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On the drive out time had seemed to pass very slowly.  So it was surprising that a lengthy drive from town was now a short stroll for her.

There were lots of things in her purse that had grown with her.  Candy, keys, change, a tampon, and other assorted items.  Of course, being a female giantess might change how she handled things like periods.  But she would deal with that later.

As she ran her tongue over her teeth to clear out bits of the witch and her son she found something.  Pulling it out of her mouth she realized it was the growth ray he had made.  So much for protecting it.  No need to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.  It was useless now. 

She was only a mile away from the city when she felt hungry again.  She made her way toward the highway she had been avoiding.  She had figured that if she took a direct route to town they might mobilize some kind of force to stop her.  Provided anyone believed that a giant woman was really heading their way.

As she got closer she moved to crouch right around a turn in the highway that was next to a stand of trees.  Cars heading toward town were stopping far back from her and reversing direction.  But she shouldn’t have to wait long for someone leaving for their weekend getaway. 

Suddenly, a station wagon came around the corner.  By the time the driver saw her it was too late.  She had a hand around the car and had lifted it off the ground.  It looked like a good catch.  It was a family going on vacation.  There was a mom, a dad and two little girls in the car.  The dad was driving and it was really funny to see the tires still spinning as she held the car aloft. 

What did the guy think?  Did he think that his tires would magically make contact with something 30 feet in the air?  She couldn’t help but laugh as she saw the terror in their eyes.  Her eyes immediately went to the mother.  She was overweight but she had the big boobs that most of society prized so much. 

Using one of her nails she pried off the passenger side door and grabbed the terrified woman. 

“So you thought you were pretty cool didn’t you Mrs. Mom?  You got the station wagon, the husband, the two kids, and the boobs that got them all for you.”  As she spoke she enjoyed watching spittle from her mouth fall on the helpless woman in the palm of her hand.  It was like what ants faced when it rained.

Within a couple drops of spit she was drenched from head to foot.  Alyssa put on her best smile before adjusting her hand to grab the lady by the legs.  The lady was confused for about 10 seconds.  That was all the time it took for Alyssa to hold her up high in the air and start to slowly lower her down into her mouth.

The witch and her son had already been dead when she devoured them.  This was so much better.  The first bite that took off the head of the busty mom sent rivulets of warm blood and other bodily fluids down her throat. 

She sucked all the juice out of the woman before biting into her torso and enjoying the chewing of her food.  They were right…human did taste like chicken.  Alyssa really liked chicken. 

Granted the woman was only a couple of bites but she had the rest of her snack pack still in her other hand.  As her attention turned back to the car and the screaming of the father and his daughters an idea occurred to her.

She shook the car to shut them up for a second, “Hey, daddy-o.  I tell you what.  You willingly climb out onto my hand and willingly be the rest of my snack and I’ll spare your daughters.”

Alyssa thought, “Who knows.  Maybe one of them will have fantasies about being a giantess after watching me eat the people that punish them the most when they are bad.  I could be helping the next generation.”

The father glanced at his cowering children and Alyssa could see the conflict.  It was natural to say you would give your life for your children, but doing it was another thing altogether.  To rush the process, she added, “Of course, if you are going to have to think about it I could eat one of them while I wait.”

He shook his head in defeat and when she offered her other hand he walked out onto it and stood there defiantly.  “Let them go.  I’ve done what you asked.”

Her smile became sickeningly sweet as she closed her hand around his body.  “You little man are in no shape to demand anything.  Your attitude has made me change my mind.  I’ll let one of them live.”

That was when she remembered where she was as she heard screams coming from other cars that had pulled up to the curve.  Smiling down at them she stomped on their hoods effectively destroying the engines and stranding all of the people so she would have time to get away. 

As she ran she noticed that the tree tops were not as high on her as before.  Without thinking about it, she tossed the father into her mouth and chewed absentmindedly.  She was growing again and each person made her that much bigger.  Of course, to really reach the height she dreamed about would require a lot of people.

She would have to figure out all that later…right now, she was gonna try the bite-sized morsels still in the car.  She stopped running and looked inside.  Of the two little girls the older one who was around 10 was staring at her.  There was no anger, just a cold stare.  At that point Alyssa knew she couldn’t leave her alive to come seeking revenge so she held out her hand.

The girl seemed to understand and patted the shoulder of her sister before exiting the car.  Alyssa put the car on the ground and walked away.  The girl that was left behind cried out for her sister but those sounds were lost in the wind as she made good time through the woods.

The girl in her hand simply sat there as she walked feeling the wind in her face and taking in the sights of the world before she was destined to leave it for good.  She seemed resigned to her fate and showed a maturity that her father had never attained.

Soon they were far enough away that Alyssa was sure the sister wouldn’t see the end of her sibling.  Sitting down she stared hard at the girl in her hand.  Seeing what kind of reaction she would get.  The little girl stood up when she realized they had stopped moving and faced Alyssa.  There was no defiance.  There was just a cold determination. 

“Well, get it over with,” the girl said. 

She looked like she really was ready.  Alyssa wanted to see just how strong the girl’s will was.  She slowly raised her hand till it was level with her mouth and opened her jaws.  With a nod the girl walked across her hand.  Alyssa had placed her hand so that it jutted up against her teeth which were parted.

The little girl stepped lightly onto her teeth and stood waiting.  Alyssa pulled her hand back and enjoyed the sensation of feeling her food still alive and aware of what was happening.  She lowered her upper lip, but not all the way.  Some light still shined into her mouth from the mid day sun.

Slowly, Alyssa’s tongue snaked forward.  Closing her mouth she brought her lips against the girl without moving her teeth.  Then, with her tongue she licked the girl.  It was supposed to be lightly.  But when your tongue is the size of a king sized bed, nothing is lightly done.  The only thing that kept the girl standing was the pillowy lips behind her.

Now having tasted her food in a new way, Alyssa bit down.  Unlike her mother who was popped on one end and her father who had been chewed like a cow chews it’s cud, biting into the girl was like biting into a piece of fruit.  Her whole body was taken in that singular bite.  The blood flowed out of her like the juice of a peach and ran over Alyssa’s lips 

She licked it up and found that she actually liked the taste of blood too.  As she savored the taste she began to grow again.  It felt glorious.  Like the first ray’s of the summer sun on your face or the sensation of an orgasm.  She decided then and there that she’d eat everyone in the world if she had to.

She would get so big that nothing and no one could stop or control her ever again.

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