Summary: Colleen has her final adventures as a giantess, and then leaves her size change and teleportation technology to an old friend Linda Williams, who uses it to open branches of a rather unique employment agency both on earth and in the giant land.
Rated: G
Categories: Vore,
Growing Woman,
Mouth Play,
Instant Size Change Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/mWarnings: The Following story is appropriate for all audiences
Challenges: None
Series: Leprechauns & Giantesses
Chapters: 26
Completed: No
Word count: 14903
Read: 9864
Published: October 26 2024
Updated: January 16 2025
Story Notes:
The employment agency main story arc is going to be several chapters into the book, as I'm sure long term followers of this series want to know what happens with Colleen, as well as reading the early vore subplots in this book first.
1. Coming Closer to Colossal Clover by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 8] (546 words)
The final chapter 81 of book 3 was also just posted today, if you want to see how that book ends, before starting this one.
2. Mrs Eaton's Orphans by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (579 words)
3. Water and Warmth by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (556 words)
4. Boy in a Gobbler's Cage by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (545 words)
5. To Lick before he leaps by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (553 words)
6. A Moot Pursuit and Swimsuit Shoot by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (542 words)
7. It’s not easy, seeing Jeans by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (561 words)
8. Clean out of Options by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (528 words)
9. Celebrity Hall of Fright by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (621 words)
10. Celebrity Dine & Destiny by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (716 words)
11. Tripping with no Traction by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (591 words)
12. Camp Leprechaun by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (539 words)
13. Legends were made to come true by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (561 words)
14. Mrs Eaton’s Audience by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (556 words)
15. The Fate of a Favourite by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (540 words)
16. So Sweetly Swallowed by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (796 words)
17. The Brazilian Translation by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (570 words)
18. Studying Speech Patterns by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (582 words)
19. A Nicer Place to be Eaten by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (566 words)
20. Aerobics in an Oral Environment by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (560 words)
21. Fresh Fruit is Good for a Growing Girl by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (544 words)
22. Giantess Zero by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (554 words)
23. Impersonal Business by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (557 words)
I suppose any writer who's lost a loved one likes to fictionally keep them alive, as I have done with Jessica in this story. I met her on giantessworld in June 2020, only to lose her to COVID-19 in December that year.
24. Homecoming Hunting by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (547 words)
25. The Brazilian Babysitter by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (536 words)
26. The Deja Video Connection by timescrybe2 [Reviews - 0] (557 words)