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Author's Chapter Notes:

This is indulgently violent. This story's one for me, but if there is anybody else out there who can enjoy it, then here you go.

Penny stepped lightly onto the carpeted floor of the living room of her boyfriend's apartment. She knew he was home. She'd watched as he and his new girlfriend had gone upstairs. Penny had noticed the other girl leaning on him a bit too heavily. Penny suspected the girl was a drunk, probably a whore. She stilled her breath, and nodded a soft affirmation to herself. She could hear the two of them. Sinning.

She crept closer to his room. His door was ajar, but there was still no need for caution, their noises were overpoweringly loud. Penny felt a tingle run through her. She knew what the other girl must be feeling now. She'd been there before, and she'd loved it. She took a few steps into the room, and just watched as Cody's new girlfriend gyrated on top of him, holding her hair up for him. For a moment, the two lovers had no idea Penny was there. Then Cody noticed. His eyes went wide, and he shouted in a mixture of rage and panic, “What the fuck?” A moment later Camille, the naked girl, was climbing off the bed, clutching her shirt desperately to her chest, trying to figure out what was happening.

“This is who you find to replace me?” She demanded venomously. The girl was the complete opposite of Penny, who barely stood at five feet tall. She had light blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her bust boasted just enough size to keep men interested. The new girl, on the other hand, easily had seven inches on Penny, with dark hair flowing down past her shoulder blades, and a chest that made even Penny's eyes linger for a moment. “Some... some temptress whore? I guess virtue means nothing to you, does it?” Penny was livid, but in only a moment, Cody's temper had raised to meet hers.

“What the fuck are you doing in here, you crazy bitch!?” He screamed at her, rising to his feet. He stormed towards her, towering over her in an attempt to intimidate her into leaving, but Penny stood her ground relentlessly, meeting his hate-filled gaze with one of her own.

“Lust! Wrath! P-pride, probably!” She stammered as she dug her index finger accusationally into his chest. “And... and fucking that bimbo!” Without thinking, she raised her heel up and brought it down on his toes. He cried out and stumbled backwards, eventually dropping to one knee. Penny took the opportunity. She deftly drew something from her pocket, and slammed it into his back. He scratched where it had hit him, recoiling back, but already whatever it was began to take hold. He tried to mumble something, but it was unintelligible. A moment later, he passed out. Penny stood staring at him for a moment when a small shifting drew her attention. The other woman.

“W... what did you do to him?” She asked hesitantly. This girl obviously had no desire to get entangled in whatever was going on here. Penny smiled condescendingly.

“I didn't do anything, dear. He did it to himself. And I'm so sorry, but you've been dragged into this, too. You'll have to undergo treatment, just like him.” In a flash, Penny was darting across the room, her right hand raised high above her head. The other woman lashed out and grabbed her wrist, spinning and slamming Penny into the wall. The smaller woman grunted with effort, trying to move, but she quickly realized she had been overpowered. That's when she noticed that the brunette was moving the end of the device towards Penny's own chest.

“N-no!” The blond cried out. Camille had no idea what this thing was, but she knew she didn't want it doing whatever it did to her, so she figured this small intruder was the next best bet. Penny tried to drop it, but Camille had a firm grasp of her fist, and the end of the device was drawing inexorably closer to her. “Please!” She cried out. She had to think fast. This needed to not happen to her. “Please, it will kill me! Don't kill me!” She shrieked. This gave Camille pause, and with it Penny slipped down and out of her grasp, coming up beneath her arms and jamming the end into Camille's stomach. The taller girl let out an “Oomph!” and fell backwards to the bed, clutching her stomach where the thing had stabbed her, before falling unconscious herself. Penny panted over the girl's unmoving body, a small smile tugging at the ends of her lips. “Don't worry, whore. There will be a part for you, too.” She grinned, her wicked mind alive with ideas.


Later, Cody's eyes opened wearily. He rolled onto his front, rubbing vigorously at his eyes as he struggled to make anything out. All around him loud, booming noises echoed, but nothing that was easily discernible. Slowly, one of the noises began to penetrate his addled psyche.

“Cody! Cody! Please, Cody, look here! Please!” An unfamiliar voice rasped. His eyes shot open, and almost immediately adrenaline began to pump through his body. He remembered what had happened. Camille needed him. Where was she? He spun around a few times, until he realized that her voice was coming from above him. He looked up, and saw Camille's face, flushed red with blood, hanging upside-down above him, arms outstretched towards him due to gravity. He took a few steps back, and saw she was suspended by her ankles from a massive iron grate above them. He followed the pattern of the grate to the walls, and it started to sink in. He was in a big glass room, with no obvious exits. He looked back up to Camille.

“How did they get you up there?” He called. Her body seemed badly injured, but he didn't want to call attention to it. They needed to work out a plan. If he knew how to get up there, maybe he could help her down. But his words just seemed to upset her anyway. Her voice cracked, and she shook her head.

“No, Cody. Not they. Just her.” She gestured beyond one of the walls, and he looked. For a moment, he didn't understand what he saw. Just a bunch of colors that swirled and blended together, forming fuzzy, indistinct shapes. But just then, almost as if on cue, some of the colors began to sharpen, their edges refining, and within a second formed the massive visage of his ex, peering down at him from a mere two inches away, yet the scale and the glass made it seem as though she were in some other realm. Surely this wasn't happening to him. Surely this was... surely...

“Hey little guy!” She smirked and tapped the glass playfully with one finger. Cody shrieked. He fell on his ass and started scooting away on all fours, screaming the whole time. A lilting giggle came from Penny's mouth, but Cody just kept screaming. He hit the back wall of the room in which he was trapped – no, not a room at all, was it? As the reality of what contained him sunk in, his screams found new depths of horror, and he redoubled his efforts. All the while, Penny just stared at him with a soft, condescending smile.

Finally, he stopped. He stopped when he screwed his eyes shut, and brought his knees up to his face, burying his head between them. He held his arms over his head, and just focused on his own breathing. That was what was real. He was real, and he could tell that. He heard a small squeal of fright as the top of the aquarium was lifted up, easily carrying the suspended girl along with it. Then, Penny's powerful fingers pinched him softly, and lifted him into the air. He trembled in pure terror as she laid him out on her palm, pressing him open with her index finger, forcing him to uncurl for her.

“Hello, my love.” She whispered down to him. He looked into her soft, pale blue eyes. He saw only tenderness, which terrified him even more. He had been excited when he'd started dating Penny. She wore her religion on her sleeve, but when you got her alone she wasn't keen on wearing much of anything. She was a natural two-face, easily blending her ideals with those of the people around her. It had been wild, for a while, but eventually Cody realized there was no long-term with someone like that, so he broke it off. Her tactics to win him back had run the gamut from sobbing pleas to shrieked threats, and then finally a month of silence. Cody had thought it was over. He'd met a new girl, Camille, someone who was genuine and honest. Someone who was nothing like Penny. As he looked into those warm, comforting eyes, he couldn't help but feel a twist in his stomach. He had no doubt she seethed with loathing for the both of them, but she was going to put on a show for herself, to let herself believe that she was the good one here.

“I've made it so we can be together.” She continued, noting Cody's silence. “And that little whore won't ever get in our way again.” The two of them looked down, and Cody noticed Penny had cut Camille free. Now the tiny girl lay on her front, whimpering softly with every exhalation. Almost instinctively, Cody noticed how attractive Camille looked just then, despite her heavily battered appearance, though the thought did nothing to excite him. Instead, it just made him feel worse.

“But I'm not willing to take you back right away.” Penny said to Cody, her voice taking on a stern edge. He looked back into her eyes, and though her countenance was mostly a solemn one, a smirk still permeated through to her lips. “You must be... punished.”

“Are you... are you crazy?” He asked. He did it with little inflection, and the volume of his voice was normal, for him. Penny saw his lips move, she saw he was addressing him, but his voice was so pathetically thin she couldn't make it out. She decided to just go ahead with the punishment. She laid him down on a hard board, and in her other hand picked up a small pair of scissors lying next to the wood. Cody tried to figure out what he was on. It was two planks, but they seemed fairly reasonably-sized for him. He saw that one end had thick black lettering, and it occurred to him. Popsicle sticks. He was about to ask what he was doing with popsicle sticks when he was pressed flat against them, his arms stretched out. Penny cut away excess wood beyond the lengths of his hands, and a pit rapidly grew in Cody's stomach.

“No! No! No, no no no no! No! Fuck this, no! Let me go! God damnit, let me go right now you crazy psycho bitch for fuck's sake let me go!” He screamed, his voice tearing at his already-hoarse throat. It was no trouble at all to restrain him, of course. He was tiny, about the size of a small action figure. Penny just held him firmly in her thin, soft fingers and watched him flail with all his strength. His struggles inevitably weakened, and eventually came to a stop, all while Penny looked down at him with that same smirk on her face. It never left, it never changed, it never faded or wavered, and it infuriated him. To Cody, that smirk had become a symbol of his powerlessness. Everything was going exactly the way Penny wanted it to, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Until he died, she would smirk over his pathetic struggles, his unheard pleas and his pained torment.

She finished measuring with him, then set the scissors down and brought out three thumbtacks. They were all metal, with wide, flat tops and wicked barbs that seemed to glint hungrily. Cody just stared at them dumbly. This couldn't be happening to him. She wouldn't do this. Nobody would do this to another human being. He looked up at her, as though expecting some kind of explanation, but there was none. He was met with her silence as she dutifully went about her task. She pressed him back against the makeshift cross, and pinched his right arm in one hand, and his body in the other. She faux-winced and said, “Sorry,” a moment before giving a sharp tug. Cody's arm exploded in pain, he tried to thrash around, but his energy was still drained. He started to cough, and was only mildly surprised when he tasted blood come up. Penny shifted her grip to his other side and did the same thing, popping his arm out of its socket and sending searing needles of pain through Cody's body, emanating from his shoulders. She stretched out his arms, and pressed the thumbtacks through his palms, drawing more pathetic noises from him. He moaned in twisted agony, he tried to squirm away, but now he was stuck, pinned to the wood.

Penny stretched his other arm out and pierced it, then brought his feet together and drove the final tack through each of them, then pinned them to the wood. Already, blood ran down the tiny cross, staining it in what she thought was a marvelous pattern. She held him up before her face, positively beaming down at him. “You're being given such a glorious opportunity.” She whispered to him, almost reverently. “You'll be able to suffer as our Lord did, and when you're finished with your penance, the man that you will become will rise from the dead and the two of us will live blissfully together for the rest of our lives.” Cody didn't have the strength to raise his head to meet her gaze while she spoke. It hung low, his eyes closed so he wouldn't have to see himself. He was horrified, fearful beyond anything he'd ever known before, and there was no way to make it stop. Penny set him down and turned her attention to Camille.

“And you, dear... you will be purged tonight.” She said, followed by a soft giggle. “I've invited some friends over for the ceremony. You'll be completely cleansed of sin.” As Penny spoke, she stroked the small, squirming girl's hair lovingly, like one might with a hamster. “Isn't that exciting? To know that you'll be going to Heaven? Some people live their whole lives in wonder, just to fail to make the cut. But you'll be in His embrace soon enough.” Penny produced a few rubber bands and bound the girl tightly, setting her down beside Cody. “The two of you rest up. Tonight's gonna be a big night. I'll be back later!” She waved sweetly, blew them a kiss, and disappeared from the room, leaving the tormented tinies to themselves.

“Camille...” Cody whispered, lolling his head to the side to see her. She looked like hell. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was matted and unkempt, and Cody thought he could see several patches where it had been ripped out. Her body, once so pale, was nearly black with bruises, and raw red in the areas that weren't bruised. The worst of it was that Cody could see now that all his life, everybody he'd ever known had displayed a specific innocence in their eyes – he only recognized it now when he saw its absence in Camille's. She looked at him with a mixture of hatred, fear and pity.

“She's inhuman.” Camille croaked. Neither of their voices was up to the task of holding a conversation, but they both relished the opportunity to seek solace in someone sharing their pain, their fears. “You've been-” Camille began, then choked on some bile in her throat. She coughed for a moment, then continued. “Asleep. Three days. Left you alone. Used me to...” Her head rolled back, so she was staring at the ceiling, and Cody thought he could see a tear roll down her face. “Play.” She spat. Cody just looked at her, his eyes full of sympathy. She had been awake, so she had been the sole focus of Penny's wrath. What's more was that this wasn't her fight at all. She was an innocent, drawn into this mess due to chance. Cody opened and closed his mouth several times over the course of what felt like hours, staring forlornly at this once-beautiful woman who lay helpless and broken beside him now.

“Stop it.” She finally rasped. Her eyelids fluttered several times, blinking away more tears. “Stop pitying. Stop staring.” She wished she could roll away from him, turn her back at least, but she knew she didn't have the strength, and she would just look more miserable if she tried, so she kept what dignity there was in stoicism and stared intently at the ceiling. Cody watched her for a moment longer, then rolled his own head up to the ceiling as well. He considered his own wounds. Both arms dislocated, and a recently developed case of stigmata, but other than that he was generally fine. He was amazed he was able to consider his own trauma so rationally, but decided that it was because he was able to contrast it against Camille's.

For a long while, the two of them laid in silence, thinking about their fates. When would his “penance” be over? What would she do about Camille when she decided to get back together with Cody? For that matter, what would he do? He certainly couldn't just abandon the girl, but at the same time he had very quickly understood that it was best not to cross Penny. He wondered what the future held when he heard a faint whisper.

“I'm scared.”

Cody looked over, and Camille was staring at him, sheer horror on her face. “She's going to kill me tonight.” She said. “That's what she means by-” Another coughing fit; Camille was trying to bite off bigger sentences than she could chew. “'Purging.'” She finished. Cody looked at her quizzically, and Camille elaborated. “By fire.”

His heart dropped. He shook his head as well as he could. “No, that can't be true.” He tried to comfort her, but she mirrored his head shaking.

“I heard her talking. On the phone. Going to burn me at a stake.” She just squeezed out the last word before another fit of coughs overtook her. Cody's mind reeled. This didn't happen to people. This wasn't supposed to happen. That's all he could think, despite knowing that it was happening. This just didn't happen. This couldn't happen. It can't be happening.

“No, she won't. She can't.” He responded. Camille glared at him, eyes wide, between coughs. Finally she composed herself.

“You have no.” She was yelling now. It wasn't really a yell, but Cody could tell that this was as loud as she got. “Fucking. Idea.” She coughed once. She looked him up and down. She took in the caked blood on the ends of the thumbtacks, and somewhere inside her she felt bad. “You will.” She said, not with glee or malice, but with pity. “Sorry.” Then she nodded. “Yes. She can. She will.” The two victims stared at each other for another long while, both helpless to even do so much as reach out and touch one another, much less do anything to subvert their fates.

The hours dragged by slowly. The rubber bands began to dig into Camille's skin, and she shifted and squirmed to make them more comfortable, which just caused them to dig in further. Cody's energy started to return, slowly but surely, but it was hardly enough to free himself, not even considering his dislocated arms. The two wallowed in misery, occasionally breaking it up with a few idle words when they had enough strength to speak. The sun set and slowly cast the room into darkness, and an eternity after that they could hear Penny coming home, along with a few other voices. They got progressively louder and closer as they climbed the stairs to Penny's room, and all of a sudden the light clicked on, blinding both of the tinies trapped on her dresser. When Cody opened his eyes, he saw four heads looking down at the two of them.

“Here they are! The little sacrifice, and the little martyr. Aren't they just adorable?” The male – the only male of the four – reached down and picked Camille up, positioning her in his hand so his thumb pressed against her chest, and he softly massaged her bare breasts.

“Hey there little lady. Remember me?” The other girls watched his treatment of her, and Cody was shocked to see that none of their reactions even closely resembled disgust. Penny just laughed, playfully hitting the giant man's arm.

“Put her down. You had your fun with her.”

“Might as well get all the tainting done now, before she's 'made pure,' am I right?' He sniggered, and Camille shrieked out as his thumb pressed hard against her.

“We want to make sure she's still conscious though.” Penny argued. He held Camille high overhead, and while the two of them began to play with the terrified girl like she was a toy, the other two girls turned their attention to Cody.

“What's your name?” One of them asked. Cody stated it, but his voice was too weak to carry. “What was it?” One of them, a girl with brown hair and matching eyes, leaned over him, her ear hovering inches above him. He yelled his name up to her, and she drew back. “I think he said his name was Cory.”

“That's so cute!” The other cooed, running her index finger down his chest. “Little Cory suffering to prove how much he loves Penny!” He tried to shake his head, to tell them this wasn't his idea, but they seemed disinterested in hearing from him anymore. Penny turned around at the mention of her name.

“What?” She asked, looking from the girls to Cody. “His name's Cody, not Cory.” She corrected, processing what she'd heard but not really listened to. “He absolutely does want to prove himself though, doesn't he, my little man?” Penny giggled down. The male, upset that he'd lost the attention of Penny, spilled Camille back onto the dresser, letting her roll roughly off his hand, and the four now stared down at the tiny, crucified man.

“Pretty big display you're putting on, all for her.” The guy grabbed Penny's shoulders and gave an affectionate squeeze, and Penny beamed down at Cody.

“He's a great guy, Sean.” Penny nodded. “He's so willing to sacrifice. He even offered up his girlfriend here as a sign of good faith.”

The other two ladies gasped in awe. The one who hadn't misheard his name spoke up. “We should get to it then! Let's go!” She grabbed Cody's cross, and Penny snatched up Camille, and the four giants brought their prizes downstairs, and out into the backyard. There was a small pile of sticks on a bed of dried leaves in a firepit in Penny's yard. The girl holding Cody stuck the cross roughly into the dirt overlooking the pit, and Cody hung there helplessly. They all sat around it, and Penny gently placed the squirming Camille on top of the pile. Cody could see she was rasping helplessly, her eyes wide with fear. Her gaze worked wildly around the group of tormentors, but they were all talking amongst themselves, paying no attention to Camille's emotional state. She looked up to Cody and he looked forlornly back at her, mouthing “I'm sorry,” as she stared in horror.

“Cody Miller, you have been gracious enough to repent your sinning ways, and offer up this temptress of lust to show how serious you are about your affirmations.” Penny said dramatically, and the four looked down at the helpless, terrified girl. She was sobbing, her muscles ached with exertion and her mind had all but shut down. It horrified her to think that there were even four people on this Earth who would gladly watch her burn and do nothing to save her. A week ago, she didn't even know any of these people, but now she'd become the prime exhibit of their twisted desires. “In so doing, she will be cleansed of all sin and will be allowed to go to Heaven. Your transformation will not be as simple as hers, but I promise, if you stick to it, it will be just as purifying.” She was looking at Cody now, a warm kindness creeping into her voice. Cody retched, but nothing came up. He didn't want to watch this. As cowardly as it was, he no longer entertained fantasies of stopping it, or somehow saving Camille. Now all he wanted was to not have to be here.

“If you would be so kind, Erinn.” Penny suggested. The brown-haired girl took a small, pre-prepared can of lighter fluid, and poured it around the edges of the sticks. She poured slowly, making it all the way around twice. Sean produced a book of matches and tore one off, striking it against the back. He held the burning rod above the sticks, watching the tiny girl struggle and squirm.

“Burn the witch.” He said casually, and let the match fall. The ring of fire spread quickly, the heat of it making the onlookers uncomfortable. They all scooted back except for Cody, who bore the brunt of the heat, his cries of pain unheard. Camille could feel the flames all around her, and the crackling sound of the fire drowned anything else out. She whimpered and begged and screamed, she struggled against the rubber bands, anything to make this not happen, but she was powerless to stop it. She could feel her skin dry up and begin to crisp off, and as the flames licked at her skin, her mind shut down to the pain, having become overloaded. She just stared off at nothing for her last few seconds as the sticks supporting her caught fire, wreathing her body in a holy, cleansing fire.

The four watched the fire long after Camille was dead. When the fires started to go out, one of them grabbed a stick and started poking around. Gently, and with support from another stick, Camille's blackened body was lifted out of the charred kindling, and set on the ground before them. It was twisted and shriveled, but there was no mistaking that it was her. Erinn reached out to pinch her arm, but it just crumbled and flaked off, leaving a black, powdery residue on her fingers, like charcoal.

“Ew!” She said softly, wiping it off on her pants. Penny's eyes, however, widened in excitement and her heart began to pound in her chest. Reaching two fingers out, she placed them on either side of Camille's head, and gently – ever so gently – she pulled the head from the body, and it separated with a soft snap. She raised it up to her eye. She couldn't even tell it was a head. It looked like the fat end of a match. Penny could hear the blood rushing through her ears as she looked at it, considered what it used to be, and then just softly smushed it into ash. It made a small crunch initially, then offered up no more resistance.

Sean saw Penny's face flush as she crushed the head of her perceived rival, and smiled wickedly. “Well, we don't need this anymore.” He extended his leg, waited to make sure Penny was watching, then lowered his shoe down onto the charred remains of Camille. He crushed it softly into the dirt, then twisted his shoe back and forth, scraping it off. “Not like she was important anyhow.” Penny gasped as she watched the tiny woman's body completely obliterated by Sean's shoe, and her eyes flicked up to his face. They shared a brief glance, then Penny cleared her throat and looked back down.

“Thanks for coming, you guys. Today has been really fun, and I'm glad you guys could stick around to celebrate my ex's reaffirmation of his commitment with me.” The girls nodded happily and the four of them rose. On their way inside, Penny casually reached down and scooped up Cody, letting the cross dangle upside-down as they strolled inside. The two other girls were the first to go, leaving Penny and Sean standing in her doorway.

“Tonight was really fun.” Sean repeated. “I had a blast with you.”

Penny smiled. “You too.” She looked into his eyes, and flashed back to him crushing Camille beneath his shoe. She started to flush again, and opened her mouth to say something more, but he held up a finger.

“Don't speak.” He whispered. “I know you're conflicted. What you have to ask yourself is do you want this,” He reached down and picked up Cody's cross, displaying it in a boring tone. He let it drop to the ground, and Penny gasped again, shocked and excited by Sean's callous treatment of her ex. “Or do you want this.” He stepped against her, pressing her body against a wall. One hand was suddenly beneath her shirt, cupping her breast as though it had been there all along. He squeezed gently, and placed his lips on hers, his other hand sliding around her back, pressing her waist against his. Penny practically melted into his arms on the spot. He held her there for a moment longer, then pulled away, smiling devilishly. “Your choice.” He turned to go, then looked down. “Whoops, sorry guy, almost stepped on you there. You're kind of in the way.” He kicked the cross to one side, and Penny let out a giggle despite herself. Sean smiled and waved again, then headed down the steps out of her place. She watched him for a while, then closed the door, locking it and staring down at her tiny ex.

“Don't worry.” She said sweetly, bending down and picking Cody up, holding him to her face. “I still love you, of course. I won't forget the sacrifice you made tonight.” Cody looked up at her with confusion. Why was she still keeping up the act? It was just them, they both knew the truth. She carried him up to her room and pressed the cross into a cork bulletin board she had. The thumbtacks sticking out the backs of the sticks dug into the cork and easily kept him upright. She took a step back, pleased with how he was displayed like a trophy, and began preparing for bed.


Over the next few days, Cody began to feel like an ornament. Penny's work-week had started back up, and she left him hanging there on her wall, often with little more than a wave and a blown kiss. He could feel himself starving, but there was little he could do about it. Penny never got close enough to hear his tiny voice, and he used so few calories each day that the process of starving was going excruciatingly slow. He screamed himself hoarse every night for her attention, but she always ignored him. She went about her life almost like he wasn't there. She'd parade around her room nude, talk on the phone, paint her nails, eat meals, do everything but spend time paying attention to him. He felt worthless. He was completely humiliated, and knew there wasn't even anything he could do to hasten his demise.

Several nights later, Penny came home at a time that Cody felt was later than usual. He could hear her shuffling up to her door. Shuffling? No, that was two people. Two sets of feet coming up the stairs. Her door burst open, and there was Sean, practically dragging Penny to her bed as she clung to him roughly, lavishing her affections onto him. The two completely ignored Cody's presence, instead stripping each other with haste. Penny bent herself over the bed and Sean immediately began driving himself into her, grunting with pleasure. After a while, they switched places, and she got on her knees, taking his dick into her mouth. Cody watched, unsure what to feel. He'd basically run the gamut of negative emotions over the past week, and they'd all kind of blurred into one mash of despair. Finally, the couple moved onto the bed, Penny on her back and Sean above her. That's when he noticed it. Even through the dark, Cody could tell. Penny's eyes were locked on his. Or at least, locked on his form. Even as she moaned and shook, she didn't take her eyes off Cody for a second. As the two came to climax, Penny clutched herself tightly to Sean's chest, and whispered, “Oh, Cody...”

He pulled away from her, his eyes narrowed. She looked at him in surprise, but didn't say anything, and neither did he. The situation was strange. Sean just scanned around the room until he saw Cody hanging on the wall. “Oh, this Cody?” He asked. Cody could tell it was supposed to be accusative, but it sounded... rehearsed. It dawned on him. This was a bit. They were roleplaying, and Cody's part in their little game was the tiny, cuckolded lover. Penny just watched wordlessly, almost breathlessly, as Sean walked over to the tiny man. He gripped the cross by the base and pulled it out of the wall, then wrapped his fingers completely around it, embracing Cody tightly.

“No, please...” Cody whispered hoarsely. In the dead silence of the room, the sound reached Sean's ears, and he started to grow hard again.

Fuck your Cody.” He growled, and squeezed. Cody's emaciated body collapsed almost immediately, sending shockwaves of pain through Cody's body. He gasped and gurgled as blood rushed up through his throat. A moment later, he blacked out. Sean tossed the bloody mess into a waste bin and climbed back on top of Penny. She gripped his hand and animalistically ran her tongue across it, tasting the blood, before forcing the still-bloody hand between her legs. She almost came again right there, and bit her bottom lip hard as she ground herself against him. In the dark room, she reached out and opened her dresser, her hand frantically groping around for a moment before plucking up something small and squeaking. Unfurling her hand before him, she presented the two girls from the fire.

“This world is rife with sinners, baby,” She said throatily. “Let's judge them all.”


Chapter End Notes:

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