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Part 6


Carol Strong profile

Hair: red

Skin: white

Eyes: gray

Height: 6250 feet

Home world: GTS-700


Carol Strong was a 6'4" university student when she became a GTS-Goddess in the 1980's.


Carol is unusual in her sexual hunger. She had sex with hundreds of normal size men at once, but they couldn't satisfy her. Over the years thousands of men died in vain, trying to meet her sexual needs. She even tried using buildings as sex toys. Some lesbian GTS-Goddesses approached her but she turned them down. Her world hates gays and lesbians. They even had a world war against them and by the time Carol became a GTS-Goddess, they were none left.


Then in 1999 Carol meet Harold the GT-God. It was a dream comes true for her. Finally there was a man big enough to meet her sexual needs. They soon became lovers. Then one night, Rose Crusher caught them in the act. Rose then informed the GTS Council, who were not pleased with Carol's relationship with Harold.


The very next day, carol and Harold found themselves before the GTS Council. Carol was then fired and banned from GTS-Space. (Harold was also banned from GTS-Space) Rule of GTS-700 was then handed to June Power a giantess Carol hated. Jennifer Large then gave them the boot.


Carol then blamed Harold for her troubles. She told him "I never want to see you again."


Story appearances


Three's a crowd

Cathy a.k.a. Chatty profile

Hair: red

Eyes: Green

Skin: white

Height: 1000 feet


Cathy became a GTS-Goddess in 1924. She shocked her world when she walked around naked. The mayor of her hometown (which is Boston) had a heart attack when he saw Cathy in the nude. Cathy likes being nude, much to the dismay of the people of her world. Her parents and siblings tried to talk her into putting some clothes, but failed.


Cathy was nicknamed Chatty by her fellow GTS-Goddesses because of her never-ending chatter. She can talk your ears off if you let her.


In 1992 she welcomed Clara to the GTS-Goddess race. She didn't stay on Clara's world very long.


Story appearances

Meet Clara


Cherry Dolon profile

Hair: red

Skin: white

Eyes: green

Height: 1200 feet


Cherry became a GTS-Goddess in the early 1980's. She was a happy GTS-Goddess until 1992, the year she pissed off Jennifer Large. Jennifer didn't like being in the palm of Cherry's hand. (Cherry's "I'm bigger, therefore more important than you" attitude also angered her) Jennifer then went to the Wishbone restaurant and ordered the Wishbone meal deal.


The next day, Cherry finds herself in the palm of Jennifer's hand. To this day Cherry and Jennifer do not get along.


Cherry was upset when she found out Wishbone was behind Jennifer's creation. She ordered the Wishbone restaurant away from her world.


In the spring of 1997, Cherry met Jill Gilbert. Cherry did not believe Jill, when she said she used to be a man.


Story appearances

Gender War: Cindy meets Jill

The memoirs of Stanley Charm


Cheryl profile

Hair: red

Skin: White

Eyes: green

Height: 2500 feet


Cheryl was created directly by Mr. G in 1500.


In 1994 she arrived on the world known as Alexandria's world and declared the world part of GTS-Space. (Tact was never Cheryl's strong point) The people including Alexandria rose up in rebellion against her, but she easily defeated them.


In 1996 after Alexandria became a GTS-Goddess, the two GTS-Goddesses fought. Then Cheryl handed the world over to her.


Cheryl is a member of the evil GTS-Goddess club. In July of 2000 she attended the party on Dennis's world. And she had a hand in the destruction of several American cities. She also sang at the party, but her singing voice leaves much to be desired.


 In the spring of 2008 she was part of the group of evil GTS-goddesses that met Buffy,


Cheryl also attended the first annual evil GTS-goddess club barbecue. On the menu was whales, seals and cooked humans.

Story appearances

Alexandria's story

GTS-Goddess party 2000


Stanley Charm memoirs

She’s the 2500 foot redhead in I don’t want to be a giant mermaid


To be continued


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