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Chapter 7

Several police cars approached. 

"Now, we're going to have real fun..." Jessica murmured and stood up. At her full height of 200 feet, she heard rotor blades humming. Looking around, the giantess saw a helicopter flying towards her. It was from a news channel.

Without thinking, Jessica grabbed the thing by its tail and slammed it like a mallet on one of the police cars. The helicopter broke as if made of paper glued together with cheap glue. The car was totally wrecked, the occupants of both vehicles didn't survive.

Deftly, Jessica scooped up two more police cars. They were like small toys to her. The drivers tried to make a run for it, but the wheels spun in the giantess' hands in vain. They didn't even seem to hurt her, as Jessica made no effort to drop the cars or grimace in pain.

Smiling mockingly, she kneaded the two cars together as if she was making a snowball herself. Her hands, incredibly strong, twisted and molded the steel with ease. Nothing was impossible for her, it seemed. Neither the sharp metal, nor the broken glass of the windshields pieced her skin as she pressed the cars into a ball. Needless to say that the drivers as well as the other policemen inside where turned into unrecognizable gore as her car-compacting hands mercilessly pressed the materials into their puny fragile bodies.

The other policemen had left their cars in the meantime and shot at her. But to their shock and surprise, the giantess didn't even seem to feel the bullets. Those that hit her pajamas became stuck in the thick cotton, but the other simply bounced off her skin.
Teasingly, Jessica dropped the ball from the height of 170 feet, which hit the ground forcefully and nearly steamrolled a police officer. Bending down, Jessica used nothing but thumb and index finger to flick the remaining cops away like pieces of unwanted leftovers. Her enormous finger killed the men and women on impact. No wonder, her fingernail alone was about half as big as their entire bodies. And they flew for many feet through the air before they landed either on the hard street or against a wall.
To finish her work, Jessica trod on the now empty police cars that remained. She did it slowly, to savior every moment of it.

First, her flip flop hovered above the roof. The ball of the foot came down first, mashing and wrecking the engine. The car tilted somewhat because of Jessica's huge weight, only to be pushed down by the rest of her gigantic foot. Windows broke and shattered, the roof caved in, shrieking, while tired loosed themselves from their axis. As if bleeding, oil and gas ran from under the car as the giantess pressed more and more of her mighty weight upon it. Never loosing patience, Jessica shifted her weight upon her foot. The doors buckled, seats pressed together, the electronics were mangled. Then her foot covered the entire tiny vehicle, a loud "CRUNCH" was all that remained. And when Jessica lifted her foot to admire her handiwork (footwork?) a thin metal plate embedded in the ground was all that remained.

No vehicle was a match for her feet. Jessica's big toe alone was as big as a two- person couch, with a toenail that had the size and shape of a flat screen TV. Her heel big as a small garden shed. Her foot was heavier than a couple of elephants. No van, no armor, even a small ship was nothing but a toy for her, fragile and unable to resist her weight for a split second.

A crowd of people had gathered around her again. Jessica noticed that after she had finished the police. She also noticed her little captives had made a run for it.

They were the smart ones, it turned out.

"So, my little prisoners are gone.... No matter," she thought. "There are more of them here".

Grinning, she took off one of her flip flops.

Jessica took a step and swung her enormous naked foot over the nearest group on onlookers.

Then she trot down.

The people, about 10 of them, gasped in shock as the gigantic naked foot came down upon them. The giantess was very quick for her size, her foot was on the people in the blink of an eye. Like the roof of a meeting hall, her sole darkened the sky of the small people. Then her foot, about 10 feet above them, slowly came down like a printing press. People held up their arms in fear, but they could not hold the giantess' weight back. The felt her soft, silky and wrinkled skin of her sole as her foot descended further, mindless fear paralyzing their legs so they couldn't run away. Slowly, her foot pressed down further, bringing the tinies to their knees. Without mercy, Jessica pressed down with but a fraction of her weight, squishing the people like overripe grapes, pulverizing their bones and splattering their flesh. It felt good! Wiping her foot clean on the grass, the giantess put her flip flop back on and heard the other people scream.

Jessica watched them run. Unconciously, she looked in the distance, seeing downtown Detroit. Quite a lot of the skyscrapers were still taller than she was. She recognized the Renaissance Towers, the Marriott Hotel being the biggest of them. Jessica got a wicked, yet exciting idea. She saw herself many times bigger than the Hotel in her mind. Standing over it, her legs alone dwarfing the once-proud skyscraper. And then...

Jessica smiled. Jessica concentrated. Jessica grew.

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