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Author's Chapter Notes:
The tiny Shawn is seen by his friends in his new state and finally awakens to confront them.
The sight that greeted the group as they circled around Shawn was beyond the realm of the ordinary. Heather's shock was palpable as she caught sight of her friend, now no bigger than a few inches, lying unconscious amidst his oversized clothes. The revelation of Shawn's deepest desire, now alarmingly manifested, was a shock to her, unlike the others who seemed to have had some inkling about it.

Liz broke the silence with a rhetorical question aimed at Heather "Judging by your reaction I take it you're the only one among us that didn't know this was his deepest desire?", highlighting the bizarre nature of Shawn's condition. She then turned her attention to the group, seeking any information about how this transformation could have occurred. Her tone suggested both concern and a need to understand the situation they were all thrust into.

David was the first to respond, "I had spoken with him pretty regularly up until last week when he went radio silent with no explanation. What I do know is he's imagined this scenario a million times and even the actual logistics and pitfalls alike, if he had done this to himself you better believe there would be supplies all around him, emails in our inboxes, probably even some sort of protective case around him until we arrive.  There's no way he did this to himself!". The absence of these indicated that Shawn was not responsible for his current state.

Hayami echoed David's sentiments, reinforcing the idea that this was not a situation Shawn had willingly put himself into. The group was now faced with the realization that something or someone else had caused Shawn's transformation, and the reason for their gathering was still shrouded in mystery. Liz's question hung in the air, prompting the group to consider the possibilities. If Shawn hadn't done this to himself, then who had, and what force had brought them all here? The answers were elusive, adding to the sense of unease and urgency.

The group found themselves in a situation that defied logic and understanding. Each of them had been drawn here by an inexplicable force, connected by their relationship with Shawn. The mystery of his condition, coupled with the mysterious summons they had all received, suggested that they were part of a larger plan or design, one that was yet to be fully revealed.

As they stood around the miniature form of their friend, a sense of responsibility began to take hold. It was clear that they were here for a reason, and whatever force had brought them together, it was now up to them to figure out how to help their friend. The room was filled with a mix of emotions – confusion, concern, and a growing determination to find answers. The night had taken a turn into the extraordinary, and for each person present, it was a call to action, a challenge to confront the unknown and protect one of their own. The story of Shawn's life, already marked by the surreal and the inexplainable, had taken another dramatic twist.

As the room filled with the soft murmur of conversations and the rustling of people gathering their belongings, the four – Liz, Hayami, David, and Heather – acknowledged a mutual understanding. It was apparent that they were the ones most deeply connected to Shawn and best suited to handle the extraordinary situation at hand. They relayed their decision to the larger group, who, after a brief discussion, agreed to leave their contact information and relation to Shawn before departing. This way, they could be reached if needed.

David, who had taken a seat close to the miniature Shawn, watched over him with a mix of concern and protectiveness. It was evident that his bond with Shawn was strong, and his desire for their friend’s safety was paramount. Meanwhile, the other three engaged with the remaining group members, learning about their connections to Shawn and gathering their details. The atmosphere in the room was a blend of curiosity, worry, and a shared sense of responsibility.

As the night progressed, the remaining four alternated between resting and keeping a vigilant watch over their little friend. The emotional and physical toll of the night’s events was more pronounced on some than others. During their moments of rest, they found comfort in getting to know each other, and their company, sharing stories about Shawn and discussing potential ways to move forward. The shared experience brought them closer, forging sort of a bond of solidarity in the face of the unknown. In the last hours of the night, as exhaustion began to set in, one of them had taken the liberty to find blankets and pillows in the house and now they found themselves gathered, lying around Shawn as if he were a campfire. The conversation ebbed and flowed, punctuated by laughter, reflective silence, and speculative planning. Despite the surreal circumstances, there was a sense of camaraderie among them, a feeling of being united in purpose. As the first light of dawn crept through the windows, the four, weighed down by the events of the night and the emotional strain, gradually succumbed to sleep. The room fell into a quiet hush, the only sound the steady breathing of the weary group.

Their rest was abruptly shattered by the sounds of tiny, terrified screams. The group was jolted awake, their eyes snapping open to the source of the commotion. The sight that greeted them was alarming – Shawn was awake but in a state of visible distress. His miniature form, once a tank of a man, was animated with fear, his screams a stark contrast to the silence of the room. As they all sat up the rise of four unknown towering threats propelled his shock into the realm of terror. Shawn instinctively scrambled backwards on his hands until he crashed into the crumpled denim of his jeans, doing his best to hide under the bend of fabric.

The groups’ sleep-fogged minds quickly realized the chapter of watching and waiting had ended, and they were now thrust into a new phase of their unexpected journey. Their natural instincts were to immediately try to comfort their friend but their combined actions only seemed to overwhelm him further. David recognized this scene all too well from stories he’s written, Hayami realizing the same in concert as both instantly switched to calming the others, pointing out the growing distress their collective  activity is causing and motioned for all four of them to slowly back away a little.

The four attacking giants withdrew from Shawn’s sight and ceased the assault of words and questions coming so fast he couldn’t process any of it.  After a minute or two his rapid heartbeat and breathing began slowing to normal levels, the hushed whispers of those around him now became audible again. He didn’t recognize any of them initially but as the shock of it all dissipated he realized he knew some of those voices, he just needed to muster the courage to call out to them again. With great trepidation he decided to call out to them, “Hello!?”.

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