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Chapter 16 Separation and Fear

December 1, 2023 3:46 PM

Sanders could feel his hands slipping on Flonne's fingers as they spun. He keep holding on with all his strength, yelling at himself to not let go. Despite his efforts, his hands keep slipping and he felt panic begin to set in, there was just nothing to get a good grip on. He had to hold on till Flonne rolled ove- his hand slipped off...

Aviel yelled down at him, but he barely heard her as he began to fall. The world seemed to slow as he began to tumble downward and into the trees. This was it, this was how he was going to die. He glanced down and saw the trees rushing towards him and braced himself.

The world snapped back to full speed as he crashed through the trees. A branch smashed into his chest before snapping under his weight. Two more cut into his armor leaving pieces of fabric dangling off. He spun around, slamming into more and more branches He raised his arms to shield his face and branch after branch smashed into him. For what seemed like an eternity, his world was nothing but falling, pain, and snapping wood.

Finally, he broke through the trees and saw nothing but ground beneath him. Instinctively, he tried to catch himself with his left arm, a huge mistake. He slammed down onto the arm and didn't need to hear the sickening crunch to know what he had done. Pain shot through his arm as his nerves screamed their fury at him having broken his arm. The rest of his body hit soon after and the pain in his arm was replaced by pain everywhere as the air was knocked out of him from the fall.

Sanders tried to screamed in agony from the pain, but only managed to gasp for air. He clutched at his broken arm as if holding it would help the pain as every nerve in his body screamed in agony. Tears threatened the stream down his face as the pain was almost unbearable and he felt shock beginning to take him. He keep his eyes tightly shut and writhed in agony until a loud rumble forced him to open his eyes.

His eyes shot open as he watched a massive boot come over him. He watched it sail past him and come crashing down a few scale feet over his head, causing the ground to rumble like a bomb had just hit. Dust and wind flew back at him and he was deafened by the massive boom of the foot hitting ground.

For a brief second, the pain was forgotten in favor of terror as he realized the situation he was in. Adrenaline and his survival instinct pushed the pain aside as he pushed himself to his feet with his still working right arm. His entire body screamed in agony at having to move after the horrid beating it had just taken, but he ignored its protests. He had to move or he was dead.

He had no idea where he was going, but picked a direction away from the massive boot. He looked back just in time to see it lift off into the air again moving away from him. Even still, he keep pushing through the forest in the direction he had picked. The boot could easily come back at any moment. Sanders gritted his teeth as the pain began to come back now that the adrenaline began to wear off and felt his pace beginning to slow.

Sanders thought about stopping just long enough to check his medical supplies for some morphine or anything to dull the pain. However, the sounds of loud booms coming from behind him keep him moving. He needed to get out of here. Find some open ground and hope Flonne could see him or just some place to hide, anything.

The rumbles behind him began again, the shaking knocking him off his feet and onto his hurt arm. He cried out in pain as the fall sent a spike of pain racing up his arm and this time he didn't even try to hold back the tears. He picked himself up as the rumbles got louder and closer. He looked back just in time to see the Sword stumbled backwards toward him.

Panic and fear gripped him as he saw her boot coming straight for him. He took off at a full sprint away from the approaching boot. He looked back at it to see the heel still coming directly at him. In a last ditch effort, he dived forward, making sure to land on his right arm. He tucked his legs into him just as the boot smashed into the ground barely inches from him.

The impact sent his entire body reeling from the impact. The wind blast sent him tumbling forward a few more inches and all sounds simply ceased as pain shot into his ears. Not that anyone could tell that from how fast he jumped to his feet. Sheer terror was now driving him forward as he sprinted at full speed away from the foot. He didn't know where he was going or why now, all he cared about was getting away and not even the rocketing pain of his broken arm slowed him.

Another earthquake nearly sent him sprawling, but he managed to keep his footing. He didn't dare look back as he just ran straight ahead, tearing through foliage and vegetation. Another earthquake got him to look to his right and he saw another giantess beginning to rise up. It was the same one Isabella had knocked out before, and she was really close.

Sanders keep moving as he keep an eye on the nearby Sword. The giantess rubbed her head and looked around in confusion as she sat up. Even just sitting, she rose high above the trees like a large office building. She looked over to where Alice and the other Sword was fighting and cursed in anger.

Sanders slowed to brace on a tree as the ground shook from the Sword getting back on her feet. No sooner had she rose back up to her full 78 scale story height did he get moving again. He had slowed down to a brisk run now as his terror began to subside. Unfortunately, the pain from his fall began to come back as well. His run slowed to a walk as the pain began to race all over his body. But the shaking ground was still far too close for his comfort.

The rumbles soon began to be reunited with their booms as his hearing slowly began to come back. He couldn't tell if his ears still hurt or not through the almost complete sea of just general pain. But he couldn't stop, not till he was far away from the giantesses.

He thought about trying to reach Aviel on the radio, but thought better of it. If he used the radio there was a chance one of the Swords would hear too and come looking for him. He was in no shape to avoid them and there was no way Aviel or Flonne would see him in this forest. He just had to keep moving, just keep going forward and get out of here. Run and life and ignore the pain and run and run!

A loud boom came from behind him and he looked back just in time to see one of the Swords stumbling backwards toward him. His eyes went wide as he realized she was not going to be able to keep her balance and began to fall back toward him. Once again, he took off at a full sprint as panic took over his body. His legs were screaming in exhaustion and pain, but he didn't dare stop. The area around him began to grow darker as the Sword's shadow began to cover the area. He looked back and saw her massive butt crash into the ground a few hundred scale yards away. The ground rocked like a boat in a storm, nearly causing him to trip. He keep his balance by bracing against a tree just as a massive blast of air nearly blew him from his feet. The sound deafened him again, but he didn't concern himself with it as he took off running again.

He looked up to see her back coming down towards him. If he wasn't completely consumed by panic he might have enjoyed the nice tone she had. It was coming straight down toward him and he was not moving nearly fast enough to get out from under her. He looked back forward, willing his legs to go faster. Some movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, though. He looked over and saw her arm come down to catch herself. Both her elbows slammed into the ground causing another earthquake, though much smaller than the one caused by her ass. Sanders slowed as he looked up and saw her back stopping its descent. The Sword had caught herself and not fallen all the way down.

Sanders nearly collapsed there from exhaustion and relief. However, he refused to rest still being this close. As the Sword picked herself up to rejoin the fight, Sanders keep moving as fast as he could away from the titanic fight. His legs felt like jelly and his body was screaming for him to stop, but he dared not to, he had to keep moving.

Sanders lost track of time as he pushed onwards. Time seemed to run together as he stumbled through the woods, trying to keep his arm as still as possible. The earthquakes and booms, finally, began to lessen and grow distant. He looked back behind him and couldn't see any of the giantesses now. As long as none of them came in his direction, he should be safe.

He found a tree to lean on as he slid to the ground, pain and exhaustion nearly overtaking him. He forced them back as he took stock of his situation. He was separated from his squad, couldn't risk using his radio, badly hurt with a broken arm, oh AND it was fucking cold. He had almost forgotten about it in his mad dash out of the area, but now was all too aware of it as he shivered and blew out a gust of steam from his mouth. He knew staying here after dark with no fire was far too dangerous. Wolves and the freezing wind would claim him by morning if he did nothing.

He reached into one of his pockets and fished out his first aid kit. It was battered and bent from the fall, but the contents still looked intact. He took out some medicinal bandages and gathered up a fallen branch to make a splint for his arm. He cursed a few times putting the splint on as pain rocketed up his arm, but managed to get it on after a few minutes. He wrapped the bandages over his neck and let out a sigh of relief at finally not having to hold his arm up. With that done, he did his best to treat and bandage his other scrapes and cuts from the fall. It was easier said than done, though, with only one arm and exhaustion threatening him.

With first aid done, he took out a small syringe hidden in the very bottom of the kit. Thankfully, it had not broken in the fall and still held its contents in the tube. It looked to be just normal water, but the liquid was just for transportation. What was valuable was the invisible nano-bots inside the vial. Another marvel of Society technology.

Every ranger was given a dose of the nano-bots to use in extreme cases. They were programmed to speed up healing, dull pain, and give a shot of energy. They could make injuries that would have taken months to heal, only take a few days and let the person push through the pain and exhaustion to get help. However they did have their drawbacks. They put a nasty strain on the body making, them a poor choice for the sick, elderly, or young, and were still in the experimental stages. While all their side-effects had not been found, one that always hit had Sanders worried. They tended to knock whoever had used them out for ten or more  hours after three or four hours past injection. Sanders had to make sure he was set up before then.

Thankfully, the nano-bots were fast acting and he could feel the welcome suede numbness spreading. With his pain and exhaustion pushed down, he got back to his feet and began a slow walk forward. With his mind not muddled with pain and terror, he remembered he still had his wrist unit and it could tell him where he was. He looked over at it on his left arm and tapped the screen ever so lightly. It didn't react so he tried to tap it a bit harder. Still, nothing happened. He reached down to unstrap it, but stopped as he felt the side facing away from him. It had been smashed into by something, probably a tree branch, and a large hole had been caved into it. He reached in and could feel loose wires, broken pieces of plastic, and other clear signs it was ruined.

He swore under his breath as his last chance for figuring out where he was was now gone. Even worse, he couldn't turn on his locator beacon even if he wanted to. The chances of Isabella, Aviel, or Flonne finding him in the forest now were, basically, zero. He had to find open ground.

He turned around and thought of going back. That probably wouldn't be such a good idea, though. A fight between giantesses would have, undoubtedly, drawn attention from the Resistance and there was no way of knowing if Isabella and Alice won. He might just go walking right back into the Swords', and Lutice's, clutches. No, it was too dangerous as badly hurt as he was.

[i]Lutice...[/i] he thought to himself, confused and shocked by what had happened. What could have changed her so much? What had happened in the last three years? Sadly, he had no time to wonder about this. He had to focus on surviving for now and worry about that later.

The only big open area, other than the one the giantesses just made, he knew of was the highway. They had left the car going southwest so if he went northeast he should arrive back at it eventually. If he got there, he could just wait for a passing Ranger jeep and use his radio to get them to stop. It wasn't perfect, but it was his only chance.

He looked up at the sky and saw the sun was getting rather low on the horizon. Using it to point out west, he headed northeast at a quick pace and hoped to find a good place to camp. The going was tough with his wounded arm and without fear and terror driving him, but he made OK time. A few large cliffs and steep hills gave him some trouble. It was a good thing he had spent so much of his youth exploring forests like this near his family's farm otherwise he might not have made any progress at all.

He munched on some trail rations as he keep going for a few hours, getting back some energy. The sun was getting really low on the horizon and looked about to disappear over the horizon in a few minutes. He still had yet to find any decent camping area and was beginning to get desperate. He was about to just make due with a tiny clearing he might be able to fortify when a sound sent his blood running cold.

A low meow echoed through the forest, far too loudly to be a simple house cat. His heart began to race in terror and he snatched out his mace. He ducked behind a tree and stayed as low as possible as he prayed to anything that he had just been hearing this. It couldn't be one of them, it couldn't be one of them, the world could not be that cruel. Another low meow echoed through the forest and Sanders had to bite back a whimper as he realized he had not been hearing things. He was sharing this forest with a catgirl.

Fear threatened to take over his entire being as old memories of his last run in with a catgirl came unbidden.

They rushed back across a sea of crates. Tony fell a bit behind as he started gasping for air. Sanders turned to help him just as a massive hand came smashing through the crates to snatch him up. Tony screamed in terror for help as he was pulled out of sight. Sanders stopped for a brief second as Tony's screams suddenly ceased and was replaced with a loud stomach groan. Sanders was about to turn to run when the catgirl's face came around the sea of crates. Sanders could just barely make out two legs sticking out of her enormous mouth. The catgirl slurped them down and a small shape moved through her throat. She looked at him and licked her lips.

NO! No he couldn't think about that, he couldn't lose himself to terror. That was what got Mary, Rickens, and Stan killed and he wouldn't make their mistakes. He owed it to them to learn from their deaths, stay alive, and make sure he did something important to make their deaths meaningful.

He took a quivering deep breath as he tried to calm himself. It didn't help much, but it was all he could do. He glanced out from behind the tree and tried to spot the catgirl. The rolling hills and trees made it hard to see more than a few scale yards in front of him and he couldn't see any sign of the catgirl. Worse, he couldn't feel or hear its footsteps either. He had no idea where it was and that only made him even more terrified. He had to keep moving, though. If the nano-bots knocked him out with a catgirl around...

He slowly leaned out from behind the tree and began to make his way forward again. He keep low to the ground and tried to make as little noise as possible. The forest had gone deathly silent save for the rustle of the dead leaves from the wind.  A bit of rustling came from nearby and caused him to spin around to face the noise. Nothing was there save trees and dead grass. He waited a moment as nothing appeared before continuing.

He only went a few steps when the rustling came again. He spun around, quicker this time, and caught the barest hint of a black form darting back behind a small ridge. It was far too small to be a catgirl, which meant it had to be the other predator he didn't want to see. The low growl coming from behind the ridge confirmed his fear, wolves. And where there was one, there was always more.

Sanders cursed to himself and wondered why he could not catch a break today. Now he for sure could not stay here. He began moving away from the ridge where the wolf had vanished behind, keeping his mace ready in his still working hand. He heard more rustling and growls coming from behind him. He looked back to see black forms darting around behind him staying just out of sight. He quickened his pace a bit to try and stay ahead of them and to, hopefully, get them to give up on the chase.

Puffs of steam came out of his mouth as he pushed himself through the cold. The temperature was diving lower as the last few rays of sunlight began to vanish. The wolves were still hot on his trail, seemingly content to let himself run himself down. He knew he was just playing into their hand hurrying like this, but he wasn't sure how long before he passed out thanks to the nano-bots. Already he could feel the extra bit of energy they gave him wearing off. He pondered climbing a tree to keep away from them, but the cold wind would kill him in his sleep if he did. Maybe he should have just let himself get killed by the Swords, at least it would have been quick.

He came to another small hill leading up and sighed to himself. The wolves were still behind him, stalking but not attacking. He headed up the the hill, grunting and swearing at his exhaustion, and crested it to find the last thing he wanted to see. In front of him, in a large clearing made of crushed trees and mangled plants, was the massive, three actual feet form of a catgirl.

The massive figure was spread out on its chest and was looking slightly off to the side of Sanders. Its long blonde hair was draped out behind and above its head and a thin layer of blonde fur covered most of its body. Its face was the same as a human's save for some whiskers under its nose and two large cat ears. A long blonde tail was coiled up along one of its legs and slowly twitched.

It was all Sanders could do not to scream in terror and run the other way. He managed to fight down his panic and duck behind a tree before its green eyes, which had a vertical iris just like a cat's, turned to him. He gripped his mace as tight as he could as his breathing began to grow hectic. Fuck he was hyperventilating. He tried to calm himself, tried to get himself back under control, but wasn't given time to. He looked down in time to see the wolves charging up the hill toward him, apparently tired of the chase or sensing his moment of weakness. Sanders terror at the catgirl was forgotten for a moment as ten wolves came rushing up the hill.

He gripped his mace tight, ready to die fighting, only to watch them stop as a low howl came from his right. The wolves perked their ears before running off to the right toward the howl. He looked to his right and saw five more wolves moving through the trees up to the top of the hill. They were going toward the catgirl.

He looked out at the catgirl and saw it look at the wolves starting to come out of the woods. It gave a rather weak hiss at them, but made no attempts to attack them. This wasn't anything like the catgirl he had ran from back in his SWAT days. That one would have already snatched one up and swallowed it whole. What was stopping it from attacking? He looked back at it and actually looked it over a bit. Now that he had gotten a good look at the catgirl, it looked to be in worse shape than he was.

A lot of its fur had been stained red with dried blood and its face was beyond pale. Its eyes were having trouble focusing on anything longer than a few seconds and seemed far off and distant. Small, compared to it, bullet wounds and signs of explosives hitting it were all along its body. It must have been in a fight with the Resistance and came out of it worse for wear. In fact, it looked to be barely staying conscious and was losing that battle.

The wolves must have realized that too and decided that a snack that could fight back wasn't worth it when there was a feast that required no work at all. Once the catgirl passed out, the wolves would be set for days eating it and have no reason to bother with him. Both of his predator problems had been solved for him. The catgirl would be taken care of by the wolves and the wolves had no reason to bother with him.

He let out a sigh of relief at having caught a break and turned to leave. He stopped as the catgirl gave a soft meow as the wolves began to close in. The meow was nothing like the ones he had heard in his nightmares. In fact...it almost sounded like a plead for help. The same kind of plea his sisters would have made back when they got hurt in the woods. He turned back and saw the wolves moving toward the catgirl, but keeping a good bit of distance from it. It hissed again before letting out another sad meow.

Sanders suddenly felt a bit of pity beginning to form in his stomach as he watched the catgirl try to will death away. He tried to suppress it by thinking back to the horror, the terror, the anger he had felt back then. Back when another catgirl had eaten his friends alive and nearly did the same to him. But this wasn't that catgirl and his attempt to kindle his anger ended up backfiring. He looked back at the catgirl and saw it had a collar on, a well kept one too. She was not a feral if she was wearing a collar. But what really got to him was the fear in her eyes, the same fear that he had seen in his old comrades just before...

Sanders didn't even think twice as he rushed into the clearing, mace raised. He yelled out a battlecry as he rushed the closest wolf. The wolf barely had time to turn before Sanders smashed his mace onto its back, breaking its spine instantly. A number of the wolves scattered at Sanders suddenly attacking them, but three stayed including a much larger one, the alpha most likely.

The two smaller ones rushed at him and attempted to leap up onto him. He batted one away with his mace, sending it spinning backwards with a yelp of pain. The other wolf leap up and tried to knock him to the ground, but Sanders managed to keep his feet under him. The wolf latched onto his chest, its claws digging into his armor rather than his skin thankfully, and began to try and bite into his face. Sanders moved his head just enough to avoid getting bitten straight on the face, but the wolves' teeth still sliced into his temple.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Sanders yelled as he brought his still working hand up and into the wolf's neck, still gripping his mace. He stumbled forward as he tried to force the wolf off, keeping its snapping jaws a few inches from his face. Finally after stumbling around blindly for a minute, he managed to overpower the wolf and sent it tumbling off his chest. He brought his leg up and kicked the wolf as it laid on the ground. It yelped in pain before rushing backward away from him. It turned to growl in rage and Sanders got ready for it to attack again.

It never got the chance as a huge gaping mouth came forward and latched onto its backside. The wolf yelped again in pain and terror as the catgirl closed her mouth around the wolf. The wolf trashed and attempted to free itself, but was no match for the far larger catgirl. The catgirl slurped up the wolf in less than a second before swallowing with a satisfied "ahhh."

Sanders stood there stunned by the catgirl's sudden activity and backed away from her numbly. Even on its side, her head was the size of large building and seeing it suddenly shoot forward like that was utterly terrifying. He stumbled over something on the ground and fell backwards, still staring in horror at the catgirl's mouth. What the fuck was he doing?! He was going to be next all because he had let his conscious get the better of him. He was going to die in her stomach, slowly digested, just like all his friends and...

His terror-fulled nightmare was interrupted as he heard something rushing toward him from behind. He didn't have time to react as something tried to bite into the back of his neck, but was stopped by the collar on his armor. His nightmare ended by his sudden need to survive, he swung his mace backwards and smashed it into the face of whatever was biting him. Another, oddly distorted, yelp came from behind him and the mouth around his armor's collar let go. He staggered away from it and spun around to see the wolf he had batted away running back into the woods trailing a good deal of blood.

Unfortunately, the other wolves that he had scattered in his first surprise attack were beginning to return and the large alpha did not seem at all intimidated by the catgirl or Sanders. Sanders got back to his feet as he saw a massive group of, at least, twenty wolves coming out of the woods, all growling and bearing their teeth. They began to circle around the catgirl's body creating a large semi-circle with her long strands of hair and her upper arm as the "walls".

Sanders swore under his breath as he realized not only was there no way he could take on that many, but that they had him corralled in. Seems they had changed their mind on letting him go now that he had attacked them. He glanced back and saw that he was a few scale feet from the catgirl's head, just out of reach of her. She was looking back and forth between him and the wolves with an, oddly, more focused look. Almost like she wa-

That was when Sanders remembered something he had heard, and saw, about catgirls. They could heal themselves by eating organic matter, something about using the biomass to replace their own or something like that. It had been one of the many reasons his SWAT team had been doomed from the start fighting that feral catgirl. Any damage they did do to the catgirl she just healed the moment she swallowed one of them. Which meant if he feed anymore wolves to this catgirl, she would begin to regain her strength. If she did that, the wolves would have to leave or risk being eaten...and then it might be him on the menu. Fuck. Even if the catgirl was trained not to eat Society personal, he did NOT trust it to actually follow through with that training. He couldn't fight all these wolves alone and he couldn't get the catgirl to help him without risking just being made a meal too. But, one was certain death and the other was likely death leaving him with only one real option.

"You better not eat me after I save you," Sanders said to the catgirl. She looked at him with a confused look before letting out a hiss. Three wolves came rushing toward Sanders from three different directions. Sanders couldn't hit all of them so he went for the one on his left. The left one rushed toward his broken arm, but meet the head of his mace before it could reach it. Its neck snapped like a twig as Sanders smashed his mace into its head. However, that left him open for the other two.

One jumped up and grabbed his arm in its jaw while the other latched onto his leg. He grunted in pain as their jaws pressed down onto his limbs. Thankfully, neither one managed to bite through the heavy kevlar of his armor but the pressure was enough to cause some mild pain. Sanders yelled in effort as he tossed his arm back behind him. The wolf tried to hold on, but was thrown off his arm and sent skidding back behind Sanders, bits of the kevlar still in its teeth. The wolf spit out the kevlar and got ready to charge again, but suddenly vanished as the catgirl struck. The catgirl snapped up the wolf and some of the ground under it with one big bite and swallowed it before it could even make a sound.

Sanders had to suppress a shudder at the sight, the wolf still clinging to his leg helped keep his mind from freaking out. He raised his mace again and brought it down on the wolf's neck, killing it instantly and stopping the first attack by the wolves. Three down, seventeen to go...

Sanders turned back to face the still alive wolves as he began to try and push the two dead wolves back toward the catgirl. The catgirl watched him intently as he moved the wolves back, but he was still out of her reach. The wolves keep back for the moment as the Alpha stared directly at him, steam bellowing out of its nostrils.

The cold was really starting to set in and Sanders was beginning to shiver a bit. Every so often, little snow flakes would drift down into his eyesight. Seems it really was going to snow. Even if he did somehow survive this, the chances him surviving the cold night were basically nil. He had no fire, not shelter, nothing. Any moment now, he would collapse from the nano-bots and that would be it. Ironic...getting killed because he rushed to save a catgirl of all things. He would probably laugh his ass off about it when he got to wherever he wound up at the end.

His short inner monologue ended as the Alpha seemed to give an unseen signal. Another wave of wolves charged him, only this time it was ten coming at him. He had no chance against ten wolves which left him with only one choice. He grabbed one of the dead wolves and began dragging it back toward the catgirl, hoping to get within her reach before the wolves got to him. The wolves began to run even faster, seemingly knowing what he was trying to do, but Sanders managed to outpace them. He watched as they slowed their pace and eventually stopped and just began to pace around the outside of the danger zone of the catgirl's mouth.

Sanders let out a sigh of relief before freezing as he felt a large puff of steam go past him. He slowly turned to see the catgirl's face barely inches from him staring at him in confusion. Sanders stumbled backwards and nearly lost control of his bowels, and his feet, as his terror came back in full. The catgirl looked even more confused  by his terror, but didn't make any attempt to swallow him. Instead, she turned to the dead wolf he had dragged back and scooped it up with her tongue before swallowing it whole.

Sanders felt his legs turning to jelly at the sight and fell to the ground. Nearly all of his nightmares and grisly deaths were all rushing to his mind as he stared slack jaw at the catgirl licking her lips. She looked back down at Sanders as she finished. Her eyes narrowed as if in anger as Sanders felt the ground begin to rumble. Sanders turned to see her arm rushing upward along the ground behind him, suddenly mostly free of large wounds. He turned just in time to see two wolves within a few scale feet of him rushing toward his back. He didn't have time to react as they leap toward his face and back. Only to stop as the catgirl's house-sized hand grabbed them from behind. A sickening crunch came from inside her hand as it clamped down onto the wolves. Sanders watched in muted horror as she brought her hand back to her mouth and stuffed whatever was left of them into her mouth, even going so far as to lick her hand.

The other wolves began to scatter now, seeing that their prey was now more than they could handle. The catgirl managed to snatch up two more before they could get out of her reach and she gulped them down just as greedily. Sanders sat there for a moment, dumbfounded by what was happening. The catgirl looked far better off than she did before with most of her bullet holes and open wounds either sealed or, at least, dried over. A lot of her color had returned and her eyes were more focused than ever. She pushed herself over and onto her back, causing a large earthquake to shake the area and revealing her rather nicely shaped B-cup breasts. She turned her head back to Sanders and licked her lips as she moved her hand toward him.

Sanders paralyzing terror was finally dispelled and he scrambled to his feet. Only to hit the ground again. Suddenly, his entire body felt exhausted and he could barely keep his eyes open, much less move. The side effect of the nano-bots had hit and at the worst possible time no less. He managed to force his hand forward a bit to try and crawl away, but couldn't get enough strength to drag himself forward. He felt the catgirl's large hand close around him and the ground was pulled away from him. He was flown through the air toward the catgirl's mouth, her eyes seemingly twinkling in delight. He guess he deserved this for saving a catgirl. He should have know, but let his need to be hero override his sense, like always. He drew closer and closer toward the catgirl's lips and decided he didn't want to be awake for this. He stopped fighting the exhaustion  and let sweet oblivion take him where it willed.

           Article on Catgirls:

Catgirls are the second most common monstergirl created by the Society and the combat-specialists of them. Much like fairies, catgirls are created from cloned people that are mutated and changed to be better capable of hunting down, and killing, Resistance fighters. The natural instincts and heightened senses of a cat give them an enormous advantage in finding hidden Resistance members and their huge size makes them all but unstoppable.  However, these same instincts tend to overpower the human part of the catgirls brain causing them to become little more than animals reacted on instinct.

While most catgirls are trained by the Society to only attack Resistance members, some have either escaped or simply been lost during missions. These lost catgirls will go "feral" after a short while and will attack anyone, Resistance or Society, in search of food. Such catgirls are EXTREMELY dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Even fully equipped SWAT teams are no match for them and citizens are advised to seek hardened shelter immediately upon sighting.

Even trained catgirls can be dangerous to normal sized people. While all are trained NOT to consume Society members and citizens, the training does not always hold up. Doubly so if the catgirl is hungry or feels threatened by someone. To help avoid this problem, catgirls are only assigned to Sword missions and only deployed in missions far from any Society held areas.

ADVISORY: Any sighting of catgirls should be reported immediately to the nearest Society officer and the area evacuated. Even if the catgirl seems to be trained and  is not showing signs of being dangerous, citizens should keep well away from it and let Society personal handle the situation.

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