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Part 7


Cheryl Jones

Hair: blond

Skin White

Eyes: blue

Height: 4000 feet


Cheryl was just another woman in Riverdale, California, until the stroke of midnight on January 1st 1900. Then she grew into a 4000-foot GTS-Goddess. Much to her embarrassment, her clothes didn't grow with her.


Stanley Charm was in Riverdale at the time and later wrote about the incident in his memoirs.


Cheryl later forced the people of her world to make her clothes. Other than unreasonable clothes demands, she is a gentle goddess.


Story appearances

The memoirs of Stanley Charm


Author note: Her last name is not found in the story. I give her last name here, to tell her apart from the other Cheryl.


Chris profile

Hair: brown

Skin: white

Eyes: blue

Height: 1000 feet


Chris became a GTS-goddess in 1995.


In 1998 Chris destroyed a Big Burger restaurant in Jamestown. Chris was tried of hearing their ads for their big burgers. She then gave them a challenge, if their big burgers could fill her up, she would leave them alone. They failed that challenge.


Yet by July of 2000 Chris had forgiven Big Burger.  On Dennis's world, she tried to order a double cheeseburger with medium supercola from a Big Burger in Danville, Illinois. But neither Chris nor the Sizechanger she asked to place the order for her had any money. So the manager refused to sell to them. Then Chris had to run for it when Michelle crushed the whole state of Illinois underfoot. Chris was mad at Michelle. Michelle for her part decided to tease Chris by calling her Christine.


I'm going to reveal a secret. The real reason Chris doesn't like to be called Christine is because she used to be a man. Her name was never Christine (although most GTS-Goddesses assume that's her real name). (Her name was Christopher)


Chris comes from a world controlled by the Male Bashers. To this day she fears them for they killed many of her friends.


Chris doesn't rule her home world. She hasn't stepped foot on it since becoming a GTS-Goddess. And as long as the Male Bashers are around she never will.


By the way if you ask her, Chris will deny ever being a man.


In 2008 Chris was sent to Buffy’s world to help out. She didn’t plan on it but she and Buffy fell in love. But that love died when she found out Buffy used to be a man. She then left Buffy’s world and never came back.


In 2013 Chris was summoned to a meeting at Possibilities bar. She was shocked to see her fellow ex-men there. When Sam showed up looking for advice Chris walked out of the meeting.

Story appearances

GTS-Goddess party 2000

Buffy meets Chris


Cindy Gibson profile

Hair: red

Skin: white

Eyes: green

Height: 10,000 feet


Cindy always wanted things her own way. That's why the Doomsday Society chose her to become of their millennium GTS-Goddesses. On the stroke of midnight, January 1st 2000, she became a GTS-Goddess.


She soon took over her native Australia. She had dreams of World Empire. A world where Australia conquered then ruled the world. To her disappointment, her fellow Australians weren't up to the task.


By the summer of 2000, she was a member of the evil GTS-Goddess club and a darling of the Doomsday Society.


She attended the party on Dennis's world and took part in the destruction of several American cities.


Story appearances

Mentioned in Lois

GTS-Goddess party 2000


Claire profile

Hair: brunette

Skin: white

Eyes: green

Height: 800 feet


Claire is from an earth where Acadia stayed in French hands. Claire refuses to speak English although unlike Abbee she doesn't have a personal hate of English speaking people, although she does prefer to deal with people from French speaking countries.


Claire became a GTS-Goddess in 1934.


Story appearances

None yet


Clara profile

Hair: brunette

Skin: white

Eyes: brown

Height: one mile


When she was human, Clara was a short girl. (4'11" to be exact) She used to complain about how short she was. Then one day in 1992, Mr. G had enough of her complaining and turned her into a mile tall GTS-Goddess, much to Clara's dismay and the people of Lethbridge, Alberta.


Cathy then welcomed her to the GTS-goddess race. Rose Crusher also dropped in briefly. But for the most part Clara was on her own. She is a very gentle GTS-Goddess.


In 1995 she visited the home earth of the Male bashers. This is the home world of Chris. There are some that say that Clara was responsible for Chris becoming a member of the GTS-Goddess race. While others say that she fell in love with a man on that world but had to brake up with him.


In 2008 Clara paid a brief visit to Buffy’s world. She told Buffy that Chris wanted to be left alone. Clara accidently told Buffy that she was responsible for Chris’s GTS-Goddess hood.

Story appearances:

Meet Clara


To be continued



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