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Chapter four 

Stanley Charm looked over the dinner crowd. His stay on this world was going reasonably well. Then he felt the Earth start to shake. Running outside to see what was going on. He spotted Rose Crusher approaching fast.

“Turn on the force field Brenda.  We got GTS-Goddess trouble.” With the force field in place around the restaurant Stanley then went to meet Rose.

“Did Andrea visit your restaurant?” Were the first words out our Rose mouth.

“Yes she did. She wished to become a goddess. And Mr. G decided to make her a mini goddess. Instead of what she wanted.”

Rose frowned. She was afraid of this. Mini goddesses were an approved part of the Wishbone multiuniverse.

“Rose Crusher.”

Rose turned to the source of the voice and was surprised to see Alice.

“What are you doing here?” Rose asked.

“The GTS council sent me here to investigate Andrea. I actually meet her on this world moon a short time ago. When she left, I decided to get a closer look at her home world and at Wishbone.”


Stanley watched Alice arrival with dismay, one GTS-Goddess was bad enough but two. He began to fear for this world.


“I just had a thought. She is only a thousandth of my height. Would stepping on her help?” Alice asked.

“I doubt it. Stanley do you know Mr. G plans for Andrea?”

“Yeah. What are the exact extent of her abilities?” Alice asked.

“Why should I tell you?” Stanley asked.

“If you don’t you are going to get to know my foot personally.” Rose replied.

Stanley Charm reluctantly told the GTS-goddess what he knew.


While this was going on, some Shrinkers stumbled across Alice’s spaceship.  They were surprised to find it, standing in the middle of a residential neighbourhood crushing several homes underneath.  After looking it over they decided to shrink it down to human size. But one of the Shrinkers whose name was Jimmy was worried.

“What happens when the owner comes back?” Jimmy asked.

“We cut him or her down to size stupid.” The Shrinker boss replied.


After Stanley had finished telling the GTS-Goddess all about Andrea Alice asked;

“What now?”

“Summon an emergency meeting of the GTS-Council. Were facing what could be one of our greatest threats.”

“All right. Let me get to my ship and I’ll meet you there.” Alice then walked to were she left her ship. Only to find it wasn’t there any more.

“Who took my ship?” She cried.

“We did.”

Alice looked down. She saw a bunch of guys, surrounding her shrunken ship.

“I’m not in the mood for Sizechanger games. Please return my ship to it proper size.”

“We are Shrinkers, not Sizechangers. Prepare to be shrunk bitch.” The Shrinker boss cried. He and his fellow Shrinkers tried their best, but Alice Gabriel didn’t shrink an inch.

“You fools. Don’t you realize that GTS-goddess are shrink proof.”

Several of the Shrinkers fled at this point. But not the Shrinker boss. For unlike the other Shrinkers, he had a secret weapon. Ability he was hopping to save for another time, but now felt he had to use.


Elsewhere, Andrea returned to MBC Mourning show studios, hoping to catch the end of the show. To her surprise, the mourning show was over. It was replaced by coverage of a breaking news story. Andrea then saw Neil and asked;

“What’s going on?”

“We got reports of a mega couple in Bangor, Maine”

“What!! That’s just a few miles from my hometown. “

Then she heard cries of surprise, Neil and Andrea rushed to the nearest TV screen and was stunned by watch they saw. Martin one of the known Shrinker bosses, was 600 feet tall, and pounding the heck out of 500 foot woman Andrea recognized as Alice. As they watched, a reporter provided commentary.

“This is unheard of. Never before has a Shrinker demonstrated the ability to grow to giant size. This Paul Bosman reporting live from the scene. One of the mega goddess reported earlier has disappeared, but the other one, is being pounded to a pulp. “


“I got to do something.” Andrea cried.

“What can you do?” Neil asked, but she was already gone.


Alice was starting to worry. While she was immortal, Martin’s attack was hurting her. Where was the cavalry she requested. But instead of help, Andrea arrived on the scene.

“Excuse me, mind taking this fight somewhere else.” Andrea asked.

“Go away Andrea.” Alice whimpered.

“Andrea is here.” Martin cried. Word had spread rapidly among the Shrinkers of Andrea humiliation of Raymond and his band of Shrinkers.

“Show yourself mini bitch.” He cried.

Before Andrea could respond, a transdimensional rift opened . Three ships appeared, from which three GTS-goddesses appeared. Andrea recognized Rose Crusher, but the other two were a mystery. One was a mile tall with red hair the other was a 16,000 foot brunette. All three then attacked Martin.


Andrea arrived home later that day. Clara, Hilary and Grace were on the living room just sitting around. Earlier in the day they managed to climb down from the kitchen table. But now they were hungry, and asked Andrea to get them some grub. Grumbling Andrea did so. They then asked Andrea, about her day, and where terrified when she told them about the GTS-Goddess and their attitude toward shrunken woman. Later that evening when Mabel came home they spent time watching the news on TV. The murder of Martin by the GTS-Goddesses was the top story. 

“They sliced and diced him.” Clara commented

“Like the way that redhead crushed his balls, that must have hurt.” Hilary added.

“I have mixed feelings about this. I have no love for Shrinkers. But I don’t like those GTS-Goddess either.” Andrea said.

“Andrea. I’m worried. I fear you’re now a target.”

“I can take care of myself Mabel.”

“But what about us?” Clara asked.

“We are not invulnerable like you.” Hilary added.

“Were afraid, we could get caught in the cross fire of your fight with the GTS-Goddess and the Shrinkers.”

“What are you suggesting?” Andrea asked.

“That you leave this house for a while until the conflict dies down.”

Andrea was stunned, Mabel was asking her to leave.

“I need to think about it.” Andrea replied.


Andrea went to her favourite pillow and laid down. Her eyes got heavier and heavier, soon they were closed.  Andrea found herself in a strange place. The sky was dark but there was no sign of cloud or stars. Yet she could see the ground and a figure before her. To her shock she recognized the face, it was Rose Crusher. She had been shrunk to her size or she had grown. Either way they were now on equal terms.

“Special delivery from the shrunken women of the world.” Andrea then punched Rose in the face. An all out cat fight developed. After a few moments, it was clear neither was winning.

“This is pointless. Why don’t you GTS-Goddess stay away from my world?”

“You Mini goddess are a rival to us.”

“I’m the only mini goddess. We could just stay away from each other.”

“But can you assure me, that will always be the case?. Already many SW are dreaming of becoming mini goddess. Were at war with SW-space, we will not tolerate an race of rival goddess. One mini goddess is one too many.”

Andrea was about to respond when, she felt someone one shaking her and calling her name. Andrea opened her eyes to find a huge hand, shaking her. Andrea quickly teleported herself out of reach.

“A bit jumpy this mourning?” Mabel asked.

“Sorry I didn’t recognize your hand. Man I just had a nightmare. It’s mourning already?”

“Yes. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine. But I got work to do. I got to find out more about the GTS-Goddess race and about SW-Space.”

“Where’s SW-Space?” Mabel asked.

“I don’t know. I plan to ask Stanley Charm about it.”


Hundreds of universes away:

“Rose Crusher wake up your having a nightmare.” Rose woke up to find herself looking up at April.

“Nightmare is right. I dreamt I had shrunk to Andrea’s size. What time is it?”

“It’s time for the meeting. Come on, there about to start.” April then led her to the meeting place.


To be continued


“You idiots.” Dolly Hitler was yelling at the SW soldiers who hours earlier were on Andrea’s world.

“But I explained why we forgot some of our weapons. Besides I though we were the distraction force.”

“You are, but you made an unforgivable mistake.”

“What that?”

“Making an enemy out of Andrea the mini goddess. She could have been one of our greatest allies. Now you made her an enemy. Elmira your fired.” Dolly then fired the shrink gun she was carrying at Elmira, shrinking her down to size of a dust mite. Dolly then stepped on the former commander.

After dismissing the remaining soldiers, Dolly retreated to her version of a ready room. Her favourite Mice Girls music playing in the background she sat in thought.

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