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Author's Chapter Notes:

Won't bother introducing the characters because if you dont watch the show you won't understand most of what's going on anyway.

This is set after the two year time skip so if you haven't reached that part yet don't read because there may be spoilers.

I do not own the characters or anything in this story. The only part that is me is the plot. The rest belongs to Toei Animation and Funimation.

Update: Have edited chapter 1 and 2 and tweaked a bit of chapter 3. I hope you find it better now.

It was a hot day on the grand line and the strawhats were heading for the New World. It was gonna be a long journey so each of them were up to something. Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were fishing, Zoro and Brooke were sparring, Nami and Robin were taking advantage of the hot weather and getting a tan, Franky was working on the ship and Sanji was making tea for the ladies.

After a while Luffy started to feel a bit dizzy and thought the hot weather might be getting to him. He decided to take a nap and see how he feels later. He barely made it into the storage room before he collapsed face first on the floor.
After what felt like hours he woke up in a dark, empty, dome like structure with hundreds of gaps all around him. He went to peak through one of the gaps to see where he was.

He looked through and saw that everything around him was massive! He had shrunk! Thats when he realised this strange dome he was in was his strawhat.

'What the? How the heck did this happen?' He thought to himself.

*************************ELSEWHERE ON THE SHIP*************************

Nami: 'Ah, such a calm, relaxing day.'
Robin: 'Isn't it?'
Nami: 'I could sit here all day if I wanted to'
Robin: 'Ditto'
Nami: I'll go grab some more lotion from the storage room, be right back.'
Robin: Thank you, Nami-san



Luffy tried breaking through his hat with an attack but instead got his hand stuck in one of the gaps.

Luffy: 'DAMN! What do I do now?'
Nami: ' Now where did I leave that lotion?'
Luffy: 'Thats Nami! this is my chance! I have to get her attention. NAMIIIIII! HELP MEEEE!!!!'

Luffy was so small Nami couldn't hear him. However, his voice did turn her attention to the pile of clothes on the floor.

'FOR GOODNESS SAKE! I've told Luffy countless times not to leave his dirty clothes lying around!'

She went to pick up the clothes and noticed the strawhat.

'It is strange that he's left his hat though, he wears that thing everywhere.'

She dropped the clothes, picked up the hat and a smile appeared on her face.

'I remember when luffy saved me from Arlong he let me wear his hat.' She said as she put it on.

Just as she did that, luffy's hand got free and he tumbled out....... straight into her hair.

'Huh? where am I now? It looks like a forrest but its all orange.
Nami took off the hat then decided to find Luffy and return it to him...... and tell him off for leaving his clothes on the floor.

She walked out of the storage room and searched but didn't see Luffy.

Robin: 'Yo Nami, what ever happened to that lotion you said you would bring?'
Nami: 'Oh sorry, I was searching for the lotion then spotted Luffy's hat on the floor so I'm looking for him'

Luffy started to run through this strange forrest and didn't realise that his constant movement was making Nami's hair itchy.

Nami started to scratch her hair while talking to Robin and sent Luffy flying through the air.
Luffy started to panick, he looked around for anything to grab on to but saw nothing. He decided to just land on the floor and let his rubber powers save him. That was the plan, but unfortunately, things rarely do go 'according to plan' and Luffy landed in Robins cleavage.

Robin: 'If you want, I'll help you look for Luffy'
Nami: ' That would help, thanks Robin.'

The two women started to search for the captain, unaware that he's closer than they think.
From a normal mans perspective, it just looked like two women in bikini's walking, but to Luffy, its was a much different story. With every step Robin took, it felt like Luffy was being smashed in the head by a wrecking ball. The sweat from the sun and the lotion also made things very slippery for Luffy. The constant moving around made it impossible for Luffy to call their names.

After 5 minutes of beng beaten by Robin's breasts, Luffy slipped into her bra and found himself facing her nipple.

Chapter End Notes:

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