Darius had finally been given more freedom to travel further afield on the weekends in his teenage years. He went on long bushwalks every Saturday, and benefitted from both the exercise and the enjoyment of the scenery. It was also a good opportunity to collect his thoughts and look back on the events of the week he’d had at school.
On one particular Saturday morning, he strayed off a well used path, because he saw a crop of clover and wanted to walk over it, making up a trail as he went. After twenty minutes, he eventually realised that the trail of clover showed no sign of running out. He had been taking pictures of it with his camera, and was about to zoom further along, as far as the camera would see, and capture one more picture without walking the distance.
He looked through the viewer, twisted the zoom lens as far as it would go, and then found that the camera would not focus. Something was unsteady in the scenery itself. It shimmered somehow, possibly a trick of the late morning light. It was almost noon. He’d never come this far before. The camera still would not focus, and he couldn’t take the picture at that distance. That, and a fascination with whatever was causing the shimmering, served to motivate him to run towards it. He darted through the bush and came to what looked like an opening in space itself, except that all he could see beyond it was more clover of a much larger size.
He found that he could step through the portal, and walk right up to the clover. It was almost as tall as he was. A forest of giant clover was far too scenic to pass up, both for the continuation of his bushwalk and the use of his camera. Now that he was on the other side of the portal, he realised what had happened. When he’d been zooming from a distance on the original side of the portal, the camera had been trying to focus on the giant clover which grew on the other side of the portal. The portal’s shimmering effect had severely distorted the image, so that the camera could not get a steady shot. He now found it easy to take pictures of the giant clover, and confirmed his theory by pointing the camera back through the warp to find that it once again had the same focussing problem.
He walked through the giant clover forest, taking pictures, until he came to an even more astounding sight. He came to a huge gigantic rug, which had flattened out much of the clover beneath it. Lying on her back, propped up by a backpack which lay on its side was a gigantic woman. She was side on and hadn’t seen him yet. So he crouched down, letting the clover conceal his head, and edged around to get into a better position to photograph the giantess without being seen. When he was able to look at her from a better position, her face was still not front on to the camera, but he could see it from an angle that gave him a surprising revelation. He had seen her on a television series.