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Wanting to at least appear good, the band arrived at the studio at promptly noon, where Danny was standing outside talking with an older man.

Trying to be polite, Ginger decided to wait for him to finish his conversation, an attempt that ended only a second after it began.

"Hey! Mr. Bungie! How's it goin' man?" January asked eagerly.

Though startled by the interruption for a moment, Danny recovered quickly. "Just who I was looking for! Look sharp Mr. Roberts, these are the girls I was just telling you about!"

"Roberts? As in, David Roberts? The famous director?" Charlette asked, her eyes sparkling.

"Nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile.

"Oh my God it really is you! I LOVED "A Midsummer Nights Dream In 2099"! And and an-"

"And he gets it Charlette." Ginger interrupted before Charlette could embarass herself further.

"Yeah Charlie, you should like, calm down, or else like, he'll hate you man." January added simply.

David's eyes lit up for a moment as he looked over the three girls. "Why, yes, I was just meeting with Mr. Bunginald here and letting him know I may be in need of some musical talent sometime soon, I think you may have exactly what I'm looking for..."

Charlette opened her mouth to squeal but Ginger quickly clamped her hand Charlette's mouth.

"Hey if you want to, I don't see why not, these girls are gonna be big and soon they'll be more popular than sliced bread!" Danny added with a hearty laugh. "But for now girls, we have to get started immediately, so let's head inside."

"Ok! Let's go!" Ginger echoed, cheerfully as January and Charlette followed behind.

Now alone, David Roberts licked his lips excitedly. "They're perfect." He said in a small voice.


The weeks blurred past without a single hitch. SSS Rank as a whole were at the top of their game the entire time, and after only a month, they were as done as they ever would be.

Bright and early one morning, only a few weeks before their album was ready for distribution, Danny called the group in claiming he had excited news.

"Listen, girls. You know I love you right?" He said, stopping to take a puff from his cigar.

All three girls grimaced, but Ginger tried to twist it into a small smile.

"Girls. You remember Mr. David Roberts from a few weeks ago?" He asked.

"Yes of course!" Charlette squeaked out before she could stop herself.

"Now calm down there shorty, he says he wants to offer you girls a job in some kind of big budget independent project. That sounds like an oxymoron to me, but whatever, the mans rich he can do what he wants. When you're famous you'll get to associate with people like him daily, like I do right now." Danny bragged.

Opening the door to the office slowly, Mr. Roberts stepped in again and his eyes lit up upon seeing the girls.

"Whoa, it's Davey again! Ha, cool!" January said, laughing.

"Yes, nice to see you again. I really liked what little I saw of you three a month ago and would love to offer you a job on a secret project!" He said with a warm smile.

"I'm not sure..." Ginger said slowly. "Give us a second." She added quickly and wrapped her arms around January and Charlette, pulling them closer to her.

"We-We've got to do this Ginger! We've just got to!" Charlette said in a panicky voice.

"I dunno man. Davey's cool and all that, but I'm really getting tired of old man Bungie over here, what if everyone rich and famous is like, like him?" January remarked.

"For once I agree with January." Ginger said, feeling shocked as she never felt she'd use those words before. "I know you love this guy, but I really don't like what Danny here is trying to make us into, and Mr. Roberts here could be worst..."

Charlette didn't respond, her mouth just hung open, looking betrayed.

Though it pained her to do it, Ginger stood up straight and simply said, "No." to his generous offer.

Genuinely shocked, Danny stood from his chair and his face began to grow purple. Before he could get a word out though, Mr. Roberts cleared his throat rather loudly.

"Listen, Daniel, do you mind if I maybe speak to them personally, maybe if I told them a little more about it..."

"Hmph, do what you want, see if I care." Danny responded hostilely.

"Ok, come with me for a second." David said as he lead them out of the office.

Slipping the door shut behind him, he addressed the three girls more personally.

"Ok, yeah, I'm sure you're at least aware of the kinds of films I normally make."

"I am!" Charlette interrupted, leading to a heavy sigh by Ginger.

Giving Charlette a toothy grin, he continued. "Well, I've made myself quite a bit of money like this, so one thing I've always wanted to try is to make a big budget short film. Daniel over here gave me the idea of a music video, and recommended me to you three."

"Whoa, so we could like, be on TV with our music, man?" January asked sincerely. "The world is like, so advanced these days!" January chimed in.

"Err, yes. But here's the kicker, it's a bit of a secret, so I thought you might like to know that Danny, well, he knows nothing about it" David added with a mischievous grin.

"That certainly sweetens the offer, but why us, aren't there a million other already famous artists you could use?"

"Please." David begged. "When I saw you three a month ago I knew you were perfect because you had something they don't, and that is being genuine. Everyone over in Hollywood and Los Angeles is a big fake. Genuine people are next to impossible to find, much less get on film, and I think this would really help with the artistic merit of the video.

"Well now I just wanna know what you have planned if you're using the phrase, "Artistic Merit" to describe a silly old music video?" Ginger grinned. "But, what do you two think?"

"GOD YES PLEASE!" Charlette almost screamed in joy.

"Yeah man that seems, like cool. You totally get us Davey, not like Bungie in there." January said while motioning towards the office door.

"Well, anything to oppose Danny, am I right?" Ginger said with a chuckle. "Sorry for seming so uptight earlier, we were just tired of people in the biz like Danny, that's the last thing any of us want to become..."

"Perfect. Meet me over at the Starry Sky Suites at in two hours, you'll need to spend a night there so bring something to sleep in too. Can't wait to see you!" David said with a huge smile.

"No problem then, thanks a lot there Mr. Roberts, we'll just finish meeting with Danny and head right on over."

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