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The problem with Catherine's "disappearing" spell was that it wasn't a disappearing spell. Catherine was no genie, but her family had descended from a line of sorcerers. These weren't  magicians, rather the real type of magic wielding folk, known as sorcerers. Her parents hadn't told her for her own good, they would later and after the fact. Magic is dangerous, especially the first few hundred times one uses it, you never know what will happen. Magic allows the caster to carryout conscious thoughts on the world around him or her. The problem with untrained sorcerers and sorceresses is focus. Without focus, anything can be blended, including the line of thoughts running through someone's mind.

Catherine's mind was on three things simultaneously when the doorbell rang. The first was that she wanted to sex up Kyle. The second though was where she had placed the condoms for protection. The third thought hit her when she heard the doorbell ring. She needed to hide Kyle before Connor found him, she NEEDED to hide him now. But when she spun back to tell Kyle to hide, he was gone. Stunned, she looked around her room and in each room as she walked toward the front door. Kyle was nowhere to be found. Catherine figured he'd slip out from wherever he was hiding when he had the chance, as he knew Connor would beat down on him if he caught him here. Catherine opened the door and let her boyfriend in.

Meanwhile, Kyle was lost and confused in the blink of an eye. He had seen Catherine spin around to look at her door when the doorbell rang. The next moment he wasn't standing in her room, in fact, he was laying on his back, on a wet, slippery, and rubbery surface. Far in front of him he could see a clear wall with letters the size of billboards on the other side. The letters seemed to spell out something, but Kyle's eyes were still adjusting to the darker light.

He lay on his back and he got up carefully to avoid slipping. The entire surface was slippery with some sort of clear substance. The rubber material he lay on sloped upward in every direction. A good twenty-five feet up and nearly a hundred feet in every direction, all around in a gigantic circle, the latex material met the clear ceiling and curled around forming what seemed to be a roll of the material which was translucent and textured.

To be somewhere and then spontaneously somewhere else is a trip. The mind needs to refocus and make sense of one's surroundings. Kyle had no clue what this place could even be. The smell reminded him of the gloves they used in biology. The slippery surface reminded him of the pool tarp he had accidentally once fell on when he was wandering through the dark in the neighbor's yard on a pitch black night. And as his eyes began to further adjust to the darkness, he looked out past the clear wall high above.

Kyle make out a large circular opening which allowed light in. In the shadows to the side he could see a cylindrical tower the size of the Washington Monument with a curved tip. Fear started to set in, as he saw the printing on a white, round, paper covered, pillar object. The pillar object lay next to the cylindrical object, almost as high, but not as wide. It read "Tampax" on the side in big purple letters. Kyle couldn't believe his eyes, this must be a dream.

Focusing back onto the lettering high above, ignoring the smaller black lettering, he began to read the letters one by one, as they were printed backwards:


Panic struck the little man as he tried to grasp the concept of where he was. It wasn't possible... it just wasn't possible. A thunderous roar rattled through his entire body and environment... it was the sound of Connor laughing.
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