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I looked out over the beach. It was filled with people of all ages and sizes. There were old men and women playing with their grandchildren, Athletes happy of a reason to remove most of their clothing and play volleyball or frisbee. Young and insecure teenagers as well as a vast number of sunbathers who apparently thought skin cancer was attractive. Out on the water were surfers and swimmers, beyond them were sailboats, tracking snake wakes in the water due to the efervesence of the wind.

I sat and watched it all. I liked the ocean stretched out at my feet. Portugal was only on the other side of the Atlantic. Maybe I should try swimming there. It beat all the running that I'd been doing. Running and hiding. Like a coward.

I hated crowds but I had found over the past few weeks that discretion was the better part of valor. Sam, judging from the board expression on his face, was none too impressed by the beach scene either. Still, a necessary evil. We were sheep hiding among sheep. We weren't about to hide in the forest again, not after last week when one of our best friends fell prey to the huntress tracking us. In the seclusion of the forest, there are no witnesses. I had thought myself an excellent woodsman until my dear friend Umma proved to be just as capable. Max had paid for it with his life.

I looked around again for signs of Umma. She's a pretty one, a remarkably pretty one. Someone whom you would notice in a bathing suit. Just for the record, you would notice her in regular clothes too. Scanning the beach once more I took a sip of my lemonade, which had been remarkably overpriced. I had bought it anyway, figuring I earned a cool drink after the month I'd been having.

"Ever wonder if she'll stop?" asked Sam idly. "Just let us go." It wasn't a question and he didn't seem to expect a response from me. I answered anyway.

"She'll never stop. Not until she gets us all. She can't afford to have anyone live to tell the story."

"What odds do you give Kyle and Marcus?" Sam said.

"Who knows who she tried to follow." I shrugged and sipped more lemonade. "it makes no difference. She'll come for us sooner or later. It's all a game to her."

A laugh clued me into the presence of a woman who was walking up on my right. She had short cut blonde hair which barely reached her ears and the body of an athlete. She was more than just pretty and many an eye was upon her as she casually strolled up to Same and me.
"You make it sound like it's not a game to you," she said as she setteled herself between Same and me. This made both of us uneasy and we were each getting ready to bolt. I felt like a mouse trapped in a cage with a snake. I wanted out and I know Sam was of a similar mind.

Umma sensed our uneasyness. She laughed again. It was musical, light and filled with amusement, no doubt calculated to put us at our ease.
"Please sit. Stay for a while. I have no intention of harming you yet. Shall we agree to a truce for as long as this conversation lasts?"
"I don't trust you. What reason would we have to believe you would abide by such an agreement?" There's my buddy Sam talking.
"Come now. We're all tired. You've lasted much longer than I expected. I like getting to know my prey." Umma stretched out between us and yawned. "Besides, I hear the lemonade is worth paying for." She took a sip of her own lemonade and smiled at us.

She looked out at the ocean same as we had been and seemed to ponder life for a while.
"So how has the past week been on your end?" she asked.
"Horrible. Living in terror, not knowing when your number is up. It's not a pleasent existence." I said hotly, not looking at her.
"I am so sorry to hear that. However, you must admit that it is exciting," she countered. When nether Sam nor I responded she continued her train of thought. "Look around you. Boring people with boring lives migrating to the ocean for just a taste of excitement, of interest, of feeling part of something vastly bigger then themselves. This clash of water and earth gives them only the smallest taste of two worlds meeting. They attend cinima and films of action heros, imaging themselves at the stars, scoffing at danger. They picture themselves with beautiful movie stars. They must return to their mundane nine to five jobs, stuck in a rut from which few escape."

Umma took another sip of lemonade and then looked from Sam to me with a serious gaze. "But you, you're running from danger knowing that at every corner, every hideout and every lonely stretch of road I may be waiting for you. I am dangerous, I am beautiful and I make your life worth living. Knowing that I am following your every step gives your life a sense of purpose, of excitement, that few experience."

"You've killed three of our friends," I shot back.
"Their lives ended," nodded Umma. "Not their existance. They are still a part of me."
"You swallowed them alive," pointed out Sam.
"And I will do the same to both of you. It will take time, but it's worth the chase. The two of you have presented me with a challenge that I haven't had in years. You will eventually be eaten. I've been looking forward to swallowing each of you. It's pleasant to simply watch you sometimes, to know that soon you will be in my belly. Have you ever looked forward to being eaten? To becoming a part of me?"

I stayed silent but looked upon her in horror. Next to her Sam began to shake. I had wanted to become a part of her in the darkest time of night, wanting to give myself over to her. Umma was beautiful, athletic and mysterious. It scared me but enticed me.

"I know you want to die this way," she said as she looked at me. "You think I was unaware of your presence in the camp ground but I wasn't. You watched from the shadows when you could have helped that delicious boy. I don't remember his name well but I have wanted to eat you badly ever since."

Chills swept my skin despite the warm sun. It had been over two weeks since Sam and I, along with several others, had hidden ourselves in a camp ground at a park for a night. I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It turned into a long night stroll. I had spied a woman with blonde hair and an athletic body talking to a man nearby and instantly had begun tracking them as they walked. It was Umma, I had been sure of it. I could tell by her figure. She really was in terrific shape. Her back was turned to me when she stopped the man with her. She had put a hand to his face and whispered sweetness to him. The spell had only taken a few seconds but the man began to shrink. A moment later he was wiggling in her grasp, an inch tall and completely helpless. She spoke to him again and then tilted her head back and swallowed him alive.

Since then she had eaten three of my friends. Before that night she had eaten two.

"I know that you want this," said Umma to me directly, ignoring Sam. "I know you want to be a part of me. You will be soon. I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy you life while you can because soon you will be a part of me. I will be honored to eat you. But for now," she stood and brushed the sand off her voluptious backside, 'I will go swimming. The conversation is over."

With a smile she walked off, leaving me looking after her. Men stared as she passed and with good reason. I simply watched her go, knowing that she was right. My days were numbered.

"Come on man. We gotta go," said Sam quietly to me. He was also watching Umma slip into the water, happy and carefree.

We got moving.

We agreed to split up. I didn't want to, it must have been some instintual pack mentality that urged me to stick with Sam but he insisted that we would have better odds of escaping if we separated. We shook hands, wishing each other the best of luck. Nethier of us expected to see the other again. Then we both took off running, he went his way and I went mine. I think I saw him flag a taxi as rounded a corner but I didn't stop to confirm it was him.

Three weeks later.

The bar was hazy. A low curtin of ciggerett smoke hung throughout the establishment. A floresent sign flickered in the window, pronouncing to all that this hole in the wall open for business. There were a few pool tables, and a dart board or two. Most of the darts were missing their fletching and didn't fly straight. Several resourceful customers had made up for the deficiency with throwing knives. The occasional "thunk" of a knife hitting the dart board could be heard over the din of the radio blairing classic rock from a battered juke box.

I watched the knife throwing for a few moments. The third of five knives spiraled into the wall handle first and clattered to the ground. Swearing loudly, the fat, ugly man who had thrown the knife waddled over to pick it up. He was dressed in biker leather and clearly considered himself to be a tough guy.

He wasn't. Even I could see that by the standards of this pond, he was the little fish. I left him to his knife throwing and looked around. Several Hell's Angels were sitting at the corner of the bar. More bikers and thugs were scattered throughout, playing pool or just talking.

I had brought my beer and what passed for food over to a corner hoping to blend in. This wasn't a scene I was comfortable with. I doubted that my plad, hooded sweat shirt, jeans and boots would be an acceptable substitute to the bare chests, tatoos and leather that seemd to be the dress requirement. It was a dangerous place to be but that's why I had gone there. The more dangerous the environment, the less likely that Umma would try to enter.

It hadn't made life easy for me, living off what I had left in my bank account and running from place to place. I got work where I could but always moved on the next day.

Now I found myself in the middle of nowhere, hiding out in a biker bar, of all places. I picked at my food. I had a feeling that if I ate it I would need my stomach pumped later. Hell. The price was right. I ate what I could and drank the beer, hoping that the alcohol would kill anything rotten in the food.

I was just thinking of cutting my losses with the culinary artistry of the establishment when in walked a beautiful brunette woman in tight leather pants and a leather jacket, the arms ripped off at the sides. I watched her strut up to the bar and buy a beer before I lost my interest in her. My mind wandered back to my own preoccupations. I thought about Sam. I could try finding a pay phone and calling his mobile but it seemed riskey. If he were captured it would be best if he knew nothing of my movements. Of course, all this was assuming that Sam was not already dead, which seemed more than likely considering I hadn't caught a glimps of Umma since the unlikely encounter on the beach.

"Mind if I join you?"

It was the black haired woman who had caught my eye when she had entered a few moments ago. Being distraught and overtired, I had not noticed her approach. This startled me. I must not be nearly as alert as I thought I was. Sleepless nights and little food could do that to a guy. Even when I did manage to curl up somewhere comfortable and catch a nap, my dreams were always of Umma and all those she had killed. It didn't make for a restful evening.

"No. You can sit down." I gestured to the chair across from me but she slid into th one that was next to me. I wondered briefly why she was talking to me rather than one of the other guys in the bar. I looked around, suddenly noticing that I was probably the best looking guy the place had ever seen. Everyone else was uglier, dirtier and most were older. On most men grey hair hung out from under sweat stained bandanas down around faded t-shrits and bodies that smelled like they could use a little Old Spice. Prison tatoos adorned exposed bare skin of every patron in all its amature glory. Biker colors were common, mostly Hell's Angels. I was never the best looking guy ever but here in this tick infested hole I was better than above average.

As for my new friend, she was something to look at. First of all, she seemed to have fairly high standards when it came to personal hygiene. White teeth, shiny black hair, beautiful facial features and great body made her a sight for sour eyes. You'de notice her in a crowd and this was cause for concern. The last thing I needed was some biker coming over with a knife or a gun and letting me have it in the gut for the sake of good company.

"Name's Carol," she said. "I've never seen you here before. Can I get you a beer?"
Now wasn't that a switch? A gal offering to pick up the drinks. I said I would pay for it but she insisted on buying. Don't think for a second she didn't know where I was looking when she got up to go to the bar. Returning with a beer in hand we started talking. I don't really remember what we talked about but I do remember following her ourside to her car. I got in, she was behind the wheel, smiling at me and we drove off into the night.

That was the last thing I remembered until I woke up. Instead of a fun filled night I woke up on hard polished floor, bouned and gagged. My head swam from the after affects of the date rape drug but I caught the details. I was in a large room, lying on my chest. The room was mostly bare except for a card table and a chair both devoid of anything. One thing I could make out was that there were others like me. Guys bound and gagged throughout the room. The air was cool but not unpleasently so. I struggled against my bonds. As it turned out. This was the only thing I had to do for the next few hours or so. At least that's how long it seemed. I really didn't know what the time was until Carol walked in.

Here's the kicker. Umma came in with her.

"Over here," said Carol walking towards me. Umma followed, her eyes brightening as they recognized me.

"I picked him up last night, just as you wanted," said Carol. "Between labor fee and selling fee, I put his price at three hundred dollars. Four hundred if you want me to reduce him for you."

"You're still running a scam. Besides, I can shrink him myself." Umma said, ignoring me now and focusing upon Carol.

"You witches and your magic powers," shrugged Carol. "I put seasoning in my food in the same injection as the shrinking syrum. Way better then just srhinking a guy with magic."

"Dispite that, I will not need your services when it comes to his reduction." Umma had pulled out her wallet and taken out a large wad of cash. Handing it to Carol she asked, "What about all these others?"

"Do you wan't to buy someone else? I offer the tastiest men alive. Best to act now. About fifty women are coming over today to buy out my stock. I have to shrink them down to a swallowable size before then but if you want you can pick someone out now."

"I prefer doing my own hunting, thank you," said Umma. "This was just an order for someone I didn't have time to catch myself.

Before I knew it I was swinging from a cage in Umma's bedroom. She looked in at me. "I have you now. And I will eat you tonight. Probably in about forty-five minutes. "

"Why not now?" I asked. I just wanted this over with.
"Soon enough," grinned Umma. "I want to do some exercises first."

She carried my cage into the living room, hung my cage on a hook and then walked to the middle of the room where she began to do lunges. Once those got old, she switched to squats. Then leg lifts, using the buttocks muscles. I had an excellent view. I have to say I enjoyed it.

"Have a theme going on here?" I asked.
"Working on my butt," said Umma. "I need to build up some muscle there."
"And I'm guessing that since the formula for building muscles is exercise and protein, and since I'm protein, and since you're going to eat me anyway," I said, wondering how long of a run on sentence I could make. "You're going to swallow me after the workout and expect that my body will become part of your ass."
"Flawless logic," said Umma and then breathed out heavily as she picked up some weights and did weighted squats.

It was very strange to know that I was someone else's ass muscles. I wandered around my cage with nothing to do but look at Umma. Don't get me wrong. She was great to look at. But I would be a part of her soon. It was a lot to come to terms with and I had little time to do it.

I watched as the spandex shorts that Umma wore strained to the breaking point as the large and well developed muscles beneath moved against each other. Her tush was beautiful. I wondered how many people had become a part of her ass.

Finally, Umma stopped. She smiled at me. "Time for a protein diet."
"Fine," I said. "Finish it."
"Oh don't look so pissed off. It's not like you're the first person I've eaten."
"I know that. You ate my friends. How many people have you eaten?"
"Hmm. I lost track around a hundred or so. You're just the latest."
"Great. I can't wait to be you ass muscles." I flipped her the bird.
"Such an original response. You really hurt my feelings that time," she said sarcastically.
"Yeah? You're a bitch. You know that?" I said. She was dangling me in front of her face now. Her ice blue eyes upon me. Her mouth turned up in a smug smile. I had her full attention and it was scary. The only thing I could do was be impolite and make a show of bravery.
"I don't see why you think you're so special," Umma said. I was really angry that she seemed to be enjoying stringing this out.
"You needed to hire someone to catch me. Didn't you? Couldn't manage it yourself." I goaded.
"I was after your friend Sam. He took a while to catch. He was delicious by the way. And then I had a photo shoot to attend so I couldn't get you myself."
"A what?"
"Yes. A photo shoot. I should explain. I model pants for a living. Must be my nice butt. Gotta keep it in shape." She winked at me.
"Oh great! So I am going to be a part of your ass while you show it off for some dungarees company?" I said in disbelief.

Well she did have a nice enough ass to do that but when you're about to be eaten by the girl it kind of frustrates you. I was being eaten so she could have a nice ass!!

"Exactly. You're hardly the first person to be absorbed into my butt after I ate them. Now shut up. You really do taste good. Time to enjoy you."
"No no. I eat guys because I like how you taste, and it kind of turns me on. You just go back there like any other food. Especially after a workout. Now shut up or I will bite you slowly!"

Umma smiled. She raised me above her head. her short, straight blond hair framing her beautiful face. Blue eyes stared at me as a moist, rich lips parted to reveal her milk white teeth and a pink tongue. Down I descended onto the tongue. The mouth closed behind me, the fingers that held me, released and slipped back between the lips, which were now coming together to seal my doom. The last ray of light I would ever see went out as Umma sucked her pointer finger out of her mouth, presumably savoring the taste of me.

The tongue moved under me, flattening me against the roof of her mouth until I could,'t move or even take a breath, such was the force of the pressure. I struggled helplessly. It was painfully clear that I was in Umma's mouth but I was also feeling awfully claustrophobic. Her dark wet mouth and being pressed in from above and below began to make me crazy. I screamed and fought to no avail.

"MMMMMMM!" Her wordless exclimation of enjoyment beat against my eardrums. loved the feeling of me fighting within her. It made me want to stop struggling but I couldn't. She was tossing me this way and that with her tongue now. I screamed again.

Suddenly, I was flat on my stomach. Once again I was lying on her tongue and being pressed into the top of her mouth. I knew she was about to swallow. I screamed "PLEASE!" I was way passed being a smart ass. I would beg on my knees to avid being swallowed.

Umma wasn't listening. There was nothing I could do. She swallowed me. I screamed again as I was forced into a slimy tube which began to squeeze me downwards. I was in her esophagus! I was being pushed like any other piece of food towards her stomach, and once I was in her stomach, I had no chance.

My arms were pinned at my sides, such was the tight confines of Umma's esophagus. I tried to spread my arms and legs to increase friction and drag myself to a stop but my strength was negligible compared to that of Umma's esophagus. The fact that I was covered in spit and mucus made my body slick and friction negligible. I realized that I was only the latest of an unknown number of live human snacks Umma had eaten. They hadn't escaped either. I fell the rest of the way down her esophagus yelling my lungs out, just for the hell of it.

The entrance to the stomach was far more biological than I was comfortable with. But then, so was the whole process of being eaten. Still, no one was supposed to experience that trip alive, aside from oysters. The valve that led to the stomach opened and I was half pushed, half fell into the stomach below.

I landed in a bunch of water head first. Liquid that tasted like vomit found its way into my mouth and nose. I kicked to the surface sputtering. It was hot in Umma's stomach and motion was constant. I wished there was light enough to see but it was pitch black in here, like the esophagus and the mouth after she had closed it.

I realized that I was getting shaken up like a bottle of protein shake. That stray thought reminded me that I was pretty much a protein shake. Well protein anyway. I remembered Umma's perfect ass and how she had been doing ass exercises right before eating me so I would become a part of her ass. Great. I was going to be butt cheeks.

My thoughts were interrupted by a stinging sensation. I felt like I was really beginning to itch. And itch all over. It felt like an army of fire ants was crawling over me. I realized that this was the hydrochloric acid and pepsin beginning to break me down into proteins and amino acids. I was BEGING DIGESTED ALIVE!

I screamed and tried to swim away, but there was nowhere I could go. I swam into the dark in a random direction until I hit the stomach walls. I pounded the stomach walls, (covered in mucus, gross) and tried to climb out.

It was no use. I wasn't getting out of here. I was being digested. This was it. The stomach lurched as muscles pressed in and out, churning the food in the stomach. Churning me. I was nothing more than another piece of food for Umma.
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