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The flood of snot is relentless and keeps your body motionless. The salty, thick taste of Melissa's snot fills every open orifice on your body, with your mouth taking the worst of it. You cough and gag, trying to clear the vile substance from your airway, but your efforts are meaningless. You lay in the darkness of this middle aged woman's nostril, drowning in her snot, expecting the end to come soon. As the light begins to fade on your world, you feel a trunk of nose air and grab it with all of your might. You pull your body from the tar-like substance and attempt to relieve yourself from the dungeon of snot Melissa has encased you in. You body body slowly rises from the swamp of mucous to be greeted by a gale force wind. Every breath that Melissa takes, threatens to throw your puny form into her sinuses and into a far more dangerous realm. You tighten your grip on your saving nose hair, and doible your efforts to free yourself quickly. All that remains is freeing your legs from this horrible bog. You prepare for one last heave, and feel your legs escape the iron grip of the titan's fluids. However, your lucky branch seems to have become a casualty during your efforts, as it has been ripped from the wall it resided in.

A slight tickle rolled acrossed Melissa's congested nose, but she thought little of it. She was due to clip her nose hairs, as they could become quite unwieldly. She was still focused on the aroma of her cum and paid little attention to outside distractions. However, a sharp sting attacked her nostril and caused her eyes to water. This sensation garnered her full attention. Her natural reaction was to rub her nose to alleviate the pain. She could feel the snot gather on her nose hairs, as it became a full fledged booger that may be in dire need of her rescue.

Your brief drop through her nostril was cut short by your quick reflexes. You grab ahold of a nearby tower of hair and gather your senses. The walls are covered with the same creamy slime you were trapped in before, making you more excited about your current position. As you took time to think about your next course of action, you lost your focus when the wall of your cavern crashed into you; smothering and drowning you at the same time. The pressure was intense, but the walls were forgiving in their attack. the familiar feeling of being trapped in a quagmire of snot returned as you were compressed into a ball of yellow snot. You were trapped in a colossal booger making travel impossible. How were you going to get out of here.

Melissa's nose was irritating her, so she decided to investigate herself. With no workers around, she treated herself to a nose pick. Her pointer finger penetrated her nostril and hunted down the annoyance in her nostril. After a small amount of exploration, she had found the culprit. The booger latched onto her finger and signal that it was ready to be removed. Melissa pulled her finger out of her nose, eager to see what prize she had found.

Your prison began to shake violently and found itself being ripped from its home inside this woman's nose. You feel the towering hairs lash you once more, as you tumble out of this tomb. The light blinds you, revealing the outside world and your diminutive stature. The cool air rushes across your face, however it slowly because more humid. The refeshing breeze that signified safety, has been replaced with a humid, musk that reeks of coffee and morning breath. It was hardly breathable and was making you nautious. As your vision slowly returned, you open your eyes to find two deep red mountains infront of you. These figures shimmered in the light and appeared glossy and moist. A small crack between them revealed an endless descent thar produced the stench you have been noticing. Your only thought....lips. These are Melissa's lips, and you are so small that you can't even see past them. Your demise inside Melissa's mouth is only inches away.

The golden ball of nose gold rested upon Melissa's finger. No larger than a bead, she brought the potential snack closer to her face. Her eyes looked left and right to spot any witnesses. There was no one in sight. One thought crossed her mind as she brought the booger closer to her salivating maw....snack time!

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