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Gina giggled as they strolled through the bustling hotel lobby, giving Kendal a playful nudge. "Did you see that dude checking you out?" she teased.

Turning towards Gina, Kendal blushed a bit but shot back with a mischievous wink. "Oh, really? Is he hot?"

Gina playfully protested, "Hey now, ain't nobody hotter than yours truly!"

Kendal acted clueless, scanning the crowd with her eyes. "Well, if he's that good-looking, where's he hiding?"

Gina threatened with a smirk, "You're dangerously close to missing out on some fun tonight, girl."

Rolling her eyes, Kendal stuck out her tongue in a playful manner. "Oh, come on! Plus, this conference has been too exhausting. Let's get back to our room and… relax," she said with a naughty tone.

Ten minutes later, the two young women found themselves lying in bed, their bodies all snuggled up. Kendal rested her head on Gina's stomach while they both scrolled through their smartphones.

Kendal glanced up from her screen and asked, "You already on SizeChat?"

Gina nodded with a sly grin. "Sure! Have you seen this TeenyTom85? He really wants to be with you!"

Kendal smirked and seized the chance to respond. "Alright, watch me work this one." She quickly tapped out a message, playfully teasing the stranger. "'So, which pair of lips should I use for you?'"

Gina burst into laughter, clearly amused. "What's up with you and Vore? The guy made it quite obvious!"

Chuckling in response, Kendal winked and shot back, "Well, at that size, I'd rather use a whole bus. A girl's gotta eat, you know!"

"I think you're underestimating the sensations a squirming tiny can stir up down there! And hey, there are other things we can do with them besides munching on them," Gina suggested with a playful tone.

Kendal raised an eyebrow.

“I’m all ears!"

A mischievous grin formed on Gina's lips.

"Well, we can scoop them up, tease them, talk down to them..."

"Squish them..." Kendal interjected, unable to resist the temptation.

Gina playfully frowned. "Hey, I was getting to that!"

Kendal let out a wholehearted laugh.

"Thank goodness! I thought you suddenly turned into a giant-sized Mother Teresa or something!"

"Where would the fun in that be?" Gina retorted.

Gina's hand slowly trailed down Kendal's stomach, slipping beneath her panties. She sensually caressed her labia, getting a pleasured moan from Kendal's lips.

Smirking, Gina whispered, "I don't think Mother Teresa would approve of this."

Kendal chuckled, her voice filled with playful delight.

"You naughty minx!" She carefully adjusted herself, making sure not to disentangle Gina's hand from her womanhood.

Their lips met in a passionate embrace, pressing together with fervor. Their bodies pressed close, their breasts melding as their skilled hands explored each other's sweet spots.

A notification sound interrupted their passionate moments, signaling a response in the chat.

"You should probably check that," Gina suggested, her voice laced with moans of pleasure.

Kendal, not wanting to be distracted, replied teasingly, "Oh, he can wait a little longer."

She intensified the rhythm of her hand movements, fully focused on pleasuring her lover.

Gina, unable to resist the temptation, insisted, "I can't wait! Make me even hornier, girl!"

Amused by Gina's demand, Kendal came back with a playful reply, "Oh, you naughty macrophile!" She momentarily paused her ministrations, reaching for the phone resting on the bed.

Gina, with a careful motion, shifted Kendal's body so that they were facing each other, their gazes locked. She positioned herself, lowering her mouth to align with Kendal's lower lips, ready to indulge in her lover's desires.

“He really wants me to swallow him in my cunt,” Kendal informed.

Gina lowered her lover’s panties with care and kissed her labia.

“You should probably do as he says,” she answered, moaning.

“What can a pint-sized man really do?” Kendal wondered.

Gina stuck her tongue out, getting a pleasured moan from her girlfriend.

“Let’s try!”

“Ok…” Kendal panted. She then replied back in the chat and repeated it out loud for Gina: “So, how long do you think you can survive in my love pit?”

Gina intensified her licking.

“Why don’t I get you some friends?” Kendal then kept playing the game with her virtual slave and her real lover at the same time.

It went on for a while. Thirty minutes later, both girls were panting, the sudden come down after the climax leaving them breathless and satisfied. The intense release brought about a sense of tranquility that swiftly led them into the embrace of slumber. Completely oblivious to the final notification from the chat, they peacefully slept, their bodies intertwined in a contented embrace.


As the morning sunlight bathed the room in a warm glow, the slumbering women were rudely awakened by the incessant buzzing of their cell phones. Ignoring the initial alarms, it took the third attempt, hidden under Gina's thigh, to finally stir her from her deep slumber. With a groan and a sense of disorientation, she slowly came to, her head feeling heavy as if she'd chugged a full bottle of vodka the night before. A painful scan of her fragmented memories reminded her that she hadn't touched a drop of alcohol. What the hell was going on, then?

Gina struggled to regain her balance as she got up, leaving her lover's peaceful form lying face down. Her head throbbed, a nasty hangover without the fun part, making her reach for her temple to ease the pounding. Fumbling beneath the sheets, she eventually located the source of the persistent vibrations and snatched the phone, squinting at the screen with bleary eyes.

"Damn it!" she exclaimed, frustration dripping from her words as she saw the lockout screen revealing it was nearly eight in the morning. They were on the verge of missing the first session of the day. While she didn't give a damn about sitting through a mind-numbing recap of the hospital group's cost reduction program from the previous year, she dreaded the inevitable lecture they would get from their director for skipping it.

Caught between attending the session late or attempting to blend in during the coffee break, Gina pondered their options while her eyes lingered on the slumbering Kendal's fine backside, barely covered in that skimpy thong. Damn, she was a sight to behold. The rise and fall of Kendal's breathing had her captivated, making it hard to focus on the dilemma at hand.

Lost in her thoughts, Gina suddenly felt a strange sensation coursing through her body. Checking her phone, she realized she had already shut off the alarm. Perplexed, she couldn't figure out the cause of the tingling that now seemed to spread like wildfire under her skin. It was like scratching an itch that only intensified, demanding her full attention. Unaware of the impending madness, she failed to notice that something was off until her head collided with the overhead lamp, snapping her out of the haze.

"Shit!" Gina exclaimed, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Her eyes fixated on the air duct, a clear sign that something was seriously messed up. With growing unease, she glanced upward, only to realize that the ceiling was now almost within arm's reach.

Confusion and panic flooded her mind as she blurted out, "What the hell is happening to me?"

Gina considered waking up Kendal to get her help, but when she looked at her lover's body, she was even more shocked. Kendal was taking up a huge chunk of the King-sized bed, way beyond the usual limits.
Gina was both amazed and concerned as she tried to process the incredible changes happening right in front of her eyes. With a firm decision, the brunette crouched down and gently shook her girlfriend, determined to wake her up. Kendal groaned and complained, initially resisting, but Gina's persistence paid off, and Kendal finally stirred, slowly waking up.

As Kendal stood up in a rush, her head, covered in dirty blonde hair, unexpectedly hit the ceiling with a loud thud. She let out a louder groan, and cracks appeared in the plaster above, showering them with a cloud of fine dust.

The realization of their immense growth and newfound size started to sink in, and the two women found themselves in a mind-boggling and extraordinary situation, struggling to comprehend the inexplicable changes that had taken over them.

Kendal turned to face Gina, her eyes reflecting the same astonishment as she saw her girlfriend standing just a bit shorter than herself, both of them unintentionally brushing against the ceiling with their heads. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, their unspoken understanding said it all, conveying a mix of surprise, confusion, and a shared sense of uncertainty.

As Gina's gaze drifted downward, Kendal naturally followed suit, her attention drawn to her own chest. To her amazement, a magnificent bosom jutted out from her yellow camisole, appearing larger and more prominent than before. Realizing the situation, Kendal quickly adjusted her top, maintaining modesty and regaining a sense of composure amidst the extraordinary circumstances they found themselves in.

"We've grown!" Kendal exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and realization. A flicker of excitement began to mingle with the confusion in her eyes.

Gina couldn't help but smirk, her playful nature taking over.

"Nice catch, Sherlock!" she teased, unable to resist her usual sarcasm.

Kendal's initial assessment shifted as a surge of exhilaration coursed through her. She could feel a strange, tingling sensation within, heightening her senses. Her head pressed against the plaster with renewed intensity, causing her to correct herself with growing excitement.

"Wait, hold up... we're still growing!" Kendal's voice was filled with a thrill that ignited within her. Amidst the confusion, the possibility of actually living out their shared fantasy of becoming giantesses started to kindle a spark deep within their souls.

Gina was suddenly hit by another surge of growth, making her scalp reach halfway through the ceiling, forcing her to bend to accommodate her increasing height. Kendal, too, experienced a rapid growth spurt, causing her to crouch even lower than her lover.

As they assessed the situation, the question of what to do hung in the air. Trapped in their hotel room on the eleventh floor, there was no easy and obvious answer. Kendal allowed her primal instincts to guide her response.

"Maybe we should try to get out of here?" she suggested.

In a perfectly synced move, both girls dropped to their knees and turned towards the door, ready to make their escape. But fate had a twisted sense of humor, and another sudden growth spurt hit them hard, slamming Kendal's head against the ceiling once again. Their crouched forms now took up almost all the available space, their now massive bodies making the challenge of leaving quite harder to tackle.

"Damn it!" Gina cursed, frustrated.

Surprisingly calm, Kendal replied, "I don't think we're gonna squeeze through that door..." Her tone carried a hint of amusement as if she found their predicament more fascinating than alarming.
Gina's concern deepened as she pondered their dilemma. "So, how the hell are we gonna get outta here?"

As if to answer their question, the Universe played another prank on them, subjecting them to yet another surge of growth. Their unprepared heads burst through the ceiling, invading the room directly above theirs. Kendal and Gina locked eyes, their heads now dominating a significant part of the suite above their original room.

"Well, I guess this is how it's gonna be," Kendal replied, a subtle shrug punctuating her nonchalant response. “The only way is up, it seems…”

A high-pitched scream pierced the air, instantly capturing the attention of both girls. Their gazes swiftly shifted towards the source, landing on a middle-aged woman who sat on the bed in the room they had unintentionally invaded. The seismic activity caused by their expanding forms had likely interrupted her sleep, thrusting her into a bewildering encounter. The expression on her face reflected a mix of shock, fear, and disbelief as if she were staring at the embodiment of a terrifying monster.

"She's tiny," Kendal observed, sounding amused.

Unable to resist her playful nature, Gina couldn't help but make a cheeky comment, given their recent growth. "Well, considering we just burst through the ceiling, I guess it's no surprise," she teased.

Kendal played along, responding with humor, "How big do you think she is? Barbie-size?”

The woman let out another scream, but instead of fear, it only fueled Kendal and Gina's amusement. The blonde mischievously addressed the shrinking woman, "Maybe you should consider making a run for it?"

Their heads grazed yet another ceiling, a reminder that their growth was far from over. Gina chimed in, adding, "Anyway, pay us no mind... looks like we'll be moving on soon."

As the woman finally jumped out of bed and made a dash for the door, it was already too late. The pressure exerted by Kendal and Gina's expanding bodies caused the ceiling below to crack, and the floor of the room started to buckle. By the time she was halfway to the door, the tiles gave way, creating a wide opening that swallowed her diminishing figure.

"Oops," Kendal casually remarked, seemingly unfazed by the turn of events.

Gina joined in, still playing up the humor, "Well, we did warn her, didn't we?"

The new ceiling proved to be no match for their expanding power as they effortlessly pushed through, continuing their journey with remarkable ease.

As they arrived on the new floor, an empty space greeted them, and though unspoken, a hint of disappointment flickered within both girls. Ignoring the crumbling floor, their eyes met once again, and they resumed their conversation amidst the extraordinary circumstances.

"Are we, like, turning into giants?" Gina inquired, her voice filled with curiosity and wonder.

Kendal pondered for a moment before responding, "Well, considering we're spanning three floors at once, I guess you could say that."

Gina couldn't help but notice Kendal's apparent lack of concern. "You don't seem too freaked out," she remarked.

A mischievous smile played on Kendal's lips. She then used a nickname from their size fetish role-playing games, "Well, neither do you, GigaGina."

With another ceiling obstructing their path, Gina couldn't resist asking the inevitable question, "How freaking big do you think we'll get?"

"I guess we'll find out!" Kendal exclaimed, their journey continuing as they encountered yet another ceiling.

Just then, the combination of their relentless growth and the strain they had put on the building took its toll. The structure had already endured significant damage, weakened by their expanding forms and the force they exerted. The convergence of these factors reached a critical point, and without warning, the floor of their original room gave way beneath them.

Once the momentum took hold, Kendal and Gina became unstoppable wrecking balls, their colossal bodies crashing through one floor after another. Each impact sent shockwaves through the building, shaking it to its core. As they descended, the thunderous thud of their landing echoed throughout the hotel, kicking up a thick cloud of dust that enveloped them and the crumbling surroundings.

The chaos and destruction spread as more of the hotel succumbed to their immense weight. Walls crumbled, debris filled the air, and panic ensued as people scattered in all directions. Kendal and Gina, now towering figures amidst the wreckage, found themselves at the center of the unfolding chaos, their journey leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The lower section of the hotel had been reduced to a mere shell, enclosing the towering forms of Kendal and Gina. Its once bustling interior now lay in ruins, with debris clinging to their skin and their barely-there clothes. Kendal, aware of the dust obscuring her vision, blew lightly to disperse it, instinctively trying to clean herself off. However, her attempt took an unfortunate turn when she realized her hand had brushed against the warm and squishy bodies of unfortunate hotel guests who had accidentally landed on her chest. Their startled screams were abruptly silenced as they collided with the remnants of the hotel structure that still stood.

For what felt like an eternity, both girls remained motionless, allowing the thick smoke and dust to settle. As their bodies continued their gradual and seemingly slower expansion, they patiently waited. Eventually, the smoke cleared enough to reveal a scene that was both chaotic and awe-inspiring.

Kendal remained on her knees, surrounded by the aftermath of destruction. Gina, on the other hand, found herself sitting on her butt, her long, silky legs disappearing through a broken wall, her toes feeling the cool, open air for the first time since their incredible transformation began.

Their eyes met, a mixture of wonder, excitement, and apprehension reflecting in their gaze. Then, almost in sync, they looked down, taking in the surreal sight that lay before them.
As both growing girls surveyed the aftermath of their colossal appearance, their attention was drawn to the scattered bodies that dotted the ruined landscape of what was once a fancy hotel lobby. Among the debris, the colors of their victims provided intermittent bursts of vibrancy.

Although most of the people remained still, a few continued to stir, catching the giantesses' attention. Their focus honed in on these tiny figures, and they realized that these individuals were minuscule, no bigger than bugs in comparison to their colossal forms.

Driven by instinct and curiosity, Gina's hand reached out towards one of the moving figures amidst the wreckage. The man, realizing the impending capture, tried to evade her attention. But with her massive size and seemingly endless reach, Gina's grip closed around him, leaving him with no way to escape.

A soft coo escaped Gina's lips as she felt the tiny body squirm between her fingertips. She became acutely aware of how delicate and fragile he must be. With a satisfied smile, Gina realized she had struck the right balance in handling the tiny figure. Moments later, the man was airborne, lifted by Gina's hand as she raised him towards her curious, dark blue eyes. The diminutive man was barely larger than a Lego piece in her colossal hands.


Gina's astonishment was palpable as she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. At that moment, her deep-rooted passion for the giantess fantasy took over, flooding her with delight, regardless of the bizarre circumstances that had led her to this point.

As the tiny man wriggled and shrieked within her firm grip, his attempts to escape futile, Gina couldn't help but giggle with amusement.

"Careful, little one!" she playfully chirped. "It's a long way down from up here!"

"Let me have a go!" Kendal eagerly pleaded, just as thrilled with the situation as her friend.

Gina couldn't resist teasingly frowning in response, ignoring the man's terror as she scowled at her girlfriend. "Get your own catch! The sea is full of fish!"

Kendal playfully pouted, refusing to back down. "Oh, come on!" she retorted.

As Kendal prepared to follow her lover's recommendation and seek out her own tiny subject of curiosity, a sudden surge of growth interrupted her intentions. The gradual process of their expansion accelerated, propelling her head back up toward the eleventh floor, where their incredible transformation had initially begun. Despite remaining in a kneeling position, Kendal's head effortlessly tore through the concrete, breaking through several more ceilings until her eyes beheld the entirety of a conference room.

To her delighted surprise, Kendal's pupils dilated with exhilaration as she discovered a group of a dozen tinies within the room, each even smaller than the one Gina had caught earlier. The sight of these miniature figures stirred her excitement further.

"You seem a little freaked out!" Kendal exclaimed sarcastically, her voice resonating from all directions. The tiny people, caught off guard, instinctively backed away, but with the giant face blocking their only possible escape route, they found themselves trapped with nowhere to go.

Kendal couldn't contain her amusement as she continued, "You're so freaking adorable!" Her voice, amplified by her gigantic stature, echoed through the conference room, emphasizing the vast difference in size between herself and the diminutive individuals before her.

Suddenly, a booming voice reverberated through the building, signaling Gina's presence. "Who are you talking to?" Gina inquired, her own growth having undergone the same accelerated process as her girlfriend's.

Kendal's tone turned cheery as she responded, "I've made some new friends!"

Gina, struggling with her own size in the confined space, admitted, "I'm having a hard time fitting inside this thing."

Kendal's solution became apparent to her. "Seems like the only way is up!" she declared, determination in her voice.

With her athletic legs propelling her upward, Kendal began to rise from her kneeling position, her increasing size and the force of her movement reshaping the room around her. The tiny people watched in awe and trepidation as their world shifted and transformed before their eyes.

As Kendal continued her ascent, the remnants of the once towering Intercontinental hotel proved no match for her colossal form. With each movement, her skull, shoulders, breasts, and hips effortlessly tore through floor after floor, as if the building were made of nothing more than crackers. The exhilaration coursing through Kendal intensified as she reveled in the sheer fragility of the world surrounding her.
Kendal's growth showed no signs of slowing down. She reveled in the exhilarating sensation of her colossal body breaking through the remnants of the Intercontinental.

With a new surge of growth, Kendal's head burst through the top floor, breaking through the surface of the rooftop swimming pool. The cool water briefly dampened the thick strands of her hair as her nostrils welcomed the refreshing scent of the open air. It was the first breath of freedom she had taken in what felt like an eternity.

Noticing that her left arm was awkwardly positioned, Kendal instinctively moved it to the side, tearing through the building's facade as if it were made of mere paper. The distant sounds of the astonished city drifted to her ears, reaching her like a symphony of amazement and disbelief. The once-magnificent hotel, now reduced to a crumbling shell, clung to her colossal form like a tight dress, a reminder of her overwhelming presence.

As Kendal gazed down from her towering height, her eyes were drawn to a different set of legs emerging from the front of the hotel. They were tanned and silky, unmistakably belonging to her beloved girlfriend, Gina.

Her lover’s neverending legs crossed the wide avenue and were firmly planted into the building across the street. They mirrored Kendal's own gargantuan stature.

"Gina, you okay?" Kendal called out.

Gina's voice reverberated back, a hint of constraint apparent yet still filled with her characteristic humor. "A little cramped, but definitely better off than the little guys!"

As Kendal informed Gina that she was now outside the confines of the hotel, Gina couldn't resist a playful jab. "Well, part of me is too!" she replied.

Before they could discuss their next course of action, Kendal's words were abruptly interrupted by a gasp. A powerful wave of growth surged through her body, propelling her upwards with incredible force. The Intercontinental Hotel, already weakened by their previous exploits, could no longer withstand the impact of Kendal's expanding anatomy. Ceilings shattered, walls crumbled, and the once-proud structure took its final beating as Kendal's colossal form broke through with unstoppable momentum.

As the high-rise crumbled beneath the force of Kendal's growth, the structure gave way, unleashing a torrential rain of rubble and debris. Emerging from what had once been the hotel's roof, Kendal's wide hips and sun-kissed skin were covered in a layer of dust and remnants from the collapsing building. Her tight tank top, once shiny yellow, now bore the marks of the chaos, clinging to her figure amidst the wreckage.

Meanwhile, Gina faced a more harrowing experience. The weight of thousands of tons of masonry descended upon her, the impact of the falling debris a relentless assault. Instinctively, she raised her hands in a feeble attempt to shield herself from the concrete downpour. The force and volume of the destruction overwhelmed her, but her unnatural strength and resilience prevailed.

A minute later, all that remained of the once-proud hotel was a sprawling pile of rubble, the remnants of its grandeur now reduced to a chaotic heap. Amidst the destruction, the figures of Kendal and Gina stood tall and defiant, defying the laws of nature.

As the thick dust cloud began to settle, a brief silence enveloped the two giantesses. Gina looked up, and her gaze locked with Kendal's vibrant green eyes, and a chuckle escaped her lips.

"You could have taken it easy, you know," Gina remarked.

Kendal, unfazed by the destruction they had caused, shrugged in response. "Hey, I don't exactly have a handbook on how to grow through a high-rise," she justified herself playfully.

Neither woman displayed concern for the wave of destruction they had unleashed, nor did they express sympathy for the hundreds of people who likely inhabited the hotel. Their perspective, altered by their newfound giantess status, seemed detached from the consequences of their actions. At that moment, their focus lay elsewhere, which was nothing else than their immense size and power.

With a desire to be closer to her lover, Gina folded her colossal legs, severing their connection with the building across the street. The removal of her towering limbs proved to be the final blow to the already weakened structure, causing it to crumble and collapse. Oblivious to the destruction she had caused, Gina continued her ascent, pushing herself up to stand beside her titanic girlfriend.

The city block before them lay in ruins, reduced to a chaotic pile of debris. Unfazed by the devastation around them, Kendal and Gina stood side by side, their towering figures casting a shadow over the remnants of the once-bustling cityscape.

Gina's unspoken words were silenced as Kendal's lips passionately met hers. The intensity of their kiss ignited a fiery connection between them, enveloping them in the realization that their dreams had become a reality.

Lost in the moment, Gina's hand instinctively grasped Kendal's firm buttock, responding to the passion with an equally ardent touch. Their colossal breasts pressed against each other. With every touch, every caress, the enormity of their newfound size and power heightened the passion between them.

Time seemed to stand still as Kendal and Gina continued to share this intimate moment, their bodies and desires intertwining in a dance of love and passion. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two giantesses united in their fanstasies and their love for one another.

Time seemed to go on forever. At last, Gina finally expressed what had been on her mind for a while.

"Girl, we're freaking giantesses!" she exclaimed.

Kendal couldn't resist a playful jab in response. "Well, ain't you the smart one?"

The two giantesses looked down, finally checking the miniature world beneath them. Their humongous feet stood amidst the wreckage of the former Intercontinental Hotel, reducing its remains to a fine powder under their unfathomable weight.

The scene of their emergence from the building paled in comparison to the destruction that had unfolded. From their elevated vantage point, they could see a collection of crushed vehicles and tiny dots scattered among the debris, representing the minuscule remnants of what were once people. It didn't take much effort to locate the moving versions of these tiny figures—the wide avenue below was packed with jammed vehicles and squirming individuals.

"They look like friggin' bugs down there," Gina remarked, the satisfaction evident.
Kendal nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it’s the other side of the coin of being freaking giantesses," she teased.

Repositioning their colossal bodies, Kendal and Gina smashed through more of the rubble that the Intercontinental Hotel had become. As they surveyed their surroundings, they could only feel bliss.

The two young women's heights far surpassed the tallest structures in their vicinity. The buildings around them struggled to reach even the level of their shapely hips. There was no denying the magnitude of their metamorphosis; they were true giantesses, awe-inspiring and godlike in their stature.

In this moment, the two lovers understood the profound impact their transformation held. The world was theirs to play, and no one could do shit about it! It was time to give in to their fantasies. Gina seemed to be looking for some certainty first, though.

"How the heck did this happen?" the brunette blurted out

Kendal shrugged. "Beats me. But who cares? The only thing that matters is that we’re giant!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Gina nodded. “Sure, sure… but it’s still weird, don’t you think? I mean, what are the odds of this happening to us of all people?”

Kendal tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "Nah, I don’t think this was a coincidence," she replied, arching an eyebrow suggestively.

"Hold up, didn't you just say you had no clue how this happened?" Gina prodded.

Kendal paused for a moment, contemplating Gina's point, before responding with an air of certainty. "Okay, okay, I don't have all the answers. But seriously, this is just Probability101? What are the chances that two women would grow to skyscraper size? As far as we know, it’s scientifically impossible. And on top of that, this happens to a couple with a shared secret wish to be giantesses? It’s too improbable for this to be just by chance. Someone had something to do about it.”

Gina arched her eyebrows. Kendal just smiled and continued.

"But, as I said, it does not matter. Now that we're giantesses,” she said with a wicked grin spreading across her face, "we've got the world at our fingertips. Or, well, at our ginormous feet, to be more precise."

Gina nodded, her eyes sparkling with newfound determination.

"So, carpe diem?" she asked.

“You got it, girl!” Kendal replied as she chuckled, taking a step back and inadvertently squashing three cars that had somehow survived their hotel escapade. "Oops, my bad!”

Gina couldn't resist teasing Kendal.

"By the way, look at you, Miss Prepared! It feels as if you had dressed for this giant gig! Are you sure you didn’t know anything?” she quipped, playfully eyeing Kendal from head to toe.

It was true that Kendal certainly had the look for the occasion. Her lace orange thong and the short yellow cami she rocked fit her flawless body like a glove, showing off her curves and making a bold statement against her sun-kissed skin.

Gina, always effortlessly alluring, knew she didn't have to break the bank to turn heads. Sporting a simple cotton top and a skimpy blue lace thong, she radiated confidence without even trying.

The blonde bombshell couldn't help but defend her fashion choices with a playful tone. "Hey, everyone is gonna see us, so we better look good! Can't let these tiny humans miss out on the eye candy."

"So, who do you think's behind all this craziness?" Gina then asked, going back to her previous concern.

Kendal shrugged. "Honestly, I have no clue, and I'm not losing sleep over it. Secret government experiment, divine intervention, or even aliens—it doesn't matter. What matters is that we're giantesses now!"

Gina's brows furrowed slightly as a touch of worry crept into her expression. "But what if someone tries to take it away from us?" she voiced her concern.

Kendal's grin remained unshaken as she reassured her girlfriend.

"Look around, honey. Can you see this world down here? Doesn’t it look exactly like our online fantasies?”

Gina could only nod.

“Someone or something made sure to put us in our dream. I don’t think whoever took the trouble to make this happen will be taking this away from us,” Kendal said. “The world is our private train set!”

In an instant, Gina got the reference. They had indulged in their giantess fantasy through toys and props, and their 1:96 model train set held a special place in their hearts. The world around them was just like it, convincing her that what had happened was on purpose and that this made it as good as permanent.

"Whoever set this up must've been a fan of our crazy desires, right?"

Kendal smirked. "Oh yeah, they definitely knew what they were getting into. It's like they plucked our giantess dreams right out of our heads!"

"Well, if our secret benefactor knew our deepest desires, I bet they're not expecting two Girl Scouts," Gina replied with a wink.

Raising her eyebrows suggestively, Kendal quipped, "It’s almost as if we are expected to unleash mayhem, don’t you think?"

The two giantesses exchanged a knowing glance.

Leaning in closer, Kendal whispered in Gina’s ear.

“We can’t let someone who took all this trouble down, can we?"

“Let’s get started, then!” Gina replied.

With confidence in her stride, the brunette giantess began to stroll down the avenue, each step sending tremors through the ground. The tiny people scurried away in fear, their futile attempts to escape the giantess duo providing nothing more than an amusing sideshow.

Following closely behind, Kendal's colossal presence sent shockwaves through the surroundings. As her foot came down on the pavement, cracks spread out like a spiderweb, a testament to her immense weight. A mischievous grin spread across Kendal's face as she watched a low-rise building crumble under Gina's colossal foot, floors collapsing like a deck of cards.

The destruction they caused didn't faze them one bit. The world was their playground, and they were ready to wreak havoc and leave a trail of awe and destruction in their wake.


The story and plenty of illustrations to go with it continues at: https://www.deviantart.com/papayoya/gallery/93040901/subscription-gallery


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