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June 7, 2010

   When I woke up I found that I had been washed and dressed in what looked to me like a white one piece leotard and nothing else. I was in a huge white room on a smooth soft white surface that seemed to me to be about a hundred feet long and fifty feet wide. On one end there was a ripple in the surface and behind it a large hill and I realized that I was on a gigantic, neatly made, bed. As I looked around to absorb my surroundings I saw two enormous chairs, a giant table, a mountain sized cabinet and a video screen on the wall as big as the bed I was on. There were two colossal doors on opposite sides of the room. Everything in the room was the same white color. The only thing that made any of it visible were the shadows cast on the surfaces without direct light. The soft white light in the room was coming from the ceiling, the whole ceiling. It was a pretty surreal sight to behold, I felt like I was on a giant sized movie set for some Stanly Kubrick film.

   I walked to the edge of the bed and looked down. It was at least twenty feet down to the floor and I thought that if I jumped breaking my legs would be a best case scenario so I just sat and waited.

   About forty minutes later a straight vertical line appeared right down the middle of one of the doors and then with a swoosh the two sides of the door disappeared into the walls on either side. In walked my now sixty foot tall wife wearing a form fitting but loose sleeveless top that came down to cover half of her rear, some skin tight white latex looking pants that stopped at her calves, a pair of white flats and a white belt around her waist with a gun, like the ones that the women who came to get us had, on her right hip and the strange device that they used to enlarge themselves clipped on the left. The gun and the device were both made of a shiny black metal and my eyes were drawn to them, not only because of their purpose but they were the only things in the room to contrast all that white.

   When Jandra noticed that I was awake she came right over to check on me asking me how I was feeling. What could I say? I wasn't in any pain but how could she expect me to be able to wrap my mind around all of this? I asked her where we were and she told me that we were in her private quarters on the ship. She sat on the bed next to me and I couldn't take my eyes off of her gun. She noticed this and told me that it was called a disintegrator. I asked her what it did and she told me that it fired a beam of radiation that would completely engulf its target then burn its way through from the outside in until all that was left was ash. I asked her why she had it with her now. I'm sure she could see that it terrified me so she told me not to worry and assured me that she would never use it on me. She said that they all had to keep one on them at all times during an invasion.

   I asked her what the other device was and how it made her grow. She explained that it didn’t make her grow but kept her small. The Amaterrans natural size is, on average, around sixty feet tall. The device, the micronizer, was used to shrink them down to our size for infiltration and breading. Once micronized they had to stay within fifty feet of the device or they would return to their regular size. The next thing I know Jandra is sitting on the bed twenty feet away from me and she is back to the five foot nine inch size that she was before her friends had arrived.

   She got to her feet and ran to me, tackling me in a hug. We fell down on the bed and she layed on top of me and started to kiss me. I pushed her off and she started pouting about how she hadn't had sex in two days and I had to ask her just how long I was unconscious. She told me that after I passed out in her shoe I had slept through the sixth and most of the seventh as it was already evening before trying to kiss me again. Again I pushed her off of me and she told me that she could make me if I kept refusing but I tried to distract her with more questions. Finally she gave in and backed off with my agreement that once she had answered all of my questions she could have her way with me. I know that some of you are probably thinking "Oh you poor baby. A beautiful woman wanted to have sex with you. What a bummer." and you might be thinking that it doesn't sound that bad but keep in mind that Jandra is not the norm for her race. Most Amaterrans only reduce their size for conception. The rest of the time they just use their slaves for pleasure at their regular size so unless being manhandled by a giantess while she gets off is what your into then you have to trust me when I say that its not as great as it sounds.

   Jandra basically gave me a brief Amaterran history lesson and I'll do my best to recount for you what she told me. A couple hundred thousand years ago the Amaterrans where all the same size as us. The men were very violent and their world was constantly ravaged by war. The women, who were almost as violent as the men, had, and still have, extremely overactive uterary glands that produce a ferrimone to attract males and if this ferrimone isn't purged, via an orgasm, it will become acidic and start to eat away at their insides eventually killing them. Why don't they just masturbate? you ask. Because the ferrimone in it's liquid form won't leave the female's body unless it has male DNA to grab onto so why doesn't this Ferrimone hurt the men? Once it makes contact with oxygen it is rendered harmless. The only way for it to hurt a man would be for him to be left inside of an Amaterran woman long enough for the ferrimone to turn to gas. Of course by then the man would have suffocated. My wife's sex drive finally made sense to me.

   In Amaterran culture the males were fighters and the females were thinkers. Eventually the males became so focused on fighting amongst each other that they didn't have time to tend to their women's desperate need to expel the lethal ferrimones building up inside of them. The women started to die off while the men fought so they started to tamper with male DNA in an attempt to weed out their insatiable aggression. It worked too well. The men just layed around and ate and slept and when the women tried to have sex with them they just refused. It seemed that they not only got rid of their desire to fight but their desire for everything. The women then tried to force themselves on their men but the men were just to strong so they started to tamper with their own DNA in an attempt to make them stronger but instead of just getting physically stronger they got larger and with each generation they got bigger until they reached the size that they are now.

   With the women so much larger then the men they could make the men do whatever they wanted and the men eventually became their slaves and they loved it but as time went on they realized that at their new sizes it was difficult to use their slaves without hurting them and at first they didn't care and men were dying by the thousands just to amuse the women but then they found a fatal flaw in their plan. They started to notice that all of their children were female. Making their gender that much stronger caused the inherently female embryos to reject the cells needed to make them male. without new males they would all eventually die so they did some more tampering with male DNA and made it so the men were more durable but the damage had been done. There were barely enough men to go around and with new females being born all of the time it wouldn't be long before old age claimed the last of the men leaving the women to die painful deaths. With some more manipulation they managed to extend their life spans form an average of a hundred and ten years to around eight hundred years but this was only a temporary solution as it wouldn't be long before the men were spread too thin to accommodate the growing female population.

   Women started to fight over the few men that were left so they instituted a bonding process that would make it so that once a woman bonded with a man he would be the only man that could satisfy her needs. This kept them from fighting as it rendered a man useless to all but his mate but if each woman was to have her own personal man they would need more men so they went out into space to pillage men from other planets.

   After they concored their fist two planets enslaving all of the men and killing all of the women there were more then enough men to go around and the only males that became mates were the best of the best and the rest were either put to work in labor camps to rebuild their own worlds to accommodate the size of their new rulers, used as food or just killed for entertainment.

   They just barely concored their third planet. What was to become Amaterra four, had put up a good fight. They realized that they weren't as tough as they thought and from then on, at each planet that they took over, they recruited all of the best and brightest females into their ranks and added the local technology to their own.

   Jandra told me that everyone they planed to keep was injected with Amaterran DNA. Thats how their new female recruits became just as big as they were and thats why I was tough enough to survive in Jandra's shoe under her foot as she walked on me. She told me that the only reason that I even passed out was that the injection hadn't fully taken effect yet and that the next time I found myself under her foot I would be able to stay awake and lick her sole like I was supposed to.

   I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not so much what she said, I knew from what she told me that Amaterran women were easily cruel enough to put a man under their feet and force him to lick their soles, but the casual tone with witch she said it shocked me. She could see the fear in my eyes and told me that she didn't particularly want to step on me but it was what was expected. Thats just where they keep their men when they aren't using them. I asked why she couldn't just lie and say that I was under her foot and she told me that male saliva acted as a stimulant on the skin of Amaterran females and if I wasn't down there licking her comrades would know and they would say that she had gone soft and if they knew that she truly loved me they would take me away from her and as she had already bonded herself to me my absence would eventually kill her.

   I started to cry witch made her start to cry. She hugged me and begged me to forgive her. She told me that she had no idea that the Amaterrans would get here in my life time and she thought that we could have a normal human life together. I told her that I couldn't spend the next fifty years under her foot waiting to die and she told me that the injection also gave me their longevity and I would be under her feet around eight hundred years. I fainted.

   When I woke up I couldn't breath. There was no light what so ever and I was surrounded by wet sort of slimy soft walls that pressed in on my body from every angle. I felt like I was about to drown and then I was pulled out by my legs. I wiped the fluid from my face and looked up to see my giantess wife. She said "Hold your breath baby" and before I could protest she shoved me head first back into her vagina. She was using me like a sex toy. For the next hour she moved me in and out of her and every few minutes she would pull me all the way out but only long enough for me to take a breath before shoving me right back in. This was the first time that I didn't enjoy sex with my wife.

   Finally she pulled me out and carried me through the other door in the room. It turned out to be her bathroom. She set me down in the sink and ran the water so I could wash her orgasm off of me. As the water ran over me I started to scream at her asking why she did that to me. She said that I had passed out and since it had been two days since she had sex with me it was starting to hurt and she couldn't wait any longer.

   As I washed up she put her pants back on and when I was done she picked me up out of the sink and handed me my white onezy. I asked why I had to wear such a stupid looking outfit and she told me that it was a standard mate uniform and all of the men that were, and these are her words not mine, lucky enough to be mates had to wear them. Labor slaves wore grey and food and entertainment weren't even given clothes as they were just going to die and they thought it would be a waist of material so when the rest of the Amaterrans come, if your unfortunate enough to be caught within an orb, pray that they give you clothes. Personally I would prefer grey because the labor slaves can at least go back to their camp each night to rest and they aren't injected so they get to die after a normal life span where as mates are constantly used in one way or another by their owners without ever getting a break.

   Once I was dressed she set me on the floor at her feet and asked me if I wanted to hear how our girls were doing. I asked her what she meant and she told me that the only way I would be allowed anywhere near my daughters was to be in her shoe when she went to see them so I wouldn't be able to see them but I could at least hear her interacting with them. She popped her heel out of her shoe and slid it over to me saying "Come on. Lets go check on our kids."

   Once again I found myself under my wife's foot and she was right about my being tough enough to take it. It still hurt like hell but not nearly as bad as the first time. Even though the pain wasn't as bad the second time in her shoe was much worse. She was again wearing me in shoes that she had on all day without socks and this time I didn't have the luxury of passing out and I had to lick her stinking foot while it was crushing me.

   At one point during her walk to the nursery I heard the sounds of boiling water, chopping and the screams of humans mixed with the much louder laughter of Amaterrans. Jandra was walking past the kitchen.

   The pressure I was under from my wife's foot became constant and I knew that Jandra had stopped walking. Though it was muffled by the flesh of her sole I could hear her talking to another woman. The other woman was telling Jandra that all three of our girls were healthy and happy. Jandra asked the woman if she could have some time alone with our daughters and the woman walked away. The next thing I knew I was hit with bright light and all of the pressure lifted off of me. I looked up to see Jandra holding Sasha telling her to look down and wave to daddy. I would have liked to see my daughter longer but instead I heard a door open and Jandra looked toward it and shoved her heel back into her shoe on top of me.

   The next time I saw light we were back in Jandra's quarters. She took me out of her shoe and carried me into the bathroom. There she handed me something that looked like a mouth guard. I asked her what it was and she told me that it was the Amaterran equivalent of a toothbrush and that I had better use it if I expected her to kiss me after licking her sweaty foot.

   She set me down on the bed and asked me if I was hungry and walked over to the wall and put her hand on it. It looked like a bare wall until she touched it but then it lit up and I could see a control panel. A minute later a new slot appeared in the wall and out came a platter with two cheese burgers, fries and two strawberry shakes. She stood up on on the bed, with the platter in hand and activated her micronizer. She and the plater of food shrunk down to my size. I guess that I looked pretty amazed because she went on to explain that the food generator was something the Amaterrans acquired when they concored their ninth planet. All they had to do was place their hand on the control panel and think of what they wanted to eat and it would materialize. I asked why, if they had this technology, did they need to eat people. She told me that eating concored victims was considered a delicacy. She could see how furious I was at the idea that they were killing and eating people for no better reason then that it was fashionable and she swore to me that she herself would never eat a human. I was sick to my stomach thinking about the poor people in their food but it had been two days since I had eaten so I ate my burger and fries and drank my shake.

   When we were done she took the empty platter and glasses and Grew back to her normal size. As I watched the plater grow with her I started thinking about what would happen if I was touching her while she grew. Would I grow with her? She touched the wall again and another slot opened and she slid the empty dishes in, then it closed leaving no trace of a slot. She took off all of her clothes and grabbed the micronizer and sat down before shrinking back down to my size. She walked over to me, dropped the micronizer and threw her arms around me. She must have noticed me looking at it because she told me that it wouldn't work on me. She said that it can only shrink things and return them to their original size and I was already my original size. As she said all this she was kissing my neck so I gave in and made love to my wife.

   When we were done she remained at five foot nine and fell asleep on top of me. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't get the sound that I had heard coming from that kitchen out of my head. After a couple of hours the rhythmic breathing of my wife's body on top of mine finally put me to sleep but it wouldn't be a restfull sleep as if was filled with nightmares of people being chopped up and dropped into gigantic stew pots. 
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