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Author's Chapter Notes:

ATTENTION: this is a bonus chapter. There is no plot content or gts action in this chapter.

It would be great if people informed me of any flaws in the language as I am not an expert in linguistics.

Also the languages syntax and grammar is not quite set in stone, so I would appreciate any insight into how to set it up efficiently.


The Nephilim’s language uses compound words to deal with concepts. More complicated or simple and/or regularly reoccurring concepts use non-compounded words.

  • Negative words typically start with a “V” sound. Positive Words often start with an “N” sound.
  • Adding a “K” to the end of something indicates masculinity, and adding “N” to the end of something indicates femininity. 
  • Adding “ch” to the end indicates severity, greatness, distance, or size. Adding “t” to the end indicates smallness, closeness, unimportance, or meekness.
  • Adding “ze” to the end indicates plurality.


Remember that tt is a primitive language, and thus is lacks the structured syntax of most languages. For now.

Connector prefixes and Suffixes- these words make sense of sentences; specify time, and other things

-, to do, now (present tense) (suffix)

Yl- was, been. When in compound word it indicates a past tense (Past tense)(suffix)

gnu- do, will, will do, going. When in compound word it indicates future tense. (Future tense)(suffix)


Words- simple phrases to represent simple concepts. Many of them can be combined when needed. Some words are exclusively prefix and others are exclusively suffix. (I have not quite decided which ones). the compound words are represented by a dot in front. Some words are also combinded without an ellision (I think thats the right term).

Ae- what

Ahlei- that, this

Alivi- fondness, like

  • Alivich- love
  • Alivit- don’t care

Atlenian- god, goddess, deity, great one. (A degenerated version of Atlantian.)

Bŕir- ground, solid, land

  • Bŕirt- rock, pebble, gravel
  • Bŕirch- mountain, hill

Bul- sub, beneath, bellow, low quality, lower

  • Bul’Kala- typical person, peasant, person of ordinary character
  • Bulchu- terrible food
  • Buluŕi- stupid
  • Bubŕir- valley, plains, lowlands

Cha- crap, feces, bathroom

  • Cha’Kala- (a generic insult. Literal translation “Shitty Person”. Sometimes used jokingly between close friends.)

Chi- Sex, intercourse, fuck.

  • Chi’kala- sexual partner, (used commonly to refer to a casual lover)

Cho- eat, to eat

Chu- Food

Cu- ice, freeze, cold

  • Cu’sula- freezing water

Del- green, fertility (when alone) 

Des- stop, don’t

Dŕell- sleep

E- a (capitalized always when alone)

Emin- Indigo, happiness (when alone)

Fi- little, insignificant, pathetic (Capitalized when alone)

Kuta- run, jog, flee

Fotel- brown,

Golo- Yellow, sickness (when alone) 

Hidizu- Evil, sadism

  • Hidizulim- spawn of evil, devil, child of evil

 Jek- need, require, want

Jin- red, soul (when alone)

  • Jisula- blood

 Kala- person, you

  • Kalach- all  
  • Kala’ze- they
  • Kalaeŕ’ze- they’ve
  • Kalak- Him, man, boy
  • Kalan- Her, women, man

Kek- clothing

Ki- Me

  • Kilim’k- my son
  • Kilim’n- my daughter

Lati- blue, sadness (when alone)

Le- yes, to accept, bring in

Lim- indicates a parent/child relationship

  • Lim’kalak- father
  • Lim’kalan- mother

Misu- something

Na- intimacy, friendship, 

  • Na’chi- sexual partner, (Used commonly to refer to an intimate lover.)
  • Na’sha- Child, student, subordinate
  • Na’Skiŕ- ally
  • Na’Skiŕ’ze- allies
  • Na’swi- friend or family member
  • Na’swik- brother
  • Na’swik’t- younger brother
  • Na’swik’ch- older brother
  • Na’swin- sister

Nahla- hunger

Nanu- there

Nanuch- over there (indicates distance from speaker)

Nanut- here

Nephi- white, light, daytime (when alone)

Neti- please, may I

Nial- violet, hope (when alone)

No- to kill, slay, destroy, to do harm positively

  • No’Kala- warrior, soldier, defender
  • No’Sha- hunter
  • Noeŕ- hunting

Nu- to aquire, to trade,

  • Nu’Kala- trader,
  • Nu’sha- property

Oi- No, to refuse, reject,

Ol- above, high, high quality, great, mighty, good

  • Ol’Kala- chief, king, person who is of a higher quality
  • Olchi- good or satisfying sex
  • Oluŕi- smart, clever, reason, rationality, logic,
  • Olway- hail, praise, worship

Perini- always, without fail, eternity

Polo- maybe

Punem- see, spot, look

Qahla- gluttony, gluttonous, to eat with disregard

Que- been

Rateck- catch, hold 

Saya- wind, air, breeze, holy (when used in compound)

  • Saya’kala- holy man, priest, shaman

Sha- it, object, thing,

  • Shagnu’kala- I’ll, I’ll do, I’m, I’m going to
  • Sha'Kala- I, individual. Refers to the self.
  • Shayl’kala- I’ve

Skal- your, yours, belonging to you

Skaeŕ- has

Skiŕ- outside, not part of us, foreign, alien

  • Skiŕ’Kala- stranger,

Soŕs- black, dark, darkness, nighttime (when alone)

Sula- water, liquid, life (when used in compound)

Suleŕa- alive

Swi- we, us

  • Swi’Kala- tribe member, clansmen, fellow, (indicates some kind of non-hereditary based bond)

Taita- orange, jealousy (when alone)

Teŕ- property, goods, wares

Tial- mine, belonging to me, my

Tu- fire, flame, hot

  • Tu’sula - hot water
  • Tuchi- sexy, sexual, physically attractive

Uŕa- hello, hey

Uŕi- The mind, brain, intelligence

  • Uŕi’Kala- inventor, guru, sage, wise person
  • Uŕit- fool, idiot

Va- to rape and/or violate, to control

  • Va’chi- prostitute, sex slave, whore. (Can be used as an insult towards a person who has sex for any type of benefit.)
  • Va’kala- Rapist, enslaver
  • Va’sha- slave, pet
  • Va’shak- a male slave or pet
  • Va’shak’t- tiny male slave
  • Va’shan- A female slave or pet
  • Vaeŕ- to enslave or rape, to make an individual property or to violate
  • Vaeŕ’Skiŕ - to enslave or rape an outsider or enemy
  • Vaeŕ’Swi- to enslave or rape a friend, family member, or tribe member

Vei- obsession, fixation, obsessive, addicted

Viŕen-, greed, greedy, covetous

Vo- to kill, kill, slay, destroy, to do harm negatively

  • Vo’kala - murderer
  • Vo’kalan- female murderer
  • Vo’ska- destroyer, vandal
  • Voeŕ- the act of murder, killing
  • Voeŕ’Swi- Matricide, fratricide, to kill a friend, family member, or tribe member
  • Vognu’Kala- Person who intends to murder

Vu- to steal, theft, to take without permission, kidnap, capture

  • Vu’kala- thief
  • Vu’sha- stolen property
  • Vueŕ- to steal an object, to pilfer or rob an object

Yujina- infrared, “aura” (refers to life force.)

Zajik- laziness, lazy

Ziwi- cute


Chapter End Notes:


I want to see word suggestions from every last one of you. :D

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