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Ten Months ago,

I just stood four feet tall, with the shoes I wore gave me a two inch boost. I became small enough that I cannot even drive my car anywhere. I mean if I did go off driving and get pulled over by the police I would be mistaken as a child. Amanda just loves me more being this size. Amanda and me went off to buy clothes that would fit me.

As we were shopping, people tend to look at us with confused look on their faces. It was as if they wondering what our relationship is. Are we husband and wife or mother and child, that kind of thing you know.

In case you were wondering, for work Rinslet drives me there as if you can remember is that she work at the same place as me. Anyway gotten side tracked, I might as well tell the day I was fired.

Joe tried to live out like normal as well as having a normal working life but that was very hard as everyone at the work place tend to make fun of his small size. Joe tend to ignore them but when people noticed that was getting smaller, he was called in to see his co worker Natasha Dickson.

Due to my tale, Natasha Dickson isn't her real name 

“Thank you for coming in Joe” said Natasha as she looked at Joe when he walked up to her. Natasha smiled down at Joe with her hands on her hips and learned on her left leg. “Is there something you want miss?” asked Joe as he looked up at Natasha, feeling a slight stiff in his neck.

“Yes there is something” said Natasha as she leaned onto her other left, “We need to talk about your role in the workplace” “What about it?” asked Joe as he looked up at her all confused; “Aren't I doing a good a job?”

“Yes true you are one of the best employees we have and I did went trough a hard time getting you this promotion; but with your current state” said Natasha as she stopped herself from talking. “My current state? I hope you're not talking about me shrinking?” said Joe as he sounded a bit annoyed.”I'm afraid that it is” said Natasha as her smile face turned serious.

“What!” said Joe as he felt himself wanting to shout. “Please take a seat” said Natasha as she pointed to a spear chair that was inside the office. Joe climbed onto the chair and looked up at his boss whom now look even more taller. “You can't fire me just because I'm getting smaller” said Joe as Natasha sat down.

“Well due to how things stand, we cannot pay you fully” said Natasha. “What! Why!” asked Joe as he looked at her worried. “Because the higher ups heard about you being a victim of the Emerald Storm and fear about the cost of insurance it could cover. They fear that your shrinking body might cause them a lot of trouble with the danger you will put yourself in” answered Natasha.

Natasha took a deep breath before she carried on, “On top of that there have been complaints from other co workers” “Complaints...why? I haven't done anything” said Joe. “True you have done nothing wrong but...” said Natasha but was butted in by Joe. “Then what is that I could have done?” asked Joe. “They just complained about how you are getting even more money” answered Natasha as she crossed her left leg over her right.

Joe just looked at her shocked about what she has just said. “I tried my hardest to keep you working for us but the higher ups have agreed upon with two choices” said Natasha. “And those are?” asked Joe. “First that you willingly leave the workplace and that you will get full pay for doing so. Second is that you will have a demotion from the job you have right now and I will work hard into helping you getting another. With this you will be getting less pay” answered Natasha.

Joe looked at the floor not knowing at what to say. Slowly Joe looked up and said, “I'm sorry but you're telling me to either leave or get a less paid job” Natasha placed her right hand on Joe's left small leg. “Just to let you know...my old secretary left and the her spot is open. If you wish, you can become my secretary” said Natasha.

“I...I think about it” said Joe as Natasha let his leg go. “Of course, phone me in the morning about your choice” said Natasha as she stood and looked down at Joe with a smile. “Here let me help you” said Natasha as she leaned forward and helped Joe off the chair. “Thanks” said Joe. With that Natasha walked Joe out of the office.

Of course that when I left the office, I saw my co workers looking at me as if they knew what has just happened and they just loved it. The only person that spoke to me like normal was Rinslet but that soon changed when people started to make out that I was cheating on Amanda with Rinslet.

Now I know what you might be thinking, did I go with the secretary job? Well I did yes but it was so embarrassing to do so. I mean how would you feel if you were at the top of your game suddenly shrinking down in size which causes the way people see you which makes people complain and forces you to get a low paid job.

The people pretty much made my life there a living hell. So a week later I pretty much told Natasha that I quit. She was sad at first but she understood fully as she gave me full pay in doing so.

So what is it that I do afterwards, well let me tell you.

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