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You open your eyes and take a look around.  You are in your room; it was all a bad dream.  You were tucked in your warm bed with the lights out.  Sitting in bed you recall the past horrors of your nightmare.  Yeah like you can shrink and then be tortured by Britney’s evil sister.  You let out a laugh to show how crazy it all sounds.  Well I better give Britney a call.  You start to get up and move when you are stuck. What the…  Your sheets start to tighten and move over your body.  It starts to get uncomfortably tight and warm.  Something wet hits you in the face and brings you out of your dream; it smelled like shit.

Rachel dashed to the bathroom and let out a wet fart.  She could tell some got out of her ass before she closed her ass hole with a clench.  She reached the bathroom and closed the door with a click and turned the lock.  She quickly pulled her pants and underwear down.  She placed her butt on the toilet and got ready to go. Turning to her right she turns on the radio in the bathroom to block out all noise preventing anyone from hearing her go.

“What the hell is going on!!!?  No, this was a dream!!!”  But you know that the feeling and smell are all too realistic to be a dream.  You hear the undeniable click of the bathroom door closing… and the lock turning.  “God why do you hate me,” you ask as the world starts to relax and the butt cheeks holding you open outward, spreading.

You close your eyes waiting to hit water; you fall, feeling the air rush by your head and wait for the cold wet water waiting below you.  It never came; instead you hit a rough, hard, warm surface.  “What…”

You are in Rachel’s’ hand. 

Rachel quickly pulled her hand out from under her and squeezed you in-between her index and thumb.  You are brought up to see her grinning face staring at you.  She hops off the toilet and says, “Though I forgot about you didn’t you?”

You don’t reply; it is pointless she wouldn’t hear you any way.  You just hang there waiting for her to torturer you some more. 

“What should I do with you now… Hmmm,” she put a finger on her chin and tapped it with a frown on her face.  Don’t think too hard you may damage your brain.  Her face brightens as she found out how to deal with her predicament.  “Ok stink bug you have been near my ass.  Now time to see what it can do.”

You pale at her words.  “RACHEL WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! IT’S ME TIM!!!”

She stares at you for a couple of seconds then says, “I know.”


“I know it’s you.  I’ve known since I found you on my foot.  What did you think I was stupid or something?  Anyone would have known it was you.”

“Then why have you been doing this to me.”

With out a though she replied, “because you’re a bug.”

“What?  I’m a person.”

She laughed out loud for few seconds.  “You’re not a person you are a bug.  Ever since we first meet I knew you were a bug.  You talked like a bug you acted like a bug and well… now you look like one too.  If you act like a bug, look like a bug,  then you must be a bug.”

You hang there gaping at her.  “Now that we got that out of the way it’s time to have fun.”

Rachel pushed you into her stomach and held you there for a few seconds.  Then it vibrated; it felt like an earthquake.  An inhuman noise came from her belly.  She let out a giggle, “Someone wants to meet you.”

“Rachel please this is insane.  You can’t eat me.”

She let out a sigh, “I guess you’re right.  So I won’t eat you.  Instead I’ll do this.”   She quickly dropped you into the toilet with a splash.  You surface with a gasp and look up at Rachel peering down at you and waved at you.  “I bet the water feels cold.  Let me help you with that.”  Rachel plopped her butt down on the toilet and started to relax her lower body part.

You were never scarred of water in your life.  You loved to swim.  In fact you were a great swimmer in school and won a couple of medals.  This was completely different.  Being in a toilet scarred you out of your mind.  Sure you could swim fine but there was no way out and that scared you out of your mind.  As Rachel sat down on the toilet everything slowed down for you.  You heard it before you saw the piss.  There was a distinct sigh heard from Rachel and then a hiss.  The yellow stream hit the water with such great force that it sent water and piss up in a mist filling the bowl’s air with it.  Doing your best not to breath it in you swim in the opposite direction against the current made.  The water started to turn yellow and the air started to smell like… well piss.  You were a great swimmer but this was like swimming from a water fall.  You eventually got closer and closer until you got pushed under.  You couldn’t help getting a mouthful of the salty water that made you gag when you resurface a couple of inches away from the source.  You couldn’t help but hear Rachel giggle with glee when you were being dragged back for another round.  You swam as hard as you could to try and stop the inevitable but unfortunately it wasn’t your lucky day.   

Rachel just let her piss go for about a minute and loved every second of it.  She laughed every time Tim fell under and came back up.  As she finished pissing she looked down at Tim and asked, “Is it warm enough for you?”  Biting back a laugh, she grinned down at him.  He was in his rightful place, under her ass.  With that last though her stomach groaned with anticipation of the next fun she was about to bestow upon her little friend.   

You tread water as you heard the groan coming from Rachel.  She let out a soft moan as her ass opened up and a blast of hot air blew across the toilet’s water.  You felt it blow you around in the water.  The gas lasted about three seconds; by far the worst three seconds of your life.  You try to stay afloat when the smell hit you hard.  You can’t describe it, but you had to use one hand to cover your nose. 

Rachel closed her legs and blocked out all the light and air from the toilet and let the smell disperse throughout the toilet. 

After about a minute the smell left and you let out a sigh of relief.  You didn’t know how long you could hold your noise and tread water.  Light was let back in the toilet and you look up at Rachel who smiled down at you. 

“So you know those tacos you made.  Well they aren’t sitting too well with me.  It could have been because of the special sauce I made.  Hmmm, what were the ingredients again, it was taco sauce, salsa, fried been juice, and what was the last one?”  As if her stomach knew the answer it let out a deep rumble louder than any other growl before.  With a devilish smile she giggled, “That’s right it was laxatives.”  Your face pales; who the hell puts laxatives in her food.  Then you remember its Rachel. 

Rachel let out a hysterical laugh and closed her legs again.  She starts to hum to a song on the radio.  She let out a grunt and forced out the horrible surprise that Tim was in for.

Swimming as fast as you could to the back of the toilet, you heard Rachel grunt loudly.  Again time slowed down as you saw her asshole blossom.  A large brown pillar slowly dropped down into the water, and then it broke off and splashed into the water creating waves of piss water.  You were about half way there when you heard the most disgusting sound in the world.  It was the wettest fart ever and along with it were bits of waste spraying down.  The sound got wetter and more liquid was falling.  It was like a volcano erupted but instead of lava it was shit.  The volcano just exploded and spewed a water fall of shit into the water causing bigger waves.  Like the piss, the water started to change to a mucky brown.  The stench was noise burning, and the water started to get thicker.  You were slowly being dragged back to the epicenter of the eruption.  Unable to swim, because the water was more like sand, you could do nothing but look up and float to your doom. 

Rachel started to push with all her might knowing she was about to smother Tim in her shit.  Her face was red and covered in sweat as she pushed the fowl liquid out.  After a while it slowed down to a trickle then stopped after a couple of loud farts.  She spread her legs to see the damage she caused and gagged.  Tears formed due to the smell that was caused by her.  She quickly pinched her noise and looked for Tim.  No sign of him; what is that… How?

There in the middle of the toilet you float.  You were inches from the waterfall of horror when it started to slow down to a trickle.   Granted you were still in the toilet but you were excited to know you weren’t covered in the mess that was around you.  You look up and see Rachel looking mad at you between her legs.

She then shrugs and wipes her ass.  Dropping the toilet paper on you and got up to pull the lever to lead you to your doom. 

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.  “Rachel can you hurry up I need to go bad.”

This is perfect.

“Yeah sure but it smell very bad in here you might want to wait.”

“I can’t I need to go very bad.”

“If you insist.”

Opening the door she let her sister in.  Rachel step outside as the door closed and locked behind her.  Britney is going to take care of that little shit without even knowing.  She waited to hear a flush.

Britney ran in the bathroom and closed the door.  She was too busy to even look in the toilet.  She smelt it right away.  “Oh my God Rachel this smells horrible.”  She was about to flush when her stomach protested.  “Well we shouldn’t waste water.”  She then started to relieve herself.

You just tore you way out of the toilet paper and started to swim to an edge when you hear Britney come into the bathroom.  You start to wave and scream at her.  Her ass seals your prison; she was unable to hear you due to the radio left on.  You made it almost to the edge when you hear the unmistakable sound of her pissing.  Like before you were pulled toward her.  Just as soon as it started it stopped.  Thank God.  “Britney!!!! I’M IN THE TOILET!!!!”  You scream until your voice is dry.

Britney heard her favorite song on the radio and turned it up.  “I love this song!”  Singing along with it she started to feel her stomach groan and knew it was time to do what she came in here for.  She repositions herself to get more comfortable before going.

You saw light.   She heard me!!!  Your hope was smashed as soon as you saw her ass move closer to where you float.  No!!!!!   Too late her ass opened up and let a large log out.  It smashed into the water and pulled you closer.  Another log and you got pulled closer.  After the third log you were right under her ass.  You closed your eyes.  This is it, you are about to be smashed to a pulp by the girl of your dreams.  You waited for the pressure to touch your head and submerge you in the filth that you are swimming in.  Nothing.  What?  You open your eyes and see that nothing happened.  Then a blast of air pushed you under the muck.  You were pulled under due to the viscosity of the liquid.  With the last bit of strength you pull yourself out and look up and took a breath.  You never get it because there is a waterfall of shit shoved down your throat.  You get pushed under with the rest of her shit.  You get mouthfuls of shit, either from Rachel or Britney is hard to say.  All you know is you are being crapped on and can’t get out of the current that’s dragging you down and down and down…

“Ooooooo… that feels sooooooo goooooood.”  Britney moaned out loud.  When she finished she wiped her butt and looked at the mess she made.  There wasn’t a bit of white left in the toilet.  She let out a laugh at how horrendous the smell was.  It was worse after she unload her stomach.  Quickly she flushed the toilet and washed her hands.  She turned off the radio and open the door to see Rachel standing there.

“You didn’t flush before you went?” 

“No.  When you got to go, you go.”

Rachel burst into laughter.  She fell to the ground kicking and giggling.  Britney pulled out her phone and called Tim, “Hey, it’s me again just checking on you.  I want to thank you for making us dinner it was wonderful.”

Rachel laughed even louder.

“What?  Was it something I said?” 

Chapter End Notes:

Should I do more stories or stop?

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