“Crap, this is bad! Please say we can fix this! You’re not gonna die, are you, Manager?! Quickly, tell me how many fingers I’m holding up! Owe!”
“Would you knock it off, Billy! She may be afflicted with Ether corruption but she’s not blind! P-Plus you’re holding your guns! Besides… I think her eyesight’s the least of her concerns at the moment…”
“Considering how Ether affects people, I think this is a positive outcome. Plus, she’s also cute like this…”
“I kinda have to agree with Anby. You remind me of a cute little mousy~”
“Gahh! Would you two knock it off! This is not the time to be joking around! We’re seriously screwed! We can’t take her to Pubsec or they might find out she’s a Proxy!”
Sitting awkwardly and smiling in silence, Belle scratched a cheek as she tried to remain calm as the various members of the Cunning Hares bickered in front of her amongst one another. All things considered; she was doing better than her brother by the looks of it. Glancing up at Wise as the boy sat across the room as far away from her as he could be, the grey-haired boy rubbed the bridge of his nose as he did his best to remain his usual calm and collected self. Even if she could tell he was perturbed by the events that had recently unfolded. But, why wouldn’t he be?
‘His favorite sister in the whole wide world got trapped in a Hollow… I guess that alone is enough reason if I were him…’ While this wasn’t the first time this type of thing had happened, It was still a problem. She had remained inside the Hollow too long and had been corrupted by its Ether. And its effects were… unexpected…
Jumping as the person in front of her slammed her foot down angrily, Nicole, the leader of the Cunning Hares who had gone in to save her crossed her arms before pointing a finger towards the stationary girl. “And what about you?! How can you be so calm right now Belle?! Just look at you!” The pinkette almost screamed, panic evident in her face.
And, it might have been warranted, since her finger was directed down at a chair she sat on. Looking up at the other girl, Belle laughed dryly as she eyed the colossal Hollow Raider. That was correct! She had to crane her neck to see her. For the Proxy, had been shrunken! Garbed in some discarded cloth parchments they had scrounged up on the way out of the Hollow, the disheveled video store owner was an utter mess. She had been rendered to a mere half an inch in size…
Etheric energy was strange, to say the least. Ether came in many forms, and it could do quite a few things to whatever was submerged inside it. It could corrupt both organic and inorganic materials over time. The issue was that certain individuals were more resistant to corruption than others. As for Belle and her brother Wise, they were not immune in the slightest. Their Ether Aptitude was abysmal as it came. The tiniest bit of it could severely affect them. Which meant they had to do all their Proxy work through Bangboo robots for that very reason.
Usually, those with weak constitutions became transformed if they were exposed to dense amounts of Etheric corruption, becoming monstrous Ethereal’s. But the transformations could take on just about any form depending on different factors. Hollows came in a variety of spectrums and their effects were random on almost everybody. Apparently in this case… she had just sorta… gotten smaller? ‘Maybe I just lost mass instead of shrunk?’ All things considered, she counted herself blessed given the alternatives that happened to many others who were trapped inside Hollows for too long. This wasn't the first case of someone shrinking she had seen before. The phenomenon was online and was just one of many cases she had witnessed before.
As the tiny girl tried to wrap her head around why it was she was such a case, however, Wise’s voice spoke up drawing his siblings’ and their guest’s attention over towards him. “Regardless of how well my sister takes it, this is a serious dilemma. Ether corruption isn’t a laughing matter. The fact she didn’t transform into an Ethereal is a miracle in and of itself. But the state you’re in now is still problematic.” He muttered before taking a step forward. As he did though, a voice soon spoke up through the various speakers located all around their war room.
“Warning! A high concentration of Corruption is still present on the Proxy. It’s advised you keep your distance from your sister, Master, or contamination may spread. Chances of contracting the same ailment are highly probable. I advise immediate distancing and quarantine so you do not contract the same malady”. Retracting his foot and pointing his thumb to their computer Wise’s expression soured. “That. Thank you, Fairy. As it stands, you’re a walking chemical spill, Belle. And at your size, you can’t be left to your own devices. I can’t come near you any closer than I am, or I risk having whatever happened to you, happen to me.” He finished, clearly frustrated by his own words.
Seeing the painful expression on her brother’s face, Belle smiled weakly back at him. “It’ll be fine Bro. I just need someone who isn’t a weakling to look after me. If only there were some competent Hollow Raiders around to assist poor, helpless, little me~” The tiny girl lamented loudly as she pressed her hand to her forehead and leaned back languidly.
Scowling, Nicole stepped forward before pointing a finger down at the tiny girl. “And just WHO do you expect to look after you? You can’t possibly mean us now, can you? Because our contract ended! We were sent into that Hollow to retrieve you and we did!” She snapped accusatory.
“H-Hey now, that’s kind of cold-blooded, isn’t it? We can’t just leave her like this! That’s practically villainous!” Billy exclaimed in what might have been genuine horror at his boss’s harsh words. But Anby shook her head before stepping forward and kneeling in front of the shrunken woman.
“I doubt that’s what Nicole was suggesting Billy. She simply wants to form a new contract, so we get paid more.” Sputtering as a bright blush lit up her face, the pink-haired outlaw puffed out her cheeks. “T-That’s not, why you… S-Stop speaking so blatantly! A-And yes… a new contract would need to be formed…” she muttered, her expression softening as she twirled a lock of her pink hair.
Sighing as her two tails swished back and forth behind her, the newest member of the cunning hares leaned back as she stretched her body out tiredly. “To be honest, it’s not a bad job. We could use a break after that last raid. And we don’t have any other contracts right now. So, we wouldn’t need to worry about conflicting schedules. But try not to nickel and dime them. Taking advantage of clients is bad for business.” Nekomata purred before smirking as she got the reaction she had wanted out of her leader.
Growing even more flustered, Nicole huffed as she crossed her arms beneath her bosoms and pouted back at her teammates. They could be so mean sometimes! This was just business! “I-I wasn’t going to do anything like that! I just wanted a contract because we don’t know how long Belle will be stuck like this! And we can’t just leave her in our base and go off on another job either! So, we need fair compensation!” She was looking out for all their sakes! She didn't need this kind of harassment from her own comrades of all people!
Chuckling as the disorderly members continued to banter amongst themselves, Belle looked up at her brother, as he quietly nodded back at her. They were on the same page like always. And despite their chaotic nature, the Cunning Hares were good people. “How about we pay the going rate we have with you? Just consider this a continuation of the contract to save me. And once I return to normal, you’ll have fulfilled the criteria. Does that sound good?”
Blinking in surprise, Nicole almost choked on her breath as she whipped her head down towards the tiny girl in disbelief. “Y-Y-You’ll p-pay full price?! I-I mean… Ehm… That’s agreeable to me. Alright! The Cunning Hares will happily accept this commission from you, Phaethon!” “It’s not like we would have turned you down if you charged us less you know. That’s rather generous don’t you think?” “D-Don’t say that out loud Anby! No backing out of the contract! We already struck a deal!”
Giggling, Belle nodded before jumping as she felt something warm wrap around her abruptly before she was lifted into the air. “A-Anby?! A-A little warning next time!” The smaller girl sputtered, her face flushing slightly as she was brought closer to the pale girl’s face. “Apologies. But our contract is now set. So, protection is necessary until you return to normal. You'll just have to get used to this.”
Looking back at the girl blankly, Belle shifted her eyes towards the other Cunning Hares, but they simply shrugged. “I mean, she kinda has a point. It’s not like you can walk back with us. Looks like you get the VIP treatment, manager!” Billy laughed before giving her a thumbs-up. Sighing, Belle simply nodded as she let the white-haired kuudere carry her.
Watching the interaction closely, Wise shifted uncomfortably as his face continued to scrunch up in discomfort. Neither he nor his sister had spent much time apart since they were children. They were practically joined at the hip ever since Hollow Zero occurred. So, this would be worrying. But it was for the best. And, despite their dysfunctional personalities, he did trust the Cunning Hares with his sister's safety.
“Alright. I’ll need daily phone calls. And make sure you update your status with me as much as possible. If anything changes, no matter how small, let me know immediately. I’ll have Fairy search for similar cases and resolutions on the Inter-Knot and see if we can find a way to speed up your recovery. You four, take precautions too. You may have a high Ether aptitude for resisting corruption, but there’s still a chance she could spread whatever’s affecting her to you.” Wise warned.
Waving her hand dismissively, Nicole flashed the boy a smile before turning to leave. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure your sister stays in touch morning, noon, and night. As well as keep her supplied with anti-corruption spray.” As far as she was concerned, this was about as free of a meal ticket as one could get in New Eridu. She wasn’t about to mess anything up! Especially since Phaethon was their best client…
Upsetting them would be a huge blow to their organization. Plus, Belle was their friend! They’d make sure she was perfectly content and show her the full hospitality the Cunning Hares could muster!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Sitting in silence on a large table littered with a multitude of varying types of take-out food, Belle shifted her head back and forth as she munched quietly on a large piece of narutomaki she had snagged from a bowl of ramen as her *guardians* screamed across the table reaching towards one another.
“N-Nicole?! I ordered that! Don’t just take it off my plate!!!” “Why not?! You’re an android! It’s not like you need to eat in the first place! Now stop being greedy!” “That’s so hurtful, leader!! How can you say something so callous?! H-Hey! Not you too Anby!” “I ordered the burgers. These are mine…” “NOT ALL OF THEM?! H-HEY, QUIT STUFFING THEM IN YOUR LAP!!!” “Nyaaaa!! That’s my fish! If you try and touch it, I’ll bite you, Nicole!” “I just wanted a little piece!!!”
Lifting a small cup she had fashioned from a piece of panko crumb, Belle smiled in bemusement as she watched the dysfunctional group devolving more and more. ‘Compared to Wise and me, it’s a miracle they can all work so well together.’ Or perhaps this was because they were so close they bickered like children? She had seen glimpses of it from time to time, but it was front and center now that they weren’t in public eating together.
The Cunning Hares hadn’t wanted to have her out in the streets of New Eridu at her size, which made sense. So, they ordered in. And this was the rather comedic result. Nibling on a large noddle, the shrunken girl smiled happily as she enjoyed her rather odd meal. It still tasted good, even if she had to eat one ingredient at a time. And surprisingly, no one had tried to take from her bowl of ramen yet. Which was odd since she had absolutely no way of ever finishing it all on her own.
As the smaller girl’s mind wandered, another rather quiet resident at the table popped the last piece of her burger in her mouth before her amber eyes flickered toward Belle who was also enjoying her food in *peace*. “Sorry if this is too loud for you. This is normal for us.” Anby muttered as she began to unwrap another burger she had stowed away beneath the table.
Looking toward the quiet girl in unison, Nicole, Nekomata, and Billy soon blushed as they remembered that they weren’t quite alone. Yanking a piece of fish out of Nicole’s hand once the opportunity arose, the former quickly jumped off the table before leaning back in her seat, having gotten onto it before fighting for her food.
“It’s not like this is an every night occurrence. You make us sound like savages when you say that you know…” The cat girl muttered softly before she popped the grilled fish into her mouth greedily. Sighing, Nicole only nodded as she gave her teammate an exasperated look.
Waving her hands quickly as she saw the embarrassed faces all around her, Belle quickly spoke up. “N-N-No, it’s fine! It’s been a long day, and I was hungry too. I can’t blame you for being ravenous. That Hollow I was stuck in was seriously bad… I can’t imagine how many Ethereal’s you had to fight off before you found me. I’m practically about to pass out myself, and I’ve just been lazing about all day…” She laughed.
But her words did stir a thought in Nicole’s mind. “Oh right… What are we going to do about your sleeping arrangements…” Blinking in surprise, Belle soon frowned rather unsure herself. “Hmm... I don’t suppose you have a tiny bed lying around your place for me to occupy, do you?”
Rolling her eyes, the pinkette let out an exasperated sigh before shaking her head. “No such luck, Belle. Obviously, you’ll have to share a room with one of us three. Do you have a preference?” Hearing that, Belle soon began to blush as she realized that the larger girl’s words rang true.
“Wait... Three? Who’s she now allowed to bunk with?” Billy asked, an air of genuine confusion in his voice before a pair of fists slammed down on his metal head from both Nicole and Nekomata simultaneously. “Obviously you, idiot! You can’t watch Belle! Even if you’re a robot, you’re still a guy!” Nicole growled as she shook her hand from the pain of hitting metal instead of flesh.
Wincing on the floor, the whimpering gunslinger rubbed his head before groaning. “Aww, why not? It’s like a sleepover, isn’t it? We could stay up and watch some movies! Oh! I just got some new attachments for my gun I wanted to install! She could watch me install them while we talk and-“ He started before a foot slammed his head back down onto the floor angrily.
“Denied!” Nekomata snapped, her face a bright shade of red as she made an *X* with her crossed arms. Did he not realize what it meant to have a girl sleep with a guy in his room?! Well, probably not, he was childish. But still… That still meant Belle had to pick one of them to bunk with.
“Look, Billy, whoever watches Belle personally has to do everything with her together! That means sleeping with her in the same bed, taking her to the toilet when she has to go to the bathroom, and bathing with her when she needs to clean herself!” The little Neko snapped, her face taking on a distinctly redder shade than it had been. But it wasn’t just her.
Blushing as the larger girl laid it out for them all, the shrunken girl began to fidget. ‘H-Heh… I-I guess I didn’t think about that, but she kinda has a point…’ As much as she didn’t want to admit it, having someone colossal sleeping with her, and watching her use the toilet and bathe all sounded super awkward! Did they really have to do all that WITH her at the same time?! It was almost too much for her little heart to bear...
“So, who will you pick Proxy?” Jumping as she was called out, Belle looked up before stiffening as she saw three sets of eyes leveled down at her as Nicole, Anby, and Nekomata watched her closely. Shivering from the various women’s gazes, the smaller girl licked her lips as her mouth grew dry.
“U-Uhh… W-Well… I-I uhh… I-I hadn’t really, thought about that until you brought it up. So I guess, I don't have a preference?” How was she supposed to pick when she was put on the spot like that?! But it seemed some kind of agreement formed between the three Cunning Hares as they simply nodded before looking up and staring at one another. Immediately, all three of their hands shot up startling Belle.
‘W-What’s going on!? W-Why are they making fists?!’ Were they about to fight each other?! Why would they do that?! But a moment later, it became apparent she hadn’t quite hit the mark as they raised their hands high above their heads, and slammed them forward in unison.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Blushing as she sat on a large pink pillow on a rather fluffy and regally padded bed, Belle pulled the small cloth *blanket* she had been given up over her chest as she watched Nicole brushing her hair on the bed beside her.
“It’s super nice I got you, right? I can’t imagine what your sleeping arrangements would have been like with the others. I guess as the leader, I should have just taken charge of you, to begin with, but I hadn’t expected Anby and Nekomata to be so eager to take care of you. Like, can you believe it either? Well, it worked out! I hope that blanket is enough for you to stay warm tonight. If you want, though, I can pull my comforter up over you, but you won't really be able to move it on your own, so that might be an issue.”
Nodding along with the older girl's words, Belle’s body shivered as she took deep deliberate breaths in an attempt to slow down her heartbeat. ‘C-Calm down… I-It’s not what you think! S-She just… didn’t think this through!’ Clearly, she didn’t because her *blanket* was the least practical thing she could have possibly been given!
Looking down at it again as she trembled, Belle’s eyes beaded as she stared at the black lacy pattern of the fabric. “N-Nicole… I-I agree with you about the… the blanket thing… But can you please tell me why you chose, a p-pair of your panties to give me?!” The proxy stammered out, her composure cracking every second she stared at the colossal garment. It was practically the size of a field tarp compared to her!
Flipping her pink locks back as she shook her head, Nicole set her hairbrush down before frowning as she saw the smaller girl fidgeting on her pillow. “Well… It’s not like I had anything else I could have given you. I don’t just have any random cloth lying around my bedroom small enough for you to use. And I doubt a sock would have been any better. Plus, those are silk! It’s the comfiest blanket you can have! You have no idea how much I had to spend to afford those you know!”
Gawking at the giantess, Belle shivered as she lifted the panties weakly. While heavy, she could still manage to pull them slightly against herself. “I-I’m not bothered by their price! Y-You gave me your panties!!! Doesn’t that embarrass you?!” But, if it did, the gang leader didn’t show it as she stretched out her sore limbs yawning. “Not really. Should it? I cleaned those just this morning. There shouldn’t smell bad or anything.”
Sighing as her words seemed to go over the larger girl’s head, Belle hung hers in defeat before flopping down on the pillow and staring up at the ceiling dismayed. ‘I-I can’t do this…’ Sleeping here… Sleeping, with her…
In truth… there was a reason Belle had been so calm up until now when she had first shrunken. Simply put, it was because she knew of this phenomenon already. It was uncommon. But she had seen videos of it before. Lots of videos… they were often on, certain adult websites that were normally restricted here in New Eridu. But for a Proxy, finding them was child’s play…
‘How did I possibly end up in one of my fantasy scenarios?’ She had seen lots of videos of tiny people who were shrunken from Hollows they had been recovered from. A lot of residents here in the city struggled to make ends meet. So, when it came to income, anything was worth it to get by. And porn was no exception…
Pressing her forearm over her eyes as she lay in silence, Belle took in deep breaths as she felt her pussy beginning to ache as she rested in Nicole’s colossal silk panties. ‘This is like a dream come true for me… A-And I can’t even act on it…’ This was her secret shame. Not even Wise knew about her bizarre fetish.
It was such an addiction that after she had shrunk, she almost immediately jumped for joy inside the Hollow as her mind raced thinking of all the possibilities she could take advantage of. And when the Cunning Hares had shown up… Seeing them tower above her had made her cum right on the spot…
Blushing in embarrassment, the tiny girl was thankful they had thought she had collapsed due to exhaustion and hadn’t discovered her true nature right then and there. But now… here in bed with Nicole… She didn’t trust herself not to do something she would regret.
Turning to her side and inhaling deeply, Belle trembled as she smelled the distinctly pungent aroma of the massive girl lingering on her most intimate of garments. It didn’t matter if she said she had washed them. Her scent was all over them! It was driving the tiny girl mad!
“Hey, Belle… Can I ask you something? Now that we’re alone I mean…” Jumping upright as she shot her eyes towards Nicole, the smaller girl trembled as she stared at the massive woman garbed in a cute pair of pink pajamas. It wasn’t risqué at all, which surprised her. But perhaps that was for her benefit? 'Crap! Did she see me sniffing her panties?!' She hadn't thought she was being obvious!
Seeing that the shrunken girl was focused on her intently, Nicole lifted a finger up towards her hair before she began to twirl one of her pink locks around her index finger. This was a calculated risk. But all the evidence she had been collecting today up until now pointed to what she had suspected all along. She needed no further proof, than Belle's reaction to her being given a pair of lingerie to sleep in...
“Well… I… I kind of, noticed something today. Something, I picked up on in the past, but I didn’t really say anything at the time. Tonight, when we were eating. And, after I took you out of the sink when I showered… You were… staring at me. You kept sneaking peeks, over and over… Are, you by chance, interested in me?” The larger girl asked, her face shifted to the side looking deliberately away from the Proxy.
Freezing up as she was put on blast, Belle gazed back at Nicole as she felt her heart drop. She had been caught red-handed… ‘W-W-Was I that obvious?!’ Sure, she had sneaked peeks repeatedly! But who wouldn’t in her circumstances?! Well… she might have touched herself in the sink when she was alone as well… ‘O-Oh crap! Did she see me masturbating?!’ It wasn't her fault! She had been repressed all day since she left the Hollow!
Growing mortified, Belle quickly calmed down as a wave of relief came over her. That couldn’t be true! If Nicole saw her doing that, there was no way she would have placed her in her panties! Feeling her heart pound loudly in her chest, the tiny girl smiled awkwardly back at Nicole as the giantess continued to avert her gaze, a bright blush present on her flawless face.
“U-Umm… T-That’s, a very blunt question… I-I wouldn’t say I’m interested in y-you. I-I mean, not that I’m not or anything! B-But I… I just sort of…” Stumbling over her words as she made a fool of herself, Belle panicked as she tried to find the proper way to answer such a direct question without offending the larger girl. But it seemed she didn’t need to as Nicole’s face shifted back towards her before it lowered…
Falling back in surprise as the colossal girl leaned uncomfortably close to her, Belle froze as she stared deeply into the golden eyes of her gigantic guardian. ‘I-I can see my reflection in them…’ She really looked, kind of pathetic… And scared…
Exhaling slowly, Nicole let out a sigh as she watched the tiny girl quiver as her breath washed over her. “So, then it’s not me personally… Do you just like girls then? Or do you really like being small like this? I’ve seen you watching me and the others all night like you’ve been mesmerized… You kept looking at us strangely ever since you left the Hollow today. You watched us pretty intently while we ate too. And... when I was in the shower too... I thought it was weird, but I think I understand the situation now. Am I right?”
Gazing forward into the colossal woman’s face, Belle was left shaken by her words. She had been caught red-handed... But, it didn't sound like Nicole was angry with her. There wasn’t accusation in her tone. Nor disgust or annoyance even. She said it simply like it was a matter of fact. ‘Was… was I really that obvious…?’ She thought she had hidden her desires… but here she was now, being called out by the older girl…
Seeing the frozen state of the tiny friend, the pinkette leaned forward so her lips were right in front of the smaller girl’s face. It was time for the moment of truth. If her panties hadn't been enough of a push, this would be. Pursing her glossy lips, the Hollow Raider whispered softly in a tone that bore no aversion or disgust. “Say it… Tell me here and now, that I’m wrong, and I’ll drop it. Otherwise… you can tell me the truth, and something else may happen~”
Trembling as her eyes looked at the massive lips hanging directly in front of her, Belle saw her reflection in them much like she had with Nicole's eyes. Her terrified expression met her gaze, causing her to tremble in place. She looked, meek... helpless... corner... “S-Something… e-else…?” What… what did that mean? What was Nicole suggesting? Was she even suggesting anything? She just asked her, to tell the truth…
Lowering her gaze, a mixture of shame and excitement assaulted Belle. She… she wanted to… say it. She hated herself, but she wanted to say it! She had never told this to anybody before though! Could she really come clean about this? It was a secret, not even her own brother knew about. What would happen, if she told Nicole? And… here of all places! She was literally in her bed. In her panties… On her pillow… And right in front of a massive pair of lips, she so desperately wanted to kiss…
Trembling as her breath came out in shallow gasps, Belle whimpered as tears slowly began to peak in the corners of her eyes. “Say it, Belle… Tell me the truth~” Nicole whispered again, her breath blowing over the tiny girl's face in a wave of minty fragrance. Feeling the damn break with that last act, the shrunken girl couldn’t hold herself back as she leaned forward and pressed her face into the giantess’s pert lips. Kissing them reverently, the shrunken girl could restrain herself no more as she planted her face into the much larger woman's plump, supple flesh. It was so warm! This felt so good! She... she needed more!
Shuddering as her pussy clenched up and pleasure shot through her, Belle whimpered as she buried her face into Nicole’s lips unabashed. They were so soft! Like pillows, but warm and damp! And her breath! It was driving her mad! It was pungent! Despite smelling like toothpaste after she brushed her teeth, there was the lingering aroma of the food they had just eaten masked behind it! This euphoria! What was it? Why… Why couldn’t she stop?! She wanted to pull back! She needed to stop! But her body wouldn’t move an inch!
Feeling the shifting movement on her puckered lips, Nicole slowly began to grin as she got her answer. It may have been non-verbal, but there was no denying this. It seemed her *tests* were a bit too effective in rooting out the Proxy's inner desires she was trying to hide from her. ‘So, she really does like being tiny like she is~’ It was odd. But also, exciting…
Pulling away slowly, Nicole watched as Belle panted loudly as her hand shot out in what looked like an attempt to make her stay. It was wholly adorable. And it seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she had been in too as the tiny woman's eyes widened in what seemed to be shock or horror at her own actions.
“N-Nicole! I-I didn’t mean... I-I'm so, sorry- “Belle began, but a finger pressed into her face, shoving her back down into the pillow! ‘S-So strong!’ Looking up in genuine awe as Nicole leaned up and towered above her, the colossal girl smiled back at her as she used absolutely no force to restrain the tiny girl. It was as trivial as if it were to breathe to her...
“I guess it’s only natural you were sneaking peeks at me if this is your true self. I guess not even you could hide this for long given your situation. But… I think the terms of our contract need to be… adjusted~ Now that I know that you like the situation, you’re in, it’s only right. After all, withholding information like that from me was very naughty~” The larger girl purred.
Staring back at her silently, both of her own desire to hear her speak more, and the colossal finger still covering her body and mouth, Belle gazed up at Nicole in utter awe. ‘S-She looks like a goddess…’ She was beautiful, and her face showed absolutely no disgust or anger at what she had learned. In fact, it held the opposite. She looked… eager…
Gulping, Belle weakly nodded into the girl’s finger as she waited with bated breath for her to continue. Flipping her hair behind her with her free hand, Nicole smirked as she stared at the smaller girl. It was a predatory look she had never seen on her before! It was… enough to cause the tiny girl to fidget with desire. ‘Don’t look at me like that!’ She wanted… wanted, to touch herself when she was looked at like that!
Pressing a finger to her lips, Nicole ran her tongue over them in a not-so-subtle attempt to gauge the smaller girl’s reaction. As expected, she focused in an instant on her mouth. ‘So cute~’ “Alright… Here’s the new arrangement, Belle~ The Cunning Hares will still take care of your every need… However… You get to stay with me and no one else while you’re here! Every night, you sleep here in my room. Every day, you’re going to be on my person~ I’ll be looking after you from now on. And to repay me, you’ll do everything I tell you to without resisting at all~ And I mean…” She paused before leaning down and extending her tongue out over the shuddering girl’s face.
Letting the tip brush Belle, Nicole watched in excitement as she saw the shrunken girl suddenly spasm as her hips bucked beneath her. Keeping her tongue on the smaller girl for a full ten seconds, the larger woman finished her *lick* before smacking her lips and smirking back at the panting girl whimpering beneath her.
“Everything~” Nicole finished her finger now leaving Belle’s mouth and traveling down her body. As she reached between her legs, the gang leader felt a wet stain which told her as clearly as day what had just occurred. ‘Just one lick and she came…’ She felt, powerful… This feeling was intoxicating! To say she wasn’t into this would be a lie! She was eager to play with the Proxy! But she wanted to make the terms clear~ She would be in charge! She would do whatever she wanted to the smaller girl! And she could do absolutely nothing to stop-
“I’m afraid I must protest. This contract cannot be allowed to exist…” Letting out a screech and falling off her bed in fright, Nicole slammed into the ground painfully before crying out as she cupped the back of her head where it had smacked into her floor.
“OWEEE!!! DAMN IT! WHAT THE HELL?!” Sitting up abruptly with fire in her eyes, Nicole soon stiffened as she saw someone else sitting on her bed behind where she had just been. Someone who absolutely had no right to be here at this very moment of all times! “A-ANBY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM?!”
Wearing a stoic and unphased expression, the impassive girl waved her hand before her gaze traveled down to Belle who up until now had been pinned beneath Nicole’s fingers. Gazing up at the other woman, the tiny Proxy looked up at her in exhaustion as she continued to come down from the high of her orgasm brought on by the hands of her *guardian*.
Similar to Nicole, she wore a two-piece pair of pajamas, but it was a mix of green and white rather than the pink of her captain's garments. “Hello, Belle. I wish to make a counteroffer.” She stated calmly. Furrowing her brow, the smaller girl wanted to ask what she meant, but her voice hadn’t quite come back to her yet. But it didn’t seem the other girl cared as she reached down and began to pull her nightshirt up!
Gawking on the floor, Nicole sputtered before standing up quickly and pointing an accusatory finger toward her teammate. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! WHY ARE YOU STRIPPING ON MY BED?!” How did she even get into her bedroom in the first place? She had locked the door after coming up with the plan to confront Belle after their shower!
Tossing her shirt aside as she cupped her pale breasts, Anby stared down at Belle with what could only be called determination before she moved her fingers aside and let her dark nipples peak out from between her middle and ring fingers.
“My offer is you allow me to take custody of you until you recover. And in exchange, you may have unrestricted access to me as much as you desire. This can be done whenever you want, wherever you want. But It should be restricted to a bedroom if possible. I can’t guarantee I can allow you to touch me if we’re out in public or in communal areas of our base.” “ANBY!!! QUIT IGNORING ME!!!”
Staring back at the other girl in disbelief, Belle couldn’t believe what she was hearing right now. Or more, what she was seeing. Gazing at the cute nipples being gently pinched by the pale girl’s fingers, the shrunken woman whimpered as her hand slowly found its way back down between her soaked thighs. ‘I-I just came… B-But I’m still s-so horny!’ This was intense! It was better than any video she had ever watched in her life!
Seeing what was happening before her, Nicole grit her teeth before quickly reaching down and yanking her own shirt off. “S-STOP IGNORING ME BELLE! MINE ARE BIGGER!!!” But, upon realizing what she had just done, Nicole flushed red before quickly cupping her breasts as tears peaked in the corner of her eyes.
Yanking Anby off her bed as the seated girl flopped to the floor without a fight, Nicole stood her up glaring as she used one hand to continue to cover her chest. “W-Why are you even in here?! T-This is between me and Belle!” “Negative. Belle was staring at me while I ate. She kept watching me and couldn’t stop peaking whenever I bent over. She clearly wants me, so I’m staking my claim.”
Growling, Nicole looked down at Belle exasperated, but the tiny girl simply looked away with a dark blush. What was she supposed to say?! It wasn’t as if what Anby had said wasn’t true after all. She had sneaked peaks at all three women all evening! Despite trying not to, she had practically been mind-raping every one of them all night!
Tapping her foot in agitation, Nicole looked to her door before quickly walking over and checking the lock. Once she was sure it was in fact, still locked, the pinkette strutted back over before her hands moved down to her hips as she glared back at her teammate. “Alright, look! Belle is in bed with me! Our agreement has nothing to do with you! If you want to work out a deal, do it when she’s not spending time with me!”
Standing up undeterred as she crossed her own arms, Anby scowled showing a slight change in her demeanor. “This is my business. You wanted to monopolize time with the Proxy. I cannot allow that. Even now you’re trying to force me to leave. What’s to stop you from doing that in the future too? We need a better arrangement if we’re to share her.”
Hearing their words but not quite believing them, Belle couldn’t fathom how this had even happened! ‘A-Are… are they really fighting over me?!’ This was, kind of hot… Two giantesses wanted her. And she didn’t know what the outcome would be. She was both excited and a bit fearful. Not even she knew what would go down if they got angry with each other…
Tapping her foot as she chewed on her lip, Nicole thought hard about what to do, drawing blanks left and right. ‘Not good…’ She wanted Belle, damn it! She had been mustering the courage to ask this ever since dinner, and now the mood had been ruined! Could she salvage this somehow? If Anby just went away maybe she could-
“I propose a mutual agreement that benefits both parties of this contract,” Anby said softly drawing both girls’ attention back to her. Looking at Belle and smiling softly, the white-haired swordswoman placed a hand on her bare chest before speaking up. “We share things in The Cunning Hares. We share this hideout. We share our food. We share our money. We share clothes when one of us forgets to do the laundry. We share hygiene products when one of us runs out. We share the blame when someone does something irresponsible-“ “I-Is there a point to this?” Nicole interrupted, her irritation growing as Anby got lost naming things off.
Nodding, the standing girl looked down at Belle again before extending her hand towards her. “I propose we continue this tradition, and we share the Proxy. We use her together. That way it’s fair, and even and nobody can monopolize using her.”
Stiffening in unison, both Belle and Nicole’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Y-YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?!” The pinkette almost screeched as shock showed on her face. Did her friend just suggest what she thought she did?! Immediately upon realizing she did, Nicole quickly covered her chest back up with her hands before turning away bashfully.
“T-T-That won’t work, Anby! What you’re suggesting isn’t the same thing as sharing food, a bottle of shampoo, or underwear! We can’t share Belle in bed together!” “Why not? We share everything. Even our last name. This is the fairest solution. Not to mention the one that will please the Proxy the most, wouldn’t you agree?”
Getting ready to dispute that, Nicole had to audibly pause as her finger wilted before she glanced back down at Belle who up until now hadn’t said a single thing. Seeing two sets of eyes lock onto her, the smaller girl suddenly felt fear as she was stared down by what were essentially two very eager predators who wanted her tiny body…
Gulping as she leaned up slowly, the smaller woman blushed furiously unsure of what she should do. “B-Belle… Is… Is what Anby saying true? Would you like us both? Y-You know… A-At the same time I mean?” Nicole stuttered out, genuine embarrassment on her face as even she looked unsure of her own words now. The prior confidence she had was extinguished, showing a true sense of uneasiness, the smaller girl hadn’t seen up to now.
Feeling like a spotlight was shining down on her, Belle stared up in disbelief as she was essentially asked if she wanted to be used by not one, but two giantesses! ‘Want this!? I-I’ve practically ruined my underwear fantasizing about it more times than I can count!’ But saying that was harder than thinking it…
Blushing as she fidgeted in place, the tiny girl licked her lips as she tried to formulate words. “U-Umm… W-Well… I-I’m not… opposed…?” She croaked out stiffly. Hearing this, Nicole’s eyes widened before her gaze shifted over to Anby who wore a smile. It wasn’t smug or condescending that she was right. She looked simply pleased by the smaller girl’s answer.
Hanging her head in defeat, Nicole softly sighed before cupping her face. “J-Jeez… This is so ridiculous! But… I-If it’s for Belle… I, suppose we can… try it?” She whispered. It felt weird to say that! But It seemed Anby and Belle both were on board with this… arrangement? She had given up calling it a contract. That was up in flames due to her partner! She needed to take control back! And what better way than laying down the law with her rather happy-looking Proxy! Or rather, their, Proxy…
“Alright! Fine! I give up! You wanted this! So be it! Now you need to serve TWO Mistresses!” Nicole snapped, her finger pointing down at Belle as she wore a red face full of embarrassment. Looking up at the pinkette in shock, the smaller girl blushed just as brightly upon hearing the word, *Mistress*.
She hadn’t been expecting that. But it seemed Anby didn't mind. Feeling the bed shake, Belle glanced back before stiffening as she saw the other giantess crawling onto the large mattress with her stoic face back in place. “I agree with Nicole. You belong to us now. We will use you how we see fit, and you will like it. That is the new arrangement. You have no say in this. You must enjoy it. That’s an order.” She stated matter of fact. Not as an order… but more like a declaration of some kind…
It sounded so bizarre… but it was also kind of hot. Deciding to play along, Belle slowly began to nod as she sat on the pillow she was on unsure of how to proceed from here. Somehow… this had all worked out? Nicole, and now Anby found out her dark secret. And instead of being freaked out, disgusted, or amused… they wanted to join in? ‘Did I actually die in that Hollow and go to heaven?’
Nicole and Anby were extremely cute. While not solely into girls perse, there was no denying she found the thought of gigantic women much hotter than just about any normal relationship could possibly grant her otherwise. This was literally the best outcome she could ever have dreamed of…
Crawling onto the bed beside her friend, Nicole continued to blush, but she quickly leveled her gaze down at Belle as she crossed her arms. “Alright Proxy… I-It’s like Anby said. You belong to us now! Nobody gets you except us, so you’ll be sleeping in my room permanently! If anybody asks, you say you want to be here! And you have no say in what we do to you! That’s the new arrangement going forward!” She finished succinctly, clearly doing her best to be authoritative.
Looking at her friend slightly concerned, Nicole quickly picked up on Anby’s frown before waving her hand dismissively. “You get to sleep in here too! Y-You didn’t need me to have to say that did you? Obviously, we’re sharing her… So, you get to sleep in here too. I just prefer doing stuff like this in my bedroom and not yours, alright?”
Thinking it over, Anby soon nodded. “That sounds acceptable. My bed's smaller, so this works in our favor.” Feeling thankful that her friend was agreeable to her demands, Nicole looked back down at Belle again before feeling her lips curl into a smile. “Oh Belle~ If you haven’t noticed, both your Mistress's shirts are off… Don’t you think it’s rude you’re still covered up? Strip for us!”
Looking back at Nicole and shuddering, Belle blushed as she saw that the confident smile on the larger girl’s face had returned. ‘T-This is really happening…’ She was about to get naked… In front of two of her friends… What… What did that mean about their relationship going forward? She… kind of didn’t care, to be honest. And before she had time to even think about it, the cloth garment she had been using as a makeshift dress was tossed aside, revealing the tiny girl’s entirely nude form to both her two new Mistresses…
Blushing as a pang of excitement shot through Nicole as the smaller girl obeyed without so much as an ounce of resistance, the Cunning Hare’s leader smiled as she admired the tiny Proxy’s body. ‘S-She’s actually pretty cute…’ She had never really thought about her like this before. But the situation had sort of gotten the better of her. Looking at her now… There was no denying it. She liked what she saw.
Licking her lips as her pussy began to grow hot beneath her pajama bottoms, the larger girl was about to reach forward, before a hand beat her to it. “Such a good toy. Toy. That’s what you are to us. Do you like that? Do you, toy?” Anby asked stiffly in her normally cool and calm voice.
Feeling fingers wrapped around her as she was called a *toy* by the white-haired swordswoman, Belle could only nod as she was lifted in front of the bare-chested giantess. Gazing at Anby’s pink, protruding nipples standing stiffly in front of her, the tiny girl quivered as she found it impossible to look away.
“Good girl. You recognize one of your two owner’s desires. Here’s your reward.” Anby whispered a tad quieter, before pressing the smaller woman's face directly into her areola. Watching in surprise as her friend jumped on her mattress, Nicole blushed as she saw the surprise on the swordswoman's face as she pressed Belle into her breast. She looked surprised by her own actions for some reason. But then, it clicked.
‘Has she, never touched herself before…?’ She seemed confused by what looked like pleasure from her breast being touched. “Anby… Have you ever… You know… Played with yourself? Or others?” Seeing a deep blush overtake the pale girl’s cheeks, Nicole couldn’t help but smirk before snickering, and then finally letting out a loud laugh as she giggled beside her friend.
“Heh! Hehe… You… You agreed to this, and you’ve never done anything with somebody else until now?!” It was laughable! But it seemed her words only embarrassed Anby further as she averted her gaze. “Belle is worth it. I couldn’t stand by and let you claim her. This doesn’t bother me. So please don’t let it bother you either.”
Feeling her smile drop before a hint of shame came forth, Nicole sighed before leaning close to Anby and wrapping her arms around the petite girl. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I just, sort of thought you were more experienced than me to offer a situation like this up, you know? But I agree. I think it’s for the best. After all, we can't do stuff like this unless we’re together~”
Leaning into a very startled Anby and knocking her onto her back as she pinned her down on her bed, Nicole smirked as she felt Belle pressing into her own breast as she trapped the smaller girl between both her and her friend’s chests. “How does this feel? This isn’t my first experience with someone else. So let me take charge~ I am your leader after all. So, follow my lead~”
Finishing her statement, as she moved her lips over Anby’s, Nicole closed her eyes and gave her teammate what was probably her very first kiss. This was crossing a line they wouldn’t be able to take back. But… as Anby had said herself. It was for Belle. And she was worth it. They might never have an opportunity like this happen again. And they were going to savor it for everything it was worth!
And it was with that thought an idea came to mind. As her lips brushed against the pinned girl's own, Nicole pulled away abruptly. Opening her eyes back up and frowning, Anby looked about ready to say something, but the pinkette reached between their breasts before fishing out Belle. “Sorry, Anby~ I know you were expecting a kiss. But I think it’s only right that our *toy* joins in on your first time.”
Gasping as her reddened face came into view of the other girls, Belle trembled as she was pinched between the larger giantess’ fingers. Her naked form, while having only been pressed in between the two girls’ breasts for a short while was absolutely coated in a glistening sheen of sweat from their combined heat.
It left her feeling cold now that she was taken away from their warmth. But, upon seeing where she was headed, the shrunken girl doubted that she would stay that way for long. Pinching her submissive teammate’s chin with her free hand, Nicole forced her jaw down before presenting the tiny woman to her.
“Say ahh~ This isn’t the typical way you’d kiss someone, but I think it will work out just fine~” Nicole winked before forcing Belle against Anby’s outstretched tongue facedown. Having only glimpsed herself passing through the enamel archway of glistening teeth that had greeted her, Belle was submerged a moment later as her face was shoved hard into a pooling puddle of saliva forming on the obedient swordswoman’s tongue.
As Nicole withdrew her finger, she made sure to grind her digit a moment longer than needed before her hand left her partner’s mouth. Coming up coughing, Belle panted softly as a whimper escaped her quivering lips. Gazing forward, the sight was absolutely terrifying! Directly before her was the dark, cavernous hole that was Anby’s throat.
All around her saliva and mucus dripped and trailed down the inside of her cheeks and roof of her mouth. In brisk, repetitive gusts, her breath washed over the shrunken girl with enough force to rock her tiny body back and forth, almost like waves on the ocean. The scent was intoxicating. Anby’s breath lacked the minty hint of toothpaste she had sampled when Nicole had blown on her before. It reeked of her prior meal. Not unpleasant, but distinct, and fragrant of ground beef, onions, and cheese. She could even see bits and pieces of food still lodged in between the crevices of her teeth and indented in her incisors. It was clear Anby hadn't bothered brushing her teeth yet. And it was with that thought, Belle really came to terms with just where she truly was…
Turning around slowly and staring out of Anby’s mouth, the shrunken girl looked on from a point of view that was indescribable. A row of teeth above, and one below. And the sight of Nicole's cute face coming closer to her, as her mouth began to descend toward Anby’s own. Watching as the light began to fade as darkness overtook her humid holding, Belle silently gulped as words and breath left her, upon seeing the smug-looking woman’s pink tongue entering her fleshy prison. And then, everything went black…
Pressing her lips into her friend's as she kissed her deeply, Nicole held her eyes closed as she let her tongue invade the stationary girl’s mouth. Anby, for her part, seemed a little awkward at first. Her nose had pressed into her leader before they seemed to figure out the proper motion to kiss one another. But that was to be expected. Despite Nicole'ss prior claims… she was kind of new to this also. And though loath to admit it, her experience with other partners was not as adventurous as she would like it to be.
‘Belle would have been my first girl actually…’ She had boyfriends before, but it never worked out. So, this was a new experience for her. And not a wholly unpleasant one. Though she had expected it to be Belle she would be kissing right now. And not her teammate, Anby. Though *teammate* was understating it. They were practically sisters, which made this slightly taboo in a way. But if the prone girl minded, she gave no indication.
Lying still with her eyes closed, Anby’s arms wrapped around Nicole, but she made no attempt to either stop or take control of the kiss and simply allowed her friend to take the lead. Which in truth was perfectly fine by the pinkette. She preferred being the one in charge. And that thought was even more tantalizing since she knew she wasn’t currently just controlling one person but two~
Pressing Belle into her friend’s tongue, their organs writhed against one another, as the morsal-sized Proxy was tossed back and forth between their mouths. Quivering atop her friend, Nicole moaned into the kiss as she tried to imagine what it was like right now for the shrunken girl. She was being utterly dominated by a simple kiss!
‘Y-You can’t stop us… We can do whatever we want to you…’ It was intoxicating knowing that. And she knew Anby felt the same way too. After all, she had called Belle their toy to her face. And the submissive woman had just accepted it, even obeying their demands! She was as submissive as they came. And the ideas of what that entailed were driving Nicole crazy! Just how far could she push her? And what could they force her to do?
For Belle’s part, she wasn’t thinking as much as Nicole was. She was doing her best just to breathe! Feeling her body thrown around violently as if caught in a riptide, the tiny girl screamed as she was flung from one tongue onto another, as her whole body was passed back and forth like flotsam on the waves.
This was far more intense than she had ever anticipated it would be! ‘V-V-Videos never s-showed this!!!’ Watching someone put a shrunken person in their mouth was fun to see. But experiencing it was insane! The taste of Nicole and Anby’s saliva had mixed at some point, and she felt their slimy spittle absolutely dominating her. It coated every inch of her body. It saturated her hair matting it into her cheeks and face! It traveled down her nose and mouth, tasting sour as it slid down her throat!
The heat was also something indescribable! It wasn’t unlike a hot tub. But pockets of air blew into her body as their breaths crashed over her. Each time that happened a wave of humidity caressed her before she was dunked back into saliva warming her whole. Everything they did, despite how innocent it was between them, completely, and utterly, subjugated her. She was a slave to this forced kiss… And she loved every second of it.
Crying as she was battered around like an insect blown by the wind, Belle felt excitement the likes of which she couldn’t even begin to describe! Being so utterly weak and powerless was nothing new. Neither she nor her brother could do much on their own. But this was taking that thought to an extreme and completely twisting it into something so purely perverse and lecherous! And she loved it!
Clinging to one of the two girl’s tongues, the shrunken girl hadn’t a clue who she was even inside at this moment as she kissed the slimy surface she was on, doing her best to join in on this dominant lip lock as best she could. If anyone were to see her, she would simply be given a participation award for all the good she was contributing to this make-out session… But she didn’t care! She just wanted it to go on forever!
But her desires weren’t reciprocated, as what felt like a short eternity later, light shined back into the two mouths as they parted, saliva connecting the two withdrawing tongues. And it was at that, Belle couldn’t help but shudder as she felt her body suspended in the air. Clung together by the thick viscous fluids, her body hung between the two parting organs for a few seconds before the tension of distance snapped the thread of spit causing the tiny girl to plummet down screaming.
Feeling something smack into her bottom lip, Nicole blinked, a bit bleary-eyed as she reached up and wiped her mouth off. As she looked down, her smile returned as she saw an utterly waterlogged Belle panting loudly on her index finger. “Pfft~ Hehe, you look like a bug that’s been washed away in the rain~ Tell me the truth… Did you enjoy that kiss as much as we did?” The Cunning Hare asked, her grin only growing wider as she saw the tiny woman weakly nodding her head.
‘D-Damn it, why is she so freaking cute!!!’ Belle was so much better at this size! She hated to admit it… but a part of the larger girl kind of wished she would stay like this permanently. She had only shared one kiss with her so far, and she was far more aroused than she had ever been in her life!
One look at Anby told the pinkette she felt the same too. Looking up with a glazed expression, the pale-haired girl gazed longingly at Belle who laid on her back atop her leader’s finger. It was a hungry look that told her that she wasn’t nearly satisfied with just a kiss either! But, what to do now?
Pressing her thumb against Belle and gently rolling her body with no effort whatsoever, Nicole hummed happily as he enjoyed the way the tiny girl moved around her fingers from the simple action. She really couldn’t stop her from doing whatever she wanted to her…
“N-Nicole…” Looking down, the pinkette nodded as she saw her friend beginning to pant. Her eyes hadn’t left Belle who was still being played with between her delicate fingertips. “Relax~ As your leader, I’ll take care of you like I always have. I was just thinking about what to do, that’s all. And, I think for your first time, we’ll go a little easy on you. Just relax~ Let me do all the work again.”
Leaning down and laying atop her friend once more, Nicole smiled warmly as she felt the prone girl’s body arch beneath her. Goosebumps littered her flesh, and a distinctive smell that had to be Anby’s natural scent rose around her. Sweat glistened on her now from their brief make-out session. In this light, looking down at her now… the pinkette had to admit. “Y-You really are adorable, Anby.”
Looking into her friend’s eyes, the silent girl said nothing in return, but her usually emotionless face was distinctly blushing now indicating what she thought from her leader's words. Taking the initiative as she had before, Nicole with Belle still in hand reached down before her fingers crept beneath the other girl’s pajama bottoms. It didn’t take long to sneak past her panties either.
As expected, Anby was well and truly ready for this. Immediately, Nicole felt her hand coated in warm, sticky fluid. Her friend’s excitement had absolutely drenched her panties. Giggling, the more expressive of the two had to agree. Belle was having that same effect on her too.
If the shrunken girl had thought her two guardian’s mouths had been wet, she had gravely underestimated her effect on them. Almost immediately upon being inserted into the white-haired Hollow Raiders panties, Belle was awash in the thick fluids of Anby’s excitement. Heat radiated all around her, and the sticky juices of the much larger woman completely drenched her as Nicole paid no heed to her plight, shoving her fingers against her friend’s needy lower lips despite the much tinier girl’s miniscule form. It was like being presented before another mouth once more. Only this one was far more voracious than her two guardian’s lips had been…
As her body was pressed into Anby’s pussy, the smaller girl felt her whole-body slide across the swordswoman’s snatch with little resistance as she was rolled against her flesh violently. Glossy fluids that tasted both distinctly organic and of nothing in particular filled Belle’s mouth. It was such a bizarre flavor; she couldn’t even begin to describe it!
‘T-This is what Anby tastes like?!’ She had fantasized a lot about what it would be like to be with another girl. But she had never pulled the trigger before. At least, not until now. And she wasn’t upset about it either. Simply, surprised. But the experience was short-lived as the smaller girl felt her body pressed forcefully into her larger friend’s pussy, before the fingers she was stuck to began to enter her…
Blinded by sticky, stinging juices, the shrunken Proxy could barely see anything before darkness overcame her once again. Unlike the mouths she had been trapped in, however, Belle knew this would be an entirely different experience the moment her body entered Anby’s.
Letting out a sharp gasp as she did her best to stifle a moan, Anby trembled on the bed as her hands gripped the sheets beneath her. Giggling as she fingered her teammate, Nicole watched the kuudere amused as she got more reaction out of her than she ever usually displayed. ‘You really are cute like this~’ It was appealing to see the normally strong woman acting so meek from her caring touches.
It also helped that she knew said touch was also dominating Belle. Even now she felt the smaller girl being utterly dominated by her pinned friend, and she wasn’t doing anything on her own. Wiggling and curling the two fingers inside her friend, Nicole bit her bottom lip as she felt the shrunken woman slipping deeper in, as her small body slid off her finger and past where not even her nails could reach her anymore. ‘Whoops~ Guess you’re on your own now, Belle. Try not to disappoint Anby~ It is her first time.’
Panting softly as her breaths came out sharp and quick, the prone girl tried to muffle the noises she was making, but it was utterly useless. Grunting as a shock of pleasure traveled through her, radiating a sense of euphoria not even food provided to her, the stoic swordswoman felt herself awash in a mixture of emotions she didn’t fully comprehend.
‘B-Belle… Belle! B-Belle!’ Her friend… She was, inside her… She could feel her body! The sensations of her insides being tickled as the tiny girl wiggled and moved about, despite the larger girl’s attempts to stop her when she clenched up were stirring feelings she didn’t know she even possessed!
Blushing profusely as her mind flashed to images of the dark-haired video store owner's smiling cherub-like face, Anby quivered with desire. ‘B-Belle…’ Her friend was really inside her. And she was causing her body to feel like this. It was, indescribable! And… it was making her begin to feel like something was going to happen…
Seeing the tall-tell signs of her friend's impending orgasm on her face, Nicole giggled as she enjoyed the confused look she was being given. It seemed she was very inexperienced. ‘She looks so timid… Almost afraid…’ As her leader, she would alleviate her fears~
Withdrawing her hand, the pink-haired Hollow Raider began to caress her friend's skin as her fingers glossed over her damp, sweaty flesh. Anby was utterly soaked, despite only being fingered for a short while. It was adorable. And Nicole wanted to see more of what would happen if she took this petting session even further. But, she doubted she could go too far for her friend's first time. It would be best if she ended this quickly. And, in a way, Anby would never forget~
Pushing the pinned girl’s plump thighs apart, the eager girl quickly shifted her position before her face moved against her friend's lower lips. Blowing gently against her labia, she was rewarded with a loud cry as Anby tried to clench her legs shut. “Relax, and let it out. As I said, just let me take care of everything~” She would make this first time as memorable for her friend as possible.
Leaning in Nicole wasted no time on a reply as her tongue came out, and began to lick the pale-haired girl’s drooling lower lips. That, was too much for her, however. Crying loudly as she moaned unabashed, Anby clenched her eyes shut as she felt the older girl's tongue lapping at her most sensitive of places. Despite her best attempts to remain quiet, she just couldn’t take it!
Hearing the loud wails muffled by the girl, Belle was utterly lost in the darkness as she was swished around helplessly. Caught in the waves of Anby’s juices, her whole body was thrown to and fro as she failed to gather her bearings whatsoever. There was nothing for her to cling to!
Every time her body slammed into one of Anbys walls, she tried desperately to cling to it, but it was pointless. Her fingers simply slipped, and she was tossed away in fluids pulling her miniscule form around. The current, if you could even call it that was far too slick and forceful on her helpless form.
Each clench also sapped Belle of whatever strength she had too. Anby’s pussy walls squeezed and chewed her up relentlessly, leaving her with no hope of resisting! She could do nothing! She was, nothing… And that only lead, to her depraved self enjoying every second of this torture…
Crying as she was flung around, Belle's tired body begged for rest. She felt like she would pass out at any second! She couldn’t breathe! Every time a bubble of humid, pungent air, filled her lungs, it was followed by copious mouthfuls of Anby’s juices. Each constriction of the larger girl’s walls crushed her, rendering her less and less able to recover! She thought she would pop at any moment, rendered a bloody smear inside of her friend's vagina, lost amidst her pleasure!
But despite all that… Belle had orgasmed countless times, as the humiliation spurred her own body to climax over, and over, and over. Crying weakly as she once again slid off of the pulsating flesh she had tried to rest upon, the powerless woman accepted her fate meekly as she gave in to her new mistress's unspoken desires. Her body said it all. And it was clear just how little she thought of her. ‘I-I really might die…’ Had she really given in to this fantasy thinking she would come out alright? It didn’t make any sense! She had simply taken a look at her friend's gigantic forms, and all logic and reason abandoned her…
And worst of all, she would do it again without a second thought! Clenching her teeth as her fingers furiously drilled into her own cunt, Belle continued to cry as she got off to the torture. Despite the pain. Despite how foolish she was for going through with this. Despite everything she had done, and all the mistakes leading to this very situation she now found herself in… she would gladly do it all over, just for a taste, of this euphoria she felt…
‘I-I can never go back…’
That was what scared her the most. Not that she may die here. Lost inside of her friend's pussy, and crushed, drowned, or suffocated to death. No… It was that she didn’t think she could ever return to normal. If she grew back… she would lose it all. Nothing would ever, feel as pleasurable as this, and she knew it. No drugs could capture this orgasmic bliss. No vices would ever compare. Normal sex from here on would become numb and meaningless if she weren’t being absolutely dominated while small, helpless, and afraid…
Crying and shaking her head, Belle sobbed as she knew she would be broken if she came out of this alive. ‘I-I can’t go back… I-I can’t… I-I-I… I don’t want to!’ Videos would lose all meaning. She wanted to stay like this… forever…
But, all things came to an end, and Belle knew hers was coming too, as a light appeared as if from nowhere. Wincing as the darkness receded, the tiny girl stared at it transfixed as she felt her body being shoved towards it. Letting the waves of Anby’s juices claim her as they had done all this time, the smaller girl smiled as she gave up, and flowed with them, uncaring of anything else.
A lot of things happened all at once after that. Darkness overcame her again. A loud scream echoed out, muffled but distinct. Water flowered over Belle, drowning her in a pool of juices. And, she was being jerked around as something shook around wherever she was, battering her like she were nothing at all... It was the last thing she had felt before everything faded away...
Coughing violently as her teammate's orgasm flooded into her mouth, Nicole pulled away quickly before spitting out mouthfuls of her friend's juices! Apparently, she was a squirter. Caught off guard and doing her best not to choke, the pinkette blushed furiously as the thighs she had previously been holding tried to strangle her! She felt like her head was going to pop!!!
Grappling with Anby’s legs as she was put into a very sensual (and undeniably violent) headlock, Nicole grunted and shoved as she tried to wrest her head from the exhausted swordswoman's crotch. “A-Anby! Cut it out! Let me go!!!”
Panting with her eyes closed and only hearing every other word coming from her leader, Anby laid back on the mattress coated in a thin sheen of sweat as her body began to come down from a high she had never experienced before. Parting her eyelids, the glazed look in her amber pools began to lessen by the second before the paralyzed girl's legs finally released their prisoner.
After her very first orgasm, her body had simply locked up. She hadn’t meant to almost strangle her teammate… “S-Sorry Nicole… I… I can’t move…” Pulling her head back and wiping down her face still slick and plastered with her friend's juices, the pinkette blushed brightly as she cleared her throat.
“I-I-It’s quite alright. I am a one-of-a-kind girl after all~ My tongue is simply the best and that’s the expected result!” She beamed, her chest puffing out a bit as she stroked her own ego. However, if Nicole had to be truthful, there was someone else who probably deserved the credit more than her.
Staring down at the pool of fluids she at first spit out onto Anby’s lower abdomen, the miniscule, naked form of Belle could be seen lying on her back in just as much a state as the larger girl was in. Panicking a bit as she saw her eyes closed and her form unmoving, Nicole leaned her face down to inspect her closer before a wave of relief filled her as she watched the tiny woman's chest rise and fall.
‘J-Jeez, way to give me a heart attack, Belle!’ She had thought she went overboard for a minute there and killed her! Wise would have their heads if that ever happened… They’d probably have to leave New Eridu…
Feeling guilt immediately for trying to make light of that outcome, Nicole blushed before her finger moved down and scooped up the tiny girl’s unconscious form. ‘There, there… she’s fine…’ That’s all that mattered. And, it seemed Belle had come through on top too. For whatever reason, there was a goofy smile present on her cute little face!
Blushing as she felt a sense of endearment to her even more than usual, Nicole smiled before pressing her finger to her lips and giving the slumbering Proxy a quick kiss. ‘Well… I guess I won’t be getting my turn next… We’ll just have to pick this up tomorrow! And you had better please me like you did Anby!’
Crawling up her friend's exhausted form, Nicole wiped Belle off onto her pillow before lying next to her panting friend. “Let’s call it a night. I’m guessing you’re going to sleep with me tonight?” She didn’t think her teammate would even make it back to her bed with how absolutely worn out she appeared…
Panting loudly as she meekly nodded, Anby’s blush never left her face as her tired eyes fluttered open and closed. Gazing over to Belle, the normally stoic and emotionless woman smiled warmly before reaching a trembling finger over towards her. “G-Good night, Proxy…” She wanted to play with her again… But… she wanted to sleep more right now. This experience, left her eager to feel it again. And Belle was to thank for that. With what little strength she could muster, Anby's arms moved around Nicole as she hugged her contentedly, the older woman following suit as she smiled back at her friend's cute display of affection.
As the two girls cuddled against one another, both Nicole and Anby gave in to sleep as their own exhaustion from the night's draining events caught up with them both. However, neither was in any position at the moment, to notice the pair of eyes staring down at them from the ceiling as they drifted into slumber against one another…
Seated atop a pipe extending from the warehouse's ceiling, Nekomata blushed despite herself as she looked on at her friends down below. Swishing her two tails back and forth, a mix of emotions assaulted her all at once at the moment leaving her rather flustered.
Embarrassment, excitement, resentment… desire… It was hard to say what she felt at the moment. But, one thing was for certain. Her eyes had left her two teammates and had landed directly on Belle’s sleeping form.
‘So, they think they can get away with claiming my prey first? Think again!’
In the end, this cat always got her mouse! And she had a lot planned for the Proxy, thanks to the show her friends had put on for her to enjoy. Smiling coyly as she groomed her face, the dark-skinned Neko’s other hand drifted out from her panties as she wiped off the remnants of her own orgasm.
She would remain a bystander this time… After all, there were still a few things she needed to learn before she claimed her prize. It was best Nicole and Anby figured out, just how much punishment Belle could take. But once they did…
Grinning viciously, the catgirl licked her lips before leaning up in a languid stretch and making her way back into the vent she had crawled through to sneak into the bedroom.
‘Sleep tight little mouse~ This kitty will take her time, but in the end, you’ll still be mine~’
To be continued…