''God,this is boring''thought Jack while having to listen to the babbling of his teacher. Jack recently having started 2nd year in elementary school was still 7 years old so all he heard in class was the whispering of his classmates and a yadda yadda yadda from his teacher. This would however get him into trouble more than any other person as his teacher Mrs.Evans was also his mother, therefore she always knew when he had been paying attention in class and when he was at the border of falling asleep.Then she would scold him both in school and at home.It's not like his mom was too strict or Jack too lazy.They both tried to make it as easy to each other as they could but the problem was that ,unlike his 11-year-old sister Mary who had straight A's and was very strong while still looking adorable and had no hard time finding friends,Jack was not that intelligent,rather weak and short and extremely shy.He had only 1 friend, a girl in his class called Silvya who cherished him more than anything in the entire world and whome he cherishhed back the same way.Just like Mary,Silvya succeded in almost everything Jack failed to achieve.Unlike some people might have done it he didnt get jealous or anything when he saw his sister being the smart one and himself being the dumb one.He knew she always put lots of effort to her achievements and its not like she would rub her succes on his face. She was actually very supportive towards Jack and helped him anytime she could. He loved and admired his sister deeply for this.He just wished she wouldnt call him her 'wittle-baby-brother' all the time.She had been calling him that since the very day he was born.Jack also had mixed feelings about the ways she showed her love towards her brother.Being much shorter and weaker than his sister she often would storm into his room for no reason and throw herself at him to glomp or hug him so tightly he felt like he was going to pass out while she drowned his cries under a sea of kisses of overly-affectionate-big-sister-love. A part of Jack,however, enjoyed these love-attacks due to the fact that he often felt lonely having only 1 friend outside the family. Also he didnt want to deny Mary to have fun with him and showing how much she loved him.After all if it hadnt been for her he would have been too shy and insecure to ever at least try to make friends and he wouldnt have befriended Silvya in kindergarten.
Back to the story:
''Earth to Jack, come on, show as you're still among the living'' Mrs Evans said in a somewhat upset tone. Jack woke up from his boredom-trance and said: ''wha'? did I fall asleep again?'' ''You bet you did, Snorlax''said Rob,one of his classmates and bullys. Everybody burst in laughter except for Jack, Mrs Evans and Silvya, who yelled:''Leave him alone! You guys fall asleep all the time!''. Rob was going to say something but the bell rung and, as it was the last period on Friday,everybody started running towards the exit and only Jack and Mrs Evans remained. Just as Jack started to put his things back in his bag his teacher/mother said:''Jack we nned to talk.''