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Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter 2! Thanks for voting. The winner is Marrisa and that is the bag Parker will go in.
I quickly ran towards Marrisa's bag. It was the closest bag near me and I knew I could trust her. I ran into the open hole in the bag. I fell on top of her pants. I quickly got up and ran to one of the zippers on the bag so she could find me. But before I got there the bag began to movie.

Marrisa was excited that the play was over and that today was her big slumber party. She was going to go see Parker and thank him for working back stage. When she went there he wasn't there. That's strange she thought. Hes probably already gone home to get ready thought Marrisa.

When she went to cast room she went to go talk to Hanna. Hanna had brought a special spice that would shrink her x down. Marrisa went to go see if it worked. " Did it work?" asked Marrisa. " No that cheater jake is still normal. But the soda with the shrink spice is gone. So someone probably drank it and now there about 3 inches tall." explained Hanna.
" Hey Parker wasn't there after the play. Do you think he drank it?" asked Marrisa. "Problay not but keep your eyes open for him. I got to go get readdy for your party."As Marrisa was walking to her moms cat Parker was in for a bumpy ride.

The bag kept shaking as Marrisa was walking to her moms car. I tried to get to my feet but I slipped down and fell to the bottom of the bag. Suddenly the bag stopped moving. Marrisa probably put the bag down. It gave me time to think. I had to get her attention before the party. My goal was to when she got home to crawl into one of her pockets in her pants so she well feel me. Mistake # 3. The car came to a stop and then the bag was moving agian.

Marrisa and her mom arrived at her house. Marrisa grabbed her bag and went up to her room. She dropped her bag on her bed and went to go change.

All of a sudden the bag dropped. To a average sized person it was only about 3 feet but to me more like 5 story's. The impact was soften by the pants but it still caused me much pain and I blacked out.

Marrisa opened up her bag and grabbed her clothes. She went to the bathroom to change. She striped out off her performance clothes and got changing. When she put her pants on she felt something in her pocket. She stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out what looked like a doll.

When I woke up I saw tree trunk sized fingers reach around me. Her soft fingers closed around me and pulled me out. Marrisa laid me out on her palm. Her billboard sized face was right in front of me. I was inches from her face. I could see her cherry lip gloss sparking. Her breath was warm and sour-sweet. Even at this size she was incredibly beautify hot. Her eyes looked at me directly and what sounded like a megaphone her voice filled the room. "Parker?" she asked. I was to shocked to answer but I nodded yes. I hoped that now that she found me she could help me.

Chapter End Notes:
Now that Marrisa has found Parker what will happen to him?
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