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Author's Chapter Notes:
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The crowd of juniors and seniors were all laughing and screwing around, talking to one another, unaware that their school lay in ruins or the imminent danger they were headed towards. That is, until the bus screeched to a halt in front of two unimaginably large feet. Everyone in the bus fell silent, their laughter turned to screams as they were picked up by a giant hand and carried to god knows where.
 Amelia had decided that her former classmates and friends would make a wonderful meal for her, stepping in front of the bus and just picking it up oh-so-casually. She debated between opening the escape hatch and devouring them right here or finding a secluded place where she could torment them by making them see their friends be eaten as a snack by a ravenous giantess, only to know that they would suffer a similar fate. She chose the latter, keeping the busload of students in her grasp, heading for a nice, secluded field in the distance. As she walked, the bus lurched, sending the students and driver stumbling against the escape hatch. They desperately wanted to open it, but were terrified of the fall that would most definitely kill them.
  Amelia reached the field and sat cross-legged, opening the escape hatch and dumping her treats into the space of her legs. All the students sat where they were for a moment, dazed and confused. Amelia allowed them a moment to collect their bearings, she wanted them to know exactly what was going on. Slowly they began to realize their situation, jumping to their feet and scrambling to look for an escape that didn't exist. Amelia quietly observed her panicking snacks, silently counting. There were thirty. Thirty little lives that she didn't care about, thirty little bodies to fill her tummy and soothe her hunger, thirty little people that would die today. She grinned and picked up a tiny blonde girl, shaking in her grasp. Amelia stripped her naked and tossed the girl into her mouth.  She played with the girl, running her tongue over her warm body, feeling up and down, groping at her wriggling snack. The girl was crying. Amelia couldn't hear it, but somehow...she could tell. She could practically smell the fear coming off of the others as the stared at her making a meal out of one of their classmates. Amelia swallowed and moaned, tracing her neck. That first taste of flesh...it made her want more and more. She reached for another, a horrified boy, and repeated the process. By now they were all running in different directions and screaming bloody murder, knowing there was no escape and that one by one they would be eaten, doomed to die from burning in stomach acid. The driver just stood there, almost in a state of shock and began to scream at her.
  "Let the kids go, you disgusting, sadistic, cannibal!" he shouted. Amelia picked him up and let him slide into her palm.
  "And what if I don't want to?" she retorted childishly.
  "Put me down, you stupid whore!" he demanded.
She almost hesitated.
  "No." she responded. She slipped his tiny, squirming  figure into her perfect mouth, leaving his top half between her lips. She quickly bit down, severing him at the waist. She swallowed his bottom half, his bodily fluids and organs quenching her thirst. Amelia let his upper half slide down to where her captives were, a chorus of minuscule screams coming upon the seeing his bloody torso leaking entrails onto the grass. A few of her snacks vomited upon this sight. She smiled. This was too fun. Amelia reached down and picked up ten or so, preparing to pop them into her mouth.
  "AMELIA!" one of the tiny girls shouted. Amelia looked and saw a figure jumping up and down desperately on the ground. "Amelia, this isn't you, I know this isn't you!" it was her best friend, Cassie.
  "Cassie?" she whispered.
  "Yes! Oh, god! Yes it's me! Please, please stop! You're hurting the ones you love, everyone you care about...they're dying, Amelia, and you're killing them!" Cassie shouted. Amelia picked up Cassie in her free hand. Cassie's expression turned to one of distress when she passed all of the screaming, terrified students in Amelia's left hand. When she reached face level, Cassie tried her hardest not to look at Amelia's blood speckled teeth or to gaze into the piercing blackness that led into her deadly belly.
 "Cassie? What's wrong?" Amelia asked.
 "Please Amelia, you need to stop this! These people are your friends! These people are your friends and you're eating them like they're...like they're...!" Cassie looked on in terror as Amelia lifted her palm to her mouth and dumped Cassie inside, swallowed, and sent her to her awaiting gullet. Amelia then observed her other terrified snacks. She had no friends. They were only toys, bugs, snacks for her to enjoy. She had no sense of morality anymore. She threw the screaming students in her mouth and began to rip them apart with her incisors and mash them to pulp with her molars, grinding bones and flesh together before she swallowed, a delicious bloodbath bathing her tongue.
  "They're nothing..." she said as she picked up the remaining students. She placed them all into her mouth, her cheeks puffed to full capacity, and began to chew the terrified students. Some of them were granted a quick death by decapitation, others weren't so lucky, missing her teeth completely and going down her throat live with the mush that was their former friends. She finished chewing and swallowed them with an audible gulp, patting her stomach in satisfaction, licking excess gore from her lips and sucking severed limbs from between her teeth. Amelia smiled, realizing she had no guilt, crushed the school bus to the thickness of aluminum foil, and headed off towards her next adventure.
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