Hi Mum,
I hate to admit it, but you were right – again. Less than a year after our wedding, Margaret has left me – just as you predicted. But, in spite of your forecast, not because she’s a half-head taller. She just despised me being away all the time – and claimed that even when I was at home, I spent too much time writing my articles instead of paying enough attention to her. Now, she says, she’s going to find somebody as far from journalism as possible.
But don't you worry, Mum, I've recovered already. Actually, I think she never loved me, only my career prospects, so I'm okay now.
Meanwhile, Nick – you’ve met him at our wedding – takes care of me as much as he can. He’s just invited me to his birthday party next Friday. He came back from Japan not long ago and has plenty of impressions to share, so I guess I'll have a good time and just another good reason to get rid of my recent memories.
Kiss you and Dad.
Hi Mum,
I'm all right, thank you. You don't have to come along, really. Of course, I'd love to see you here in London, but I'm going to be damn busy in the coming weeks and, probably, months. There’s not even a guarantee I'll be in town at all: there’s a fat chance I’ll be traveling to the Middle East. I know, Mum, I know – and I promise to be very careful and take all precautions, including vaccination. You don't need to worry, believe me.
Funny that you remember Nick so well – he was, indeed, the best man. His birthday party was a blast: very good (and warm – so you and Dad wouldn’t like it) Japanese sake, and very good and warm company, including ladies, so I didn't feel abandoned at all.
You'll be surprised, but some of those girls were actually fashion models – not supermodels (not yet), but they have plenty of time ahead of them and all the features needed for building a successful career in the industry.
I think I can hear your question – and here’s the answer: no, Mum, they are not uneducated bitches. In fact, they were charming and very intelligent, no matter what the papers say about the lot (shame on my colleagues!). I hope someday you'll meet one of them in person – and will, just like I, realize that stereotypes are not always trustworthy.
Okay Mum, gotta run.
All the best to both of you,
He sealed the envelope and left the café. That was a promise he had given to his mum – to write her at least once a month. He felt relieved. He felt happy. In an hour, he would meet his old and new friends. He was really, really looking forward to it.
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