Shrunken Terror in the Geisha House
By Richard C.H. Davies
Warning this story contains: Shrunken woman, giantess, unwilling, sci-fi, alternate universe
Chapter 1 – Sucked through space and time
Earth 214 - Year 2024 - Tokyo Japan
Doctor Mitchio Kaku glanced over his glasses.
“No, this is impossible, the readings, please, Aiko, please can you double check this.”
Aiko, his very intelligent, but also incredibly attractive assistant leaned across the display, her forehead creased in concentration.
There were twelve of them in the laboratory, the quantum field experiment was in its final testing phases, they were just undertaking an extended quantum test.
Ahead of them, in the test chamber, a dark orblike circle, almost pitch black, hovered in the air, suspended with the magnetic field. The orblike circle seemed to absorb light; a bit like a black hole. Impossibly so.
The orb had manifested within the first minute of this extended testing phase, and was being stabilised in the magnetic field.
“I agree, this should not be at this size. It should be the size of 10 microns,” Aiko looked back at the Doctor with concern. “I think we should shut it down,” she said curtly.
“I agree,” Doctor Kaku nodded sagely, glancing at one of the assistants. “Shut it down. Shut the quantum field down, now!”
“Yes, Doctor,” one of the lab assistants nodded promptly and typed a command. The glowing and shimmering lights around the magnetic field faded, but the orb didn't disappear.
They all stared in disbelief.
“Doctor?” Aiko said with concern. “Why isn't the quantum field disappearing?” She asked urgently.
“I…” he lowered his glasses in astonishment. “This is… not possible… it should not be stable, it should have instantly folded in on itself…”
Aiko rushed forwards.
“Shut it down, manually,” she ran towards the front of the control centre, leading towards the reinforced glass screen in front of the testing chamber that the quantum field was contained in.
The assistants all looked wide eyed.
“Aiko, its shut down. There is no power in the chamber. We don't…”
The orb seemed to spin and flicker, it sputtered in the chamber, then it expanded, growing in size and sparking at the edges. Light seemed to be absorbed and sucked inside. Looking into the field didn't enlighten anyone, there was nothing to see through it, just a hollow darkness.
“Readings?” Doctor Kaku called out.
“High radiation readings, but we've got unusual levels of activity,” one of the scientists said.
“Explain…” Doctor Kaku barked with frustration. “What are you seeing scientist?”
The technician double checked the display screen.
“These are not readings recognised on earth. The closest comparison is… on Mars…”
“What do you mean not earth?” Someone said. Aiko pointed and cried out as the orb spun uncontrollably on its axis and expanded outwards again.
“Engage the reverse negative magnetic field,” Doctor Kaku cried out. The scientists jumped to it, resulting in a whirring sound from the machinery.
But it was too late, the orb burst outwards smashing through the armoured glass. It seemed to lash out and grasp at Aiko's body.
She screamed as the dark tendrils seemed to curl around her body and suck her inwards, like the arms of a squid.
Aiko's body was sucked and dragged through the viewport of the lab, the orb scuttled and wavered and then shrank back down and disappeared to nothing as the negative field buffeted it back.
The 11 scientists watched in astonished horror, Aiko was gone…
Aiko felt intense dizziness, and disorientation as she was sucked into the black hole. She was certain that she was dead now. But yet she still lived. The lab disappeared behind her and she was sucked into darkness, a dark and soulless tunnel was sucking her
inwards. What was happening? Where was she?
Her body was sucked into the hole, light wavered and ebbed away and then utter darkness. Darker than darkness. Nothing. Nothing at all.
She felt sickness and then she felt irrationality set in. She felt like she knew the answers to everything in the universe but with no ability to articulate it. A sudden euphoria overtook her, followed by depression. Then a bright light appeared behind her.
She spun round in shock; she was being sucked toward something.
No, this couldn't be possible. She was travelling through a quantum portal to another time and realm.
“Nooo!” Aiko cried out, the sound was sucked away from her and then seemed to return and she was flung forth from the darkness and flying through the air.
Earth 36 - Edo Period – Feudal Tokyo, Japan
Aiko flew out of the pitch black portal just before it shrank out of existence, spitting her out like some discarded rubbish.Her body flew through the air and she landed with a ‘oof’ in a deep puddle of mud. Her face was mashed into the gooey mud, her whole body was caked in the wet stuff.
She pressed her hands downwards and pushed her upper body away from the ground in disgust.
“Ah, phewy!” She spat out a mouthful of mud, sickened at the prospect. Her face was itchy, wet and clammy. It was completely caked and surrounded with mud.
She looked across the bumpy terrain of mud. It was wet and squidgy and littered with puddles the size of ponds.
Strangely the shape of the ponds were longer and rectangular with curves on either ends. The air smelled different and… putrid.
Where was she?
She glanced around her. There was mud everywhere. As her gaze extended, she could see buildings. They were utterly huge. Colossal in fact.
She brought herself up to stand up, flicking mud away from her arms and body in disgust. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her overwhelming surroundings, at the same time as a dark shadow fell across her.
Aiko's heart fluttered and she looked straight upwards and screamed at what she saw.
A giant sandal was sailing through the air above her; she couldn't believe it. It was a giant’s foot and it seemed to be descending towards her. She saw her own death in slow motion.
“Out of the way, stupid!” a strangely thick accented voice called from behind. Before she could spin round, and realise who it was, she was tackled hard and knocked flying; landing face first in a muddy puddle again. The enormous foot thumped to the ground merely a few feet away from her, she would have been crushed for sure.
There was a powerful vibration and shock wave generated by this enormous foot landing so close and it caused more mud and muddy water to splatter in all directions; including covering her with a spray of more mud.
She watched the giant foot in horror. It was a human foot, she looked upwards, along a giant leg, to a tunic of some sort and then a giant human towered above her. They weren't looking down at her, they were completely oblivious to her plight.
Aiko felt like she was going to faint. What was happening. Had she knocked her head and got concussed? She was surely still in the testing lab. This was all just a…
Another giant foot sailed overhead and caused her to duck, but this one slammed down to the ground further ahead of her. Then with a loud sucking and squelching sound the giant foot right in front of her lifted up into the air, leaving a spray of dripping muddy water.
Aiko looked towards the depression in the muddy ground in astonishment.
There was a tiny person flattened by the giant foot, face down in the mud. The person must be dead, there was no way that they could…
“Wah!” The woman sprung up from the mud, impossibly so. Aiko's eyes bulged in amazement. The other woman spat out some mud and shook herself off, like a dog. “I hate it when they do that. Stupid dumb, blind bastards!” She cried up towards the disappearing giant person, who Aiko now realised to be a giantess. “Why don't you look where you're walking!” The woman shouted after the oblivious giantess. Then spun towards Aiko.
“Hey, lady, do you have a death wish or something?” the angry voice chattered at her.Aiko looked around in shock.
“Yeah, you I mean you, do you have a death wish? What are you doing out here? You're lucky I was around, I'm one of the strongest ones you know,” she plucked out her chest.
“What's… going on…” Aiko muttered in complete wonder.
“You hit your head on something? We're in the Kagurazaka geisha district…”
Aiko looked at him utterly blankly and vacantly.
“You know… the Gyoganji temple grounds?” The woman said irritably.
Aiko shook her head.
“Oh, you're not well are you?” The woman grabbed her by the hand and tugged her. “Quick, follow me before we get trodden on, you look like a fragile one.”