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A swirling vortex engulfed him as he was flung between universes, unknown laguages flashed before his eyes, and disapproving faces towered over him. It was a fear James had not known before, an unknown sensation that mortified and mystified him. As quickly as the nightmare began it had ended. James lay awake in his bed, staring into the darkness that hid his ceiling. 


He lay pondering what had occurred in his dream when a loud beeping filled the room. startled, James realized he must have set his alarm clock to activate on saturday, setting it friday night out of habit. James reached up to feel for the familiar buttons but felt nothing but his bed sheets. Odd, he thought.


He sat up and looked behind him to see that the alarm was several miles up a pillow cliff, with huge red numbers blinking at 7 o' clock AM. Speechless, James stared, and after a few minutes of taking in his surrounding he realized what had happened. He had shrunk, he had shrunk a lot.


He peered down the towards the foot of his bed, and saw his red boxers laying flat where he was previously laying. With the alarm still sounding, James made his way towards the boxers. He thought he knew what boxers looked like, but his size gave him a whole new perspective. within his boxers he felt the ground begin to shake in a methodical beat. Suddenly he heard his door open.


"it's seven AM on a saturday, what is wrong with that boy?"

it was his mother. He looked out through his boxers to see his mother bending over his bed to shut off the alarm, and she was in nothing but some panties and a loose fitting top. He couldn't help but notice her delicious looking rear, as his mother was very attractive for her age. He felt himself getting an erection and blushed, knowing his attraction was forbidden by society, but he couldn't help it.


His mother turned and began to leave, but she stopped at the door way, and turned her gaze to the pair of boxers on the bed.


"he must have gotten up early for something..."


As she began to walk towards him, James fell to his stomach and gripped the fabric as hard as he could for the incoming tilting of the world. He felt himself rising and then found himself on his mothers bare arm. She had folded the boxers inside out. She started to move, he knew where she was heading. She was heading to the washing machine. James detached himself from the fabric and crawled along his mothers' arm, clinging to tiny hairs to keep from falling.


They arrived at the washing machine and she threw the boxers in. His mother and he began moving back down the hall to his parents bedroom. James did not enjoy invading the privacy of others, but it seemed that under his circumstances he would have no choice. She opened the door, and still clinging to the hairs on her arm looked backwards to see his father, who was still fit and attractive, laying on his back in their bed with a slight erection. James didn't like where this was going.

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