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Author's Chapter Notes:

This is mostly about how they feel. So if you are not into that, go to C4


So for the next week Alex plays call of duty 14 on his playstation 4. Alex likes chess as well, but no one want's to play him, because he always wins. He did call Lilly a few time's, but was not ready for her to come over again yet. As the time went by, his mind started to think more and more of that visit when Lilly came over. Alex in a few day's start's to have “dream's” of her and they grow longer and more deep every night. Then he thinks of her face, her lips and her eye's. If he were small again like in some of his new dream's then Alex want's to go inside her in way's he could not at 6 foot tall. But he still feels heavy loss and sadness due to holly dieing. Alex most of the time cry’s a bit when he wakes up thinking about how shes just gone and her mom and dad just think shes missing.

Lilly for this week has been restless, because she has not been touched and held intimately for 2 years now. Lilly “dream's” are way longer and deeper than Alex's in more ways than one. Lilly can't seem to help feeling like she want's to go over there and lay with him on his bed..... RING RING RING Lilly picks up the phone and it's Alex: Lilly says with joy in her voice, Hey Alex how are you? Alex says he is fine and he is done with needing space for now. He says I am not going to get over this overnight, but I am feeling a bit better. (Alex thinks to himself that he is really split in half right now with his feeling's, but he needs to try to make the first step.) Lilly Says would it be ok if I come over in a hour? Alex says see you then.( Then the call ends)

 Lilly put's the phone down and is now in a panic, because shes soaked wet with sweat and feels tired from only being able to 4 hours of sleep. But a quick dip in her hot tub fix's that. As she soaks in the tub, her phone gos off again. Lilly get's out of the nice hot tub into the cold air in her home to get her cell. She picks it up and it's the lab calling to tell her that some small bottle of the drug had gone missing. Lilly told them that she will get it back soon and hung up.

  Alex having made the first step was at a loss of what he should do next. He was not the best at making friends much less even having a girlfriend . But he had to make the best of it and not let him self go to far, yet not push her away. As he was thinking to himself... Alex Yelled I forgot to clean the house up!Crap NO and she will be here soon. I got it, I will take her to my 2nd house on the coast. ( He thinks yea that will up the cool.. what up the cool what am I 12 again? Man I can't think) With that he sit's outside on front deck. Waiting for Lilly to show up and now started thinking about holly. He thinks if she were here is this what she would want for me? Is this too soon? Should I even have a 2nd chance after all I have done? How would I feel if Holly did this to me after I died? Is it wrong that I want try again and that I think Lilly is some how hotter than Holly ever was, With her fire red hair vs the common brown hair or how Lilly is 5 foot 10 where Holly was only 5 foot 7, Lilly's lips were full and luscious looking vs Holly's that were small and a bit on the dry side most of the time, but last but not lest: Lilly's blue eyes were the most mystifying he had ever seen.

Then Alex started to think about what had happened yet again to Holly the week before. How is it that all I managed to say was run, get way? Why didn’t I do something, why with a IQ 180 could I have not done something? I should have been the one who got shot, I was the one who hacked into that lab and took classified information. Alex had started to cry again at this point and if any one was around they could see the tears coming off his face a mile away.



Chapter End Notes:

What will happen to Lilly or Joe? Who will win?

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