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Story Notes:

I didn't have any story foundations and then a flood of memories came rushing back to me so I used them to set the mechanism for this story and make sure I never forget those scars again. Everything up until "On this particular day his story takes a turn from a simple biography" were events of my youth.

Author's Chapter Notes:

Only the beginning of our story.

The flickering flames of the fire cast long shadows between the trees, the party's laughter and chatter echoing in the woods. Shawn, at 18, felt a strange sense of belonging yet detachment as he watched his friends. Erin, always the closest to understanding him, threw a smile his way, her eyes reflecting the firelight.

As the night deepened, the air grew colder, and a peculiar feeling crept over Shawn. The woods seemed to close in, and the darkness beyond the fire's reach felt suffocating. His heart pounded in his chest, a primal terror taking hold. He couldn't explain it, but he felt a presence, something unseen and ominous lurking in the shadows.

Without warning, Shawn bolted. He dashed into the dark woods, his friends' calls fading behind him. The trees blurred past as he ran, not knowing why or where he was going. His mind was clouded with an inexplicable fear, driving him deeper into the forest. Finally, he stopped, panting, his heart racing. In a desperate bid for safety, he scaled a tree, climbing until he was 20 feet above the ground. Perched on a branch, he hugged his knees, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Below, the forest was silent except for the distant sound of his friends.

"Shawn! Where are you?" Their voices pierced the night, their flashlights weaving through the trees. But it was Erin's voice that stood out, her tone laced with worry and something more – a connection that always seemed to transcend words. "Shawn, please, we're scared for you!" Erin's voice was closer now. He could almost picture her face, etched with concern. The bond they shared, something beyond friendship, tugged at him, urging him out of his self-imposed isolation. With great effort, Shawn descended the tree, his feet finally touching the ground. Stepping into the beam of Erin's flashlight, he saw her face wash with relief. She rushed to him, enveloping him in a warm embrace, her presence instantly soothing his fears. "What happened, why did you run?" she whispered, her eyes searching his. "I don't know... I just had to run. I felt something wrong closing in on me," Shawn muttered, unable to fully articulate the experience. As they walked back to the campfire, Shawn's friends gathered around him, their concern evident. Erin stayed close, her hand in his, grounding him.

That night, as they sat around the dying embers of the fire, Shawn realized the strength of the bonds he had. The terror of the woods remained a mystery, but the warmth of friendship and the unspoken love he shared with Erin made him wonder – in life's strange, terrifying moments, what truly matters is who stands by your side.

A few weeks before the night that would forever be etched in Shawn's memory, he and Erin found themselves wandering into the very same woods. It was an afternoon after school like many others, where their conversations delved deep, often touching the edges of their souls. This time, however, they chose the wooded mountain owned by his family, a place that seemed almost enchanted in its tranquility. Shawn had walked this woods since he was 5 years old, mastering running through a forest in the dark among other things.

The sun filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on their path as they walked, lost in conversation. They reached the pavilion in a clearing, a familiar and comforting spot where they often found solace in each other's company. Hours passed, their words weaving a tapestry of dreams, fears, and unspoken understandings. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, a shift occurred. The air turned cold, the forest sounds hushed, as if in anticipation. It was then they both felt it – a presence, eerie and malevolent, as if the woods themselves had suddenly turned against them. This wasn't the comforting embrace of nature they knew; it was something else, something dark. Without a word, they both understood the need to leave. Quickly, they hiked back to Erin's car, the atmosphere thick with an unspoken fear. The drive home was silent, each lost in their thoughts about the strange, unsettling feeling that had enveloped them.

This memory was fresh in Shawn's mind on the night of the party. When the same sinister feeling gripped him, it sent him running into the darkness hoping whatever it was would follow him and leave behind any interest in Erin or his friends, a primal instinct to protect them yet still  escape something he couldn't see but felt with every fiber of his being. Erin, once again, was his anchor, pulling him back from the edge after finally calling him back from his hiding place. But as they shutdown the party and neared the vehicles to leave that night, the malevolent entity returned again. This time, it was more forceful, more desperate. Shawn's body convulsed preparing to flee again from an unseen foe, his mind clouded with fear and confusion and purpose.

His friends, sensing the urgency, acted swiftly. Four of them tackled him to the ground, while two others helped drag him into the bed of a truck. The ride down the highway was chaotic, a blur of motion and emotion. Shawn fought against the grips of his friends, his instincts screaming at him to escape, to jump from the moving vehicle. They held him down, their concern mixed with fear, as they raced away from the cursed woods. The spirit's attack was relentless, its presence overwhelming. But amidst the chaos, a single thought echoed in Shawn's mind - the realization that whatever this malevolent force was, it wasn't finished with him yet, or if not him than someone close to him. The battle was just beginning, and the road ahead was fraught with unknown dangers and dark mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

In the months following the harrowing experiences in the woods, Shawn carried a heavy burden in his heart. He felt a deep, unshakable dread regarding Erin, an inexplicable premonition of impending loss. This fear, however, was so overwhelming, so suffocating, that it rendered him paralyzed. He couldn't bring himself to voice his fears, to warn Erin, or to take action to protect her. The mere thought of losing her inflicted such intense pain that it shackled his ability to communicate or act.

As days turned into weeks, this sense of foreboding grew stronger, casting a dark shadow over his life and his time with her. Yet, he found himself trapped in a spiral of fear and helplessness, unable to break free. Then, the unthinkable happened. Less than fifty days after this ominous feeling took root, Erin vanished. One night, without any warning, without any trace, she was gone. Her disappearance left a void in the lives of all who knew her. Her family was distraught, her friends confused. And Shawn? He was shattered.

The guilt that consumed him was immense. He blamed himself for not saving Erin, for not acting on the premonition that haunted him. He believed that he had failed her, that he should have been her protector, her guardian against unseen threats. This self-blame plunged him into an abyss of despair, a dark place where time seemed to stand still and the world around him faded into insignificance. For six long months, Shawn was lost to his grief. His life became a mere shadow of its former self, each day a struggle to find a reason to keep going. The vibrant, lively person he once was seemed like a distant memory, lost in the haze of his sorrow.

Eventually, through the support of those who still stood by him, Shawn found a way to climb out of the depths of his despair. He began to piece his life back together, step by painstaking step. But the guilt and the pain of losing Erin never fully left him. He carried the burden of his unheeded warning, the regret of not saving his friend, like a scar on his soul. The mystery of Erin's disappearance remained unsolved, a haunting question mark in the story of their lives. Shawn moved forward, but a part of him remained forever in the shadows, tied to the memory of Erin and the tragic turn their lives had taken. The experience changed him in ways he could never have imagined.

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