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Iris enters the hospital room and quietly closes the door behind her. The room is green and dim. The lights of the parking lot outside can be seen through the venetian blinds. A night breeze filters through the partially open window. It’s a fairly large room, with three beds, but only the one nearest the window is occupied.

Iris tiptoes in her blue converse sneakers past the empty beds. Her face is lightly freckled and her eyes are the palest blue. She’s wearing black skinny jeans and a long-sleeve navy shirt. She brushes her brunette bangs aside as a grin spreads across her lips.

The last bed has the curtains drawn, and is illuminated from within by a pale light. The sound of mechanically assisted breathing emanates from behind the curtains.

When Iris pulls the curtain aside slowly and pokes her head in, her eyes light up and she grins.

His head lies straight back and his eyes are closed. His face is bruised and puffy and covered in small cuts, his black hair matted. A strap runs across his upper lip and breathing tubes run into his nostrils and a mouthpiece. A brace supports his neck. His arms rest by his sides. A blanket covers his stomach, and an IV drips. A heart rate monitor beeps steadily.

Iris closes the curtain behind her. Slowly, she reaches forward. She grasps the hem of the blanket and pulls it down gently.

She sighs in pleasure.

The man’s legs end shortly below his hips, just stumps wrapped in bandages.

Iris rubs her breasts through her shirt, moaning slightly. The man’s eyes flicker minutely.

Iris picks up a clipboard on the table beside the bed. His name is Paul Willis. As she reads the scribbled report, she continues pleasuring herself with one hand. Eventually she puts the clipboard down, moaning breathily.

Paul’s eyes crack open. Iris gasps in delight.

She bends over his face. Paul’s glassy stare slowly focuses on Iris. He blinks slowly. After several moments he squints slightly. Then his eyes bulge, his pupils dilate. They flicker all around the room as he tries to move, but can barely rock side to side. His mouth cracks open but no sound escapes. The electrocardiogram starts beeping faster.

Iris’s eyes scrunch up as she grins wide, her white teeth gleaming. She brushes through the curtain and walks briskly towards the room door, snatching a visitor chair up in one hand. She jams it firmly under the doorknob and spins around.

Slipping back through the curtain, Iris looks under the sides of the bed. She plants her foot on one of the buttons, and the bed starts to descend slowly, humming.

Paul’s eyes become fixed on her face as she starts to loom over him, taller and taller. His puffy face goes ghost white. He just shakes his head back and forth. Iris giggles and squeezes her breasts as the EKG beeps away.

    When the bed stops lowering, she lifts her foot onto it and hops up, her other one swooping over to straddle Paul. Her hands go to her hips and she grins down at him. Paul quivers, fixated and sweating.




Three Days Earlier


    Paul Willis looks out his back window and sees the 200-foot tall woman in the blue shirt and skinny jeans heading directly toward his home. His mouth hangs open.

    The ground shudders slightly beneath his feet as he snatches up his keys.

    “Clair! We have to go!” he yells.

    “Are you sure?”

Clair is petite, with chin-length blond hair and large blue eyes, wearing a white shirt and jeans. Her hands tug at each other as she glances all around the room.

    “Yes! Now!”

    “I’ll grab my shit,” she says frantically.

    Paul darts back and looks out the window again.

    “Fuck,” he whispers.

Her giant casual strides cover ground unbelievably quickly. The shaking increases.

    The two of them rush for the door. There’s a booming noise and the ground shakes alarmingly, sending them sprawling onto their driveway.

    A few seconds later their house explodes in a deafening crash beneath the giantess’ blue converse shoe, shards of timber and glass raining down around them. Paul and Claire cower as their clothes become torn and bloody from shrapnel and debris. Towering out of the ruins of their house, the brunette titan stands, hands on hips, surveying the street.

    Eventually she smiles, and her massive sole swoops over the couple and out into the yards across the road with an earth-shaking boom, crunching the McCole’s family van flat in an instant. Car alarms sound off all down the street.

Paul watches as the McColes flee down the street on foot. All four overweight family members jiggle and bounce, huffing and screaming. The giantess looks down on them and giggles.

“Oh my God,” Paul whispers, hearing her voice.

She follows them casually with her foot floating above them. It’s so massive they have no chance of escaping.

Then after a few moments, she steps down. Paul closes his eyes when he glimpses a flash of pink innards squeeze out from beneath the heel, and he throws up his lunch.

When’s he’s done gagging, Clair stands and pulls him up.

    As they run to his small silver pickup, the giantess twists her heel on the pavement, grinding the remains of the family into a paste. Paul runs around to the driver side and glimpses down the street, seeing as she raises her heel to inspect her work. His knees go weak as he sees the red mush and strings of intestines dangling off her heel, as well as previous victims and debris embedded in the distinct criss-cross pattern. After two attempts he manages to fit the key into the lock of his door.

    The tires screech on the pavement as they peels into the road. He floors it, accelerating down the block. He looks in his rear view mirror, swallowing hard, waiting to see if the colossal terror behind him will turn.

    “Paul!” Clair screams.

    A black car screeches to a halt in front of them. Paul cranks the wheel and slams on the brakes. The truck skids sideways. He spins the wheel back the other way but the rear end clips the car. The truck flips into a roll, metal screaming and glass breaking. The truck tumbles and crashes to a halt, right side up again.

    Paul groans, bits of glass embedded in his face and body, blood running down his forehead. He eventually manages to undo his seatbelt. Smoke rises from the truck, and the ground shakes. It takes three tries to open the mangled door, and he slides out and collapses onto the pavement. He looks back up the road.

    The giantess is walking towards them, an impending goddess of destruction. The black car with the crumpled hood manages to crawl into reverse before the giantess walks over it with a crunch. If she noticed she gave no sign, other than her casual smile.

    Paul stands, sways. Inside the truck, Claire’s face is covered in tears and blood and sut, and she tugs on her seatbelt. The belt won’t move. Paul tugs her arm.

    He sees the giant woman towering into the sky, looking down directly at him with a grin on her face. Her massive sole is raised, heel touching the ground, hovering over his truck and him. She lowers it slowly.

    Paul pulls frantically on his wife’s arm. She only cries, still trying to free herself. When he reaches over to try to undo her belt, she shoves him away.

“Fuck, just go!” she says, sobbing. He staggers backward and falls, hitting his head on the pavement. His eyes close.

    When they open again, the massive sole is already pressing down on the cab of the truck. Metal crunches and creaks. The tires burst like gunshots. He can see Clair inside, one hand pressed to the ceiling, bawling. He opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. He tries to get to his feet but his body doesn’t respond. He can only watch as the shoe presses down inexorably. With a scrunch she is crushed into the folding metal, blood pouring out onto the pavement. Paul looks away, looks the only other place he can which is up. The edge of the shoe is directly above him, past the white striped rubber sole and blue canvas he can see her looking down on him and laughing delightedly. He tries to resist the dark brown rubber sole but he can’t. As his wife and truck are reduced to one crunched mass of scrap, the shoe finally presses down on his legs. He screams, his body flexing up in response and then collapsing back again as the giantess’ foot sinks into the pavement, his legs mashed into pulp. He passes out.




    Iris slowly lifts one knee, holding her foot above Paul’s face. Seeing that sole again, he manages to utter a whimper of panic. Iris sighs in delight and slips her hand down the front of her pants.

She leans one hand on the wall in front of her for support as she starts lowering her shoe. The heart rate monitor beeps faster and faster and Iris fingers herself, keeping pace. Someone tries to open the door, but the chair keeps it jammed shut. Paul’s eyes bulge and sweat beads on his face. He shakes his head side to side, struggling as hard as he can, pupils glued to the sole above him. Tears run down his cheeks, and his leg stumps wave move around uselessly. He manages to raise his arms a few inches, too weak to defend himself. Iris moans at the sight of him so helpless and terrified beneath her once more.

    Someone starts banging on the door. Iris’ foot is only inches away from Paul’s face when he starts convulsing. The EKG beeps alarmingly and then flatlines, and Iris gasps in pleasure, putting her foot down on Paul’s face. As he writhes in the throes of a heart attack she orgasms, crying out and arching her back as she grinds her shoe into his face.


The door bursts open and several orderlies, nurses and and a doctor rush into the room. They find only Paul lying in his bed, pale face up and eyes bulged open, the single long beep of the EKG the only thing present. The curtain flaps slightly as a night breeze passes through the open window.


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