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“Well, well, what've we got here? Another toy play with? About time one of you showed up! I was getting bored ever since the last one ran away.” Cirno floated to the lake shore, passing over a tiny scurrying figure that at a glance might have been taken for a bug. It was no bug, though, but instead a tiny human being, less than a centimeter tall. The little thing stumbled and nearly fell as these landed right behind it. It managed to keep running, though, quickly scurrying under the grass in its bid to escape her.

“Hey, where do you think you're going!” Cirno raised her foot and stomped down right in front of the tiny fleeing man, bringing an end to its escape attempt as the earthquake that followed her stomp forced him to his hands and knees. “You're mine, little bug, so you better listen when I'm talking to you and do whatever I say, 'cause if you don't I'm gonna end up squishing you just like I squished the first little human I had!”

Whether or not he understood what she'd said, the man stopped running, and sat on the ground looking up at her with a most pathetic look on his face. He looked like he might run again when she crouched over him, but instead he just crawled back half an inch, his tiny little chest heaving while he trembled under her gaze. Cirno grinned and moved her feet closer to him, until he was flanked by both her big toes. Seeing them so easily dwarf him made him look all the more like a mere bug to her, and she laughed and wiggled her toes, startling the human so he started backing away again. Still, he didn't make it far before she slid one toe over him and pinned him to the soft lakeside earth.

Cirno could feel him squirming down there, not yet understanding how useless all his efforts were. No matter how he pushed, his tiny arms couldn't hope to budge her big toe off of him; his hands pressed uselessly into the soft skin, dimpling it and nothing more. When he saw that wouldn't work, he clawed at her skin, squirming as he tried to wriggle free of her. All he did was tickle Cirno so her toe pressed down by reflex and halfway buried him in the dirt. Helplessly smothered under her toe, the human still struggled in vain while the oxygen slowly drained from his blood. He could feel his life slipping away with each passing second. In his fear he prayed to the gods for help, but the only response was the fairy's mocking laughter. “Stupid human! Did you really think you could escape me? Don't you know who I am? I'm Cirno, the strongest in all Gensokyo! You humans think fairies are weak. Well, who's the weak one now, eh?”

Cirno reveled in her power right up until the human stopped moving, then she released him. Not that she cared about his life, but killing him now would be a huge waste since she didn't know when she'd find another human to play with. Better to make the most of this one while she could.

At once the human gasped for air and started panting, feeling the life return to his body bit by bit, but he only had a little while to enjoy it before Cirno's whole foot fell on him. She pressed down for a good while, slowly twisting her foot back and forth, until the human was stuck to her sole, living but unable to break the hold her skin had on his puny body. Cirno laughed as she watched him try and get free, showing off her total dominion of him by scrunching her foot and watching how the folds of flesh swallowed him up time and again, or stretching her sole and watching how his body was stretched along with it. He might as well have been a stain on the bottom of her foot for how little independence from her sole he enjoyed. It wasn't long before he started begging for her mercy,.

“You want me to help you out, bug?” she asked just to hear his squeaky little voice screaming “yes”. “I can do that, and I'll even promise I won't kill you (on purpose I mean), but you'll hafta worship me the rest of your life.” Once the human agreed to it, Cirno peeled him off and dropped him on the ground. “Better get started right away, or I might change my mind about it!”

Cirno's feet came to rest on either side of the little human, her soles like a pair of great walls, while up ahead the fairy peered down at him, her gaze filling him with unease. Though the man had only agreed to worship her so she wouldn't kill him, it was impossible not to feel a certain reverence when standing in the shadow of such a colossal being, knowing that his fate was in her hands. She alone would decide what became of him, and all he could do was try and win her mercy by placating her every whim. With that thought in mind he crawled over to kneel at the fairy's sole, pressing his lips to it.

From that very first kiss, Cirno could tell the human was being at least somewhat sincere in his worship. Spiritual beings like herself could always sense something like that; the veneration of humans was to them like a shot of energy, even when coming from such a pathetically tiny thing. She moaned, and with that blissful energy coursing through her, she couldn't resist moving her foot into the tiny man, pushing him along until he was smothered between her soles. The pressure was just shy of lethal, and the man could feel his bones threatening to snap inside him.

Cirno barely managed to stop herself from crushing her tiny toy. As soon as she pulled her other foot away, the human started worshipping more fervently than before, thinking she was dissatisfied with him. It took all the willpower Cirno had to keep from crushing him underfoot in her ecstasy. Instead she moved her other foot away and pressed a finger to the human's back, pinning him firmly but harmlessly to her sole.

Overcome with fear, the human didn't let up on his worship for even a moment, doing everything he could to shower Cirno's sole with reverence despite her own playfulness getting in the way, all the while praying to her for mercy. But when it became clear that the fairy wasn't about to crush him after all, and that she was in fact very pleased with him, he started to relax a bit, and to notice how pleasant her sole felt as it embraced half his body; disturbingly nice, even, as though a part of him were enjoying the experience and even wanted to stay like this forever, just squished against the fairy's soft foot.

He kept worshipping after that, but not quite like before. He kept a firm rein on himself, scared of what might happen if he put too much of himself into it. Sure he wanted to live, but even if his body was forced to become the fairy's plaything, he wanted his mind to remain his own.

Cirno knew that something had changed, even if she didn't understand what exactly. The flow of energy she'd been getting from his worship was reduced to a trickle, practically nothing compared to what it had been before. She tried putting some pressure on him to squeeze that fearful worship out of him again, but while physically it was all the same as before, all the flavor was gone now, like when chewing an old piece of gum.

How could she get it back? She thought about it while holding the human between her soles, hoping that another near-death experience might be the motivation he needed. When that didn't work, though, she got another idea, one which promised to be a lot of fun whatever happened.

Snatching up her toy, Cirno hiked up her skirt to uncover a pair of blue-and-white panties. Then, holding the human over them, she tugged on the waistband and released a puff of musty air that soon reached the little guy's nose. The air was laden with the fairy's distinctive smell, so heavy with pheromones that it made his head swim. It was still swimming when she let go of his little legs and sent him falling right inside, and when her panties snapped back into place and threw him against her lips.

The warmth there was incredible. It instantly engulfed his tiny body, made him feel like he was burning up. The heat and the smell both got to him almost right away, and soon his head was filled with feverish thoughts that all circled around one very specific subject: the very pair of lips that he found himself fastened to, and from which this heavenly aroma came. The effect was so strong, he knew he wouldn't be able to resist if he stayed here much longer. With a tremendous show of willpower, he made himself grip Cirno's panties and start climbing down and to the side, meaning to slip out at her thighs and escape. But Cirno couldn't fail to sense the little bug trying to escape, and she pressed her fingers to her crotch to cut off every way out he had.

The human was left crawling all around her lips, trying to find any way out of there, all the while his thoughts grew more feverish, his voice of reason more nonsensical. Soon he had started crawling towards the fairy's cunt, still thinking to himself that he needed to get away. Even that faint sense of urgency was dissolved once he made it to the mouth of her tunnel, though. Cirno by then was very wet, a dark splotch growing on her panties, and so the human knew he had reached his destination once he met with a faceful of the thick, slimy substance. He stopped only to wipe his nose and mouth clear before trying to crawl inside her; trying and only that, since the juices seeping out of her pussy were so slick and sticky that he couldn't do more than squirm in its entrance, half in and half out of her.

His mind rewritten by the very scent of her, the human could think of nothing but Cirno. She was his whole universe, and he worshipped her with a burning adoration that made his previous feelings for her seem like a candle flame next to a bonfire. The energy it gave Cirno was unlike anything she'd felt before. Rocked by ecstasy, she lowered herself down so quickly it looked like she had fallen on her ass, then slipped a hand into her panties and eagerly fingered herself down there, pushing the tiny human as deep inside as he would go. Trapped between her fingertip and the walls of her pussy, the human was slid up and down her tunnel until he slipped loose in the midst of her ever-more-furious schlicking, being left adrift in the churning sea of her vaginal juices, where he did his best to pleasure the great fairy goddess by thrashing about inside her. His efforts were all but wasted as his body was so puny and his movements so faint next to the passionate love from her own fingers that she couldn't feel him moving at all. Rather, it was his worship that really did it for her, more than even her own touch.

Soon the human started to weaken as the air drained from him, but even the understanding of his impending death didn't bother him at all. Rather, his delirious mind was overjoyed to think that he would die inside her. That thought conveyed to Cirno the most powerful surge of energy yet, and she screamed in ecstasy as it filled her pussy and all the rest of her. She came at once, and lying limp on the ground afterwards. In her bliss she almost forgot about the human who had brought her to such pleasure, but at the last moment she reached inside and felt around for him, finally bringing him out and smearing him on her thigh before falling into a contented nap.
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