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Eleven months ago,

Joe woke up that day and felt that something different and he noticed when changed his clothes was that they appered to be baggy than he remembered them to be. He looked around the bedroom and saw that things seem to stand out of place. He looked at the clock and that it was time for him to get to work, so he rushed down stairs made himself a piece of toast. Once he finished eating it, he made his way to put his shoes on.

He noticed that the shoes was somewhat loose, Joe tried to shrug it off but deep down he had a feeling that something was odd. He made his way towards his car, got in and noticed that he needed to adjust the seat. This has finally made him worry. “What's going on?” said Joe to himself as he started the car.

I drove to work and tried to keep my mind away from the strangeness that happened to me that day by keeping myself busy. People at the workplace, I noticed was somewhat taller than I remembered them to me. Heck they even took note on how loose my clothes looked on me but they pretty much believed that I was losing weight.


after a few days later, I noticed something strange

After seeing how his clothes was even more baggier, Joe felt that he should go and see his doctor Jessica Reeds. He got in his car and saw that he had to adjust everything again. With that he knew that something was wrong. After a hour of waiting, Joe was allowed to go in and see Jessica. As he entered the office, Jessica spoke out “Ah Mr Enron, what seems to be the problem?”

Jessica turned round and looked at him and gave him a funny look. Joe then explained everything about his worries. Jessica just looked at him for a moment and slowly a smile crossed her face. “Doc...why are you looking at me like that?” asked Joe as he felt uneasy. “What...oh nothing Mr Enron...nothing” answered Jessica.

Jessica then began to walk around Joe and said, “But I have to say...you do look shorter the last time we met” “I saw you last week about that health check for the company” said Joe as he looked at Jessica walked back and fourth. Joe then looked at Jessica a bit more closely and saw that she was right, he was in deed shorter than her.

“Any idea on what caused you start shrinking?” asked Jessica as she walked over to her desk and took out a clipboard and pen. Joe began to think back at anything and the only that pop up in his head what the strange storm. “I...I was struck but a green lightning a few days back” Joe answered. Jessica looked at him with a confused look.

“If you got struck by lightning then why are walking around as if you haven't?” asked Jessica as she walked towards him. “Perhaps you didn't hear me...I said that I was struck by GREEN lightning” said Joe. “Green Lightning? Sounds like something you hear from a television show. Hmm...a few days ago that wouldn't be when the Emerald Storm happened?” said Jessica as she began to write something down.

“Is that what they call it” said Joe. “Hmm...oh yes. And you say you were struck by lightning from that storm?” asked Jessica. “Erm...yes” answered Joe. “Interesting...” said Jessica as she wrote it down. “Why...what's so interesting?” asked Joe. Jessica looked at Joe and tapped the pen on the clipboard and answered, “It is really, your the first at the moment to claim that you have been struck by green lightning”

“Wha?” was all Joe could say. Jessica went to the draws and took out a folder of Joe's last medical check and said, “Lets see how tall you were before and now” Joe was lead to a wall with a height measurement. Jessica told Joe to take his shoes off and up with his back against the wall. Once Jessica saw how tall he is, she wrote it down and then looked at his medical check.

“Hmm...you're now 5'9, the last check up reads that...that you once were 6'1” said Jessica as Joe put his shoes on. Joe looked up at his doctor's face with a worried look. “I'm sorry...its just funny seeing you shorter than me. Granted that I'm tall and that most men I meet are shorter but still, you once stood taller than by two inches and I now stand taller by four inches” said Jessica as she couldn't hide her smile.

“Oh gee, you shall now how to make the sick feel better now don't you” said Joe as he was heading towards the door. “Hay calm, calm down. Just don't worry, I will find a cure. Mark my words. But in the mean time, best just go and live life like normal. Best come back for a check up in a month got it” said Jessica. “Okay...thank you” said Joe. With that Joe left the office and headed on home, not knowing that Amanda was having a strange dream.

Amanda dressed in her nightgown walked out from the bedroom and noticed that Joe there. She walked downstairs and saw that he Joe was nowhere in sight. “Joe...Joe where are you?” asked Amanda to herself. Just then Amanda heard his voice echoed, “I'm down here!”

Amanda looked down and saw something that surprised her, there down by her bear feet was a three inch tall man that looked like her husband. “Oh my god...” said Amanda as she knelt down to get a better look at him; “Joe; your so small”

“Joe...what happened?” asked Amanda as she rested onto her kneels. “I, I, I, I have no idea really” answered Joe. Before Amanda could say anything, the sound of the front opening echoed throughout the house. Amanda looked at the door and saw that there was no one there. She looked back at where Joe was and saw that he was gone.

“Huh? Joe where did you go?” asked Amanda as she stood back up. Just then, Amanda's sight began to go all blurry and then she felt light headed.

When Amanda opened her eyes, she found herself back in bed. She sat up and then she just realized that all she had was a dream. She was a little sad about it all being a dream, she got out of bed and changed of clothes.

When I went home that morning and saw Amanda being sad. I asked what was wrong and she said to me that nothing was wrong. Amanda looked at me and saw that she was almost as tall as me and I knew that I couldn't hide it any longer; so I took a deep breath and told her about what was learnt from the doctor...about me shrinking.

But after I told her, I saw a smile crossed her face.

“So...are you shrinking everyday?” asked Amanda as she looked at Joe from head to toe. Joe just looked at his wife and found it strange that she wasn't worried. “I don't really know if I am shrinking everyday but I do know is that I am shrinking...slowly” Joe answered.

From that day onwards, I slowly began to shrink...making it harder to hide my height loss from the people that I know. There were days where I wouldn't shrink, there was times that I didn't shrink for weeks making me think I stopped shrinking.

On the days that I did shrink, I would have lost an inch or two and each time I gotten smaller I saw Amanda smiled a bit more than before. I still worked for the company but that didn't really last very long...well I might as well tell you all the day I was fired for just standing four foot tall.

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