Summary: Dr. Thomas Black has a fantasy for being dominated by giant women. This usually doesn't interfere with his work as a psychologist, until one day he gets a new patient that is growing larger and larger each day...
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rated: X
Categories: Giantess,
Growing Woman,
Mouth Play,
Slow Size Change Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32
Completed: Yes
Word count: 156037
Read: 125039
Published: December 28 2023
Updated: August 02 2024
Story Notes:
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1. Chapter 1: The Strange Case of Patricia Hostettler by saltavio [Reviews - 5] (2094 words)
2. Chapter 2: First Meeting by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (3418 words)
3. Chapter 3: What Makes You Happy by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5449 words)
4. Chapter 4: Boyfriend by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (6045 words)
5. Chapter 5: Moving Out by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5722 words)
6. Chapter 6: The Party by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4948 words)
As a warning, this chapter is quite a bit racier than the previous ones. Enjoy!
7. Chapter 7: In the Spotlight by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5944 words)
8. Chapter 8: Desire by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4768 words)
9. Chapter 9: Affair by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4770 words)
10. Chapter 10: Scrutiny by saltavio [Reviews - 3] (4283 words)
11. Chapter 11: Absence by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4426 words)
12. Chapter 12: The Heart Grows Fonder by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (5040 words)
13. Chapter 13: The Prelude to the Trial by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4993 words)
14. Chapter 14: The Trial of Patricia Hostettler by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (5225 words)
15. Chapter 15: Prison by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (5488 words)
16. Chapter 16: Here to Please by saltavio [Reviews - 3] (6191 words)
17. Chapter 17: Love by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4189 words)
18. Chapter 18: Hate by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4236 words)
19. Chapter 19: Power by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4808 words)
20. Chapter 20: Cat and Mouse by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5481 words)
21. Chapter 21: The Enemy by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (5334 words)
22. Chapter 22: The Rehearsal by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5099 words)
23. Chapter 23: Union by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4159 words)
24. Chapter 24: Consummation by saltavio [Reviews - 1] (4301 words)
25. Chapter 25: Stuck by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4825 words)
26. Chapter 26: Goddess by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (5304 words)
27. Chapter 27: Developments by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4396 words)
28. Chapter 28: The Next Step by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4903 words)
29. Chapter 29: Mutually Assured Destruction by saltavio [Reviews - 4] (5411 words)
30. Chapter 30: Vanishing by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (4216 words)
31. Chapter 31: The End is Nigh by saltavio [Reviews - 2] (6917 words)
32. Chapter 32: The End by saltavio [Reviews - 5] (3654 words)