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Author's Chapter Notes:

Who says we can't have silly porn?

 Man is stand in market square, name Kristaps. Kristaps is hungry, as is life. Today hunger get too much for him, he go into town with intention to steal potato. Wife say “No, Kristaps! Do not steal potato, politburo will find and kill!” But he say, “We are have three children. Is my duty.”

Kristaps now stand in market center, look around. He see man with potato for sale. Is only one potato. Kristaps once hear of merchant who have two potato, but he believe to be myth. Potato is one lat. This is three year work for Kristaps. He is only have pocket of dirt and daughter to trade, but he hold out on daughter for now. Kristaps take potato and run quickly away. Merchant cries after him, but Kristaps is fast.

When get home, politburo already raid house. Is coincidence. Kristaps family already being sent to Sibera to work as slave. When he open door, he see lady dressed in black uniform. Kristaps would think word 'clean' about it but he is unaware of word. They are look at each other, then down at potato in Kristaps hand.

“I am Lilija of politburo. You are steal potato?” She point at Kristaps' hand.

“No, I farm.” He respond. She shake head.

“You farm dirt. Latvian scientist recently discover it take more than dirt to make potato.”

He clutch dirt in pocket. He wonder how she knew. Kristaps get red in face, and mouth dry. But mouth is always dry. Water is rare. “Do not take me.” He beg. “I am give potato back. You can eat whole.”

“You think politburo would waste month supply of food?” She respond, clearly offend. “You are insult to me and to Latvia.” Suddenly, she is pull something out of pocket. She point it at Kristaps, and he become small. Potato fall beside him, make loud noise. Lilija walk up to him, black high heel boots many time his size.

“You are have metal object?” Kristaps say, amaze. Metal is rare and Kristaps learn long ago it is good to eat when potato are scarce.

Potato are always scarce.

“Politburo have many thing you do not know, Kristaps.” She say. Her voice boom, but again Kristaps does not know what is 'thunder,' so experience is new to him. She reach down and pick up potato. Potato is much bigger than Kristaps now, and she lift so easily. Kristaps realize he is like bug to her, only politburo does not starve like dirt farmer, so he does not know if she will eat him.

She reach down and pick him up with other hand. “Maybe I am drill hole in potato and put you inside, make you like potato worm. You are like?” Being surround by potato is Latvian man's dream, but be like worm is not. If found by other Latvian, surely be eat.

“No, please!” He beg again. Lilija enjoy his fear. “I am want only to dirt farm! I never think about potato again!”

“Lie.” She say, and he know it to be true. “But will not insert you into potato. Is much too valuable to waste on you.” She hand potato off to colleague, who take it back to headquarters to be process. “You are bug now, and would drain Latvian resources.”

Kristaps open mouth to speak, but suddenly is fall many lengths of dirt farm back to ground. Is land on back, hard to breathe. Lilija look down at him with contempt. “You are want eat?” She ask.

“If is okay.” Kristaps respond.

“Is okay. Lick boot.” She slide boot forward, in front of little man. He look at it, see dirt he toil over in his field on surface. He nod and start licking. “Is good, Kristaps. Maybe you are not disgrace all of Latvia.” He swell with pride. Not physically, though. Is still tiny man.

“I will lick boot more to honor Latvia!” He say, and Lilija nod. Lilija is politburo, and those who would go against politburo are kaptialists. It is clear lick boot is make Latvia better, so he lick.

Lilija look enjoy, but inside is bored. Can feel nothing from little man, sole so thick. She contemplate taking boot off and make lick bare flesh, but decide against. Dirt floor is okay for farmer, not for politburo. She sigh, and smile fade from face. Kristaps clearly worry.

“What is wrong?” He ask.

“You are not lick hard enough. No is feel through boot.”

“This is normal yes?”

“Yes. Does not mean you do not disgrace Latvia.”

“Please, I am try more.” Kristaps say, and start lick again. She twitch boot forward, send little man to ass.

“No. You are try enough, and fail. You are to be execute.”

“No, please. I am try harder!” Lilija place sole of boot on top of little man. Cannot feel through sole still, but know he is there. Little life beneath boot. Always good feeling.

“Do not worry Kristaps. Family will not know how you die, will think you stole potato and ate for self. They will be happy for success, even as they are work.” She say, but is lie. His family will die in transport. Latvian nights so cold.

“Please, you are just let me live as bug! I am risk being eat!”

Lilija is done explain herself to little man. He is not understand value of his life. She press down, and Kristaps make small crunch. His blood not even visible until she smear sole to the side, leaving red streak in dirt. Almost invisible. She smile and wipe foot one more time, cover sole with dirt instead of blood of gross little man. Dirt worth much more.


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