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Tommy woke up to a view of the night sky. It was windy and he worried he would be blown off but he was lucky enough to be tied down with several strands of silver hair.


“Hey Kim, what happened? Where am I?,” Tommy asked.


“Well your atop my head, silly!,” She giggled.


Tommy trembled in his skin, the night temperature was too much for his tiny body.


“I-I, m-meant where are w-we?,” He shivered.


Kim laughed, “Your cold aren't you, sweetie? Let me fix that.”


She grabbed Tommy off her head and lowered him down to her chest. Her breasts were being squashed together by a tight bra, so she deposited Tommy between them...Since he was secured with hair, there was no danger of him slipping through and falling to his death.


“Is this better?,” She asked sweetly.


Tommy was surrounded by warm flesh giving off massive amounts of heat and a soft heartbeat behind him...Even if he were free-floating and not touching any skin he would still be very warm. Although, this also meant that his view of the outside world was gone—a small price to pay for not freezing to death!


“Yeah, thanks Kim!”


“No problem, dearie,” She replied.


Tommy leaned his head against the skin behind him, “Hey, what day is it?”


“It's still Friday.”


“Ohh,” Tommy mumbled. He remembered the hectic morning he had atop Kim and thereafter.


“Hey um...”


She interrupted, “I was fully conscious during that. Don't worry, even had you stayed upon my body I would have made sure you were not hurt.”


“Whhaaaaat!” Tommy exasperated, “That was scary!”


Kim put a hand over her cleavage and lightly pressed, compacting Tommy against soft skin...The closest thing she could give to a hug considering their size differences.


“I'm sorry Tommy, but you riding me like that made me sooo horny!~”


“Damnit Kim, I could have had a heart attack!,” He yelled.


Kim's hand pressed a little harder against her chest.


“Aww I'm soooo sowwy!” She said in a puppy-dog voice, “Do you fogive me? Pliiiiiisssee?”


Tommy gave up, “Okay, okay. At least I didn't break anything...”


Kim threw a kiss with exaggerated sound effect, “Mmmmuuaaahh! Thanks little guy, your so understanding!”


“But it was fun for you too, no? Wasn't the danger making it more exciting?” She haughtily asked.


Tommy thought back to his predicament that morning. He did promise himself that he'd get over his fear of sex with giants, for her sake...


“I suppose it was pretty fun,” He mumbled, “Just be careful with me Kim, I trust you.”


“Aww thanks,” She replied with a blush.


For the next couple of minutes, the couple kept quiet...Kim merely enjoying the view from her patio and Tommy trying to ignore the fact that he couldn't see a thing.


She noticed he was squirming around in her cleavage, “Hey Tommy, what's wrong?”


“Oh not much,” He replied sarcastically, “Except I can't see anything except Kim skin, and it's dark in here.”


She giggled, “Well it's either that or being cold.”


Tommy shuffled a bit, “Yeah, your right, and I certainly prefer being warm.”


“I can describe the scene to you if you want.”


“Nah, I'm fine,” He grumbled.


Kim released her breast hold and the two globes wiggled apart and slapped together again. Now that the breasts were separated he could see a bit of the vista...If Kim hadn't been wearing a nightgown, Tommy would be able to see clearly, but as it was everything he saw was filtered through the thin, pink cloth in front of him.


“Hey Kim, can I ask you something...”


“Sure,” She replied.


“Remember that day when you chased those guys down in the alleyway...”


“Hmm, yeah, I told you it was because I need to drink blood to live,” She whispered.


“How come you know that you need to do that, is it instinct? Or have you tried not doing it for a while and seeing the results?”


Kim sighed a bit, “Well, remember that the day I brought you home? Remember how at the end I was acting super weird and I jumped out the window?”




“That day was special because I hadn't been drinking too much blood, but more importantly: it was a full moon...”


“Which reminds me,” She whispered...


“Reminds you what?”


“Never mind...Anyway it means on a full moon I go crazy with lust for both sex and blood...More than usual,” She replied, “I don't really know too much about myself, but I know that there are certain ways I can lose most control and rational thought...”


The little man in her cleavage thought back to the day he was rescued by Kim and how progressively weird she was getting the further into the night it was. He remembered her voice becoming somewhat more animal-like, right before she jumped out the window.


Kim took a breath.


“One way I can lose control, is obviously if I hadn't been drinking blood in a while, two is if it's a full moon out, three is if I am in too much danger, and four if I'm in sunlight too long...These are things I have discovered about this body, and at a consequence I might add...”




“I've killed people Tommy, lots of people...”




She sighed,“It's horrifying, in all honesty I think I'm more afraid of what might happen if I lose control over this body than anything else I've ever had to deal with.”


“I've been threatened with a gun before too...I was so scared for my life then; the result was not pretty.”


“So is that why you tried so hard to keep those guys alive in the alley...”


“Yeah,” She replied, “I try to keep people that come in contact with me alive as much as I can, but part of me loves to tease and bully them, hurt them even...”


“I don't want to feel guilty for people's deaths, but it's too late for that,” She added, “The only thing I can do is try to live my life without harming people as much as I can.”


Tommy shuffled a bit in his spot, he wasn't too surprised that she'd killed people considering what he's seen her do before.


“Well at least your trying,” He said, “Most people would probably get drunk on the power! I would know: many normal Lyrians I've come across get drunk on the power their size difference affords them over us humans. Your a good person for trying to keep yourself contained like that, I doubt there are many people who would share those sentiments if they were in your shoes.”


“Thanks Tommy, but if I was really a good person...”


Tommy felt her massive chest puff out and in as she took another breath of the night air. He could tell by her voice that her emotions were starting to get the better of her.


“If I was really a good person I'd have killed myself already for the good of everyone else,” She cried, “But I'm too much a coward, I want to live too!”


“HEY!” Tommy yelled, “There's nothing wrong with wanting to live! Don't you say that!”


“But it's true,” She sniffed, “So many people would be alive today if it wasn't for me.”


“So many people,” she re-whispered.


She felt a tiny hand press up against her skin.


“Kim, I understand...I know full well how badly the desire to live can be, especially when the entire world seems to want you dead. I've done terrible things as well, humiliating things—all because I wanted to keep drawing breath a little longer...”


“I have more in common with you than you think,” He added.


Kim sniffed a bit and wiped away some tears, “There was a time, when I didn't even think twice about killing someone...”


The tiny man snuggled between her bosoms and wrapped in a silver hair safety net closed his eyes.


“My first memory was when I was five years old; I don't know why but I can't remember anything past that. Back then, I didn't know anything, I didn't have anyone taking care of me. I lived on my own, hunting my own prey and lived simply to because it was in my nature to want to live...”


Tommy began to jingle a bit with each step Kim took...They were going back into the house.


“The only thing I had was a little necklace with a picture of my parents in it; that's all the comfort that was available to me...”


The wooden doors to the balcony behind her were shut.


“During this time I killed anything and everything: little rodents, birds, wild animals, and even people. I was a survival machine; killing and feeding off the blood of my prey and then vanishing before anyone would notice me.”


“Kim,” Tommy muttered.


Tommy felt gravity begin to pull him towards her chest and could hear loud creaks from Kim's massive weight being shuffled about on the spring mattress.


“I also was angry! So angry that I had nobody that cared about me. I was intelligent enough to know that I didn't have to be alone; I noticed that people were together as families...And at the same time I didn't realize that by killing people I was destroying these families.”


She tossed around a bit on the bed, trying to get comfortable.


“Until one day I saw a little boy near the alley where I stayed...I wasn't hungry that day, and I didn't want to kill him either. I was attracted to this boy, I didn't know why, but all I knew was that I wanted to keep observing him, be near him.”


She paused for a bit, then continued, “And I kept at it, hunting whatever I could find and trying my best to be near this boy I was so infatuated with. For the first time in my life, I was actually happy...Simply watching the boy live his day-to-day life kept me entertained. Of course since I was young, I picked up the language and some of the customs pretty quickly; I would practice for the day when I would eventually confront this boy.”


Tommy huffed a bit upon hearing about the boy.


“Oh a little jealous are you?,” She teased.


“W-what, no way!”


She giggled at his reaction, “Anyway, thanks for making me feel better...Because this story is going to get a lot worse.”


The little man quickly went back to being solid serious.


“So after several years of stalking this kid I decided to confront him—I think I might have been around thirteen years old at the time. I stole a pink shirt and skirt, and tried to fix my messy hair to make myself as pretty as I could. 'Today is going to be the best ever!' Or so I thought...I met up with the boy and awkwardly talked to him. But in all my preparations to get pretty for this occasion, I hadn't had any blood to drink in a while.”


Oh no,” Tommy thought, “I know where this is headed.”


“It was fun, he was a nice kid and we played a bit in his backyard. He thought it was really cool how I casually jumped over his fence. But as time when on, I got thirstier and thirstier, but I couldn't attack him because I liked him.”


Her voice began to lower and the tone was bleak.


“And then his dad came out. I...I didn't care about his dad.”


“It was too easy,” She whispered in regret, “I popped his head off like the cap to a soda bottle before he even noticed I was there! I remember that I lapped at his open neck wound like it was a water fountain...It was so warm and refreshing.”


“And it had all been so normal to me, so routine. But the boy was wailing and crying his eyes out. I ignored him until my immediate thirst was gone...And then I nonchalantly turned to face him with his fathers severed head in my grasp...I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of feelings running through that boys mind!”


“Then I asked him...I asked him what happened—why he was crying.”


Her last bit of emotional strength faded with the memory and she burst into full crying.


“Its okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!,” Tommy yelled.


Kim rubbed her face with a hand and gently patted her breasts where her little man was.


“N-No, I can f-finish, I need to t-tell someone,” she sobbed.


“It was horrible, all the things he yelled at me and his incessant crying and screaming. I deserve all that and more but at the time I didn't really know what I did to make him hate me like that...Something about breaking his dad. Of course I wasn't too sure what he meant by 'dad', but to me it seemed like he really cared about that man; the one that had been mere food to me minutes earlier. My guts were churning and I felt guilty; something that was a new experience to me...”


“So I said I was sorry and, and...”


She paused for a moment and wiped her face again.


“And I tried to 'fix' his dad. I tried to put the head back where it went hoping that he would start moving again...I think that deep down I had a concept of life and death and knew that this man was never going to move again.”


“So instead I just ran away and left him to mourning. I didn't even get to know his name. I ran as far away from there as I could. It was weird to me that I felt so bad this time about drinking from someone when other times I didn't even bat an eyelash. And then I realized why...I had taken away someone important from that kid. I was always lonely and it made me sad and now he was lonely—because of me!”


She burst into full tears again; the quivering of her body rattled Tommy around between the mounds of her chest.


After some minutes she calmed herself enough to continue with her story, “There were many other times that other people came out when I attacked somebody—friends, family maybe. But since I didn't care about them I could never put myself in their shoes long enough to realize that I was doing wrong...Until this particular instance!”


“So from then on I decided never to drink blood from a person again! But...”


She inhaled once more, as if building up the strength to continue.


“It didn't work! Drinking Lyrian blood must be been part of what my species needs to do, and it ended up backfiring!”


“Next thing I knew, I was waking from a daze on a pile of corpses,” She mumbled dimly.


“So what were you supposed to do!,” Tommy asked in frustration.


“Eventually I perfected the way to get blood, fresh from a Lyrian, without killing them. That is what you saw the day I attacked those men with you in tow.”


“It takes a lot of control and patience on my part,” She added, “And in all honesty it would be so much simpler to kill them. But I've come to realize how rewarding it can be to preserve people's lives and how wrong of me it was to kill people before.”


She leaned back and patted her breasts as if looking for approval from Tommy.


“Well,” He began, “Does that philosophy of yours carry on to humans?”


“Of course!” She exclaimed, “As far as I'm concerned humans are just tiny versions of Lyrians! Both are just as fragile to me, and both are just as important!”


“Well I've certainly got no complaints there!,” Tommy replied, “In fact, you being a super-Lyrian is probably whats allowed someone as tiny as me to interact with you so much and still be intact!”


“Yeah well, I still put a lot of effort you know! It would kill me if your cute, tiny body was somehow hurt because of me!”


Having said that reminded her of the incident with the splinter and she began to speak up...


“No need to apologize,” Tommy interrupted, “It was an accident.”


“Thanks,” She said with flushed cheeks, “Your such a sweetie!”


“Just saying it like it is.”


“I know how hard you've been trying to find the right way to talk to somebody,” Tommy stated.


“You noticed?,” She asked, dumbfounded, “In all honesty it hasn't been too long since I've been going to school...And people seem to avoid me like the plague, although I've had the off 'friend' here and there.”


He thought back to how intimidating she seemed when they first met. There was a certain aura about her, something that alerted him of her true nature...


“Well Kim, I'm not gonna lie, your pretty intimidating,” He said, matter-of-fact.


“Yeah, I know,” She giggled, “Tell that to my past 'friends'.”


“But your just a big, sexy teddy bear at heart!,” He laughed.


She blushed, “Sexy too huh?”

“I don't think I'd be able to lie about that if I tried!”


The giantess yawned, quaking her entire landscape of a body.


“I need to get this bed fixed,” She mumbled, looking at the damage she'd done while in her horny trance.


“Yeah,” Tommy replied, “You seem to destroy something per orgasm! Where do you get all this money, anyway?”


“I'll tell you later,” She yawned, “By the way, are you comfy where you are?”


“Yep, couldn't be better.”


“Well then, how about we get some sleep, okay?”




“Oh and Tommy?”


“Whats up?”


“Thanks for listening.”

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