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Author's Chapter Notes:

My first story HURRAY! No giantess content in this first chapter but there will be some in the second when the story picks up. This first one is really more for main character development.



                Trials Chapter 1: Lost

                “Life has a way of leading us to strangest of places and if you’re not prepared you will be lost forever.”  These words hung in his ears over and over as he trudged through the forest floor. He had been lost for days in this accursed foliage the words of his teacher forever mocking him for his failure. He fished into his pocket for his wallet and badge. For a moment he looked at it shimmering in cheap bronze: Private second class Ramsey Lench of the Queen Lucinda Qwailis’ royal army.

“Don’t join the military!” the voice said. “It will only lead to your undoing.” The voice of his tutor echoed as he pondered the badge. That old bitch had never been more right. This was suicide. He knew that as soon as he got the orders. The mission was simple enough track down a group of murderers who ransacked the Squall Harbor and bring them to face the Queen’s justice. The only problem was that he was completely green having only been promoted a month prior and just at the tail end of his scouts training. Also this was a mission more suited for a squad and not one lone soldier. The gang numbered in the dozens how was one person supposed to capture them all and somehow transport them miles through dense underbrush back to the capital. He decided this wasn’t suicide it was murder.

“Murder for what?” he thought. For the entirety of his short military career he had kept his head down and followed orders. Thinking on it was frustrating and pointless. He received no answers from his superior officers and he wouldn’t gain any standing around feeling sorry for himself. He continued his trek through the vines and leaves all the while his unease only grew. Since the day he entered this maze of leaves and chaos he had the feeling he was being watched. He knew from reports that the forest was dangerous. Predators and man eating plants lurked in the darkness. Of course a lot of those reports were the insane ramblings of superstitious cowards who made up excuses so they wouldn’t have to venture too far into the forest themselves. Still as the days passed he couldn’t help but think that they might have had some truth to them. He would hear calls on the wind or the shuffling of leaves. At first he dismissed this as the natural workings of the forest but sometimes when he focused he would see shadows, silhouettes moving against the background and eyes staring from the dark, yellow and glowing only for a moment before they disappear. The day dragged on and he was losing light. He would have to eat soon and make a camp for the night. He hugged his sides an audible growl emerged from his empty stomach. He resisted the urge to check his pack for food. It was empty the last three times he looked it would be empty now. He expected to die when he started this journey but by the hands of some viscous monster or an ambush by the vagrants he’d been sent to capture. Dying by starvation would just be an insult.

Ramsey searched the forest for any source of sustenance he could. There were an abundance of squirrels and other small creatures available but he was no hunter or trapper he doubted he would be able to catch any. He had to fall back on his scout training and forage. He pulled out his reference guide of local plants. He was sure he wouldn’t need it but his teacher insisted. As he compared the local plants to the ones in the book he wished he had paid more attention during the lectures most of these plants looked the same. One in particular was about waist high with green stems and hair like sinews emerging from the center of the bud. He found two plants similar to it in his guide. One was called angel hair and the other was too long and hard to pronounce but common folk knew it as the rasper plant. Ironically the one called angel hair was the one that was dangerous. It could cause vomiting and hallucination if ingested orally and was only useful if combined with certain agents. The rasper on the other hand tasted awful but could be eaten raw or brewed to make a tonic for energy and a remedy for sore throats. The only way to tell was from distinct patterns on the petals of the flower bud, patterns that he didn’t remember.

“Dammit.” He cursed to himself. He did not want to risk it but couldn’t afford to pass up this opportunity he didn’t know when he would be able to eat again. He snatched up a handful of the plant and shoved it in his mouth chewing with gritted teeth. It tasted awful which he took as a good sign he didn’t know what angel hair tasted like but he knew rasper was disgusting. More confident he collected some more to use as an emergency ration. For an instant he thought he heard something, that same voice on the wind he took a few cursory glances and concluded he was still alone. The rasper would be enough to curb his appetite but it made a poor meal. He needed something heartier if he were to survive. Ramsey continued to march under the setting sun all the while comparing the plants with his reference guide. Not one plant seemed to be edible besides the rasper which seemed to grow everywhere. He soon came into a small clearing. The grass was short and no trees seemed to grow there. He looked up and saw the sky for the first time in days somehow it gave him hope. He noticed the trees that surrounded the clearing and smiled he didn’t need his guide to recognize the fruit hanging from the branches. It was "Chiki" a small vaguely square shaped melon with blue stripes. He couldn’t believe his luck as he bit into the bittersweet fruit. As the sun set and darkness came he decided this is where he would camp for the night.



Chapter End Notes:

Again sorry no gts content......also please comment.

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