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 Susan let the tome fall onto the library table with an audible thud, plopping down in the chair across from the girl who had already been sitting there, an underclassman named Felicia, who stared in wide-eyed surprise. The tome was a book of magic that Susan had stolen away from her mother. She'd never been allowed to practice the spells, but she'd seen her mother do extraordinary things from time to time, so she knew it worked. Flipping through it one day, she'd found just what she was looking for.

“C-can I help you?” Felicia asked timidly. She was always a shy girl, which meant Susan would never have had the girl on her radar, except for the fact that Felicia had started snitching to the resident adviser about Susan's parties. She had become a problem that Susan intended to solve.

“Yeah, just stay right there for a second.” Susan said absently, flipping through the pages of the book, looking for one page in particular. She doubled back a few times, sure she'd gone past it already. Finally her finger rested on a page, and her eyes lit up in recognition. “Here it is.”

“Here what is? What is that?” Felicia rose a little in her seat, peering over the tome, but Susan was already reading from it. She was familiar enough with the tongue that she could pronounce the words, but to Felicia it just sounded like gibberish. Susan spoke for a solid thirty seconds, then looked up at the girl across from her expectantly. At first, it seemed like nothing had happened. Susan became mildly flustered, and started to wonder if she would have to repeat it. She was sure she'd read all the words correctly. Felicia opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly looked down at herself. Her clothes were starting to meld into her body, and she'd diminished slightly in size. Susan let out a laugh of relief. It worked!

Two seconds later there was a brief rush of air and Felicia disappeared. Susan rose up, looking over the table. There on the chair was a small black dot. Giddily, Susan skipped around the table, kneeling down next to the seat. Looking closely at the speck, she saw it was a small black ant. So that's what it meant by 'Shrink the victim away.' Susan thought to herself. She gingerly reached out her index finger, guiding the tiny creature onto it. It seemed to blindly stumble around, eventually finding a foothold on the pad of Susan's finger. She lifted her hand up, taking Felicia's former seat, and held her finger to her face, inspecting the ant closer.

This is unreal... Susan was thrilled at the prospect of an entire person crawling around on her hand. Felicia ran circles around her finger, her antennae waving madly in front of her. Susan let out a faint giggle. The air from the laugh rushed past Felicia, forcing her to cling on to the finger. Susan just stared, going over and over the single thought in her mind. There is a person on my hand. There is a tiny, tiny person on my finger, completely helpless to do anything about it.

Susan felt like a little girl playing with ants again. Of course, she had had ants on her hands before; what child hadn't? But this was different. This wasn't just a dumb animal driven purely off of instinct. This was a human mind racing madly across her palm. She wondered if Felicia was thinking in there. She wondered what it looked like, or whether or not she even knew she was on the palm of a girl millions of times bigger than her. Felicia started to crawl towards Susan's wrist, and Susan easily transferred the tiny girl to her other hand. She's so weak, she can't even go where she wants. I'm in complete control of everything about her. Susan mused.

She let the tiny girl run around on her hands a bit more, never tiring of moving her from one hand to the other when Felicia would stray too far down her arm. After one such transfer she gently closed her index finger and thumb together, trapping the tiny girl between them. She couldn't even feel Felicia struggling between her fingers, though she knew it must be happening. She held her fingers there for a while, wondering if she was really going to do it. She released her prisoner, and the tiny creature scrambled madly across her fingers again, her movements much more frantic this time. Susan laughed again. She must be terrified. Susan thought, a warmth spreading through her at that thought.

Again Felicia ran down Susan's wrist, and again Susan caught her with the other hand. Again she pinned the tiny ant between her fingers. Susan swallowed, and slowly rubbed her fingertips together, pressing hard. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she knew it couldn't be good. She slid her fingers back and forth a few more times, then separated them. Bits of black lay scattered across her forefinger and thumb, all of them laying perfectly still. Susan's mouth dried up, and she struggled to wet it again. She gave a furtive glance around the library, but nobody was even in line of sight. She'd just murdered a girl and nobody would have any idea.

Susan stared at the pieces of ant smeared across her fingers for a long while. Slowly, with another glance around just to ensure privacy, she held her hand to her lips. Her tongue peeked out and gave a quick swipe across each finger. When she looked again, the remains of the tiny girl were gone. Everything Felicia had become in her entire life was gone, stuck to Susan's tongue. She carefully closed her book, gathered it up under her arm, and walked quickly from the library.


---Alternate Ending---


Felicia fled across the expanse of carpet before her. She'd come to beneath the desk at which she'd been sitting only a moment before, completely nude and very, very tiny. She had looked up at the pair of legs resting beside her, and saw the titan form of Susan staring at something in her hand. Felicia didn't know what had happened or what Susan was staring at, but she knew it couldn't be good. Now her legs and lungs burned with exertion, but she pushed them as hard as she could, knowing she needed to get as far away from the giant girl as possible.

Suddenly a series of loud crashes came from behind her. She shot a glance back and was terrified at what she saw. For all the minutes she'd spent running, Susan was covering the ground in a few seconds. Felicia suddenly froze, trying to gauge the giantess' footsteps. Susan was completely oblivious to her, staring straight ahead. The tiny girl almost didn't have the chance to scream before Susan's sandal crushed her into the ground with a casual stomp.

Susan frowned, looking at her foot. She recognized what stained her sole as the mangled remains of a human, and glanced at her book. Realization overcame her, and she grew red in the face, embarrassed, as she dragged her foot through the viscera, rendering it nothing more than a dark stain. Just a fucking ant... She thought to herself, shaking her head.


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