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Part 3


Anna profile

Hair: brunette

Skin: white

Eyes: green

Height: 1000 meters (3280 feet)


Anna became a GTS-Goddess in 1960. Being a loyal Soviet citizen she made it her mission to have the Soviet Union (where she was born and raised) dominate the world.


By the summer of 1991 when Stanley Charm visited her world the Soviets had won the cold war. The United States was falling apart with Alaska, Hawaii and Texas independent countries. (That said, Alaska became a Soviet puppet by the 21 century) Capitalism was dead and socialism ruled the world.


Anna did have a bit of rough time during the GTS/SW war (2001-2009). Many Russian giantesses got shipped to other worlds and lost their lives. Even worse the Baltic republics rose up in rebellion against her. And what was left of America also fought her.  But she crushed all rebels in the end. Thanks to her the Soviet Union is still intact in 2013 CE. And the United States is history.


Story appearances

Mentioned in The memoirs of Stanley Charm


Annie McAllen profile

Hair: brunette

Skin: white

Eyes: brown

Height: 5'8" during the day, five miles at night


Annie was a scientist when the Doomsday Society made her a part time giantess in 1998. (Annie made a deal with an agent named Dean.)


Annie was jealous of Valerie (Who went to Annie for help in dealing with her giantess activities) Annie wanted her own supply of tiny people and things. She wanted to make the multi universe her Petri dish.


Soon her lab was filled with samples taken from many different worlds. Valerie tried to talk sense into her. But she and Valerie soon came to blows. They eventually realized they couldn't hurt each other. (Both are GTS-Goddesses after all)


Annie asked Dean to pull the plug on Valerie. But Dean refused, for their efforts to pull the plug on Valerie had failed although he tell Annie that.


In June of 1999, Annie decided to add parts of Sally's world to her collection. When Sally Cooper confronted Annie, Annie replied that she was saving them from Sally's growth. Annie gave Sally a copy of GTS-Today and showed her an article on Sally's growth.  The same magazine also had an article on Annie.


Later while Annie was trying to take part of downtown Calgary, Sally tried to stop her. Annie decided to take people from out of Sally's sight. It was on this world that Annie got the nickname 'Flash and scoop'.


By the summer of 2000 Annie was a member of the evil GTS-Goddess club. Although her schedule didn't allow her to take part in the destruction of cities but she did drop in on the party. (She also spied on the rebel conference on GTS-345)


In 2100, Annie put part of her city collection up for sale at the party being held on Sally's body. Pearl then tried to disrupt the sale by selling her own cities. Then Justice shows up and she and Annie get into an argument.


(BTW Sally wasn't too trilled about the city sale. But she figured short of disrupting the entire party there was nothing she could do about it.)


Story appearances

Without warning

Doubling Sally

GTS-Goddess party 2000

Jessica and the GTS-Goddess party


April Smith profile


Hair: jet-black

Skin: white but tanned

Eyes: brown

Height: 800 feet


April Smith was a giantess fan inspired by Chelgi's stories. She had dreams of being a 100 to 200 foot giantess.


Then one day in 1998, she grew into an 800-foot GTS-Goddess.


April was not happy. She felt she was too big. So she volunteered to scout out worlds with shrinking potions and shrinking technology, hoping to get shrunk.


The shrinking technology world was her first stop. To her disappointment, their shrink rays didn't effect her. Later she became the first GTS-Goddess to get nuked.


After she had recovered, she headed to Stacey's world. First contact between the Super witches and the GTS-goddesses did not go well. The witches jailed her. But later Rose and Luanne freed her.


As the years passed, April grew to accept her size. Also April became close friends with Rose Crusher and Luanne Maxwell.


In 2300 she attended the party being held on Jessica's world. She was also one of the first goddesses to meet Goddess Kristen and Goddess Susan. Their arrival made April nervous. She was afraid they would somehow wreck the party.


In early January of 3000, April was in charge of looking after former 'pet of the party'. She was not pleased to discover that Dennis, one of the pets in her charge, was missing.


Story Appearances


Too tall

Jessica and the GTS-Goddess party

Lois: awakening



To be continued


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