A Short Story from the Giantess Anthology
A clumsy
giantess in town
By Richard C.H. Davies
Warning this story contains: giantess, point of view, clumsy, building destruction, crush, hand crush
Diana - Houston
Diana was startled awake by something. She wasn't immediately sure what. She was dreaming about the crash that had occurred earlier in the day, a pharmaceutical truck had crashed in the street and spilled loads of unknown fluid all over her. She had been covered. She had rushed home and showered and hadn’t felt any burning sensations, pain or anything, then she thought nothing more of it.
But it was 3am now. Something had woken her up. She heard a loud creak and crashing sound.
She opened her eyes and looked around in the dark room to work out what was happening.
Her bed felt small and uncomfortable, it was groaning and creaking unusually loudly.
She reached out to turn on her bedside lamp and she reached over and clicked the, what seemed like a much smaller than usual, button on the lamp.
Suddenly the bed dropped beneath her with a very loud crashing. She and the bed thudded to the floor.
She looked around in panic and shock. Was it an earthquake?
Her skin seemed like it was buzzing. Her body felt like it was stretching.
She looked down and realised her bed had collapsed. The bed legs had all split and snapped; and the base of the bed was on the floor.
She looked downwards and noticed that her legs were way longer than the bed… how weird… her feet were on the floor, but her head was still on the pillow. Her knees were at the end of the bed. What the hell?
She sat upright with a bit of effort and noticed that her shirt was really tight on her upper body. Her breasts were feeling enormous and her shirt looked like it was literally about to burst. As were her panties around her hips.
She looked down at her hands. Her body seemed normal but everything else around her in the room looked a bit smaller; including her clothes.
She rolled off the bed and stood upright, instantly regretting it, as she cracked her head against the ceiling with a loud thud.
Dust rained down from the ceiling.
She saw stars for a few seconds and rubbed her head irritably.
She cowered slightly and realised that she was taller than the height of the 2.6m tall room.
She looked sidelong at the ceiling, stooping over, her head had left a large crack and dent in the ceiling.
What on earth was going on? This was impossible. She had suddenly grown in a matter of…
She looked at the clock, 3am. It had only really been 3 hours and she had grown so much.
Shit! She needed to get some help.
She groaned and held her stomach as pain shot through her body. She fell to the floor on her knees and it felt like her skin was literally crawling.
She heard tearing in her shirt and panties.
She held her hands out and saw them shimmering and literally expanding in front of her eyes against the perspective of her bed.
This couldn't be happening.
Within an hour Diana was sitting in a foetal position in the middle of her room with her face pressed against the ceiling. Her body was filling her bedroom. It wasn't a small room… well now it was; comparatively.
She winced as she felt herself grow even further. Her enlarging body was being squeezed into a small space and something had to give.
It turned out that a few things had to give. Several things happened at the same time. The glass window to her side started cracking, the ceiling above her also cracked and the floor below her creaked.
Then it all seemed to give at the same time. Everything seemed to explode around her. Her head crunched through the ceiling, the floor caved in and the window shattered outwards.
Her right arm hung out of the empty window casement and her head plunged through the roof of the apartment.
She felt warmth on her buttocks, as if her butt was touching another space. Then she realised that it was, there were female screams down beneath her. What sounded like two women were screaming up at her giant butt that was presumably poking through their ceiling.
Diana tried to roll over but she must have grown again because her feet both slammed through the adjacent party wall to the adjoining apartment.
There were more screams from inside there. People were shouting out and trying to establish what the hell was happening.
Diana was getting quite big now. She was definitely sure that whatever had covered her from that Pharma-Kleine truck had either infected her or the chemicals had caused some kind of transformation in her body.
She was starting to panic. Her breathing was getting heavier and heavier and her heart was pounding in her chest.
She had initially thought this was a dream but it all felt too lucid for it to be a dream. It was also quite painful, both the growing and also her body being shoved through parts of the building.
She concluded that she had to get off the second floor before she brought the whole building down on everyone; including herself.
She rolled to her side more successfully this time. She managed to shift enough to look down through the hole in the floor she had created.
Two attractive women were looking up at her in terror. They must be student housemates.
"Please, you've got to help me, I don't know what's happening!" Diana pleaded down to the women who were looking up at her in shock.
They look confused at Diana's own apparent distress. They had assumed it was deliberate somehow.
"What's happening?" They asked her anxiously.
"I'm… I'm growing and I can't stop!" Diana bellowed out the last part as she jerked back in pain from another burst of growth which caused her body to spasm uncontrollably; it caused her remaining limbs to plunge through walls around her. She splayed out like a starfish.
The structure creaked and crumbled around her body; groaning at the extreme pressure she was adding.
"Get out, get everybody out, I think this building may come down!" Diana panted in panic.
The women screamed and she could hear them rushing out and them shouting down the corridor and banging on doors to get people up; although Diana guessed that the noise she had caused would have been enough.
Her bare feet and calves were feeling fresh air on them; they were dangling out the far wall of the building.
She groaned in fear and pain as another growth spurt hit her. They were coming much more regularly now. This was a concern. She didn't know how big she was going to get! She didn't want to be giant, how would she live? Would she be able to return to her original size?
She was frozen in fear at what was happening, she was trapped inside the building but with her limbs growing outside further and further.
She yelped as her head crunched through timber structure and outside the other wall of the building.
Her head, legs and arms were now outside of the property at all sides.
She looked sideways to see a crowd of people on the opposite pavement looking up towards her. Many of them were in dressing gowns or had blankets wrapped around them. They had abandoned their homes because of this.
Diana knew it wasn't her fault but she still felt guilty.
The guilt soon wore off as another burst of growth took hold of her, which included more pain with it.
The building below her creaked and groaned but she dared not move just in case she caused it to collapse… too late.
The supporting walls gave way beneath her weight and she felt the structure crumble beneath her.
There was a sudden lurch at first and then it felt like a systematic collapse as the internals of the building folded in on itself beneath her and the external walls flattened outwards.
She fell a few stories which, to her, felt like a few feet, and collapsed onto the pile of rubble; with the roof breaking up on top of her stomach. She was surprised how little it all hurt her.
She waited a few seconds just to be sure she wouldn't fall any further and then started to sit upright, revealing her naked chest, breasts and upper body. Dust billowed outwards away from her.
The crowd gasped in fear as more and more of her body was revealed. The roof shattered and fell away from her body, clattering to the side.
She continued to sit upright, causing a large amount of noise as the building materials either crunched below her or fell away from her body.
She winced with every movement she made, it all felt so clumsy and destructive.