a mix of pleasure and terror as he felt her body growing into and around his dick. Within a  few short second, her head was above his dick and still going up. Her hand, now big enough to wrap around his dick, began to slowly rub it, covering more and more of it with each pump. He looked on in disbelief as her face rose higher and higher and higher, her breasts pushing further and further into his own chest.


She stopped rubbing him and wrapped her arms around his neck as she gave one last gasp of pleasure. She expanded again, blowing up in his arms till she was looking him right in the eye.


Jonah stared into her now fully-human sized eyes and tried to stammer something out. She placed her finger over his mouth and shook her head.


"No words, Chosen Male, just more," she said as her tail began to wrap around him. Soon enough Jonah wouldn't be able to move, but he didn't care in the least. His arms pulled the naga close as he kissed her with now human sized lips. They felt wonderful on his mouth and her tongue was like nothing he had ever felt before. Fuck the Pastor and fuck the Divine One. He was going to fuck this naga's brains out. He didn't care that she had just grown to human size and he didn't care that she might get even bigger. All he cared about, was satsifying his sudden unquenchable need for her.


And need that only seemed to grow.

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