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Kari quickly walked out of the neighborhood. Feeling her tiny captives struggling still, she spoke.
"What's wrong? Don't you want to play? I'm just going to take a look at you-nya...." Kari replied. She calmly opened the door to her house, kicked off her boots, and went over to her desk.
Taking out all three, she placed them on the desk. Prodding at each for a while, she finally picked Dekar up first.
"I'll start with you....." she said, still miffed at him. She examined him with an X-ray scope. She performed various tests and examinations of his body, then recorded the data.
"Not especially different from the last one, except even more violent.....and rather ugly." She took notes, looking down at him with disgust. "You're terrible. You killed one of your own kind."
"What's the big deal, kitty lady? I kill people all the time." Dekar said.
"Is EVERYONE this violent?" asked Kari.
"You wouldn't believe. A good portion of people like to "follow the rules". But me and the rest of them don't see it that way. We want to live OUR way!" he spat.
"So you kill without remorse."
Kari looked shocked. It was unheard of on her home world to murder someone in cold blood. Very few people were this violent.
Dekar was proud of it. "There's plenty of killing all the time! You must be from another planet or something. Didn't you hear on the news about the war?"
"Yeah. So don't get all mushy on me. I'm not the only one who kills."
Kari stared down at Dekar. So there were wars on this planet, where there hadn't been a single such conflict on hers.
"So that's the way it is-nya. There's no way that we can co-exist with human beings on this planet. " Kari said, with a sense of finality.
"Just, who are you?" demanded Dekar.
"I'm Kari Akimoto, and I'm from a planet just like this, but with cat-people instead of Homo Sapiens. Stop asking questions." she said. She was both angry and disappointed, that her people couldn't come here after all.
"Let me go, lady!" he shouted.
"Let you go? I've room for dessert...." she said. Quickly, her hand shot towards him. Before he could protest, he was in her grasp. In seconds he was in her mouth, pushed around still playfully in there. A few times she bit down gently on his body, but didn't even bother to chew him up completely, as she swallowed. He eventually passed out and died in her stomach.
Purring gently, she took out Roberto. She was still hungry, but as she looked at him, she felt her anger melting away as quickly as it appeared. He was so helpless, she could eat him.....but he was too cute. Too handsome.
"You're pretty cute......" Getting ahold of herself, she put him under the X-Ray scope and examined him. Her mission still wasn't done. Although she didn't know why she bothered. There weren't different types of humans, from what she could see, except for outward appearance (Asian, African, etc.) which was also true in a way on her own home planet.
"You're so much like us......and yet your personalities are so far away.....destructive....." Kari said.
Roberto was scared for his life. He wasn't about to question her. Besides, she was kind of right.
"Yeah, I agree. It's in our nature to destroy ourselves, sadly...." he said, shivering.
"Hmm? What do you know about human beings?" Kari asked, her ears perking up.
"Lots. I could give you the goods on them anyday." he said, trying to keep her occupied.
"I see." Kari said, starting to take notes.
And so Roberto eventually went into a whole speech about humanity's ups and downs, about the story of the man who believed the A-bomb was the only way and it's subsequential dropping on Hiroshima, about the Cold War, the revolution, the whole deal. Of course, he didn't neglect to mention the percentage of truely good hearted human beings too.
Kari kept taking notes. "This will be wonderful for my data report!"
"Data report?" Roberto asked, still shaking a bit.
"Didn't I say? I was sent here to collect data on human beings and the planet. All the stuff you're telling me is great for examining human behavior. You know a lot about this planet's history, mouse boy......" she said.
"Well, I am a history major..." he said, beaming. "Hey wait a minute. Mouse boy?"
"Well, you look so cute and tiny like that, and mice are small, so I nickname you mouse boy. Meow!" she said with a smile.
"If that nickname is a good thing, I would be happy to take it!" Roberto said. He started to feel more at ease. And such a cute smile, he could get lost in it....
After a half-hour had passed, it was almost like Roberto had written the report FOR her.
"Thank you-nya! I have just about everything I need!" Kari said. She clicked a few options on her computer, and a microscopic dimensional gateway was opened, and her data was immeadiately transferred. "And......done!"
"You mean you can just send it and that's it?" he said.
"Yeah. Well, as I promised......" Kari took out her matter compressing ray and restored both Roberto and that clerk, who she never bothered to touch, to normal size.
"I didn't need the fourth person because I already had all the data I needed." she said. "Run along, nya!" she said, patting the clerk.
He took one look at Kari and RAN the f--- out of there.
Standing in front of Roberto, she began to speak. "You know, mouse boy, I've come to realise something. Human beings are confrontational. Throughout the years all they've done is disagree, from what you've told me. But this conflict will cause them to destroy themselves. The weapons you told me about.....may very well bring about their end.
"You know humans are kind of like mice too, to us? I'm much bigger than this, according to what I was told back at the start of all of this. They care only about themselves, fighting to survival. And for the short time I've been here and the experiences I've had, I want to play......play with them, hunt them..... I don't want to stand around like this any longer while they ruin this planet. So many innocent creatures......." she said, remembering the hunter who killed for fun. "I don't WANT to co-exist with humans anymore!"
"What about your mission, Kari?" he asked, starting to get concerned again. Hunt them? Did his speech really affect her view on humans that much?
"Oh, my mission is done. They said I could stay here the rest of the time. I'm going to use that time for my own purposes, my own fun, nya! Now come outside with me, you cute boy..."
Kari opened the door and walked outside, still swishing her tail happily. She was happy that she knew at least one GOOD human being.
"Before you start, could I.......could I.....touch your ears?" he said with a sense of curiousity. Obviously he had never seen a real live catgirl before.
"Oh.....sure. If you'd like." Kari said, still smiling. Despite all the negative things about human beings she had just heard, she still liked Roberto. He was special to her.....
Roberto reached out hesitantly........and gently poked her left ear. It twitched up, causing him to jump back, but he just laughed. Then he started to scratch behind it.
"Mmmmmmmm......meow.......that's nice......" she said, purring loudly. He scratched for about a minute, then, happy that it pleased her, he stopped and backed up.
"So, you're......supposed to be bigger than "human size" am I right? Just..........how big are you?" Roberto asked curiously.
"I don't know. In human measurements, I can't be sure. They only mentioned there was an 'Extreme size diffference.' You.......better back away to be sure." Kari said with a warning tone.
Roberto backed up 25 yards away.
"FARTHER!" she called out.
Figuring he had to go REALLY far, Roberto simply ran for it, shouting "OKAY, START!"
Kari opened her mouth, dropped the restoration pill in her mouth, and swallowed it. Nothing happened for about a minute. Then, her body trembled violently as it started to shoot up. Higher and higher.
Her beautiful, creamy, smooth legs were getting longer. Her arms stretched out almost like taffy, except expanding proportionally. Her torso expanded, faster and faster. Her voluptuous breasts seemed to almost balloon up, like any fan boy's wet dream. Her emerald green eyes became larger than billboards. Her hands and feet enlarged to the point where entire city blocks would fall to them. Those cute ears engorged themselves, to the point where at her size she could hear the slightest movement. Her tail whipped back and forth, getting longer and thicker than even a redwood.... And it didn't end there.....Her growth seemed to have NO END!
Caring for Roberto's safety, she stepped backwards. A massive BOOM reverberated across the landscape. Her huge shadow covered for miles and miles. The ground rumbled from her mere growth and you could almost HEAR her body getting larger, more powerful......The growth could be equated to someone turning on a faucet and being unable to turn it back off....
Roberto braced herself as it felt like the entire planet was shaking to him. There was even a slight gale force. He found himself shrouded in Kari's enormous shadow. He merely braced himself for the rest of the way rather than stand and watch. And still, she grew impossibly taller, every feature of her body become larger and more defined. To her it felt like she was un-compressing her body from a tight package, feeling more free by the second. "OOOOH..."
It seemed to take hours before it finally stopped, when in reality it was only a few minutes. Roberto, still shrouded in Kari's shadow, looked up, and fell back in awe at what he was seeing.
Kari's boots. And barely that. He could only see partially up the boots unless he strained his neck, but even at that, the POV only allowed him to see up to the top of her boots by the ankles. He couldn't have been any larger than a grain of sand to her, because the soles of her boots alone dwarfed his body. He realised it was fortunate that she had stepped backwards, because otherwise she'd have grown right on top of him. On Kari's scale he was only a few inches away. At this remarkable sight, he gasped.

"WOW. Just.........WOW."

The colassal fifty-two mile catgirl stretched out her arms and legs, letting out a thundering, but incredibly cute, "MEOOOOOOWWW...."
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