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The rest of the day was relatively uneventful: he almost fell off her head once but luckily he had decided to tie himself up with a strand of hair, so it wasn’t a disaster. Other than that, Tommy enjoyed himself the entire time, he had never seen the world from this high up and he certainly had never felt as safe as he did that day. Even in the colonies there were always problems with ants, roaches, or some other form of insect that would dig its way down into the city and wreak havoc. So even compared to that, this was better.


Late that night, they finally got to her house, it was a pretty little two bedroom on the outskirts of town. As soon as the door opened he could smell a wonderful mixture of fragrances that made him want to drift into a deep sleep. Obviously this lady had plenty of money because her house was littered with expensive items and fancy scented candles. She gently sat down on her leather couch and took off her shoes and socks.


“Ooooh Toooommy...” she cooed, “Can we talk now, pretty please?”


He got the chills again and began to shake uncontrollably, she was addressing him directly...He was so caught up in looking at his surroundings that for a while he forgot he was a passenger on a much larger boat. “Y-yes, whatever y-you say ma’am,” he stuttered fearfully.


She tsked a bit and then said, “Tommy, what did I tell you in the locker room?” He went full panic, she was obviously angry at him. “Oh man, I’d better remember quickly, girls don’t like it when things they say are forgotten!” he told himself.

As he paced about atop her head trying to figure out what answer was wanted of him, she could sense that he was uneasy. “Tommy!” she barked, “Remember, I am your FRIEND okay, I am going to take good care of you. Please, don’t be so nervous when I want to talk to you.”

He stopped himself from pacing, and took several deep breaths. “Do you want me to climb down Mrs. Kim?” he asked with as calm a voice as he could manage. “It’s just Kim, okay sweetie, I’m not married,” she replied between giggles, “And yes, would you be a dear and come down here?” She had an outstretched palm waiting for him near her lap. “Okay, um, Kim, I’ll be down there as fast as I can.”


Tommy managed to untie himself after a couple seconds of struggling with the knot, then tugged at a longer strand a couple of times to make sure it was safe. He knew how impatient giant people could be so he had to be down there quickly.


He slid down the strand of hair with very little concern for his safety; his hands were burning but he was covering a lot of ground very quickly.


Suddenly his hands stopped burning—he had run out of hair! The strand that he chose was too short!


He wanted to yell out for help but he would rather take his chances with the fall: giants did NOT like being asked for favors. It was terrible but some of these monsters would kill people simply for asking the wrong favor or question. At least gravity was a little more forgiving.


“Got you,” she said calmly. Tommy landed on the fleshiest part of her palm and it padded his fall. “Oh thank you, Goddess, thank you!” he squeaked.  


“Tommy dear, you could have asked me for help you know,” she said sternly.

He was too shocked by the fall and sudden catch, his breathing was erratic. “I-I’m sorry my lady,” he replied between puffs, “It’s just that, well...” He stopped himself.


Kim closed her eyes and listened carefully to him, “His heartbeat is unusually fast, I am so stupid, what was I thinking letting him do something dangerous like that! I probably shouldn’t ask him too many questions either, he is still very much afraid of me.” She continued to run through her thoughts, “This is my first time with a human but they are so fragile and adorable. I can see why there would be fun to be had at their expense—but that’s no excuse! That’s what my conscience is for: to rid myself of tainted thoughts.”


She looked down at the tiny man lying on her palm, his unease was apparent to her. She thought back to the smear that was once a human back at the locker room. “Poor little human, he didn’t even stand a chance. He didn’t deserve to be killed like that, probably for no good reason too...” And she was somewhat guilty, why had she licked him up? “It was sooo yummy...,” she caught herself thinking. When Kim saw that blood there she lost it, she just had to have a little taste. But she definitely wouldn’t kill a human just for that, hewas already dead.


She had always heard rumors of the kinds of horrors that humans had to go through on a daily basis. It made her angry inside, but she was always able to distance herself from them since there wasn’t any humans where she was from. But now that Kim had one in the palm of her hand and she had seen what became of another, it was impossible not to feel bad for them.


As she gazed upon him tenderly, she silently pledged, “I’ve made up my mind...I won’t let anything bad happen to you or any other human I cross paths with, I promise you Tommy.”


She didn’t want to push him any further but she needed to know more, she sensed that he was about to reveal some deep thoughts to her before, but stopped himself short. She bit her bottom lip a bit then sighed. “Tommy,” she whispered, “Can you please finish what you were going to say?”


He began to whimper a little; this wasn’t exactly something he wanted to remember.


Slowly she brought another hand towards Tommy, he was going to try to move away. “Tommy, stay still okay,” she said gently. With the fleshiest part of her index finger she began to rub his back gently. He let out a little sigh of comfort, it felt really nice and was calming him down quickly.


“Now Tommy, dear, please tell me, how do the other giants treat humans?” she asked with a mellow tone.


Her finger was really soothing, if it wasn’t for that he didn’t think he’d be willing to share that kind of information. “D-Do you really c-care about me?” he asked her in a fearful voice.


“Yes, I do, it’s hard to believe since I’ve just met you, but you’re a wonderful little guy. And even if you weren’t I still don’t think anyone deserves to die like that other human did today,” She responded with sincerity.


“B-But t-then why d-did you lick him up?” he asked with shivers in his words.


She took a deep breath, Tommy was getting worried; he was already regretting asking her that.


“I’m sorry Goddess, I shouldn’t have asked!” he blurted.


“Shh, shh,” she cooed as her finger smoothly ran down his back, “Were friends right? It’s only fair that I tell you a bit about me, but in exchange I want you to answer my question okay. Deal little guy?”


“O-Okay, deal.” He replied in a low voice. Secretly he was hoping she didn’t hear his reply. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to tell his story, but that he was afraid of her reason for doing what she did earlier that day.


“Okay then,” she said. After deep breath she began, “Well the truth is Tommy that I have a blood deficiency. Basically, my body produces very little blood and I need to constantly be replenishing it or I’ll die. Normally it means that I would go to the hospital every so often and they would give me blood transfusions. But it had been awhile since my last one, so when I saw the blood on the ground, I kind of lost myself.”


Tommy felt really bad, this whole time he was thinking she was some kind of sadistic monster when it wasn’t really her fault to begin with. He thought about it some more then drew a response, “Um, okay, I guess he was already dead so it didn’t hurt for you to have his blood. But are you sure you’re okay, I mean you’re really big and we’re small so even all of our bodies blood is still a little bit for you guys right?”


“Aww, thank you for worrying about me,” she said with a sugary tone, “No, it’s quite alright, I already went to the hospital for another transfusion. I believe you were asleep atop my head then, and I got to say for such a little guy, you sure snore loudly!”


“Ha, ha, yeah I’ve heard that one before!” he replied in laughter.


His laughter was contagious and she soon began to laugh too, “Hee, hee, you’re so funny Tommy.”


Once they stopped laughing Tommy completely lost himself to her gentle back rub and began to lose himself in deep thought. As he thought about it more, he began to get a little nervous again. He turned his head slightly and saw the hand petting him; it was absolutely massive and had long fingernails that came to a sharp point—they looked like they could rip apart flesh with ease—and not just human flesh. “I don’t remember any other giants growing fingernails like those...,” he pondered silently, “More importantly, how is she able to be so precise with someone a bit smaller than her fingernail!”


Kim could sense that he was getting anxious again so she began to rub his back with more finesse. His thoughts melted away and he let out a small sigh of comfort; she had him completely relaxed: both body and mind. She began to hum softly, some sort of lullaby from the tone of it. The song was the only thing that was tying Tommy to the real world at the moment, for those few minutes Tommy was in another world, a better world, where everything was perfect…


“Toooommmmyyy,” she gently blew out, “I see that you’re very comfortable, but we had a deal little guy.”


He, however, was still in a trance. She poked him lightly and he quickly snapped out of it, “Hey, Tommy, I’m sorry be a bother but you owe me a story.”


“Ehh, your right Kim, I’m very, very, sorry!” he blurted out, a little afraid that she was mad at him.


“Calm yourself dear, I’m not angry, take a deep breath and tell me.”


“O-Okay.” He responded and took a deep, long, inhale. He began to compile his thoughts, then exhaled, “Well, Kim, let me just start off by saying that when I said that you were the nicest giant I’d ever met, I wasn’t exaggerating.” Using the pad of her massage finger as support he stood himself up. She retracted her finger, he wanted to be a little less comfortable when he told this. “Giants, don’t seem to give two cents about us. There aren’t any laws keeping them from doing horrible things to us, so they pretty much do every horrible thing in the book.”


He began to pace about. “We can be sex-toys, tampons, foot massagers, toilet paper, just about anything and everything.” He began to sniff a little, “And if we are very lucky, we get to be pets to someone nice, but good luck finding anyone like that! I had been ruthlessly trained at the pet shop that I was taken to after my colony was destroyed, I was one of the lucky ones that survived the training.”


Tears began to trickle down his face then he sobbed, “And the day I was sold was going to be my big chance! I heard stories of how great it was gonna be to be a pet, I was really, really, looking forward to it!”


He dropped to his knees in defeat, then angrily said, “But it was too good to be true! The crazy girl that I was sold to would shove me down her stinky meat-hole at least once a day, I only survived because she was NICE enough to put a string around my neck so she could yank me out at the last minute and I wouldn’t be ground to paste by her fucking pussy. And it smelled really horrible in there, I mean she could have at least washed up every now and then, but she wanted to make it as nasty as possible, just for shits and giggles!”


She was shocked by what she was hearing, and the fact that began using harsh words just made this all the more painful to listen to.


“That wasn’t even really the worse part, at least her using me to fuck herself was somewhat understandable…But she also really liked sticking me with needles and then rubbing alcohol on the wounds! What was the FUCK was that for!? She loved dangling me upside down from high places and letting all the blood go to my head. I had to clean the shit off her nasty fucking asshole every now and again; her pussy would have been a godsend at that point! Let me just point out that there were seven of us, and by the end of the third month, me and the guy that you licked up were the only saps left! The ONLY reason I’m still alive is because I decided to play my luck with trying to escape to one of the nearby human colonies I’d heard about from some of my co-workers.”


Then he stood back up, cranked his head up, and looked at Kim straight in the eyes, and whimpered in a painfully quiet voice, “And not once, did I ever talk back to her, or complain about how she treated me, or ask her for more than the one bread crumb per week and diluted-urine diet she provided us. Nothing! I was the perfect pet, I lived off the hope that one day she would recognize my efforts and be nicer to me. Some of the others complained…She crushed a guy flat with her finger simply for asking her for water instead of urine!”


He wiped his face with his forearm, “My dream of a better life than the shop, all my hard work, all the blood, sweat and tears I’d shed training to be the perfect pet…All of them were crushed by this horrible girl for no good reason!”


Tommy then turned around, Kim could only see his back now. “It was then that me and my only surviving co-worker decided to escape, even if it cost us our lives. On a day where she had extra hours of work or something like that, we made our escape. I’m not gonna lie and tell you that the guy was my best friend or anything, in fact I didn’t really like him too much...,” he said in a low, flat tone, “But he didn’t deserve to be killed like he did; that girl didn’t even know him!”


He fell back on his knees again and sobbed in anger, “That was when I realized that no matter where I go, what crevice I try to hide in, it was all the same: I’m just a fucking human! And some giant out there was gonna end up killing me just because they were having a bad day, or merely because they wanted to feel me pop under them, or some other stupid reason like that!”


Tommy’s voice flat lined again, there was no emotion, “But what can I do? I’m just a weak, little, powerless human and that’s all I’ll ever be.”


Kim gazed upon the tiny man in her hand. She was shocked, heartbroken, and was about to burst into tears herself. “T-Tommy, I-I’m sorry,” she said in a shaky voice.


He was sad and angry, he didn’t trust anyone, and he certainly didn’t trust her. He stood himself back up. “Kim,” he flatly said, “Do you now understand why I was so desperate for you to let me go?”


“B-but w-were friends, r-right?” she weakly responded.


“No, Kim, we can never be friends. I am one urge, one bad day, away from being killed by you. You seem like a very nice girl, but if I stay here, mark my words, I’m going to be killed by you soon enough.”


She was getting desperate. “P-Please, give m-me a chance!” she begged, there were small tears collecting in the corners her eyes. Her hand started shaking, he was struggling to stay on his feet.


“Kim, you’re asking me to gamble with my life, please, if you really care about me you’ll let me go,” he said in a calm, convincing tone.


She was lonely and she really wanted to keep him.


“No way!” she blurted out between sobs, “Don’t worry you’ll see, give me a couple days, and we’ll be best pals, lover’s maybe. You’ll see, stay with me, okay.” Tears were rolling down her face, and she tried to keep a smile on to make things less tense.


“No, please Kim, let me go!” he cried. Her smiling, teary face was horrifying, “Please, look at how emotional you’re getting already! It’s not gonna be long before you seriously hurt me!”


Her crying got louder. “You’re staying!” she announced, “I can't protect you if I let you leave! I-I’m sorry it had to come to this.”


She slowly closed her hand around him. He burst in full-instinct mode, scratching and trying to claw her fingers away. It was no use, soon all light was cut off and he was sealed in darkness.


“Don’t hate me okay,” he heard mumbled from outside, “It’s for your own good, I promise.”


Tommy’s whole world began to move and shuffle about, the only thing he could do was try to calm himself down. Noises and crying coming from outside could be heard from his fleshy prison, she was gathering something up and moving from things around.


Suddenly, a stream of water could be heard coming from outside. The hand opened up and he was exposed to a stream of cold water. The water was pouring out so fast that he felt his bones creak under the pressure.


“I’m sorry Tommy but that’s the lowest setting.”


He was fully disoriented, his vision was blurred and it was hard for him to breathe but he could feel that his rags were being tugged on by her other hand.


His clothes were then abruptly torn off. Now he was fully exposed and there was nothing her could do about it—a feeling of hopelessness rushed into him.


“Close your eyes okay,” He managed to hear before he was coated in sticky, watermelon-scented hand soap. With great precision, she began to scrub him with both pairs of index fingers and thumbs.


Tommy hadn’t heeded the warning soon enough and his eyes felt like they were on fire. “My eyes!” he yelped between breaths.


“Tommy, you see what happens when you don’t listen to me? From now on, I want you to do what I say, when I say, okay. If you don’t there will be consequences, but don’t worry, as long as you do what I say, you’ll be fine. I’m not going to hurt you for no reason.”


He was yanked out of the water and submerged into a clean towel. Her fingers squished him between the fibers and rubbed him dry.


Tommy huffed and puffed, he was so afraid right now that he couldn’t think straight. “Please, stop this,” he squeaked.


“QUIET!” she yelled, “That’s enough of that!”


“Y-yes, miss, I-I’ll do whatever you want,” he replied weakly.


“Good boy,” she said happily, “Now let me smell how clean you are…” She raised her hand with the little passenger up to the bottom of her nose and took a few deep sniffs. With each one, he was slightly lifted from her palm.


“Ahh, you smell nice,” she sighed, “See, Tommy, you’re so very clean now. It’s good for your health to be clean, you know.”


Tommy was staring at her belly at the time and slowly craned his head up to see what her expression was. He stopped at her smile and quickly brought his head back down.


“Thank you Kim,” he answered flatly.


“From now on Tommy, I want you to call me Mommy, okay,” she whispered.


“I, well um,” he awkwardly stuttered as a reply.


Her palm began to sweat slightly. It wasn’t as obvious to him this time because Tommy couldn’t see naked flesh from his perspective but she was sweating quite a bit. He began to crank his head up again and stopped when his sight reached her chest—her nipples were showing through her shirt. He began to hear light breathing and could see her chest puffing out with every inhale. “I’m screwed, he thought, “She’s going to use me, that’s why she wanted me clean.”


“Tommy, please say it,” she whispered seductively at the man in her palm. Tommy cranked his head up a little more past her smile, her cheeks were dark pink and she was breathing slowly out her nostrils. Her eyes looked different somehow, more predatory and were semi-open.


“What do you want me to say?” he asked fearfully.


She brought her hand down to her palm where Tommy was being held and began to trace miniature circles around him.


“Don’t play dumb little Tommy,” she purred, “I want you to call me Mommy, do it for me now, please.”


He was creaking with fear, it was only a matter of time now before she shoved him in her love cave.


“T-Thank you for the bath. Mommy,” he said with a broken voice.


Almost instantly her palm started to sweat even more and her breathing became louder. The circles she was tracing got faster and he could hear her heartbeat becoming faster.


“Ooh, you’re such a little gentleman, Tommy,” she squealed in delight. Slowly she began to lower him down. First he could see the end of her shirt, then her exposed bellybutton, and finally the beginning of her schoolgirl skirt.


His breathing became more erratic, and he began to pace about a little bit—he knew what was coming.


Kim quickly removed other hand from her palm, and lowered it past him; he didn’t dare try to look down at what she was doing with it.


He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, there wasn’t going to be much air where he was going. Slowly, he began to feel the giant palm tilt; he was still able to keep his balance. She giggled, then began to tilt her palm more and more, and soon he was grabbing onto a small wrinkle he felt out to keep himself from slipping off.


“Toooommmy, you know that isn’t going to work, sweetie,” she giggled, “Just let go, and come into your new home.”


His grip was beginning to wane, before he knew it he was holding on with only two fingers.


“Oh, Tommy, you’re so cute trying to hold on like that, but it’s not going to last forever, you know.”


Suddenly as small droplet of her sweat trickled between his fingers, he lost his grip instantly and came tumbling down her long, slender hand. He refused to open his eyes; he was still expecting the worst.


Finally he landed onto his destination, and to his surprise it wasn’t hot, sweaty and squishy like he expected but cold, sterile, and hard.


Slowly, he opened his eyes; this certainly wasn’t anywhere on her body. He began to walk around for a bit when he hit an unexpected wall.


He pounded on it a couple times out of frustration but knew it was futile—he was inside a glass jar. Tommy began to shiver a little bit, it was cold where he was, so he tried to conserve heat by lying down and tucking himself into a little ball.


Something warm and soft dropped onto him, it was a bit of napkin. “I’m sorry for the accommodations Tommy, it’s not very hospitable of me,” she whispered in a normal tone, then in a baby voice said, “But don’t worry I’m going to buy a little house for you, with little itty-bitty furniture and some wittle toys to keep you busy when I’m not around, so look forward to that, okay.”


He took the bit of napkin and wrapped himself in, like a little burrito. She brought a finger down and stroked it a couple of times, “I’m going to go take a bath. Be a good little friend and stay put, don’t try to hurt yourself or anything like that, okay.” She blew an exaggerated kiss at him and then twisted the top on. Then she picked up the entire jar and carried it with her, out of the bathroom. She set it on a nearby desk in her room next to a photo of a cabin.


“Didn’t want you trying to sneak a peek whilst I was in the bath,” she jokingly said, “I’ll be back as soon as I’ve freshened up, then we can have some real fun!”


He heard the door slam behind her. “How could she do this to me after everything I told her?” he thought, “I was stupid to think that she would be any different!”


He could hear the water running and Kim humming a song to herself as she bathed. He tossed about a couple of times trying find a good position to be comfortable in, then he closed his eyes and tried to get a bit of sleep.

Chapter End Notes:

Tweaked a sentence a bit thats important for size comparison, as per Stubbornstains advice.

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