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Story Notes:

The house was just as she remembered it. Annie had visited it countless times since she was a child. Aunt Judy's summer home, a nice villa in a secluded location not too far from a local seaside town.

She and Astrid, her little sister, had just arrived from the beach, where they had spent a couple relaxing hours in the early morning. While Astrid had run inside to use the shower, Annie took the time to walk around the garden and explore.

Aunt Judy died one month ago. A car accident provided her with a swift, if unforeseen, death. As she was childless, all of her properties were divided among her relatives, Annie and Astrid being the closest.

Annie sat on a bench on the back porch and looked at the fig tree in the corner of the small garden nearby. In the middle of the day, all that she could hear were the cries of birds and the singing of cicadas. She had always liked that place. Now that she was twenty-six, it provided her with a large array of memories from her childhood. But, even when not taking nostalgia into account, the rural home retained a definite charm as well. As she relaxed in that idyllic scenery and vegetation, it was hard not to believe so.

The building was certainly spacious enough to host her and her sister for the summer. She had certainly thought of the possibility and Astrid seemed more than happy to go along with it. It wasn’t too far away from the city, and its tranquillity and coolness were definitely more alluring than the apartment they shared.

Annie's attention then drifted to something else. Something that had been a mystery to her for years. The green gate. It was surrounded by a ten feet tall wall which made it impossible to see past it. She had never been allowed to get past there. She remembered she once asked her aunt about it, and she said it was just an abandoned field. Why would it have to be gated, then? But every time she tried to inquire about the mysterious gate, the responses were evasive, and eventually, she had to let go of the subject.

Annie didn't have to think twice of it; although a certain apprehension got hold of her as her sandals sank in the brittle dirt that led to the gate. She gathered her keys and tried them one by one to see which one would open the huge gate.

Bingo," she whispered as she finally found the one that worked. And soon the heavy gate budged and creaked as it opened and revealed the secret area in the back of the house.

The woman was a bit disappointed with what she found there. It appeared to be an abandoned field, indeed. Quite a dull and desolate one at that. There seemed to be no sign of vegetation in it. The ground seemed to be mostly flat. Although the field was quite big, roughly as big as the terrain in which the house itself was built, there was not a single plant in it.

As she looked down at her feet, however, she became puzzled. The ground seemed to be different there. Not just different from the rest of the house- different from anything she had ever seen to that day.

What’s with this place?" she thought as she observed the flat green bottom that collapsed so easily under her shoe. She took a few steps forward, towards something that captured her attention. It was a greyish sort of moss on the ground, spreading for what seemed to be at least a couple meters.

As the woman walked to it, the strange grey zone could be seen more clearly. And as she realized what the place behind the gate truly was, her heart started racing.


Millions stood in awe at the sight. It was the first time in years they had seen one of them up close. They weren’t used to it anymore. Moreover, they had stopped thinking of them as a menace. Now though, they weren’t so sure anymore. Especially since she, the giant, had stepped over a few small villages on the way and now, in that very moment, her impossibly large foot stood right in front of the city, her sandals’ platform putting the vast majority of their buildings to shame, surpassed in height only by the tallest skyscrapers downtown.

She placed her foot on the edge of the city. Her slender frame was imposing enough to cast a shadow over half of the urban sprawl. Annie looked down, her mouth half-opened in amazement. She hadn’t seen anything like that since she was a little kid. She thought these… creatures had gone extinct outside of zoos, museums, and natural parks. “Little people”, she couldn’t remember what their actual name was supposed to be. Their kind had been exterminated as soon as her race, thousands of times larger than them, had started colonizing their habitat.

She whispered something that was lost in the light summer air and could not be picked up by anybody else.

So this is what Aunt Judy has been hiding in here for years.”

Annie lowered herself down in a squatting position. She had to take a better look at the tiny city. Her blue eyes scanned its gray surface, recognizing the patterns of roads and buildings, sprawling around irregularly.

This is what one of their cities looks like, huh? It feels like I’m watching from an airplane. Oops!

As she adjusted her position, she ended up shifting her foot by a good inch. She felt a few peripheral buildings crunching under the hard sole of her shoe. As she looked down to survey the damage, she marveled at how her toes, shining with bright pink, looked so out of proportion with everything that surrounded them. Each of them, including the smallest, could bury several buildings under its flashy form. There was no street in the whole city capable of containing any of her toes. She had spent a couple of hours at the beach that morning, and her feet were still littered with sand. The grains stuck to her toes and soles looked like car-sized boulders to the population below, and screams erupted every time one of them parted from the woman's foot and landed on the ground below.

You guys are truly helpless. A girl like me can’t move an inch without causing some destruction. This whole city is no larger than the carpet in my living room.”

She kept gazing down, wanting to spot the little people. Could she even see them? They’d have to be minuscule, like fleas. These colored dots on the ground… were these supposed to be them?

She further lowered her face so that she could take a better look down. Now her head stood frighteningly above a few city blocks, obscuring their sunlight and filling their sky. Annie’s face would normally be called beautiful. She had flawless light skin, and her features were elegant. But most of the people below couldn’t focus on how handsome the lady looked as she observed them from up above. Instead, they were thinking of how to save their lives from her. Panicked screams could be heard everywhere in the metropolis, but to the giant woman, they were too feeble to be noticed.

"I know,” she murmured as she grabbed something from her purse. Soon, a cellphone was in her hand, and next thing, it was placed right over the city, as the zoom from the camera helped Annie see the minuscule scene better.

The scene looked uncannily familiar to Annie. The architecture she surveyed using the camera on her phone didn't look much different than the one in her hometown, and the streets seemed to be filled with life.

So these tiny dots are… cars? Do they even have cars? And the people… Oh god, I don't think I could even see them without my phone!

The streets were packed with them, moving around in what seemed to be a blurry confusion. There was havoc everywhere. What had been a peaceful, regular morning to them had been turned into an apocalyptic nightmare. And what caused all of that was… her.

Annie slightly smiled at the notion. The power she had over these tiny things was limitless. There was not a single thing they could do to stop her. Her feet threatened to pulverize their whole city. And had she tripped down and fell, the impact from her body would have crushed half of the city, and possibly sent the other half to the ground from the following shockwaves.

Her smile turned into a giggle as she considered how dumb their whole reaction was. They thought they could escape from her. Did they even realize they lived in the backyard of her aunt's old villa? Did they realize there was nowhere they could run to? All around their tiny, tiny world was a huge land of giants, of which Annie was a mere exponent. And quite a petite one at that.

As she thought of how big she must have looked like to them, she realized she couldn’t really fault them. Yes, trying to run away was useless, but what else would you do as a walking mountain of a woman approached your city? She had to admit it would’ve been hard to calmly sit in your home drinking tea in that situation.

A walking mountain”, she thought again. She stood up and took a look around. The whole area was surrounded by ten-foot-tall walls and was separated from the rest of the property by a sturdy green gate. In those times she visited the house in her lifetime, she had never been allowed inside and wondered what the hell was supposed to be beyond the gate.

That day, she had found the answer to a minor curiosity she harbored since she was a child.

I don’t get it, aunt… why would you keep these things around?”

She retreated her feet from the city and started taking a few more steps around. To the right of the large city was what must have been the countryside, as well as a few smaller towns. Annie tried to avoid stepping onto the larger settlements, but the more isolated homes and buildings simply disappeared under her feet as the ground collapsed under the flat sole of her sandals.

As people on the eastern side of the area began to fear for their lives, those who lived on the capitol, which Annie had just left, breathed a sigh of relief. This relative peace did not last long, for new footsteps shook their insignificant world and a loud, deafening female voice could be heard from far above.

“Sis? Sis?” the voice repeated.

She was coming from inside the house. Unlike her older sister, who was impatient to survey the backyard and the gate beyond, she had chosen to take a shower first. Astrid’s body, clad only in the blueish bikini she had worn at the beach, was still wet, for she found little need to dry herself off before rushing out to look for her sister in the warmth of the sunny summer day.

She didn't even notice that an airplane had crashed against her bare midriff as she crossed the green gate. Packed with a group trying to escape from the doomed lands, their attempt had been thwarted by the girl's casual stride. The pilot could not do anything to avoid the mountain-sized teen as she uncautiously ran to find her sister.

Annie turned to notice her sister’s arrival. Astrid looked a lot like her. A petite, slender brunette with blue eyes, when compared to her older sister, she possessed a more youthful aura; not only because of the seven-year gap between her and her sister but also because of her cheerful personality. Whether Annie was a calm, reserved girl, Astrid was exuberant and impatient, always bursting with excitement.

“So that's where you were hiding," said the girl as she saw her older sister walking around the enclosed area. “This place isn’t half bad, you know? I might get used to it.”

Annie noticed where her sister was marching and let out a small chuckle. Astrid's flip-flops were currently sweeping the capital, where they were taking out large chunks of land under their black plastic soles.

“What’s with this yard, by the way?” asked the younger girl as she stopped to look around. The brittle streets of the capital had given way under the girl's flip-flops, and each of her uncaring steps was giving death to thousands. “Looks like a waste of space to me.”

Annie wondered whether she should tell her sister the truth or not, but decided it would be more entertaining to wait until she found out for herself.

That would not require much time. Astrid, bothered by the crunching she felt under her sole, finally decided to look down at the ground and see the scene unfolding below. And as she jumped on her feet to get out of that mess, she let out a scream.


Annie was further amused by the girl’s reaction. She had seen her little sister obliterate one-inch-tall buildings without even noticing, and now she was clumsily attempting to get out of there, no doubt adding more damage to the poor defenseless city.

“What the hell is this thing doing here?" cried Astrid. "Are we at the freakin' zoo?" She looked down at the ruined city with an astonished face. "Damn!" she added. "I thought the things that crunched under my feet had to be leaves or something!"

“I’m not sure why,” finally explained Annie, “but it seems like our aunt was letting these little people live in the backyard.”

Astrid, now a little calmer, could take a better look at the city. Its grey sprawl went on for a few meters, and some of its territory was marked by the shape of her footprints. The structures and roads, spreading all over and forming patterns, and then those areas she had stepped on, flat, compressed, like deserts of crumpled concrete. It was appalling.

“Shit,” said Astrid, suddenly feeling guilty. “I must have killed, like, millions of’em.”

Annie walked towards her sister to join her in assessing the damage she had caused. The trampled areas were completely unrecognizable, and tiny clouds of smoke were rising from different parts of the city, even the supposedly undamaged ones. Both ladies were now standing on the edge of the city, and looking down. Annie appeared slightly taller than her sister, mostly because of the platform of her sandals, but both were imposing.

And since so many had perished under Astrid’s footsteps and so many more buildings had collapsed in the untouched areas of the city, the general mood in the tiny lands was only becoming more wild and desperate.

Astrid crouched on the ground and let a small sigh out. "You think Aunt Judy was trying to keep them safe from the outside world?”

“Maybe,” said Annie. “That would explain the high walls and that huge gate.”

Then the younger girl chuckled. "Think about it. She keeps them safe in her garden so that they can live peacefully, this goes on for years, then one day we arrive, and boom! They’re squished.”

“It almost feels wrong,” pointed out Annie with a perplexed face. “If that’s what our aunt wanted, maybe we should respect her wishes.”

“Yeah… I guess,” said Astrid as she sat down and stretched her legs, not realizing her feet were obliterating an undestroyed suburb. “Then we’d better get out of here, right? You go first, sis,” she added as she pointed at the gate.

But Annie did not walk away. Instead, she stretched her arm and caught a little something in her fist. She presented her open palm to her little sister, who looked with curiosity.

"Aw shit. That’s an airplane, no?”

The tiny thing stood right in the middle of Annie’s sweaty palm, relatively undamaged outside but completely shaken up on the inside.

“You know?” said Annie as with one of her fingernails she tipped the minuscule aircraft she was holding in her hand. “All of this land here, just by the side of the house, wasted for those little dust-crumb people… I think we could put it to better use.”

She took a slight step towards the little city, crunching a peripheral area. It was a small, seemingly unassuming step, but at the same time, it declared to the little people the fate that was about to hit them.

The woman chuckled. She took some more steps, fully entering the city. The brunette walked right into the most populated area, then placed her tan foot right over a row of skyscrapers, none of which could dream of reaching her toes or surviving under the mighty feet of the titaness.

They all crumbled nicely and swiftly under the shoe of the gigantic woman.

“Astrid,” she said as she lifted her sweaty dress up her legs and belly. “Let’s go grab these long chairs on the porch and bring them here. This spot is going to be ideal for tanning.”

She tossed her dress in the middle of the ruined city, burying whole neighborhoods under the colorful fabric. Though those people’s view was obstructed, there were still millions around who could admire the beautiful lady in her tiny black bikini. Annie couldn’t help but wonder if they were enjoying the view or were too busy running from her feet to do so.


A few days later…

The citizens of Contaville looked up with apprehension. The gigantic feet of Lauren, Annie's good friend, were looming right above their city. The young woman was relaxing on the long chair, her eyes closed, letting the strong sunlight kiss her curvy bikini-clad body and at the same time denying that same sunlight to hundreds of thousands whose land was covered by her feet's shadow. She was completely uncaring of the threat that she was sending to hundreds of thousand people as her feet dangled over their city.

Then Contaville felt more of the familiar shaking in the ground. Annie was coming back from inside the house, carrying a small tray in her hand.

“Thanks,” said Lauren as she grabbed the cocktail her friend had prepared and started sipping from the straw.

The blonde wiggled her toes, which caused a rain of dead skin, dust, microscopic pieces of dirt that were stuck to her feet, and other assorted pieces of trash to fall over the city. “Where’s your sister, by the way?”

“She went to the beach,” said Annie. “I think she’s meeting some friends of hers there.”


"I can't be arsed to drive there every day," added the brunette. "That’s why I’m definitely building a swimming pool here before the next year.”

“Would be nice to take a cool bath right now,” said Lauren. Her skin was replete with small droplets of sweat. She lifted her sunglasses a bit to take a better look around. “You should keep some of those cities around by the way. Those that aren’t already completely trampled, at least. They’ll add some folklore to the house. I mean...” The blonde stopped talking to finish the remainder of her cocktail. “Who else you know that could boast about having a few tiny people’s cities in their backyard?”

“I guess you’re right,” chuckled Annie. She then noticed the empty glass her friend was holding. “Need a refill?” she asked.

"Actually, yeah," said Lauren. "But I'm not bothering you again, I'm going to go and get it myself".

Contaville breathed a sigh of relief as Lauren's foot disappeared from their view. The blonde swung her legs to the left side of the chair to let her feet find her sandals, then walked out of the gate to get to the house. The tinies admired her round ass bouncing as the woman disappeared in the distance and the tremors from her footsteps gradually decreased.

A few blissful minutes of peace were granted to the people there before the ground began to shake again. Lauren was coming back. As the giant woman reached her spot right before the city, its population braced itself for the massive earthquakes.

Lauren laid on her chair again, her sandals removed. This time she laid on her belly to get some sunlight on her back. Her blue-painted nails got so close to the city that the minuscule people almost could touch them from the rooftops of the highest buildings.

And again, hundreds of thousands of people held their breath as the massive woman's toes threatened to squish every single one of them. Lauren relaxed and adjusted her position. Every little swing of her feet caused massive terror below.

The blonde yawned, contented. “It’s so peaceful in here”, she told Annie. “I think I’m about to fall asleep… might be the booze.”

The brunette, as calm and blissful as her friend, nodded and closed her eyes.

Lauren’s feet kept dangling in the sky. All of the citizens kept looking up, scared out of their wits of a collision. For the time being, Contaville was still allowed to exist

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