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Author's Chapter Notes:

Fred continues his escape,hoping to find some remote place he can be by himself.



    "Well I guess fate is a funny thing,here goes my life."Fred muttered to himself as he slid down the sweaty slide of Amy's abdomen.Her black granny panties were hanging slightly open causing a big gap for Fred to slide into.

 This was somewhere Fred had only been with guided protection,under Amy's supervision.He knew this was a dangerous spot as her very twitch could cause him to be crushed by her powerful muscles below. He put his hands together and said a silent prayer waiting for the worst. The darkness was drawing closer and the smell was becoming overbearing,assaulting his nostrils with her strong aroma.Fred smelt a mix of vaginal fluid,sweat,and vanilla body wash.He saw the dark curly hairs waiting to grab him like a small forest of bushes. The hairs were so close and the smell so strong,Fred just waited for his fate and subsequent devouring at the hands of her feminine orfice.

  Just as it seemed his fate was sealed he felt a powerful shift coming all around him,she had shifted again in her sleep. This movement shook Fred from his current course and sent him flying off the bed. Her simple shifting had sent his body flying several feet away from her hungry orfice and into the side of her bed. Fred felt the g-forces stirring his stomach up like a blender and had to hold back regurgitating his lunch. His fate had switched from being devoured in her juices to being crushed on impact.He didn't know which was worse but submitted to the fact he was going to die.

   Fred opened his eyes in mid-air and saw the bed covers coming into view quickly,and counted down towards his impending doom. Fred reached 1 and began to brace his body for the crushing blow.His body lowered onto the soft ground below and he was surprised to find his body intact with only a slight ache.The physics of his small weight compared to the fall distance and give of the bed must have been altered to his favor.He didn't completely understand everything but this must be it. Why he was quibbling with calculations or reasons was beyond him at this moment. Fred was relieved and slightly confused as to why he was still breathing.

   His mind was racing with his last rights and next movements,but one thing was certain he needed to move fast. His time was running out as it was 5 am and Amy always woke up at 7. He didn't want to be around when she awoke or all his hopes of escape would forever be gone. He gave her one last look and felt bad about abandoning her,but he knew it was best for everyone.His reasons were mostly selfish ,but the thought of raising a child at his stature boy or girl was beyond him. No this would be best for everyone and he already gave Amy what she wanted from the relationship. He didn't really know how much she loved him,as he could never fully embrace her himself

  If Fred had an inkling of how much pain and heartache he was about to cause Amy he might have reconsidered. She didn't think of him as purely a possesion but a lifelong mate to share her life with.Sure she clutched him possesively and kep him with her always,but it was done in a loving protective fashion.Amy felt it was the best for them and couldn't bare if anything had happened to Fred. She loved him with all her heart,he was her soulmate.

  Fred didn't know she felt this way,but appreciated the fact she had always been loving and kind to him,despite his inability to do the same. He thought only of his freedom and forced bondage when she attained him and held onto those feelings,despite her kindness.

   Fred saw Amy's humongous heaving chest and said a silent goodbye and began to climb down the bed. It was a difficult chore but one he had to do. He rushed with all his might and scaled down the bed and out of their room. Luckily their bedroom was downstairs which cut down on his travel time. Fred slid underneath the door and out into the living room. He looked around at the large quarters and continued his quickened pace to the front door. He took in his surroundings watching for any predators like a hungry spider or some other malicious critter. He saw none and scurried to the front door,taking one last look at his home.

  Fred recalled the last 6 years he and Amy lived here,it wasn't all bad but he needed his freedom. He turned to leave and braced for the potential terrors that would await him on the outside. His father had told him at a young age that there were many predators out there that would scoop him up. At school he was told of many horrors that women who were untrained would do to tiny men,unlucky to fall in their grasp. Fred gulped and walked out into the world not knowing what would happen. He was leaving his mate and future child to embark on his own journey..................



 Fred was just sitting at the bar when Greg walked up to him and asked him why he was staring into the distance.

 "None of your buisness Greg,just give me another beer."Fred scowled

  "I just don't get your hate of women Fred,it's almost unnatural.I mean everyone in this town has escaped,but it was soley for the right to live by ourselves. Most of us are just guys that never could get used to living with a stranger.You seem to hate women though Fred,I can see it on your face anytime one comes on tv."

 "Mind your f....in buisness Greg.I have seen and lived things you couldn't even dream about.The alchohol is the only thing that helps,so bug off."

   "Allright man,but if you ever want to talk im open for it."Greg responded.

 Just as Greg was about to turn the channel he saw Fred look up at the tv with a glazed almost mesmorized look on his face.

 "Mam ,can I get your opinion on the missing mens act that congress has just passed today." a newslady asked as several women were walking along the street.

  A well dressed thirty something auburn haired lady with her ten year old daughter were walking by and stopped to adress the question.

  "Im all for it,my own life-mate was lost to me and my daughter Ella has never even got a chance to meet her father.If I could see just see him one more time ,it would be the best gift eve....."she began sobbing as she spoke.

 "Thank you for your time mam."the reporter said


  "Ammmmyyyyyy"Fred stuttered to himself,obviously taken aback by seeing her and his own daughter.


Chapter End Notes:

Just a slight deviation and alternate story,it might be woven with the main one eventually.

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