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Author's Chapter Notes:

Heres the last of the colony chapters, hope you like it!


The silver-hair giantess was sitting Indian-style near the right colony wall, and staring intently at the mid-upper shelf where her tiny human friends were being treated. To the humans of this colony she was a monument of a woman, larger and more powerful than any of them could ever hope to be. Even the largest buildings paled in comparison to her...


“Hello humans,” She greeted sheepishly, “I just want to assure you all that I will not be harming any of you. So please try to go about your business.”


Easier said than done when a simple glance at the horizon treated people on lower shelfs to a colossal set of crossed legs in the distance, and a pair of mountainous red panties. The people on the middle shelfs of the colony were a little less intimidated but even then a titanic set of breasts and bellybutton awaited anyone gazing out. In the highest shelf of the city, people had it the worst because they saw a feminine face and glowing-green eyes looking down at them—as if she was a god deciding their judgment.


The city was in chaos, especially when people noticed what happened before...They weren't stupid, a good portion of them realized that a cannonball was fired and had no effect on the Lyrian. Those that had come to the realization of what happened; they now knew that everyone was completely at her mercy. All the safety and comfort the humans felt for years due to their powerful weaponry was shattered and gone!


Kim knew it was a pointless battle to convince the populous that they were in no danger. She instead decided to pass the time by sparking conversation with Tina and ignoring the chaos that surrounded her.


“My hair is so filthy now,” She croaked with a laugh, “It's gonna take me a fortnight to wash this grime out!”


Tina walked over to the edge of the titanic head she stood on and sat near the edge of Kim's hairline, reasonably secured with a silver strand.


“Well at least you get to take showers whenever you want,” Tina said solemnly.


Kim cursed herself for not remembering what Tina mentioned earlier, “I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean anything by that!”


The tiny woman gently wedged her hand between strands of hair and rubbed the underlying skin of Kim's scalp. “I know you didn't mean anything by that,” She mumbled softly, “Don't worry about it...”


“Aww, Tina I shoul--”


“Seriously, it's okay Kim!,” She interrupted, “Besides, once I live with you, I'll get to take all the showers I want, right?”


“Yeah, of course!”


Tina fell flat on her back and adjusted herself for comfort, “Sooooo, hows your little lover-boy doing?”


A hand large enough to hold a small basketball ring on lightly jiggled a mammary heavier than the entire right side of the colony. “Tommy is doing just fine snuggled in my bra. My little man is sleeping like a log right now.”


“Aww, I'm so jealous of you!,” Tina chirped, “I wish I could have a little man tucked away in my bra!”


“Hee hee, I guess having a human boyfriend as a Lyrian has it's advantages,” Kim replied.


Further up on the giantess's massive head, Ron pondered the status of his mother...


“I wonder how my mom is doing,” Ron sighed, “I hope she's okay, I promised daddy that I'd take care of her...”


“Oh Ron,” Kim said in a comforting voice, “Don't worry about Anna, trust me, I'm certain she's getting nothing but the best treatment right now!”


“I don't know if that will be enough. I mean she was hit by a Lyrian after all,” He worried, “Who knows how much damage my mommy has on the inside...”


“Aww Ronny, try to take your mind off things...I'm sure your mom wouldn't want you getting like this.”


“Your right Kim, sorry!”


“Atta boy!,” She chirped.


Elsewhere, as Shelly approached the back of Kim's head, the curvature of the landscape as well as the smooth hair she stood on made it difficult to keep her balance, but she wasn't too worried because she was secured with a strand of hair.


Shelly tried to peer over to see below, “Wooow, it ish shuper high up!”


“Shelly, dear,” Kim's voice emitted from a mouth down below, “Be careful back there! But have fun, and don't worry if anything happens I'll help you okay?”


“Shure Kim, thanksh!”


Tina shot up when the Lyrian mentioned her daughters name, “Is my baby okay!?”


“Don't worry, she's just fine! Besides she's secured with hair just like you are!”


The human mother sat back down, “I'm sorry for being a worrywart.”


Kim whispered with blushed cheeks, “Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll be like that once I have kids...”


Once the giant mentioned that, there was an awkward silence between them.


Tina thought intently about what Kim said, “Could humans and Lyrians even have kids together? And is Kim even a Lyrian to begin with?...” After some consideration, the little woman decided it was best not to poke the issue further—the last thing she wanted was the woman angry at her!




Down in the hospital, in one of the lower floors, Anna was being looked at by several of the colony's best doctors.


“We have to make sure that this woman makes it out fully healthy, who knows what that Lyrian out there is going to do to our colony if we fail!,” One of the physicians said sternly.


“There's no guarantee she won't do it anyway!,” Someone else in the room said.


“Calm down,” A younger doctor reasoned, “The Lyrian hasn't done anything to harm us so far, maybe this one is different!”


“Don't get your hopes up buddy!”


Amongst the bickering, a small female nurse stepped shyly approached the open door with the league of doctors.


“Dr. Trevar! A minute of your time please,” The nurse squeaked from the doorway of the surgery room.


“Yes, what is it?” Trevar replied as he walked to the out the door to have a more private conversation with the nurse in the hallway.


“Um, the team finished analyzing the crust sample that was taken from this woman, and well...”


“Speak to me woman I don't have all day!,” The doctor yelled.


“Yessir! Well, it is Lyrian breast-milk. Apparently the Lyrian doused the injured woman in her own breast-milk prior to bringing her here!”


Dr.Trevar adjusted his glasses, “Breast-milk you say?”


“Yes, but it's no ordinary breast-milk,” The nurse continued, “The research team put several blood and tissue samples in contact with the milk and what they found is that it has special properties similar to stem-cells and can effectively mimic any organic cells and become carbon copies of them!”


“What does that mean!?”


The nurse sighed and stole a glance at her clipboard, “Well sir, I'm not too sure of the specifics myself but the team believes that the milk can heal and even strengthen whatever organic material comes in contact with it. They believe that most likely the only reason the woman is doing so well right now is because she was quenched in the milk.”


The doctor's eyes nearly bulged out of his skull, “Whhhaaatt!!”


Moments later the doctor returned to the operation room and requested that she be given a real-time body scan.


“Dr.Travar, don't you think we should peel this white glaze off the patient?,” A lesser physician asked.


“I'd like to scan her first before we remove it...,” Travar grumbled in preparation for what he was to say, “The uh, white glaze is dried Lyrian breast milk.”


Everyone in the room went pale.


“Why would the Lyrian do that to her!?,” One doctor blurted.


“I keep telling you those Lyrians are not to be trusted,” Another groaned, “Its no wonder something so appalling would happen to this poor woman!”


Travar cleared his throat loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the room, “Anyway...The research team believes the milk has healing properties that may be paramount to the woman's survival—as ludicrous as that sounds...”


The doctors in the room began to whisper amongst themselves.


“That's enough chit-chat,” Travar stammered angrily, “Don't forget that we have a two-hundred thousand ton behemoth out there waiting for this woman to be fixed up!”


Everyone was abruptly snapped out of their conversations by the reminder and quickly got back to setting up the scanner for an evaluation.


“That's more like it!”




Kim giggled after hearing everything that went on it the tiny hospital. “I suppose if being afraid of me gets them to do their jobs better then I'm not complaining!,” She thought to herself.


“What's so funny,” Tina asked.


The giantess clamped a hand over her enormous giggly mouth, “Err, its nothing, don't worry about it!”




Several hours later Sam signaled for contact with Kim from atop the rooftop of his headquarters...


“What is it, Commander Sam?,” Kim chuckled.


The little officer noticed the sarcasm she used when pronouncing his title, but decided it was best to shrug it off. After all, compared to her any human in a position of power would probably seem weak and beneath her.


“Yar' pets'r finished being treated,” Sam huffed, “Do us a favor: take em' and leave.”


Kim reached into her denim skirt's left pocket. Moments later she pulled out a small chocolate bar and set it on the floor near the building Sam was atop, “Id like to give you all this as payment for the treatment of my friends.”


To a Lyrian, the chocolate bar was a light mouthful, but to the humans it was the size of a small house. “Would you like me unwrap it,” She asked the commander, “Or can your people handle that?”


Sam was dumbstruck. He certainly didn't expect to get anything in return for his troubles from a Lyrian. “Perhaps'th people that say: not all Lyrians'r evil are right after all?,” He told himself.


Kim looked sternly at the officer's tiny form, “Now, I'd like for this food to be shared with everyone, you hear? All your little citizens are witness that I wanted this to be shared!”


Sam gave her a nod.


The giantess reached for her purse and an unzipped it, “There may be some other things that I'm interested in trading with you all...”


“Whadaya have in mind?”


She began to dig through a purse large enough to cover an entire city block. Shortly after, she pulled out several energy bars, a relatively small box of whole wheat cereal, a tube of lotion, a bottle of soap, and some beef jerky sticks.


The commander's eyes nearly popped out of his head, these items Kim had pulled out were large provisions for a colony of tiny creatures like humans!


“So whadaya want'n return fer' that stuff?,” Sam asked, knowing that the future of his colony could be improved greatly if he could secure the trade.


“Well nothing that wouldn't be fair,” The massive woman said with a index finger to her lips...




Sam ordered several human-sized items such as beds, clothes, furniture, office supplies, and recreational items. By then all the humans Kim had before coming to the colony were back atop her head and secured with strands of hair.


“Before we trade. What did the doctors say about Anna?,” Kim asked the officer.


Sam rubbed his beard, “She's gonna be fine, some rest n' good food and she'll be good as new!”


“And Don?”


“Well the man's arm is gone, there ain't nothin' that can be done about that,” The uniformed man informed gravely, “But the doctors cleaned'th wound and made sure he wouldn't get infected. They gave 'im a bottle o' antibiotic tablets, said he needs to take three a day.”


“Great!” She chirped, “I'll make sure he does!”


Kim set down the items she pulled from her purse near the colony, “Here you go then, as per our trade...”


In total, the human-sized items she asked for paled in comparison to what was provided in return. She quickly gathered all them all and wrapped them in a thin scarf she had in her purse.


“Good doing business with you,” Kim smiled, “And I wish to come back and trade for more items in the future, is that okay? I can bring large portions of meat and vegetables or bottles of water if you're okay with it.”


“Kim,” The officer said softly, “I'd be doin' my entire people a disservice by not allowing you ta' return.”




“And it ain't like we could stop ya' anyway,” Sam said with a scruffy laugh, “I ain't got a clue what type o' weirdo Lyrian you are but those cannonballs that struck ya' were enough to badly injure other Lyrians with ease!”


The silver-haired girl carefully placed the scarf with the items back in the purse and pulled out something else, “So, you noticed then...”




Her closed fist approached the headquarters and she slowly opened her hand to reveal a tiny earphone, “Please accept this as well.”


“What is that doodad?” Sam asked, “Is that some type o' phone?”


Kim nodded, “If you ever need help or food or anything else. Please don't hesitate to call me on this.”


On the rooftop, the human officer couldn't be happier with this development, “Ahh I see! Thank ya' Lyrian! We'll gladly accept this!”


She carefully tilted her palm to roll the relatively tiny earphone onto the building, “There is a little button on the side of it that is extremely sensitive so I'm sure even humans could push it! Simply do that and say 'Kimberly Tousen' and it will call my cell phone.”


“Wow, thanks lass, I guess I was wrong about ya',” Sam murmured softly.


Slowly the monumental woman turned around. “Yep!,” She chirped, “I'll see you around!”


And with that the silver-haired Lyrian walked away from the colony with her new human house-mates in tow...


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