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Chapter four


Kelly turned around and found Brenda standing behind her.

"I thought you were Betty for a second there."

"Come on, it's not safe here." Brenda pleaded.

Kelly was about to argue, then she heard the sound of cursing from a nearby room.

"When I get my hands on you Sandra I'm going to make you sorry you escaped." Betty cried.

"Let's go." Kelly then ran back to the room. Brenda followed her.


Claire and Cindy then found themselves on the floor of Jake's Place. Close to where the nine club was sitting.

"Freeze." Claire said and all the pets in the room froze. Claire and Cindy then went to the tabletop.

"You can move now Cindy."

Cindy then looked around. She was startled to see all the nine club frozen even her friend Elizabeth.

"They are all under your power?" Cindy asked.

"Yes. Of them Michelle will be the first to shrink." Claire then pointed to Michelle. "I command you to shrink at the rate of an inch per minute."

"That's a lot slower than I shrunk."

"I'm conducting an experiment. Remember to tell them that they are within my power." Claire then disappeared from sight and the nine club unfroze. It wasn't long before she was spotted.

"What the! Who the heck are you?" Molly asked.

"Cindy is that you?"

"Yes it is. It's nice to see you Elizabeth. Wish I didn't have bad news to bring."

"You know this girl?" Michelle asked.

"Her name is Cindy Ming. That last time I saw her she was on her way to buy an anti shrinking charm." Elizabeth replied.

"This proved to be useless against Claire Martin."

"Not that mini goddess nonsense again." Michelle moaned.

"You heard about Claire?"

"Brenda mentioned her to me over the phone. I refuse to believe in mini goddesses."

"She's very real and I can see why she has decided to shrink Michelle. "

"I am not shrinking and don't plan to get shrunk." Michelle cried unaware that she had already lost two inches of height.

"What about the rest of us?" Molly asked.

"We are all her pets. We are all in her power." Cindy replied.

"You mean she can shrink us any time she wants to?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes! And that's not all she can do to us. I've even heard that she can turn people into dolls. She calls it the Brooke treatment."

"Is that how you spent the last few months as a doll?" Elizabeth asked.

"No! I was a sex toy for Danielle. There were two other SW and a doll they claimed was once a woman named Brooke." Cindy replied.

"That would explain why you're naked." Elizabeth remarked.

"How tall is this Claire?" Trish asked. 

"About eight inches, Why?"

"She no bigger that a Barbie doll let you claim she an all powerful goddess."

"What's your point?"

"I refuse to be a pet to a doll."  Trish vowed.

"I would be careful with what you say or you'll be shrinking next."

"I am not shrinking." Michelle cried trying hard not to notice that her clothes were getting a bit loose.

"Are you all right Michelle?" Molly asked.

"I'm fine I just need to powder my nose."

As Michelle got up they couldn't help but notice that Michelle was shorter than she was before.


By the time she reached the ladies room, Michelle had shrunk to 5'4".

"What's happening to me?" Michelle cried.

"You're shrinking." Cindy the super witch replied.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Measure yourself up against that height chart on the wall there."

Michelle did so and discovered that she was only 5'3".

"This can't be right."

"I assure you it is."

Michelle then looked down and saw an eight-inch tall redhead standing by her feet.

"How would you know short stuff?"

"Seams like Michelle has an attitude problem." Cindy commented

"Indeed, I'm not shrinking her fast enough."


Michelle then found herself shrinking rapidly. Soon she was lost within her own clothes. Then suddenly they were gone and she found herself naked on the washroom floor. To her horror she realized she was now half an inch tall.

"Who's the short one now?" Claire asked.

"I demand that you restore me."

"Keep up that tone and I'll shrink you even smaller. Now how to punish you?"

"Isn't this punishment enough?" Michelle asked.

"Quiet! Oh I know."


Michelle then found herself on the same tabletop Cindy Ming was standing on.

"Hey Cindy give Michelle here a lesson in being a sex toy" Claire commanded.

"As you wish goddess." Cindy replied.

"You won't dare." Michelle muttered but Cindy picked her up and proceeded to have sex with her while the rest of the nine club watched on in shock.


Minzda in the form of Dan walked into the restaurant. He headed straight to the table where the nine club was sitting.

"Hello girls. What's up?" He asked.

"Well officer, Michelle got shrunk by Claire Martin to a tiny size." Molly replied.

"And now she forced to have sex with Cindy." Elizabeth added.

Minzda looked down at the scene on the tabletop. The two SW were having sex. But only one was enjoying it.

"OH! I know why Danielle does this every night." Cindy moaned.


Meanwhile back at the hotel, Kelly and Brenda safely make it back to the hotel room.

"We’re back." Kelly cried.

"Did you catch the blob?" Holly asked.

"No but I did find this." Kelly then pulled Sandra out of her pocket.

"So that's why you were so anxious to get back here. How's Jessica doing?" Brenda asked.

"She went on a pizza eating binge. Jessica considers it a comfort food."

Brenda then looked down at the pizza and a moaning Jessica.

"I don't understand it. I'm so full yet I only ate a fraction of a slice."

"You’re a lot smaller than you used to be."

"Speaking of food what do you have to eat around here?" Sandra asked.

"Pizza and tap water." Holly replied.

"Yuck! Have anything else?"

"You're not a position to argue tiny." Kelly pointed out "I just though of something let's see whose shorter Jessica or Sandra."

The two SW were then placed on top of a table and a ruler brought out. Jessica proved to be an inch taller.

"This ruler only makes me feel smaller." Jessica complained.

"At least you have a bra that fits. My clothes didn't shrink with me at all."

"Really! Mind did. But Betty ripped them off of me."

"Speaking of Betty what are we going to do now?" Kelly asked.

"Let me call Charles. At the very least he can provide some decent food." Sandra suggested.

"All right tell me his number and I'll call him." Brenda said.

"Don't bother, he's dead."

Startled everyone turned to see who had spoken.

"Who the hell are you? Jessica asked.

"I am Tammy Spell. Super witch and co host of Green Valley Survivor."

"You mean this is some sort of game?" Holly asked.

"Exactly! People vote for who will get shrunk in the next instalment." Tammy replied.

"And who is voting to shrink us? Your fellow super witches?" Brenda asked.

"No. Your AWEA friends think of them as Writer Gods. That reminds me it's time to take away your AWEA toys."

Brenda laptop and other equipment then disappeared.

"Oh no! That's means I'm stranded on this world." Brenda wailed.

"What do you mean this world?" Jessica asked.

"As I was telling your friends earlier I'm from an alternate world." Brenda replied.

"Before I go I give one piece of advice. Betty is very pissed off at the moment. I won't provoke her." Tammy then disappeared from sight.


"What are the writer gods Tammy mentioned?" Holly asked Brenda.

"Well, there is a theory that claims that we are all characters in stories posted on internet message boards. The people who write these stories are called writer gods. For example Mr. G created this universe so he can be thought of as the local writer god.

"What type of stories do these so called gods write?" Kelly asked.

"Well there are SW boards and there are GTS boards. Likewise there are writer gods who deal only with SW while others only deal with GTS."

"Let me guess, Mr. G deals with only SW."

"Actually he deals with GTS as well. This whole theory started to a conversation Debbie had with Mr. G before she became a 4,000 foot GTS-Goddess."

"The theory is nonsense. It would imply that we are all products of some writers imagination." Jessica commented.

"I'm still trying to imagine a 4,000 foot goddess." Kelly commented.

"As interesting as this is. It doesn't help us deal with Betty and friends." Holly pointed out.


Back of the restaurant the nine club had finished their dinner and wearing debating their next move. Minzda watched their debate with great interest.

Elizabeth: "I say we go back to the hotel to meet with Brenda."

Trish: "But Betty is at the hotel."

Molly: "One thing is Clear. It's not safe here. I for one don't want to get any shorter."

Monica: "None of us want to be shrunk. But is there any safe place to go?"

Cindy: "No, she can shrink you from anywhere."

Elizabeth: "Well I'm going back to the hotel. Who is with me?"

All the girls but Trish raise their hand.

"I say we should make ourselves moving targets." She explained.

"I refuse to be on the run all night." Molly cried.

"Me too. I rather back go to the hotel." Monica added.

"I'm willing to protect any one unwilling to go back to the hotel." Minzda lied.

'That sounds good to me." Trish replied.


So the nine club separated, Trish going with what she thought was police protection. The rest of the girls back to the Green Valley Motel. For those who are wondering Cindy Ming and Michelle ended up in Elizabeth's purse.


To be continued

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