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“Oh, is it time already?”


“Yeah, come on, I'm gonna get some breakfast ready, get up and get rinsed up. I put a small piece of baby wipe right next to you, use it to clean yourself.”


Tommy opened his eyes and lifted himself up off the bed of soft napkins on her dresser next to her bed. He heard a variety of sizzles and sounds ringing throughout the house.


Tommy was still surprised to see how fast her house had been fixed after Kim's sprees. He remembered how back at the colonies there was a system of money in place for things like food and services. He wondered if that was how the Lyrians handled things as well, and if they did, how Kim seemed to have unlimited funds for someone who only seemed to go to school...


Whatever,” he thought, “Its not as if I'm a Lyrian anyway.”

Tommy walked himself over to the piece of baby wipe and scrubbed his naked body up against it, making sure to pay special attention to his hands and some of the wounds on his body—


The wounds on my body”


Tommy moved his body around and looked all over himself as best he could.


That's odd,” he thought, “I don't see any wounds or scars...”


Maybe Lyrians just have technology of this caliber?” he thought, “They did conquer the Earth in a matter of days after all, although that may have had more to do with the fact that most Lyrians are tall enough to touch the top of the Eiffel Tower with an outstretched arm than any technology they may have had...”


“Are you done, little Tommy?” Kim asked; breaking his train of thought.


“Ah, yeah I'm done!” he said with a bit of a jump.


Man she sure loves sneaking up on me!”


Kim eyed the tiny naked man on her dresser, her sensitive eyesight allowed her to see Tommy in crisp detail.


He's certainly a handsome little man,” She thought, “Oh, what I would give to have him be deep inside...”


She bit her lower lip...


Tommy looked up to see his towering hostess sweating like a pig over an open fire.


Hoo boy, I was starting to get worried this wasn't the Kim I'd known for the past few days...”


She bent over—her enormous sweaty breasts, struggling to be contained by a thin black bra, dominated his view.


Her green eyes were intoxicated and her cheeks were a bit pink in color.


Every awkward second increased the volume of her breathing until Tommy was sure it was the only thing he could hear from every direction.


“Ugh, Kim, I'm finished.”


Kim let out a moan and she her mouth to let a large, pink tongue fall out. She brought her gigantic face level with Tommy; she looked like a panting dog. Each quick inhale she took pulled Tommy towards her cavernous mouth and each exhale pushed him back.


“H-HEY! Kim, your starting to freak me out!”


“OH!” She yelped with a jump and shook her head side to side, “I-I'm sorry, I, ugh need to use the restroom. Yeah that's it!”


She quickly walked to the bathroom door next to the dresser and slammed the door behind her.


“Whew, that was close,” he whispered once she was out of sight.


Man, she's starting to behave like a wild animal!” he thought in worry, “I'm starting to wonder if staying here was such a good idea...”


Tommy walked around the dresser for a couple minutes, when the bathroom door slapped open.


“Come on lets go eat,” she said, casually grabbing Tommy off the dresser.


“Gah!” Tommy manged to blurt out before he was sealed in the darkness of her fist.


She deposited him onto the kitchen counter next to mountainous plates of what looked like bacon, eggs, and sausages.


Man the trip was a little rough, sometimes she forgets that I'm smaller than a raisin compared to her.”


“Hey Kim, are you alright now?” he asked.


She took several pieces of bacon, several sausages along with a large spoonful of scrambled egg into her mouth all at once.


“Umm, Kim?”


She looked like a chipmunk munching down all her food while reaching for more.




Not very ladylike,” Tommy thought.


“Um, can I have some?” Tommy said quietly.


Kim wasn't paying attention, she was scarfing down her food like this was the first meal she'd had in ages.


This was the first time Tommy spent larger amounts of time with a woman. He was pondering whether her behavior was due to being a Vampire, a Lyrian, or just a woman.


“Um, can I-” Tommy stopped himself, he didn't know why but he was certain he didn't want to annoy her—instead he sad down on the counter and curled up into a little ball.


Minutes later he stood up to see if he could get something...Those great mountains of food were gone, there was not even a scrap left behind.


Kim let out a burp and patted her stomach, “Now...”


Kim hunched over the table in front of Tommy, “Come here Tommy.”


Her face had pieces of crusted up bacon and her breath smelled like rotten egg.


Tommy turned his head and coughed.


“Hee hee, sorry Tommy, I haven't brushed my teeth yet.”


“Now,” Kim said reaching out, “Come here I said.”


Tommy stood in place frozen in fear, Kim had just devoured an entire city of food and she didn't even look satisfied. He was sure that if Kim were human she would have just packed away like several pounds of food in a matter of minutes.


“Um, Kim I'm hungry too, can I have something to eat?”


She gently pinched him between two fingers.


“Of course you can have something!” She giggled as she pulled him up.


Kim tore off her black bra with her other hand and tossed it over her shoulder.


She stopped Tommy ascent just in front of her massive right breast.


“Wait a minute Kim, can't I get something else.”


“Hmm, you had lemon cake and ice cream remember? That's very unhealthy for you. You need something healthy this time.”


Tommy's stomach churned at the thought of breast milk. Besides that cake and ice cream he hadn't had anything save breast milk for the past couple of days.


“Please Kim, can't I have some fruit or something?”




“Oh,” he blurted with his head down.




Kim gently rubbed her erect nipple and let out a small moan, interrupting what Tommy was going to say.


“Now, now, Tommy,” she cooed, “Don't argue with me, I know what's best for you, okay little guy?”


He already knew it was futile to debate further when she was like this.


Kim began to bring Tommy closer to her breast.


“But can I ask something else?”


“Oh, okay Tommy.”


“Um, can I get something to wear?” he asked shyly, “I don't like being naked all the time.”


She stopped nearing Tommy to her breast, “What was that?”

Tommy shivered, “I ahh, nevermind.”


“No, please ask me again.”


Tommy couldn't see the expression on her face, so there was of knowing how she would react, but there was no way she didn't hear him considering all the other times she'd picked up on even the slightest of sounds.


He gulped, “U-um, c-can I get s-something to wear, please?”


“Aww but I enjoy seeing your naked wittle body.”


“Please Kim, I don't like this,” Tommy begged.


“Hmm, okay,” she said, “But you gotta promise to drink lots of milk to get stronger for me, okay?”


“Yeah, I promise, thank you!”


“Ooh, I cant wait to find some cute little outfits for you to wear,” she squealed in delight.


She deposited him onto her erect nipple with moan and cupped her other hand under her breast.


“Now, I'm going to sit here for five minutes and let you have your breakfast, then I'll go take a shower and we'll head out to school.”


“Um, okay,” Tommy said, “But am I really gonna come with you the whole day?”


“Aww, you don't want to?” she said disappointingly.


“I, uh.”


“But you'll be able to spend the whole day with my breasts.” she interrupted, “Plus you don't have to worry about food, you've a buffet of fresh milk waiting for you! Come on now, pretty please Tommy?”


He was a little angry, but at the same time he knew she was also thinking about his safety...After all it wasn't too long ago he was almost the lunch of some disgusting animal.


“Oh, okay then.”


“Wow, thanks a Tommy, I feel much better having a big strong man along with me.”


Tommy blushed a little even though he knew she was teasing him.


“And after classes we can go to the pet store and see if they got any itty-bitty clothes for my favorite little guy!”


“Okay!” Tommy yelled happily.


Tommy found it odd how infatuated Kim seemed to be with him. Maybe she was really lacking company, he wasn't sure what made him so special.


He lay down on the wrinkly, pink flesh and bit into it; sweet warm milk began to pour into his mouth.


This isn't as bad as I make it seem,” he thought, “But I really wish I could have had some bacon or whatever it was.”


After he had his fill, he let Kim know.


She cleared the plates and left him on the table to go take a shower, “Behave yourself okay?”


As soon as he was sure Kim was gone, he got up and began walking around the table in hopes of finding a scrap of real food.


“There's got to be a scrap of that bacon looking stuff around here somewhere!”


He knew that Kim could be out of the shower any minute, so he picked up the pace and began to run around the table looking for any little bits of food.


Oh if only the plates were still here!”


Eventually he ran out of juice and stopped to catch his breath.


Damn that Kim was thorough! And whats with this ban she has on unhealthy food anyway!?” he thought to himself angrily.


Damn her, why is she doing this to me, what did I ever do to her!?”


Tommy sat down on the table. It had already been more than twenty minutes and he was sure that finding anything was hopeless now.


I love Kim but she's mean sometimes! Why can't I have even a little bit of real food?”


That's when he spotted a little chunk of something off in the distance—the brown color contrasted with the white of the table so it was easier to spot.


Tommy picked himself up and ran over to the chunk, sure enough it was a crumb of bacon. Small enough to Kim but larger than his whole fist.


“Oh boy!” he squealed as he began biting into the savory meat.


The bacon-esque chunk was crispy and savory, without being over-salted. Tommy couldn't have asked for better cooked meat if he tried.


All of a sudden the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he quickly turned around.


Uh oh”

“Its really good, isn't it?”


“I-I, um,” he sputtered.


“It's only natural to be attracted by something so yummy,” she said as she brought her enormous face in line with the table, “Now drop it mister!”


“But, but you just said-”


Her eyes focused in and sent a shiver down his spine.


“Please Kim, let me have it!” he squeaked.


“No, Tommy, now please drop it and lets go.”


“I-I, please...”


Tears began to form in his eyes. He felt like a dog, a pet, a thing.


All of his choice was being ripped away by this woman and there wasn't anything he could do.


Why did she give me so many option for television but none for food!?” he thought angrily.


He dropped it and fell to his knees, sobbing in frustration.


“W-Why can't I have it?” he cried between sobs.


Kim hunched over the table and reached for Tommy.


“Aww, my poor little man,” she cooed, “Come here.”


She slowly lifted him up; the tiny man in her fist was bawling his eyes out.


Kim opened her fist into a palm in front of her face, “Please Tommy don't cry like this, your making me want to cry.”


“Why can't I have it?” he sniffed, “I'm not asking for a lot, I just want something else besides milk!”


Kim felt terrible. She wanted to keep him on a diet of mostly breast milk to heal him faster after he was hurt so badly before, but she didn't want to make him hate her.


“I'm sorry Tommy, your right,” she said sadly, “I've been too domineering, I'll let you have one thing besides breast milk at each meal. How does that sound?”


He sniffed and wiped his face off, “Really?”


She brought a finger and poked him with the fleshy part of her finger, “Yep!”


“I get to pick?” he asked.


“Yes, yes, you get to pick, but you already had your meat so no more for now okay?”


He happily jumped in place, “I understand then, thanks!”


She giggled at the sight of a tiny person jumping for joy on her open palm.


“I'm glad your happy but I need to tuck you in my bra now, I'm gonna be late for class!”


Tommy stopped jumping and gave her a smile, “Sure!”

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